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  1. #16
    College superstar JellyBean's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    I have never been in any fight, argument, or altercation while playing pick up games. I have seen it happen, especially the arguments but no fighting. I am normally the laid back one on the court. I rarely call a foul or make a call. It slows the game down, especially the arguments. I have seen young cats argue and I have seen older cats (my over 40 crew) argue and it is funny and sad. I have seen a dude that was 50 years argue and when he did not get his way, he took his basketball home!!! That was some funny stuff right there. I have seen it happen but I don't get into any of that mess.

  2. #17
    I hit open 5-foot jumpshots with ease TMacMagic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    I remember one time a kid blocked my shot as I went up for a jumper and then had the nerve to say it was out on me afterwards. I'm usually extremely laidback but I seriously wanted to punch him in the face, haha.

  3. #18
    Good college starter Burgz V2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    oh definitely

    i was once in a 3on3 tournament and in the semifinals the game was being reffed by a guy who was best friends with one of the players on the other team

    one of the players on my team fouled the guy real hard and the ref ran up to teammate and was fully about to throwdown until we kindly reminded him that he's supposed to the effing ref and supposed to be neutral

    while that was going on, someone takes a swing at my teammate and all hell broke loose. the worst part is, when play resume, the organizers didnt switch the ref...we lost by two points off that bull****

  4. #19
    Out here Pushxx's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    Reading this topic again reminded me of a situation that happened to me 2 years that I completely forgot:

    I was playing 3v3 pick-up against some 18 year-olds and just having fun. They started to take it seriously and challenging me so I stepped my game up and did my thing. They took it personally and began trolling me.

    One of the kids started to play defense by humping me and hand checking me 50 times in a row before I even started to dribble. He was yelling "come on, Kobe."

    After a play or two he began fouling me relentlessly. I knew the best thing to do would be to walk away. I literally dropped their ball mid-play, picked up mine, and just started shooting around at another basket.

    Other than spare yelling across the court it didn't go anywhere from there. I could have returned the physicality but it could have gotten ugly.

  5. #20
    I hit open 5-foot jumpshots with ease TMacMagic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pushxx
    Reading this topic again reminded me of a situation that happened to me 2 years that I completely forgot:

    I was playing 3v3 pick-up against some 18 year-olds and just having fun. They started to take it seriously and challenging me so I stepped my game up and did my thing. They took it personally and began trolling me.

    One of the kids started to play defense by humping me and hand checking me 50 times in a row before I even started to dribble. He was yelling "come on, Kobe."

    After a play or two he began fouling me relentlessly. I knew the best thing to do would be to walk away. I literally dropped their ball mid-play, picked up mine, and just started shooting around at another basket.

    Other than spare yelling across the court it didn't go anywhere from there. I could have returned the physicality but it could have gotten ugly.

  6. #21
    NBA Legend dunksby's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    Well arguments happen all the time, some shit talk and regular cussing, but only a few times have I been to a pick up game where shit escalated to a fight. I used to fight a lot in high school but was never involved in anything serious during a game, only time was when this guy kept trying to stick his fingers in my eyes or smack me in the head while pretending to guard me. Finally I got pissed off and threw the ball hard in his face after a faking a pass, fortunately for him/me he was still looking sideways when the ball hit him, still they had to help him off the court like a little bitch he was.

  7. #22
    Learning to shoot layups
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    just check the ball and keep playing
    stop being a little bee eye tee see aitch

  8. #23
    ifirtworld Stuckey's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    never got into a fight

    most of the guys I play with are pretty respectful to one another, I have only witnessed one basketball player that was over the top and trying to start fights

    it's sad seeing grown adults fighting over a pick up game , even more pitiful is when the foul wasn't even that hard or dangerous

  9. #24
    NBA lottery pick Overdrive's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    Today I lost my cool and nearly started to hit a friend I know for 15 years.

    We were meeting up at the ballpark and nobody's been there, so we played 2on2.

    First game I played with that certain friend. I didn't stretch, shoot around or did any kind of warm up, they wanted to play straight away. I was pretty hung over and felt abit weak and slow. So I didn't play that well, but gave all I could at that moment. Aside from that I had a severe ankle sprain three weeks ago and have to wear a sleeve.

