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  1. #121
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by Lebron23
    F*ck you G00K. You're in your late 20's when you graduated in College. You are way past your prime. You will never be a millionaire, and a lawyer like me. Kiss my @$$ Bitchhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    spoken like a millionaire lawyer

  2. #122
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by Nanners
    spoken like a millionaire lawyer

    The guy is a douche bag.

  3. #123
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by Nanners

    another thing on depression - the more i learn about the world, the more I ask myself how an educated individual can NOT be depressed. as an environmentalist, i dont see how it is possible for me to not be depressed. the way humans treat each other and the way we treat our giant organic spaceship is just flat out depressing.

    we live in a society where we celebrate selfishness and stupidity, how can i not be depressed?
    IMO you are looking at the glass half empty

    there are plenty of us out there that are good spirited and loving...and plenty of people that don't celebrate stupidity.

    the Earth may be doomed but IMO that could be seen as the nature and evolution of intelligent life...I bet life is destroying planets all over the universe...the "clean up period" will come for us generations later...MANY generations later

    for me personaly, I feel that life is way too short...there is so much I would like to do and not nearly enough time.

  4. #124
    pronouns - he/haw Nanners's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by -p.tiddy-
    IMO you are looking at the glass half empty

    there are plenty of us out there that are good spirited and loving...and plenty of people that don't celebrate stupidity.
    I agree there are plenty of loving and good spirited people in the world, i am lucky enough to be friends/family with many of them.

    I was speaking more generally, that as a society we celebrate selfishness and stupidity. an excellent example of this is the reality tv culture. you brought up kim kardashian earlier, the fact that many more people know about kim kardashian or snooki instead of someone like neil degrasse tyson is flat out depressing to me. when you look at common qualities of popular and famous people, stupidity and selfishness are becoming cornerstones.
    the Earth may be doomed but IMO that could be seen as the nature and evolution of intelligent life...I bet life is destroying planets all over the universe...the "clean up period" will come for us generations later...MANY generations later
    glaciers are disappearing, amphibians and fish are going extinct at crazy rates, air and water quality are decreasing day after day, our environment is being filled with new exotic chemicals that have hardly even been tested.... that is flat out depressing.

  5. #125
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by Nanners
    I agree there are plenty of loving and good spirited people in the world, i am lucky enough to be friends/family with many of them.

    I was speaking more generally, that as a society we celebrate selfishness and stupidity. an excellent example of this is the reality tv culture. you brought up kim kardashian earlier, the fact that many more people know about kim kardashian or snooki instead of someone like neil degrasse tyson is flat out depressing to me. when you look at common qualities of popular and famous people, stupidity and selfishness are becoming cornerstones.

    glaciers are disappearing, amphibians and fish are going extinct at crazy rates, air and water quality are decreasing day after day, our environment is being filled with new exotic chemicals that have hardly even been tested.... that is flat out depressing.
    I guess who is famous is kind of depressing but IMO it isn't anything to lose sleep over, I grew up being influenced by gangsta rap which IMO is much worse than anything Kim or Snooki could influence.

    When you said you were depressed by society I thought you meant war/rape/murder/torture/etc...not reality TV, we are always going to find dumb shit to entertain us

    the Earth going to shit is also very depressing...yes, I agree

    I still think we are a very long way away from seeing anything drastic...the sea level has risen how much over the past 100 years? a few inches?...the temp gone up a couple degrees maybe?...yeah it's an issue, but more of one for my great-great-great-great-great grandkids than me...and I hope they have a good solution

  6. #126
    I DO ME, N I CHILL KDTrey5's Avatar
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    smart girl.. dumb bootayyy

    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    that nig trey

  7. #127
    I post-up midgets magic chiongson's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    i are smrt

  8. #128
    NBA lottery pick IcanzIIravor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by magic chiongson
    i are smrt
    I concur.

  9. #129
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by magic chiongson
    i are smrt
    Smartest dumb guy on ISH

  10. #130
    I post-up midgets magic chiongson's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    thank you. thank you.

  11. #131
    NBA lottery pick
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Kblaze is dumb as fk. He just knows a lot of basketball and makes low quality mixes.

  12. #132
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by Lebron23

    The guy is a douche bag.
    You can even sense sarcasm, you plagiarize everything and you're an emotional wreck and a compulsive liar.

    You are at the bottom of the poll, by far the biggest idiot on this forum.

  13. #133
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by Story Up
    I love eating my dog's poop.

    Be quiet fat boy!!!

  14. #134
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by RidonKs
    dude you belong in that top seven, as do about three dozen others
    thanks. i tend to fall in to the 'idiot who's smart' category, or vice-versa. the defining theme for me is probably something along the lines of "he's smart, but psychologically he's a moron. in polite terms. something like that.

    part of that evaluation might stem from the fact that women in particular are wired to respond to non-verbal communication, and that tends to put me in shaky territory. women sort of provide the backbone of societal critique towards a person, and if i'm having a good day, for example, women tend to feel very homey towards me, thereby boosting my self esteem. but on bad days, when i'm typically depressed or torn-up over any number of possible issues, stone-faced towards the world, women pick up on my "passivity" and clearly want to be a million miles away from me. that hurts, and that makes me feel smaller.

    anyway, point is... i do tend to have an elevated respect for smart people who are 'together'. people who are smart and able to weather society, even if it's just, say, deucewallaces having the bottomless chutzpa to tell everyone else they're an idiot for not agreeing with him, repeat to eternity, which is more or less his specialty.

    i.e., i might test right around your same level on IQ tests, but without your level of self-confidence and well-being, i'm simply not going to perform at your level in real life. but again, that's life. a healthy hippocampus and productive neurochemistry mean worlds upon worlds, if you know what i mean. i.e. huge mental edges IME.

    anyway, the seven people on my list i judge to be not only the smartest people here by an IQ measure, but also by an effective-living measure. smart people who aren't rattled by much, are self-confident, and who have a level of... let's say, righteousness... imposing their will upon others, even after struggling past the dunning-freddy krueger effect, if you know what i mean. heh.

    but seriously, 'smartness' has many components... many brain regions going in to play upon the term. there is also the fact that one can be 'smart' yet be decisively humbled by someone who is 'smart but brilliant.' even if they follow a sport like basketball for some god-inexplicable reason.

  15. #135
    rank sentamentalist
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    nice description. i think most behavior for anybody, regardless of how put together they may seem, is reactionary and never solely on their own terms. way you described it 'being able to weather society' is nicely put because it cuts to the gut of the matter... putting up with everybody's shit and just doing your darndest to do you, to whatever degree you can manage. the tip top pinnacle of lifestyle imo begins with understanding that you have your own voice and can express a thought as well as anybody else, and eventually ends with understanding that everybody else has the same thing... and your best opportunity to learn comes through paying attention to what other people have to say. eventually you come to realize you aren't the only important voice in the room; and nor are you merely a voice lost in a sea of other voices; you're an important voice in a sea of important voices. living in that, dare i extend the metaphor a lil further, oceanic flow of experience where you're just a single mind bouncing around thousands of other minds and getting the most out of every critical interpretation you make... that's the benchmark of living that everybody should and totally could strive for.

    unfortunately in the midst of that beautiful utopian conception of humanity, there's all that other petty shit with relationships and bitterness and non-reciprocating love and everything else that causes you to forget what's really important.

    and that's just another bs rant with nothing to do with intelligent whatsoever... brought to you by ridonks

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