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  1. #31
    I hit open 5-foot jumpshots with ease carpevicis's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Re: I Need Some Advice On Pull-up Jumpers

    Quote Originally Posted by Venom
    My method: Determine when you want to bring the ball up from your dribble, and start to gather your feet. As you do that, you catch the last dribble, go into triple threat, and raise up so shoot, all in one fluid motion. My jumpshot used to be really slow which gave defenders plenty of time to get up and swat it. Instead of bring the ball up, arching it, and releasing, it all becomes one motion.

    The best way to master your jumpshot is to find a rhythm that works and stick to it. You must have the same jump, the same release time, and the same footwork every single time.
    I followed this today and it looks good. I also watched the Stephen Curry video above and tried to emulate that (that's what you meant, right?).

    My shot does feel much quicker and smoother, compared to my old one where I had to raise the ball to my head, **** it back and release. Only thing I have to get used to is jumping higher, because when I do the one-motion shot I don't get much lift as I tend to release the ball before the peak of my jump.

    If I was to catch and shoot it immediately without raising the ball, arching and releasing, how would I time my jump? Say I jump when I shoot it, then by the time I'm a couple inches off the ground I'm ready to release. How do I delay that without slowing my shoot too much? For example, my shot kind of looks like Stephen Curry's right now, since neither one of us jumps that high. How do I add a jump to my shot without messing up the upper body mechanics?

  2. #32
    I hit open 5-foot jumpshots with ease
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: I Need Some Advice On Pull-up Jumpers

    Quote Originally Posted by carpevicis
    I followed this today and it looks good. I also watched the Stephen Curry video above and tried to emulate that (that's what you meant, right?).

    My shot does feel much quicker and smoother, compared to my old one where I had to raise the ball to my head, **** it back and release. Only thing I have to get used to is jumping higher, because when I do the one-motion shot I don't get much lift as I tend to release the ball before the peak of my jump.

    If I was to catch and shoot it immediately without raising the ball, arching and releasing, how would I time my jump? Say I jump when I shoot it, then by the time I'm a couple inches off the ground I'm ready to release. How do I delay that without slowing my shoot too much? For example, my shot kind of looks like Stephen Curry's right now, since neither one of us jumps that high. How do I add a jump to my shot without messing up the upper body mechanics?
    I bend my knees as I bring the ball up, and jump as I shoot. I don't bother jumping high on my jumpers because don't think it's important. If you have trouble getting the ball over your defender, just learn to create space better and be able to arch your shot higher. My shot is typically low arched (somewhat like Kobe), but if needed, I'm able to comfortably raise the arch to something like Steve Nash's.

    You should do some midrange shooting drills and jump comfortably, without forcing yourself to do anything. Once you find a height and rhythm, stick to it, and it'll become second nature.

  3. #33
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Re: I Need Some Advice On Pull-up Jumpers

    Just be quick as hell on your pullup. I don't have the highest or quickest release point (although I would say it's fairly quick), nor do I get real high off the ground, but I pullup so fast that there is really no way my defender can block it unless his reach is just a lot taller than mine. Look at Russell Westbrook... Most of the time his man is still on the ground by the time his shot is released. That's where you want to be.

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