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  1. #1
    Go Spurs Go
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    Default Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    Its finally happening.... my body cant take the constant hoops anymore.. never thought id see the day.. but its here..

    my knee hurts the next day after hooping if i go too hard..

    my rotator cuff is absolutely fukked right now.. i cant rebound hard or drive hard anymore for fear of someone swiping at the ball and hitting my shoulder . everytime i get swiped at , my shoulder blasts with pain and i cry out like "ahhh damn" lol

    also took a BAD spill on a rebound the other week.. lost my feet under me and landed on my hip/tailbone. had me limping for 10 days.

    never taken PEDs but seriously considering it in the next year , if i can get a good job... i want that performance enhancement

  2. #2
    Local High School Star
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    Quote Originally Posted by Dizzle-2k7
    Its finally happening.... my body cant take the constant hoops anymore.. never thought id see the day.. but its here..

    my knee hurts the next day after hooping if i go too hard..

    my rotator cuff is absolutely fukked right now.. i cant rebound hard or drive hard anymore for fear of someone swiping at the ball and hitting my shoulder . everytime i get swiped at , my shoulder blasts with pain and i cry out like "ahhh damn" lol

    also took a BAD spill on a rebound the other week.. lost my feet under me and landed on my hip/tailbone. had me limping for 10 days.

    never taken PEDs but seriously considering it in the next year , if i can get a good job... i want that performance enhancement
    I know a 57yo guy who still play hoops regularly with teens and 20 somethings. He still kills on the court when he gets hot. There is absolutely no excuses that you cannot play at 30. Even pro players play at the highest levels till their mid 30s before they retire, so really I don't see why you can't play with amateur players till u can't walk.

  3. #3
    Dunking on everybody in the park Breezy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    Dude me too! When is your Birthday? I've been out of the hoops game for a while. Switch to golf, you can play that into your 70's.... Also **** this guy^ Not everyone is built the same.

  4. #4
    Life goes on. ILLsmak's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    Quote Originally Posted by Dizzle-2k7
    Its finally happening.... my body cant take the constant hoops anymore.. never thought id see the day.. but its here..

    my knee hurts the next day after hooping if i go too hard..

    my rotator cuff is absolutely fukked right now.. i cant rebound hard or drive hard anymore for fear of someone swiping at the ball and hitting my shoulder . everytime i get swiped at , my shoulder blasts with pain and i cry out like "ahhh damn" lol

    also took a BAD spill on a rebound the other week.. lost my feet under me and landed on my hip/tailbone. had me limping for 10 days.

    never taken PEDs but seriously considering it in the next year , if i can get a good job... i want that performance enhancement
    u fukn up.

    If I can use a metrosexual example... it's like saying, "I'm 30, I'm finally getting wrinkles!" Then you're like o shit ppl use lotion on their body and face?

    As you age, you have to redefine how you do things. A lot of the time, shit happens before you notice it. But when you reach a point like you did, you need to rebuild yourself.

    You prolly need a knee brace. I have a knee that hurts, but it's because my left ankle is ****ed. I feel since I didn't get it fixed, I learned how to walk/run again improperly.

    Shit like that... braces... icing... icyhot. Different diet. More thorough stretching.

    If you're having those issues when you do PEDs what's gonna happen is you're prolly gonna break your ****ing arm or something lol. so don't do it.

    Just take it as a challenge. Think about what is happening and give yourself six months to adjust. You will be fine. Trustmebro. And get a good face lotion with sunscreen, trustyaboi.


  5. #5
    Learning to shoot layups
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    Quote Originally Posted by ILLsmak
    u fukn up.

    If I can use a metrosexual example... it's like saying, "I'm 30, I'm finally getting wrinkles!" Then you're like o shit ppl use lotion on their body and face?

    As you age, you have to redefine how you do things. A lot of the time, shit happens before you notice it. But when you reach a point like you did, you need to rebuild yourself.

