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  1. #1
    NBA Superstar Heavincent's Avatar
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    Default Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    Ugh, so close.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    I don't think I've ever been so hyped for a video game. This seriously has GOAT potential. Who knows who'll win GOTY with Witcher, Fallout, Bloodborne and this, but I think in the long run, this will be the best game of them all.

    I still haven't pre-ordered though. Might do it today.

  4. #4
    NBA Superstar Heavincent's Avatar
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    Have it preordered on amazon. Gonna get home from work Tuesday night and play the shit out of it. Got Wednesday off

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    Sucks for me. I have three months off, and it ends next Friday. Back to school.

    Hopefully I don't have much homework the first couple weeks. I also will have a week left on my gym membership, so I don't know how much time I'll get playing this.

    What a shitty release date, to be quite honest.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    Quote Originally Posted by Shade8780
    Sucks for me. I have three months off, and it ends next Friday. Back to school.

    Hopefully I don't have much homework the first couple weeks. I also will have a week left on my gym membership, so I don't know how much time I'll get playing this.

    What a shitty release date, to be quite honest.
    Better at beginning of school than during exams/finals

  7. #7
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    To be honest, I'm not as excited.
    I've seen some gameplay and it just feels too slow.

    GTA V seemed way better and far more hyped up and it didn't exactly live up to expectations. I'd be shocked if this game is better than Witcher 3.

    Witcher 3 to me is the best current gen video game to date.
    Uncharted 4 will blow every game known to men out of the water.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    Reviews are already coming in. Embargo lifting this early must be a good sign.


    I see they called it the Game of the Year, and also said it's the best stealth game of all time. "There is no argument; MGS:V The Phantom Pain is the game of year and most likely game of the generation. For the last time, Hideo Kojima has managed to pull it off AGAIN. He is the man that sold the world."

    Here are their Pros/Cons:

    [LIST][*]Complete freedom, hundreds of possibilities and options. Almost infinite.
    [*]Graphics and sound are sublime. Never have experienced anything like it.[/LIST]
    [LIST][*]Story doesn't have the same thrill as the other entries, and does not close the story in a satisfactory manner.
    [*]Poor Spanish translation.[/LIST]
    They said they completed the main story in 40 hours and have only 50% completion.

    Maybe there's another Peace Walker type ending...?
    To compare, the same site ranked Witcher 3 at 95/100, and its highest rated game ever is Smash Bros. Wii U at 97/100 (which is now tied with this game).

    If Metal Gear Online is decent at all, I can see myself playing this for a LONG time.
    Last edited by Shade8780; 08-21-2015 at 11:34 AM.

  9. #9
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    Story doesn't have the same thrill as the other entries, and does not close the story in a satisfactory manner.
    How the **** can you give a game a 97 if the story isn't absolutely perfect.

    Sounds like another GTA IV and GTA V title.
    Overrated as shit.

    The fact that both of those games are rated above San Andreas.
    I'll probably buy this game later in September though.
    I do enjoy Metal Gear but I'm not its biggest fan.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    An average MGS game has a better story than 99% of video games.

    San Andreas is literally the definition of overrated lmao.

  11. #11
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    Quote Originally Posted by Shade8780
    An average MGS game has a better story than 99% of video games.

    San Andreas is literally the definition of overrated lmao.
    San Andreas was rich with content and a great story.
    What the **** are you smoking.

    You think GTA 4 was better or GTA V?
    What the hell was the point of GTA V story anyways?

    It was fun but just seemed way too short for the ambitious approach they were aiming to take. In the end, it was all about 3 random dudes coming together to make money? There was literally no climax to the game.

    Did any of the previous MGS games receive a 97 from that website though?
    Story is extremely important, especially for a game like Metal Gear.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    MGS V seems to be very rich with content. Also, I'd take any MGS story over any GTA story. Out of the GTAs, Vice City is better than San Andreas, but MGS is better than them all in the story department.

    Nobody's saying the story is bad in this game, it's just this one reviewer saying it doesn't have the best story out of MGS like some overhyped it to have. Also, he said it doesn't feel like a proper conclusion to the MGS series, but it was never intended to be the conclusion. Kojima has been wanting to hand off MGS to another director/writer and stay in a producer role for a long time now. Now that he's left Konami altogether, they're going to just hand the series over to any old director and keep making MGS games until people stop buying them. It may end with Kojima to us, but there's going to be an MGS 6, a shitty MGS arcade mobile game, MGS remasters, MGS 7, and so on. That series is all Konami has left.
    Last edited by Shade8780; 08-21-2015 at 02:58 PM.

  13. #13
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    Quote Originally Posted by Shade8780
    MGS V seems to be very rich with content. Also, I'd take any MGS story over any GTA story. Out of the GTAs, Vice City is better than San Andreas, but MGS is better than them all in the story department.

    Nobody's saying the story is bad in this game, it's just this one reviewer saying it doesn't have the best story out of MGS like some overhyped it to have. Also, he said it doesn't feel like a proper conclusion to the MGS series, but it was never intended to be the conclusion. Kojima has been wanting to hand off MGS to another director/writer and stay in a producer role for a long time now. Now that he's left Konami altogether, they're going to just hand the series over to any old director and keep making MGS games until people stop buying them. It may end with Kojima to us, but there's going to be an MGS 6, a shitty MGS arcade mobile game, MGS remasters, MGS 7, and so on. That series is all Konami has left.
    I'm definitely getting this game, but I don't want to get all hyped up about it like I did for GTA V. There's no doubt that MGS has way better story than any GTA; only Uncharted 2 and TLOU and a few others like Zelda are on that level of greatness.

    I do like Vice City's better than any of the GTA as well; although San Andreas is easily my favorite game because of its content.

    I don't usually like stealth type games but I've played most of the MGS mostly because of its epic characters and story.

    I doubt I'll get this before mid-September as I'll be busy with Madden 2016.

  14. #14
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st


  15. #15
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    Default Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases September 1st

    85? It was 17/20. You can't go multiplying it to add up to 100! Doesn't work like that.

    I saw that yesterday, but the reviewer is from a notoriously unreliable French website (they gave Watch_Dogs 18/20), and said he's never played an MGS game before in his life. As well, he probably didn't even listen to the tapes, which is why he would have been confused by the story.

    Also saw this on Reddit:

    A quick FYI, In France you can't even really rely on (biggest VG media in France) which could be considered as an IGN. It's been discussed that they may have been offered compensations in exchange of high scores. And their journalists aren't fully impartial, some really take sides and that is not the way to do journalism.
    The Spanish source seems to be more reliable from looking at all of its other scores.

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