    He's a guy with nearly no knowledge on basketball, never watches games not into stats, tactics or anything. He doesn't even know how to execute a pnr or pnp, he sets picks and waits for something to happen. He plays no defense, never rotates, but behaves like he's the reincarnation of Jordan. On top of that he's a sore loser.

    He's got a good jumpshot, but nothing much else. He only camps the perimeter, even with defenders in his face, waits for the ball and starts to chuck up shots or dribbles till he's trapped, but still chucks up a low % shot.

    I'm usually a guy operating in the post, but I got decent courtvision for my style of play, sucky handles, but I don't fumble the ball and know what to do if I'm on the perimeter with the ball in my hands.

    So I drop him the ball and start to establish myself in the lowpost. As usual he starts shooting with a defender in his face on the first few possessions. Freezing me out of the game totally. Took a long time till the first buckets were scored. Everytime this happens I stop giving a shit going hard for rebounds, because I'm surely not trying to help him playing ego ball.

    On defense we blocked the first 7! shots. 4 being blocked by him, but alot of over the back with alot of (hard) contact on the shooter.

    I let my man trough twice since he wanted to defend the big guy and I should guard the smaller, quicker guy playing outside. Once I still got my hand on his shot the other time I called for help and he called me out for it being to late, although it was at very moment I got crossed.

    Then he started calling out my defense, but I let it slide.
    We lost.

    Next game I played against him and he hit me on my shooting hand, I called foul, he called me a *****.

    In the third game he got slightly hit by my teammate. Fighting for a loseball, he quit the game immediately saying he gets fouled all the time and doesn't want to play on. They were down and about to lose.

    I called him out for being a real ***** if he leaves, which led to him going on a ****ing rant how I suck, how he gets mistreated - remind you he camps the perimeter all the time - with fouls. He called me names, that I can not ball in the slightest sense. When I told him that me being a post guy and him being a shooter would require him to get open else he's giving me droubles. I told him that he has no knowledge about simple inside/out game etcetc and should stop calling me out. Since his '04 finals Kobestyle of play is a huge reason for losing.

    He tried to confront me physically at that point and I told him that he should play a 1on1 instead of that, because I was ready to beat him up at that moment and wanted to play it the cool way, he denied, but in the end let it slide.

    I mean I get called out for a shooting foul I usually don't even take. I play in the post, bang into the zone, get hit by elbows in the face frequently - I even told him that - and that guy's got the nerves to talk lowlevel insulting shit..
    Last edited by Overdrive; 09-18-2012 at 06:26 PM.

  10. #25
    hon hon hon eat snails 9512's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    Interesting stories

    Never been in a fight and never seen a fight happen in my presence

    Like many on this thread, I am laid back because I don't take basketball seriously anymore. It's cardio day when I ball

    But I remember an experience in college when I was at the rec center and swatted at a guy's arm but whiffed on it. Nothing butt air. The guy still called a foul on me. He was so arrogant about it.

    I bit my lip and restrained myself from saying, "you think that's a foul? I'll show you a foul next time."

  11. #26
    Doomguy clipps's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    I can take hard fouls no problem. I tend to be very lenient with calling fouls unless I get knocked on my ass or hit in the face. But I don't get set off. The only thing that sets me off is deliberate obvious dirty plays. Stepping foot under me when I'm shooting a jumper, pushing me when I'm air born with the intent to cause harm, etc. One thing that really set me off in middle school was when playing half court basketball, guy checked the ball purposely tossed the ball past the side of me and I decked him.

  12. #27
    The Fresh Prince MJ(Mean John)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    If i ever played with "smak" and he spoke in third person, I would for sure fight him.

  13. #28
    Life goes on. ILLsmak's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    Quote Originally Posted by MJ(Mean John)
    If i ever played with "smak" and he spoke in third person, I would for sure fight him.
    you wouldn't fight smak you little bitch. smak would choke slam your ass...


  14. #29
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    If you are playing againts a guy who talks to much. Punch him in the mouth.

  15. #30
    Learning to shoot layups Dukem's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever been in an altercation/argument/fight during pick up game?

    I was playing on my own and I missed a lay-up and some dude said 'Mate, you're f***ing crap'. So I got the ball and drilled in 4 straight mid-range jumpers and a fadeaway (only third time I tried that in all honesty) and realized he was still watching with some amazement on his face and I did the Jordan shrug and laughed walking off the court without getting into an altercation as there was no need.

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