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  1. #31
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    I don't know if it is a clutch gene or something but i tend to make those shots under pressure with ease. I am not really a consistent shooter, i can get in the zone and make many midrange shots in a row and go beast mode but my game doesn't really include 3pt shot, only if i am totally alone. But these shots when it matters the most, doesn't matter if i am playing 5v5 college game, streetball, they just seem to go in, i really love to shoot under pressure but after that i am always like "How d f i made that". Btw i am a 5'10'' pg and people usually notice my hustle and speed first and add that i am playing smart, i developed a really nice post game where i can shoot both hooks and fadeaways but i am having a problem with defense even tough i am usually the one who is thought to be a best defender out there but that's just because of my hustle and hearth, but i am really having problems with fast players and crossovers generally, i don't know how to move feet and stay in front of your opponent, that's my main problem, i don't know if it is a problem fundamentally or i just have slow feet.

  2. #32
    3-time NBA All-Star oarabbus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    When I dimed my first alley oop layup

    Yeah I'm not that good and I play on courts where people can't dunk

  3. #33
    I rule the local playground GoSpursGo1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    There was one night I was playing I used to at that time shoot like Rashard Lewis and I was one fire making shot after shot

  4. #34
    In Morey We Trust! brantonli's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    unforgettable because it was pretty funny.

    In the half court set, was trying to find space on the right wing, when I accidentally double dribbled. I was so pissed at myself that I just threw the ball away, but without knowing it, I had thrown it straight to a wide open guy underneath the basket for a layup. The guys didn't even notice I doubled dribbled, and thought I just thrown the most amazing no-look pass in the world.

  5. #35
    Doomguy clipps's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    I had an epic chase down block. A teammate threw a lazy pass to me and it got intercepted. The guy thought he had an easy lay up but I was sprinting and swatted the ball off the back board. We retained possession, when I ran back on offense, my defender wasn't set up yet, my teammate passed me the ball and I made a deep 3. Our home crowd went ape shit. Opponent called timeout and I started to wave my arms up and the crowd got louder. For a guy that rarely got playing time in hs, that was pretty awesome.
    Last edited by clipps; 06-12-2014 at 08:01 AM.

  6. #36
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    I've got a bunch of them that I talk about based just on who I've played with. I've been in Pick Up games with some really incredible players. Biggest name probably Allen Iverson, but also Steve Francis. And I never got on the court, but got to share a floor with VC and Antawn Jamison. The best player I ever played consistently with was a kid named Courtney Alexander, who moved away after his sophomore year in HS, but we were in the same class, and he went to the premier catholic school near me. He was a 6-5 PG/SG at the time. I went at it with him every summer in HS summer leagues where we'd run into each other six or seven times. We consistently lost to them, but we had our moments. He wound up at UVA, and was a first round pick and had a pretty successfull NBA career mostly with the Hornets. I vaguely recall he had a 20 PPG season at one point. I think he got hurt and just sort of disappeared.

    I've also had a few big moments in HS. I had a 56 point summer league game. My career high in a real game was 31. I broke 20 maybe a half dozen times between my junior and senior year. My favorite game was one we were down three with about 15 seconds to play. We ran a play for our SF, my best friend at the time, who was about 6-4, and a really good shooter. It was him popping out on one side, but then designed to come back to me, where we then both came across court on screens, and I'd hit him again in the corner.
    He didn't get his but around and had to turn into the shot, and got chased down, and rather than force it, kicked it back to me. With no play left, I jab stepped by a guy and hit a long three to tie it up ... or so I thought. The ref only gave me two. I actually noticed. They inbounded the ball, and while our guys were celebrating, I chased down two ball handlers to get a foul.
    My coach layed into me asking why I fouled, because everyone thought it was tied, but I pointed to the scoreboard and complained a bit to the ref (which I never did), then my coach got into it with him. When we watched the film the next day, we determined that my tow was on the volleyball line, and must've confused him. I was a good foot behind the arc.

    After a minute of arguing, they lined up for free throws. They missed the front end, it got tipped a bit, and I snared it, got two bounces off, and hit a running three from just beyond half court to win it.

    For individual moments, that was probably my best.

    The strangest ...
    I got a new coach before my senior season. It was culture shock. Everything was different. But before the season we did a group practice scrimmage with another HS that his brother coached at. That were from a wealthier part of the state, and we seemed to feel we'd kill them, but they were pretty good. We played like 10 quarters. Switching ends every quarter. Swapping in JV and Varsity. We got in one quarter, and a kid a year younger than me, a really smart kid, we jumped off, and he got it, I clapped and asked for the ball being the PG, and for whatever reason, he just thought we were going the other way. He bolted for the hoop thinking he'd get a bucket, which wasn't often for him. I yelled for him to stop, but he wasn't having it. I wound up chasing him down and pinning his layup. I'm sure I fouled him too, but I remember the ref looking at us laughing, seemingly wondering if he could call a foul on a guy on his own teammate.

    I remember being not kosher with the new coach at the time, and walking out of the locker room steaming that night. We didn't even know which ****ing hoop to go at!!!! But I got out into the gym with the parents, and his dad came up to shake my hand for not letting his son embarrass him. Everyone was pretty loose about the whole night.

    That senior year under a new coach was a trying experience, but in retrospect it was a great thing for me. I got to learn a ton of basketball by having two seperate coaches during that formative time. And I'm still very friendly with both of them.

  7. #37
    NBA rookie of the year TylerOO's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    Had one last week.

    Big dude who looked like Terry Crews running his mouth all game. Wasn't very good but he was just so much bigger than they dude covering him so he got all the ****ing rebounds and shit. Miss a shot, rebound, miss a shot, rebound, then score, that type of guy. We lost the game.

    Ran that shit back right fast. Game to 15.

    I hit my first 3 top of the arc. Then another from the wing.

    Whenever I hit two in a row, Im pulling up next play from 3 feet behind the line, IDGAF. I hit it. 3 in a row, nothing special for me to be honest. Score is 6 to something, I dont remember what they had but it was probably like 2. Im in the zone brahs. I rebound, Im not passing until I miss . From 5 feet behind the line... BANG. Score is 8-something. We get a stop and my boy scores a layup. 9-something.

    They score, lets say 9-4. I bring the ball up, pull up and you guessed it...BANG! 11-4 and Im ****ing 5-5 from 3. Last few not no ****ing Mario Chalmers spot up 3's, these are straight Kobe/LeBron heat checks. Im feeling like a god.

    Now the opposing team starts yelling at eachother to "play some ****ing D!". Dude guarding me is saying how Im pulling up from so far, that there's really nothing he can do.

    Next play Im bringing the ball up and cross half court. I just sprint towards my right and hit a fading 3. Think of Kobe's gamewinner vs the Suns but from 3.

    Im playing the best I've ever played in my life. BANG BANG. I seriously felt like LeBron ****ing James.

    We got 13 points, they got something like 5 or 6. They miss a 3, I grab that ****ing rebound. Im in full out god mode and Im just thinking about pulling the biggest heat check of my life

    I take a step inside half court and just pull up, why not Im ****ing 6-6 and scorching hot. Felt like I'm in some other world.

    Well from one step inside half court, retarded ass shot, but BANGGGG. I hit it!

    GAME. Terry Crews is real quiet. Now his teammates all start yelling at eachother. A couple of my boys was on they team, saying how "Tyler's a problem!" LMAO

    Probably the best game of my life.

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