    You prolly need a knee brace. I have a knee that hurts, but it's because my left ankle is ****ed. I feel since I didn't get it fixed, I learned how to walk/run again improperly.

    Shit like that... braces... icing... icyhot. Different diet. More thorough stretching.

    If you're having those issues when you do PEDs what's gonna happen is you're prolly gonna break your ****ing arm or something lol. so don't do it.

    Just take it as a challenge. Think about what is happening and give yourself six months to adjust. You will be fine. Trustmebro. And get a good face lotion with sunscreen, trustyaboi.

    I agree, I have been balling for 5 years or so, I'm only 17 so I still have a way to go before my body goes towards the worse, but I have played in bad shoes compared to some and they always kill my entire body the next just hurt and not even like I worked out but that I was being hit with things, luckily the shoes I have now are great, great ankle support and thick soled so that my feet feel great after playing ball for 4+ hours going hard the entire time, and as a result my entire body just feels overall much better, less beat up, unfortunately they are starting to go out on me not to much grip on wood courts

  6. #6
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    Stop playing and heal up you have a lot more years left... you don't want to live them in pain.

    It's hard to do but it's what needs to be done. Once you feel pain free, then think about returning. By that point you may no longer need to play though for an outlet.

  7. #7
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    I think resting up is a great idea. I just turned 30 in February and I can relate a little bit. I went down with a couple of nasty ankle injuries last year, but those would have happened at age 16 just as well.

    However, I must admit, turning 30 has been more mental than physical to this point. Knowing I'm 30, I begin wondering if that means I should start jumping not as high anymore, that I should be more prone to injury, or less skilled and effective than I used to be. The truth is, some (or all) of those things could be true, but I worsen the effects with my questionable mentality.

    30 is actually a lot younger than we think. Like tgan said, there's 60 year olds out there who are still out there playing effective basketball. Plus, not everyone's on the same level physically at this age, so it's tough to say what we should and should not be doing. For instance, I currently have 21 year former players of mine coming up to the court slogging about, saying things like, "Ugh, man, I'm getting ollllld!"

    Maybe you need to adjust your game, maybe you just need to get yourself healed up. Either way, you're still quite young in exercise years. Hang in there and try to put things in perspective a little bit.
    Last edited by Rake2204; 08-19-2014 at 10:39 AM.

  8. #8
    I Insist JohnnySic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    Meh, I'm turning 40 this year and I still play with the young guys.

    30 is nothing; you wont start to feel your age until around 35...

  9. #9
    NBA sixth man of the year Levity's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    i often think about where my body will be at 30, 35, 40 etc. only 27 right now, and ive had a litany of injuries in my day. but with any injury or pain, just take the time off to heal. and once youre back on the court, stretch, stretch, stretch!.

    like others have said, changing your approach to the game is a huge step in the right direction. work on becoming a deadly outside shooter because the older i get, the less and less i want to drive into the paint during a pick up game at the gym. those guys can be ruthless down there. League games, im less hesistant, though.

  10. #10
    Knicks all da way imdaman99's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnySic
    Meh, I'm turning 40 this year and I still play with the young guys.

    30 is nothing; you wont start to feel your age until around 35...
    Depends on how much mileage you have on your body, mostly your legs. If you have played a lot throughout your life, 30s might be when you start breaking down. Plus, your healing will take a lot longer even if it's a minor injury. I used to play the next week after an ankle sprain, now I was immobile till like 3 weeks later

    Father time

  11. #11
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    I've noticed two distinct phases so far.

    Like everyone, I had my ups and downs physically over the years. And I remember thinking in college, "well, it's not like it used to be", and then again after college, when working out regularly became more of maybe an hour a day, as opposed several hours a day just for fun.

    But looking back, I was able to play at an extremely high level to righ about 29. Up until then, it was clear there was some slowdown. Clearly younger guys were better than me in spots, but I fit in on any court I went to. And I was playing with guys who were top notch low level college guys, and a few guys who were playing overseas.

