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  1. #1
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer SoCalMike's Avatar
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    Default Laker News: Phil Jackson Leaving Lakerland - DONE DEAL

    There are two articles that I thought I would post the links to for people to read (read each of them fully)...

    These articles also represent the general sentiment I have also heard on the radio from fans. So what is this Buss family really doing? Is it so dysfunctional that it cannot do the logical thing?

    Ben Bolch Article (quote goes to article if you click on it)

    [I][URL=",0,899090.story#axzz2vkuGkJDJ"]"Bringing Jackson aboard would provide an assurance that the Lakers are doing everything they can to return to their championship ways. Even if he hasn

  2. #2
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer SoCalMike's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Pjax Leaving Lakerland - Articles...

    p.s. If/when Pjax joins the Knicks, I could see Jeanie Buss joining him to run that organization... haha

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Laker News: Pjax Leaving Lakerland

    Am I the only one not torn up by this?

    I guess I never bought the whole zen persona but then as you'll all remember I've always had my problems with Phil and his backhanded ways. I've posted plenty of things in Phil's own words and those that have been burned by him...

    Once I read how in he descibed how he tore apart the Bulls front office and scouting staff to get what he wanted I saw him in a different light... Jerry West (Whom I love) leaving was due to Phil doing his usual scorched earth policy and that pretty much sealed my view on Phil Jackson..The book ripping Kobe was just the icing on the cake for me..

    Don't get me wrong he's a great coach, I just never wanted the guy anywhere near the front office.

    To me it's more he's the Knicks problem now, he can go divide and conquer them. Take Jeanie with him since she obviously can't separate her love life from her professional.
    Last edited by gts; 03-13-2014 at 01:26 AM.

  4. #4
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer SoCalMike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Laker News: Pjax Leaving Lakerland

    gts always the contrarian!

    i think given the current state of the lakers front office, that someone needs to scorch that earth and i dont have confidence that mitch kupchak can properly influence jim buss into running the organization the way he wants. that needs someone with greater influence. mitch honestly sounds like a "yes" man to me spinning all the BS he can.

    if jim were to step back and let his people run the business and then he could be the ultimate decision maker as options are provided to him (like his father did), i would be more comfortable. but his arrogance/immaturity or whatever it is has too much of an influence on the team and he does not have the experience and skills to run the team. his father always said that he hires the best expertise around them and takes their advice but always had the necessary control to make the tough decisions.

    people who give jim buss too much credit are not really looking at the big picture.

  5. #5
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer SoCalMike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Laker News: Pjax Leaving Lakerland

    By the way, to add to gts's comments, wouldn't it be interesting if when Pjax is with the Knicks, that West comes back as a consultant...

    #conspiracy theory #3,243,215

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Laker News: Pjax Leaving Lakerland

    Quote Originally Posted by SoCalMike
    By the way, to add to gts's comments, wouldn't it be interesting if when Pjax is with the Knicks, that West comes back as a consultant...

    #conspiracy theory #3,243,215

    he'd make a great consultant... It would be nice to have him back in the fold

    to nobody in particular So what's going on with PJ? is he working for the Knicks or not? Last night NBA TV reports it's official, show a pic of Jackson in the Knicks offices and then silence....

    of course with no draft picks and 90 million on the books it's not like they'll do much but sit around and talk about what moves they would make if they had cap room

  7. #7
    College superstar tamaraw08's Avatar
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    Default Re: Laker News: Pjax Leaving Lakerland

    Quote Originally Posted by gts
    Am I the only one not torn up by this?

    I guess I never bought the whole zen persona but then as you'll all remember I've always had my problems with Phil and his backhanded ways. I've posted plenty of things in Phil's own words and those that have been burned by him...

    Once I read how in he descibed how he tore apart the Bulls front office and scouting staff to get what he wanted I saw him in a different light... Jerry West (Whom I love) leaving was due to Phil doing his usual scorched earth policy and that pretty much sealed my view on Phil Jackson..The book ripping Kobe was just the icing on the cake for me..

    Don't get me wrong he's a great coach, I just never wanted the guy anywhere near the front office.

    To me it's more he's the Knicks problem now, he can go divide and conquer them. Take Jeanie with him since she obviously can't separate her love life from her professional.
    GTS, You can't imagine how glad I am to see you here again posting. You too SoCalMike.
    But I read most of Phil's books and Im having trouble finding so much fault on PHil about the book you are referring. Did he lie? Or did he expressed what he felt etc? That he thought Kobe acted like a spoiled brat, borrowing the Jet for his personal use for the Denver fiasco and felt biased bec his own daughter was also raped? That Kobe promised to stick to the system then almost totally abandoned it during the finals? etc etc.
    Was it bec he exposed intimate details that nobody should know?
    I read a book written by Pat Riley and Pitino too, granted it's not as controversial and "scathing" but they also expressed their opinions and feelings to specific situations etc.
    About Phil's abilities to manage the team, no one knows really what he can do. The Peter Principle might apply here as in not all great teachers make a great Dean or Principal etc.
    I personally felt that the old set up when he was the coach was really good. That they had a committee of Buss, Mitch and him to make major transaction moves. Riley also explained this when he was coaching the Lakers when Buss wanted to trade Worthy for Mark Aguirre but was voted down by him and West.
    Bringing Phil onboard doesn't mean that Mitch should stop working. Like everyon is saying, he can lead the recruiting committee, act as a consultant etc.
    Last edited by tamaraw08; 03-14-2014 at 10:17 AM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Laker News: Pjax Leaving Lakerland

    "Was it bec he exposed intimate details that nobody should know?"

