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  1. #46
    NBA Legend CavaliersFTW's Avatar
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shade8780
    No I didn't. Jerry Lucas, Havlicek, Russell, Jerry West and some others I'm not bothered to look up all criticized Wilt.
    Jerry West never said anything close to what you described about Wilt, West is always one of the first people to shoot down rumors about Wilt's alleged "criticisms" and untrue rumors players never "said" about Wilt. Most of what you've heard has likely been misquoted or worse, entirely fabricated by writers. Like I said, you should post direct quotes, otherwise based on all the times Wilt's peers have gotten offended by the criticisms directed at Wilt that they all seem to agree most of what has been printed is "unfair" and "untrue" - I'm going to assume most of it didn't happen. Unless it's directly quoted. Also, context is very important.
    Last edited by CavaliersFTW; 05-25-2013 at 03:50 PM.

  2. #47
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    Quote Originally Posted by CavaliersFTW
    Jerry West never said anything close to what you described about Wilt, West is always one of the first people to shoot down rumors about Wilt's alleged "criticisms" and untrue rumors players never "said" about Wilt. Most of what you've heard has been fabricated by writers. Like I said, you should post direct quotes, otherwise based on all the times Wilt's peers have gotten offended by the criticisms directed at Wilt that they all seem to agree is "unfair" and "untrue" - I'm going to assume it didn't happen.
    Despite all of Wilt's impressive talents, the man is a PAIN to work with. These explains why his former teams like the Warriors and 76ers was willing to trade him for LESSER talents, just to get rid of him. Russ has a much better attitude and despite of his aloof manner in public and private life, he exudes a sense of camarederie whenever he steps into the court or inside the locker room.

    Some of Wilt negative attributes which could be traced to his primadonna personality includes:

    - disrespecting and criticizing his coaches publicly (eg. Neil Johnston, Alex Hannum, Dolph Schayes, and of course Bill Van Breda Kolff all had bad memories working with Wilt.)

    - demanding a high salary (eg. One third of the Warriors gate receipts goes to Wilt's salary but Wilt doesnt even want to do publicity gigs to boost ticket sales)

    - complains like a baby to the media (eg. threatening to quit but not carrying it out in Look magazine)

    - rarely practice and travels with his teammates (eg. Wilt had had feuds with Baylor and Hal Greer).

    If i was an NBA coach in real life, i would dread the idea of bringing Wilt Chamberlain on my team. Hell, Alex Hannum had to challenge Wilt in a fight just to get his respect. Ask yourself what kind of a basketball player would push his coach to such lengths just to earn the player's respect. Its not worth it having him on the team unless his talents are programmed in an android devoid of his personality.
    Sounds like a pain in the ass if you ask me.

  3. #48
    I don't get picked last at the park anymore TheTenth's Avatar
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    Eh quotes are rather lame to begin with from players. Most have hidden agendas behind their quotes and many simply speak without thinking. Russell, Wilt, Jordan, etc. are all great without the crazy quotes to go with them.

    Oh and to the poster above: Bill Russell demanded a higher salary than what Wilt got and he also was known as a poor practice player. Also none of his teammates wanted to coach him because he was too proud/egomaniac. Russell also dogged HOF teammate Heinsohn about winning ROTY, telling him that he, Russell, should have half of his ROTY winnings. Does that mean that they wouldn't want him on their team? HELL NO. Does any of what you say mean that Wilt wasn't a great player? HELL NO. But I bet that quote is from Bleacherreport so it's not really useful.
    Last edited by TheTenth; 05-25-2013 at 04:02 PM.

  4. #49
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    You guys are forgetting that Bill Russell made a point to make Bob Cousy the best PG in the league. If it weren't for Russell, I don't think that Celtics would be filled with HOF players.

    He's the ultimate leader. Does ANYTHING to make his team better. I want that dude on my team.

  5. #50
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTenth
    Eh quotes are rather lame to begin with from players. Most have hidden agendas behind their quotes and many simply speak without thinking. Russell, Wilt, Jordan, etc. are all great without the crazy quotes to go with them.

    Oh and to the poster above: Bill Russell demanded a higher salary than what Wilt got and he also was known as a poor practice player. Also none of his teammates wanted to coach him because he was too proud/egomaniac. Does that mean that they wouldn't want him on their team? HELL NO. Does any of what you say mean that Wilt wasn't a great player? HELL NO.
    You do know that the Lakers had a 7 to 2 vote to not bring Wilt onto the team.

    They eventually got him, but c'mon man. He was regarded around the league as a head case.

    Bill Russell might've been a lot of things, but a bad teammate wasn't one of them.

  6. #51
    I don't get picked last at the park anymore TheTenth's Avatar
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    Quote Originally Posted by tikay0
    You guys are forgetting that Bill Russell made a point to make Bob Cousy the best PG in the league. If it weren't for Russell, I don't think that Celtics would be filled with HOF players.

    He's the ultimate leader. Does ANYTHING to make his team better. I want that dude on my team.
    Oh right, because Cousy wasn't winning assist titles before Russell time and time again.

    List of guys that probably would make it without Russ:
    Bob Cousy
    Bill Sharman
    Arnie Risen
    Andy Phillip
    Bailey Howell
    Clyde Lovellette
    (^ all of them played most of their careers WITHOUT Russell)
    Sam Jones
    John Havlicek
    (^Both talented players and Hondo had his best years without Russell.)
    Tom Heinsohn (I'm iffy about this one, but he was clearly a talented player)

    Guys that probably needed Russell:
    KC Jones
    Frank Ramsey

    Quote Originally Posted by tikay0
    You do know that the Lakers had a 7 to 2 vote to not bring Wilt onto the team.

