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  1. #61
    Decent college freshman Doctor Rivers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Say what you want about Miami fans...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hank
    LA Faker fans combined have the IQ level of a turtle
    ninja turtle?

  2. #62
    Heat|Dolphins|Marlins DaSeba5's Avatar
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    Default Re: Say what you want about Miami fans...

    Every fan base has idiots and bandwagon fans (if they are winning). People who generalize an entire fan base based on a couple of people on a online forum are ignorant. I'm tired of people saying Miami has no real fans. I live in South Florida. I know a lot of Heat fans, and we've been fans long before the big 3. We've been through all those tough seasons, especially the 15 win season. There's too many trolls here who bait others.

  3. #63
    #1 Spurs Fan TMT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Say what you want about Miami fans...

    At least most Miami fans were classy after their team won.

  4. #64
    NBA rookie of the year It's A VC3!!!'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Say what you want about Miami fans...

    Laker fans have formed from a tradition of winning. The Heat started the "Big 3 era" and everybody is hopping on the waggon. It's pretty annoying and hilarious how all Heat fans have an avy of a trophey or ring. In essence they are both annoying but the Lakers are understandable because the Lakers have been winning for a half a century.

  5. #65
    Heat|Dolphins|Marlins DaSeba5's Avatar
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    Default Re: Say what you want about Miami fans...

    Quote Originally Posted by It's A VC3!!!
    Laker fans have formed from a tradition of winning. The Heat started the "Big 3 era" and everybody is hopping on the waggon. It's pretty annoying and hilarious how all Heat fans have an avy of a trophey or ring. In essence they are both annoying but the Lakers are understandable because the Lakers have been winning for a half a century.
    So Heat fans shouldn't have an avy of their team winning? I guess the real Heat fans should have Rony Seikaly in their avy to prove they are real fans.

  6. #66
    Gawdbe GOATsol Nashty Scholar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Say what you want about Miami fans...

    As a life-long Lakers fan, I can understand the bad rap we get due to the moronic actions of the vast majority of so-called "Lakers fans." Those guys aren't usually fans. They can't name more than the starting line-up in most cases, and even more can barely name anyone outside of Kobe, Pau & MWP.

    With that said, there are plenty of knowledgeable Lakers fans, so don't sleep on the few because you hate the majority.

  7. #67
    Magic Johnson
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    Default Re: Say what you want about Miami fans...

    If you start hating a player because of his fan base then obviously you weren't much of a fan anyway.

  8. #68
    NBA Legend kuniva_dAMiGhTy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Say what you want about Miami fans...

    It's a crime for Lakers fans to be excited about signing one of the BEST PG of all-time? What exactly do you have a problem with?

  9. #69
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Say what you want about Miami fans...

    Quote Originally Posted by ImmortalD24
    You seem like an unbiased poster from time to time, really the only reasonable person on most threads.. yet I get blindsided by your constant bruce blitz dick slurping from posting his mixes/site. Whats up with that? plantlife much?
    I believe that mix is the only one I've posted from him in all of his mixes, because I believe it to be very true. Lot of people just love to hate Bryant and James and they miss out on how awesome they both are.

    Yeah, I've posted his website from his Top 50 list, just to ask an opinion about it.... other than that, I don' try to associate my time with what he's doing. That's all I have to say about that.

    PS- I don't really know what you mean by "planlife much?". Never heard that one before.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: Say what you want about Miami fans...

    Also, going with your name and avatar, being a Bryant fan and Bruce Blitz don't go well together, so my bad if that name has gotten under your skin in the past. He has said some stupid (even extreme) things about Bryant fans and vice versa.

    But I assure you, I'm not here start some problems with any fanbase by posting his links.

  11. #71
    GOATbrook >>> PyrrhusX's Avatar
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    Default Re: Say what you want about Miami fans...

    Both fanbases arnt bad.
    Theres only one thing annoying about laker fans here:

    1) The fact they need to be clear winners in every single trade scenario (i.e. Getting back an incredible amount of value while killing any other teams invovled)

    Other than that, they arnt all that bad. (Although proclaiming a title after the signing of any player is similarly amusing ..... think Ramon Sessions last year.)

  12. #72
    Heatles = Dynasty Hank's Avatar
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    Default Re: Say what you want about Miami fans...

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