    That's a part of it but certainly not all... What goes on in the locker room should stay there. Never been a fan of "Tell All" when you think your done interacting with a certain group

    It's one thing to tell funny stories, or share a moment where a player stood out but to drag the guys through the mud or embarrass somebody in a public way to soothe your ego is idiotic..

    Like I said great coach but I don't want him near the front office where strong relationships within the office and within the league are the keys to success..
    Honestly we'll never hear but I think Phil is going to find he's made a lot more enemies in the front offices across the league than he has friends.

    It's hard enough being the Lakers with their resources and history, teams are hesitant to do a deal that they might regret on the court... Then add in the current climate of the league with a CBA that makes it so difficult to make a move that's meaningful. I can't see where sticking an egotistical personality on the end of the phone like Jackson that's gone out of his way to ruffle feathers can possibly be anything but doomed to fail.

    On a side note how about Madizen Garden?

    need to Copyright that eh
    Last edited by gts; 03-14-2014 at 01:26 PM.

  9. #9
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer SoCalMike's Avatar
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    Default Re: Laker News: Phil Jackson Leaving Lakerland - DONE DEAL

    and about pjax scorched earth... if he's so bad, why does kobe, magic and others respect him so much? there's got to be a reasonable explanation for this that contradicts gts's thoughts.

  10. #10
    I rule the local playground
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    Default Re: Laker News: Phil Jackson Leaving Lakerland - DONE DEAL

    wining solves lots of problems.

  11. #11
    NBA rookie of the year DKLaker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Laker News: Phil Jackson Leaving Lakerland - DONE DEAL

    Good for Phil, I hope he wins a championship there.
    Jimmy Buss is such a moron that he couldn't do the obvious "Right Thing".
    LMAO at the thought that Phil couldn't do better than our incompetent owner.
    Gotta wonder how long Mitch will hang in there........or will he magically appear in NY as the G.M........hmmmmmm

    These are truly dark days in the Lakers Kingdom

    Going back to earlier issues, I was 100% in favor of allowing Phil to only coach the home games and Bickerstaff coach the road games during the regular season.....just imagine how much better off we would be right now if we had done that.

  12. #12
    10 plus years on ISH crisoner's Avatar
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    Default Re: Laker News: Phil Jackson Leaving Lakerland - DONE DEAL

    Well....there you go.

    Phil is gone.....good for him.
    And we are stuck with Jim Buss and Mitch running the show.
    They did not want to give up the power of running the Lakers.

    But let's see....can we real fault them for being where we are at now?

    I was not mad at getting Nash at first...
    They did what they could to bring in Howard...
    And let's not forget....we basically had Chris Paul but the "Basketball Reason" was born from Stern's evil vile lips.

    What I fault this current regime with...

    Hiring Mike Brown and not hiring Shaw who would of been a better transition IMO
    Hiring Pringles and not Phil Jackson
    Begging Howard to stay with Billboards etc.
    And last but not Kobe that HUGE contract (I blame Kobe for this as well)

    The Lakers as we knew them are gone. We had a great run under Dr. Buss. A great run....but at the end...Dr. Buss' decision to let his son run ruined us.

    Of course neither Mitch or Buss would want to give up their power in the team.
    If Phil was the president our future would be bright.
    Because of one fact and one fact only...Phil is a winner.

    I will always love my Lakers...but the age of the glory Showtime/Kobe and Shaq/Kobe and Gasol days are over.

    God I'm depressed.

  13. #13
    NBA rookie of the year DKLaker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Laker News: Phil Jackson Leaving Lakerland - DONE DEAL

    Quote Originally Posted by crisoner
    Well....there you go.

    Phil is gone.....good for him.
    And we are stuck with Jim Buss and Mitch running the show.
    They did not want to give up the power of running the Lakers.

    But let's see....can we real fault them for being where we are at now?

    I was not mad at getting Nash at first...
    They did what they could to bring in Howard...
    And let's not forget....we basically had Chris Paul but the "Basketball Reason" was born from Stern's evil vile lips.

    What I fault this current regime with...

    Hiring Mike Brown and not hiring Shaw who would of been a better transition IMO
    Hiring Pringles and not Phil Jackson
    Begging Howard to stay with Billboards etc.
    And last but not Kobe that HUGE contract (I blame Kobe for this as well)

    The Lakers as we knew them are gone. We had a great run under Dr. Buss. A great run....but at the end...Dr. Buss' decision to let his son run ruined us.

    Of course neither Mitch or Buss would want to give up their power in the team.
    If Phil was the president our future would be bright.
    Because of one fact and one fact only...Phil is a winner.

    I will always love my Lakers...but the age of the glory Showtime/Kobe and Shaq/Kobe and Gasol days are over.

    God I'm depressed.
    My once great Lakers now = My once great Raiders
    Go Dodgers!!!!!!

  14. #14
    I usually hit open layups
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    Default Re: Laker News: Pjax Leaving Lakerland

    Quote Originally Posted by gts
    Am I the only one not torn up by this?

    I guess I never bought the whole zen persona but then as you'll all remember I've always had my problems with Phil and his backhanded ways. I've posted plenty of things in Phil's own words and those that have been burned by him...

    Once I read how in he descibed how he tore apart the Bulls front office and scouting staff to get what he wanted I saw him in a different light... Jerry West (Whom I love) leaving was due to Phil doing his usual scorched earth policy and that pretty much sealed my view on Phil Jackson..The book ripping Kobe was just the icing on the cake for me..

    Don't get me wrong he's a great coach, I just never wanted the guy anywhere near the front office

    To me it's more he's the Knicks problem now, he can go divide and conquer them. Take Jeanie with him since she obviously can't separate her love life from her professional.
    Amen to every word.

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