    They eventually got him, but c'mon man. He was regarded around the league as a head case.

    Bill Russell might've been a lot of things, but a bad teammate wasn't one of them.
    Oh so a vote of players who had never been teammates with Wilt before is undeniable proof that he was a bad teammate! Nice!
    Last edited by TheTenth; 05-25-2013 at 04:04 PM.

  7. #52
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTenth
    Oh right, because Cousy wasn't winning assist titles before Russell time and time again.

    List of guys that probably would make it without Russ:
    Bob Cousy
    Bill Sharman
    Arnie Risen
    Andy Phillip
    Bailey Howell
    Clyde Lovellette
    (^ all of them played most of their careers WITHOUT Russell)
    Sam Jones
    John Havlicek
    (^Both talented players and Hondo had his best years without Russell.)
    Tom Heinsohn (I'm iffy about this one, but he was clearly a talented player)

    Guys that probably needed Russell:
    KC Jones
    Frank Ramsey
    Most of those guys weren't one on one players. They counted on Russell's passes to get them their points. Hondo said that the Celtics took a huge shock when Bill retired because they relied on him so much.

  8. #53
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    April 2013, u mad? Just because Russell has a perfect game 7 record, and one of the most clutch performers of all time, AND always shined in the playoffs, you wanna hate on the guy?

    Wilt was a headcase that no one liked. Deal with it.

  9. #54
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTenth
    Oh so a vote of players who had never been teammates with Wilt before is undeniable proof that he was a bad teammate! Nice!

  10. #55
    I don't get picked last at the park anymore TheTenth's Avatar
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shade8780
    Most of those guys weren't one on one players. They counted on Russell's passes to get them their points. Hondo said that the Celtics took a huge shock when Bill retired because they relied on him so much.
    So? Most of them made their HOF careers WITHOUT Russell.
    And like I said, I don't find quotes as good reasoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by tikay0
    April 2013, u mad? Just because Russell has a perfect game 7 record, and one of the most clutch performers of all time, AND always shined in the playoffs, you wanna hate on the guy?

    Wilt was a headcase that no one liked. Deal with it.
    No I think Russell is one of the greatest of all time. I just think you have faulty logic in criticizing Wilt.
    Last edited by TheTenth; 05-25-2013 at 04:10 PM.

  11. #56
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shade8780
    Why did Russell have to retire just when Kareem entered the league?!
    Because there was literally nothing else to do. He'd helped his team win 11 titles in 13 seasons, and had no business winning the last two, but did it anyway. He couldn't play any more after that, because it takes a lot out of you and he'd burned out.

  12. #57
    NBA Legend CavaliersFTW's Avatar
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    People who feel the need to hunt for flaws and criticisms about one player, yet do not appear to hunt for flaws in the same manner or with the same enthusiasm for the player they are trying to prop up or hold in high-esteem, make for lousy discussions.

    People need to stop throwing Wilt under the bus if they want Bill Russell to have any respect. Their greatness is co-dependent. You can't be throwing one under the bus and expect people to then take the other one seriously. They are each others best competition. And they were both so spectacular it seems childish to try and slander one or the other with petty criticisms in light of their incredible accomplishments and abilities.
    Last edited by CavaliersFTW; 05-25-2013 at 04:33 PM.

  13. #58
    Big Booty Hoes!! NumberSix's Avatar
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    Michael Jordan was without question a better player than Bill Russell.

  14. #59
    I rule the local playground
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    Quote Originally Posted by LAZERUSS
    How do you know? He says that if Russell and Wilt swapped rosters, that Chamberlain might very well have won all those rings. Since they didn't, we don't know. We do know that Russell enjoyed a huge edge in surrounding talent in the majority of their ten seasons in the league together, and that his teammates also outplayed Chamberlain's in nearly all of their post-season h2h's.

    The fact that Russell, with far superior talent won two game seven's, by 2 1and 1 point, against what were basically last place rosters before Chamberlain arrived, and with those rosters playing horribly, just speaks volumes about how far one man could carry a team against an army.

    How many times are we going to hear this myth that Russel only won because he had better talent..He didn't have better talent from 65-69 and won 3 out of 4. Wilt went to a team in LA that went to the finals the years before and Russell still won on his last legs. The Phila team he left ended up with the second best record in the league the year after he left.

    What speaqks volumes is Russell only failed to win a ttile once in his last 15 years of basketball when he wasn't hurt..Let me guess it was all his teammates.

  15. #60
    Big Booty Hoes!! NumberSix's Avatar
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    Default Re: I'd take Russell > Jordan.

    Quote Originally Posted by stanlove1111
    How many times are we going to hear this myth that Russel only won because he had better talent..He didn't have better talent from 65-69 and won 3 out of 4. Wilt went to a team in LA that went to the finals the years before and Russell still won on his last legs. The Phila team he left ended up with the second best record in the league the year after he left.

    What speaqks volumes is Russell only failed to win a ttile once in his last 15 years of basketball when he wasn't hurt..Let me guess it was all his teammates.
    It's like April 2013 posters aren't even aware that basketball is a team sport. Yes child, the winning team having the most talent is a myth. Of course. That's the ticket.

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