Hi all,

That was a one-time thing.

And it had nothing to do with our server space. Our server space has always been massive. It had nothing to do with anything involving our web host. Will explain someday down the road.

That was literally the first purge like that in over FIFTEEN YEARS. And it wasn't really about the year, either. Again, will explain someday.

But... it was a one-time thing.

All the other popular stuff from 2006, 2007, etc is still here and should always be here.

And anything good you post NOW, if the topic gets big (or if you make it big) will stay here for the next 9832983293 years.

And a zillion people outside this forum will still be right here reading what YOU create.

So, again, if any popular topic got wiped, please just take 30 seconds and recreate it. It'll probably then be here for the next thousand years.

Thank you!

InsideHoops for life.