    I was coaching middle school at that time, and the bi-weekly practice, helped me. And after our Thursday night practices, I'd host probably the best pick up game around locally. It was a mixture of the best local guys, and some older guys who just really knew how to play.

    It was around that time that my knees really started to bother me. I got my last dunk off in a practice with my kids at 28. But that following year those three hour Thursday night sessions would end in ice packs and painfull Friday's.

    That was the end of my prime for sure.

    I was still able to go pretty good for another five years or so. I had the orthroscopic surgeries to clean up my knees. I was all bone on bone. It made working out painfull, and in addition to just straight aging, accellerated the natural process. I could still hang on most courts, but not all. I'd get picked up by kids who remembered me. And I had flashes, plus I could get by on know how.

    That was like a five year run for my second phase. But as most of you know, a year ago, my right achilles ruptured, I pushed a year of rehab into 9 months, and against my better judgement was back on the court. My buddy and I were coaching his 8 and 6 year olds, and the juices just got flowing. My body simply didn't respond like it used to. Little stuff you don't think about. No one would see me now and think I was once a great shooter. The knees and achilles had robbed my balance and screwed up my shot. And certainly I don't look like a guy who was once a physical menace, if not an great athlete.
    I went back on the court and like always, decided I'd figure a way to make myself usefull. I played for 6 weeks in a good men's league. A league where I was the oldest guy, but they still call it a men's league. I need to find a 35 and up. Then the left achilles popped.

    Right now I still feel like I can cheat and figure out a way to play. But everyone stops sometime. I know those guys who are out there at fifty. Sure they stay in great shape. But don't underestimate the luck of genetics. This game is incredibly tough on parts of your body that you can't prepare. Enjoy it as much as you can for as long as you can. And keep fighting to find ways to enjoy, if you really love it. Go to games, watch games, post on message boards, coach, whatever.

  12. #12
    Good college starter NZStreetBaller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    Its most likely just your style of play. As you get older you should be able to see the court better, read plays and have alot more awareness. (Bball IQ, Court Vision etc) Therefore you don't have to be as hard on your body.

    Skills > Athletism

  13. #13
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    I remember hitting 30 and noticed how my body would need more time to heal. But as others suggested you will need to adapt your game to these new limitations.

    I use a lot of ice on my knees and Achilles.

    Braces on both knees.
    Sleeves on both ankles.
    Compression skins.

    And if I am playing a big tournament painkillers and anti inflammation cream.

    Developing an outside game will also reduce the chances of injury....but basketball is not the same if you can't take it strong to the hole.

    Might as well play golf

  14. #14
    Learning to shoot layups
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    You have plenty of highly effective years left in you. At least of a 7-10 worth if your just playing rec/streetball. Like others a illuminated you need to rest & rehab. Just take the loss this summer and get your strength and flexibility back. Use this as an opportunity to improve other areas of your game. Maybe Start doing stationary drills with your off hand. Or practice free-throws.

    Also maybe you could use this time you were using to play basketball to accomplish some life goals. You be surprised on what productive things you can do with just an hour a day focusing on your family, life and career goals.

    But most importantly when you feel your ready to return is to integrate yourself back in slowly, don't go from not playing for 4 months to playing 5 hours on a Saturday morning. Start running, doing drills, play some half court games. THEN start playing full court with the younger boys.

    Also remember to take a break, 3 days a week is enough for anyone. Meantime between time rest, rehab and improve.

    Good luck

  15. #15
    Game. Set. Match. bdreason's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning 30 in 2 months.. body breaking down

    Recovery takes longer, but unless you have some pre-existing injuries, you shouldn't have trouble playing ball at 30. Obviously everyone's body is different, but you should have another 10 years before you can't effectively play ball anymore, assuming you take care of your body. I'm 33 and still play bball and vball fairly consistently, along with other sports like Golf. Heck, 3 years ago, at age 30, I was probably in the best shape of my life.

    How much do you weigh?

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