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  1. #76
    2010-2020 AirTupac's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Can someone please tell me if I should buy this lol. I don't know much about the game, I watched a review and it looks cool.

    Is it like Fable? I loved Fable.

    Can you switch to 3rd person view?

    The game looks big as fvck and everyone says its amazing. Any help is appreciated :)

  2. #77
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by AirTupac
    Can someone please tell me if I should buy this lol. I don't know much about the game, I watched a review and it looks cool.

    Is it like Fable? I loved Fable.

    Can you switch to 3rd person view?

    The game looks big as fvck and everyone says its amazing. Any help is appreciated :)
    Buy it, ideally on PC.

    It does have 3rd person, if you're into that.

  3. #78
    Clipper Nation Soldier Clippersfan86's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by KeylessEntry
    Game is pretty awesome so far other than the usual bugs and glitches. I am like a level 11 redguard, mostly going 1 hand sword/shield but I often use destro to kite guys who destroy me face to face. Just finished the quest to become a warewolf, looking forward to using that ability to shred apart a den of bandits. I bought the house in whiterun to store shit that I dont want to sell. Theres a chick in the inn at whiterun you can get as a follower if you beat her in a boxing match (really easy). She has a nice amulet and ring too so its worthwhile to get her as a minion just so you can make her give up her inventory.
    Woah I thought they said no werewolves, just vampires this time? Can you choose when to turn? Where did you learn it? Anyone have a dragon map?

  4. #79
    Clipper Nation Soldier Clippersfan86's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by AirTupac
    Can someone please tell me if I should buy this lol. I don't know much about the game, I watched a review and it looks cool.

    Is it like Fable? I loved Fable.

    Can you switch to 3rd person view?

    The game looks big as fvck and everyone says its amazing. Any help is appreciated :)
    Fav game of year. Incredibly huge. It took me 7 hours to pass Mage quest line and become the Arch Mage. That was a freaking side quest! It's an open game so you can play how you want. I prioritize based on what I want. I like powerful magic so I did Mage related stuff first. Never ending things to do. I know have a Khajit warrior companion, dog and my monster summons. I like healing my crew while they kill everything for me. My crew killed a middle tier dragon in like 3 minutes with no help from me. My horse attacks too.

  5. #80
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by Clippersfan86
    Woah I thought they said no werewolves, just vampires this time? Can you choose when to turn? Where did you learn it? Anyone have a dragon map?
    Werewolves are associated with the Companions. Check them out in Winterholde or whatever its called to progress up the levels.

    To join the circle, which is the highest up of the Companions, you need to be a werewolf.

  6. #81
    I'm on the moon KeylessEntry's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by Clippersfan86
    Woah I thought they said no werewolves, just vampires this time? Can you choose when to turn? Where did you learn it? Anyone have a dragon map?
    There are definitely warewolves. I havent actually used the ability yet so I am not sure when you can turn it on, during the quest the guy said you could only use it every so often. You get it from doing the companions quest line.

  7. #82
    2010-2020 AirTupac's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Do i need to know what happened in previous games? I wanna know what I'll be getting myself into if i do buy it. The game seems really good.

  8. #83
    Clipper Nation Soldier Clippersfan86's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I want to keep it realistic though. I don't want to be a part of 10 different factions. I want to be a Greybeard Mage and not get involved in all the other silly ones. I may join the Storm one... to get revenge on the Imperials that were executing me in the beginning though.

    Anybody figure out yet if you can get Greybeard robes?

  9. #84
    Clipper Nation Soldier Clippersfan86's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Bad info from people. Meeko isnt the talking demon dog. Barbas is.

  10. #85
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    It's pissing me off so much that I've had this game for 3 days and haven't been able to play it. I was so excited for it too.

  11. #86
    NBA lottery pick
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by Maniak
    Buy it, ideally on PC.

    It does have 3rd person, if you're into that.
    Why on PC?

  12. #87
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by MK2V1GP
    Why on PC?
    Well, all RPGs are meant(imo) for a PC. They just always feel better and theres just something about it

    As for Skyrim, the modding community is worth it. Once you beat skyrim/get bored of it you'll look around and find people adding new areas, quests, companions, homes, the list goes on. Some of the mods even help the games graphics/settings. Theres not too many for Skyrim right now, but if you look at some of the stuff people did for Oblivion its amazing.

    Also, the console commands you get on PC(by clicking ~/`) are so useful, if you feel like being a little bit cheap, you can turn on invincibility, give yourself money, activate no clip mode, the list goes on.

    All in all, you get your bang for your buck on PC. If you buy it for console but have the option to get it on PC you are straight dumb.

  13. #88
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by AirTupac
    Do i need to know what happened in previous games? I wanna know what I'll be getting myself into if i do buy it. The game seems really good.
    Not really. You'll never even hear much about what happened in previous games, seeing as you're a whole new person and in a whole new area.

    And besides, if you really care about lore/storyline and don't understand, theres some good wiki pages to read...if you're into that.

  14. #89
    Great college starter Asukal's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Great game! Lots of improvement since Oblivion. The only thing I'd complain about is the horses, why there is no mounted combat boggles my mind and it takes so much time to dismount while enemies attack you its ridiculous.

    Overall, a great game and worth playing!

  15. #90
    troll hunter LebronairJAMES's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    yep really great game
    i put 180hours into oblivion this will get alot more for sure

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