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  1. #166
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Ranking the best NBA small forwards, summer of 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by RRR3
    Wow. You're a terrible troll. Why couldn't Melo win a single game in the "weak" eastern conference against a team LeBron embarassed?
    Wow exposing your weak reading comprehension. as expected from a low IQ. I didnt mean it to be this year but the year he got swept by san antonio. and oh btw lebron got embarrassed too by that same team with better players surrounding him than melo thats why he joined wade. Thats why Lebron is cheap and low pride. Thats why fans who support him reflect the same personality. Its also the reason why I dont think lebron is better than melo because of that pride. Jordan, bird, kobe all have it while lebron doesnt. Low pride=low confidence=no killer instinct/uncompetitive=low IQ.

  2. #167
    Schrempf Scampi Simple Jack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ranking the best NBA small forwards, summer of 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by knicksman
    Wow exposing your weak reading comprehension. as expected from a low IQ. I didnt mean it to be this year but the year he got swept by san antonio. and oh btw lebron got embarrassed too by that same team with better players surrounding him than melo thats why he joined wade. Thats why Lebron is cheap and low pride. Thats why fans who support him reflect the same personality. Its also the reason why I dont think lebron is better than melo because of that pride. Jordan, bird, kobe all have it while lebron doesnt. Low pride=low confidence=no killer instinct/uncompetitive=low IQ.
    Judging from the trolls on ISH, you would think LeBron is some bum who's mediocre at best. It's amazing such an embarrassment of a player is still one of the best who's ever played the game. Melo isn't in the same league as LeBron, as much as I like him.

  3. #168
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Ranking the best NBA small forwards, summer of 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Thescore53

    lebron has taken over series like the one vs the pistons,has mello ever done that. this idiot thinks who ever is the better 1 0n 1 ofensive player means is the better overall player what kind of middle school playground logic is that.

    there is nothing dominant about melo he can score 46 points and his team willl still lose. both durant and bron are more dominant scorers reason why when they score a lot they usually win.

    you keep talking about weak east conf. lol i wish bron had nene.k mart,billups,or even anyone close to jr.smith talent level his best players were mo williams and larry hugues he went to the finals with ira newble coming off the bench.

    CARMELO is OVERATED ball hog,blackhole. he plays no defense and he's all flash thats why he needs homer knick fans making excuses for him.

    amare is the pf version of melo except slightly better, high octane scorer who plays zero defense atleast amare is a efficient scorer melo is just a chucker who despite his body isnt always willing to drive to the basket

    im very curious who your top ten players in the nba are today.
    Who cares about a weak pistons team. at the end of the day, his team got swept in the finals and that shows how weak is the competition he is in. if lebron is really that good, how come he always lose on a weaker team(orlando, boston, dallas). sorry but that shows lebron is overrated. while melo didnt lose except utah but that team is already struggling going into the playoffs once they lost karl and their frontcourt getting injured always.

    and lol at overrating melos teammates. As I said, its hard to have good stats around a statpadder thats why you think lebron doesnt have good teammates but in fact he just made former all stars that joined lebron's team become scrubs. But of course you have no idea about this because of your poor analytical skills.

    I like carmelo not playing defense because that shows how huge hes pride is. Its like a CEO forcing to work as a janitor. All CEOs can be janitors but they worked and studied hard so they wont end up as a janitor. All players knows how to play defense because its the first one that they learn when playing this game. But once they become the best offensive players then it becomes an insult to them when you forced them to play defense. Its for players with no talent or beginners. melo and amare already achieved the highest level so why would they play defense which is for low level. defense doesnt require that much skill, but more about effort so LOL at overrating defense like its harder to play defense than offense. Only idiots think that way or players who have no pride or thinks low of themselves that they are willing to do the dirty work just to have a job in the nba. Its the same with CEOs, its an insult to them to work as a janitor. Let the janitors work for it so they can have an income. Or let those no talent players play the dirty work so they could get huge contracts too(see chandler). melo is already paid max without even playing defense.

    And heres my top 10 based on who wins in a 1 on 1 game.

    1. amare- the same as dirk, maybe he would have won if he stayed with phoenix
    2. dirk-champion
    3. howard-he improved his offense but lost in the first round
    4. aldridge-won 2 games against dallas the same with miami but having lesser teammates
    5. melo-best 1 on 1 player among the perimeter players. Wouldnt have the confidence to jack the highest attempt if he didnt beat his peers in a 1 on 1 setting.
    6. durant-great shooter but hes still not good at creating his own shot
    7. kobe-would have been the best among the perimeter players but hes old right now
    8. lebron-great stats but not among the best in a 1 on 1 situation. Thats why he got stopped by a zone d(LOL). hes like a big man in a small forwards body opposite of dirk who is a perimeter player in big mans body(unstoppable).

    9. wade-same with lebron
    10. cp3-pgs are the most overrated position. they havent won since isiah yet they are rated higher than big men because they are "unselfish".

  4. #169
    Learning to shoot layups
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    Default Re: Ranking the best NBA small forwards, summer of 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by knicksman
    Wow exposing your weak reading comprehension. as expected from a low IQ. I didnt mean it to be this year but the year he got swept by san antonio. and oh btw lebron got embarrassed too by that same team with better players surrounding him than melo thats why he joined wade. Thats why Lebron is cheap and low pride. Thats why fans who support him reflect the same personality. Its also the reason why I dont think lebron is better than melo because of that pride. Jordan, bird, kobe all have it while lebron doesnt. Low pride=low confidence=no killer instinct/uncompetitive=low IQ.
    lol and melo has it? same guy who doesn't play any defense no pride how the hell do you let guys consistently score on you? and also the same guy who slapped mardy collins and started back peddling like a bitatch. dude isn't a top ten player nor is he even the best player on his team why do you think no one considers the knicks a legit champions contender? the denver nuggets got better as soon as that bum left, that team is actually better than the knicks.

  5. #170
    Learning to shoot layups
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    Default Re: Ranking the best NBA small forwards, summer of 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by knicksman

    I like carmelo not playing defense because that shows how huge hes pride is. .
    hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha hahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahaha hahahahahahahashahahahahhahahaaaahhaahahhahaahahaa ahaaahahahhhhahahhahaaahhaahahahahahahahhahahahaha hhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahah ahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahashaha hahahhahahaaaahhaahahhahaahahaaahaaahahahhhhahahha haaahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahah ahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaah ahahhahahahahahahahahahahashahahahahhahahaaaahhaah ahhahaahahaaahaaahahahhhhahahhahaaahhaahahahahahah ahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahah ahahahashahahahahhahahaaaahhaahahhahaahahaaahaaaha hahhhhahahhahaaahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha hahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahashahahahahha hahaaaahhaahahhahaahahaaahaaahahahhhhahahhahaaahha ahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahh ahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhah ahahahahahahahahahashahahahahhahahaaaahhaaha
    Last edited by Thescore53; 08-27-2011 at 02:09 PM.

  6. #171
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Ranking the best NBA small forwards, summer of 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Thescore53
    lol and melo has it? same guy who doesn't play any defense no pride how the hell do you let guys consistently score on you? and also the same guy who slapped mardy collins and started back peddling like a bitatch. dude isn't a top ten player nor is he even the best player on his team why do you think no one considers the knicks a legit champions contender? the denver nuggets got better as soon as that bum left, that team is actually better than the knicks.

    hahahahahhaha only idiots think that denver has performed better when they only won 1 game in the playoffs compared to a team that went to the conference finals. Worse is that memphis, an inferior team has almost won the series against oklahoma. idiots really are laughable.

    at least he was involved in a fight while i havent seen any fights involving lebron. That shows how mentally weak he is. kobe, jordan, bird are all badasses in court just like melo while lebron is still a boy.

    Theres no more insulting for a player than not being guarded and still get beaten. Thats my boy melo, the baddest in court. Hes the descendant of bird, jordan, kobe. As kobe said, "Im passing the torch to melo".

    And who cares about top 10. I judge players based on something they are motivated to play and which requires the highest skill and thats offense. While it is proven time and time again that every player can play defense but its just that they dont like playing it. Defense doesnt require much skill that it becomes insulting for them to play it. And I also look at players whether they are playing within their role or they are stealing roles from other positions esp the most conflicting one like assists and scoring. So lebron might impact more individually but hes reducing the impact of his teammates so his net impact really is the same as melo. But because it causes unhappiness to his teammates coz they cant get good contracts alongside lebron while lebron can get max even if he doesnt play defense and playmake like melo, their impact reduces much more. So he'll retire like oscar, pure stats with no rings.

  7. #172
    Lol RRR3's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ranking the best NBA small forwards, summer of 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by knicksman
    hahahahahhaha only idiots think that denver has performed better when they only won 1 game in the playoffs compared to a team that went to the conference finals. Worse is that memphis, an inferior team has almost won the series against oklahoma. idiots really are laughable.

    at least he was involved in a fight while i havent seen any fights involving lebron. That shows how mentally weak he is. kobe, jordan, bird are all badasses in court just like melo while lebron is still a boy.

    Theres no more insulting for a player than not being guarded and still get beaten. Thats my boy melo, the baddest in court. Hes the descendant of bird, jordan, kobe. As kobe said, "Im passing the torch to melo".

    And who cares about top 10. I judge players based on something they are motivated to play and which requires the highest skill and thats offense. While it is proven time and time again that every player can play defense but its just that they dont like playing it. Defense doesnt require much skill that it becomes insulting for them to play it. And I also look at players whether they are playing within their role or they are stealing roles from other positions esp the most conflicting one like assists and scoring. So lebron might impact more individually but hes reducing the impact of his teammates so his net impact really is the same as melo. But because it causes unhappiness to his teammates coz they cant get good contracts alongside lebron while lebron can get max even if he doesnt play defense and playmake like melo, their impact reduces much more. So he'll retire like oscar, pure stats with no rings.
    LOL Wut? Kobe is one of the biggest bitches there is. All talk.

  8. #173
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Ranking the best NBA small forwards, summer of 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by RRR3
    LOL Wut? Kobe is one of the biggest bitches there is. All talk.
    at least he talks trash while lebron got trash talked by inferior players like terry, marion, stevenson and yet just kept quiet. Thats how mentally weak he is.
    Last edited by knicksman; 08-28-2011 at 12:18 AM.

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