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  1. #31
    I don't get picked last at the park anymore
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    nice, I just started doing this program last week. I actually gained two centimeters from two workouts so far. I work out on tuesday and friday for the bodyweight strength program/plyometric if I didn't play basketball in a day or have practice. I hope to dunk by the end of next summer. Good luck to you too..

    Random Stats: 5'7 (will probably grow a couple more inches)
    Found out why my standing vertical is like 8 inches and my leaping vertical is about 40 inches. I have been training plyometrics every since I was 8 years old(martial arts and stuff) lol. Turned out I was just developing explosiveness, not true strength.

  2. #32
    Saw a basketball once BoredActuary's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Here are two short clips of my progress. One at the beginning of round two of VJB and the other 3 weeks in. Not much difference really except for new shoes for this round - UA Micro G Lite, nice shoes.

    Week 0 -

    Week 3 -

    I might get some clips of me sprinting and doing the lane agility drill to see if I really am that slow...

  3. #33
    Decent college freshman theaussieguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    so i have finally started doing some weights. On a good day i can touch regulation and that was just by practicing my 2 footed jumping so i am hoping to get another 5 inches in the next 3 months which will allow me to grab onto regulation.

  4. #34
    Saw a basketball once BoredActuary's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Good stuff. What weights are you doing? Are you doing some plyos as well?

  5. #35
    Decent college freshman theaussieguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Quote Originally Posted by BoredActuary
    Good stuff. What weights are you doing? Are you doing some plyos as well?
    hey boredA im not following any specific program from VJB but i have definitely taken a lot out of that and added the core exercises into a general weights program. My main exercises for building strength come from front/back squats and deadlifts but i am thinking about adding some cleans in as well.

    I hit the weights three times a week

    day 1: Back/bicep/trap - deadlift day

    day 2: Chest/shoulders/triceps

    day 3: Legs - squat day

    with a rest in between each day. I am only doing a more general weights program because i am pretty lightweight and i figure any extra weight will only be beneficial towards my goal.

    Not so concerned about doing pylometrics right now i still want to see how far i can get through an increase in power alone however in saying that i'm positive i wouldn't have made the progress i have made without VJB's section on how to perform a two footed power jump which i have to say i was practicing for weeks before i even hit the weights so in that regard i was doing a bit of pylometric work but none of the specific activities like depth jumps etc. I have found that improvements in my two footed jumping ability has translated somewhat to my one footed jumping which according to VJB, relies more on ones reactive ability so jumping alone IMO is pylometrics.

    Heres a thread i made i will probs delete it and just add my videos here so we can check each others progress.

    Are you still balling on the 10'3" inch hoop? i'm sure you will be dunking in no time man if thats the case, i can definitely see improvements. How comfortable do you feel atm grabbing onto something and supporting your bodyweight? i'd imagine that would be the scariest thing being a tall man like yourself, in the event you slip and end up with an injury like A.Bogut last season.

  6. #36
    Decent college freshman theaussieguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyflay
    nice, I just started doing this program last week. I actually gained two centimeters from two workouts so far. I work out on tuesday and friday for the bodyweight strength program/plyometric if I didn't play basketball in a day or have practice. I hope to dunk by the end of next summer. Good luck to you too..

    Random Stats: 5'7 (will probably grow a couple more inches)
    Found out why my standing vertical is like 8 inches and my leaping vertical is about 40 inches. I have been training plyometrics every since I was 8 years old(martial arts and stuff) lol. Turned out I was just developing explosiveness, not true strength.

    that makes sense actually, the good thing about weights is it increases both strength and explosiveness at the same time. I think in VJB he says the height you can jump to is determined by the amount of power you can output in 0.2 seconds which is the the average time it takes to plant and take off. Doing weights essentially allows you to output more power in that time period because the amount of power you can output in a fast paced exercise is directly proportional to your max power, or max squat if you like.

    Although i am sure everyones aware of that ITT

  7. #37
    Saw a basketball once BoredActuary's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    I haven't written in a while but that doesn't mean I've quit! I've finished my second round of VJB (novice plyos). I'm waiting for a dry court to film my progress - standing VJ, running single leg VJ, running double leg VJ, and as I said before I'll throw in some sprints and the lane agility drill.

    In terms of strength only my deadlift has improved. I've been trying to keep good form and not pile on the weight.

    Squat: 3x6x95kg
    Deadlift: 3x6x100kg (comfortably)
    Straight leg deadlift: 3x6x85kg (comfortably)
    Barbell step-up: 3x6x28kg (comfortably)
    Power cleans: 3x6x60kg

    I'l start my third round of VJB in a couple of weeks and I'll aim to improve these numbers and work a bit harder, I think I've stopped pushing myself since I'm lifting these weights comfortably and I've been able to lift more before. Here's what I'm aiming for (at least one set of 6):

    Squat: 110kg
    Deadlift: 120kg
    Straight leg deadlift: 100kg
    Step-up: 36kg
    Powercleans: 80kg

  8. #38
    I don't get picked last at the park anymore
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Awesome BoredActuary. Good to see a reference for the future.

    I completed the 1st novice strength training for weight lifting course 3 weeks ago. For some reason, after the first week(there are 3 weeks in a course/phase) I got 2 inches in my vertical. After that, my vertical became inconsistent. I was slowly switching from a one-legged jumper into a power jumper. I started losing vertical on my one legged jump(got to the point where I could only get to like 9'6-9'8 compared to the past where I would touch the rim everytime). My two-legged jump went from a 9'0-9'2 into a 9-4 -9-6. It seemed strange to me. Now I can't even touch the rim for both of them.

    In made my game a whole lot better though. I somehow became one of the best rebounders in every game I played. When I played with college players, I would mostly contribute with defense, rebounding, and some jump shots(I used to just contribute with some defense due to poor strength and maybe one jump shot in 3 games).

  9. #39
    Saw a basketball once BoredActuary's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Here's a clip showing my progress. I'm still not able to dunk on the higher than regulation rim. My standing vertical hasn't improved much but I feel like I'm getting up faster. My running single leg has improved and I'm jumping higher off my right leg than my left. My running double leg jump seems to have not improved.

    I would like to test myself with a vertec to get some actual numbers instead of guessing how far I'm going above the rim, but no chance of that in the UK...

    There's also a footage of me doing the lane agility test (I measured out the 16' by 19' area) and a 20yd sprint. Approximate times were around 13 seconds for the agility and 3.5 seconds for the sprint.

  10. #40
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Still lack explosiveness with your jumps. I don't know exactly what you are doing but you should have improved more than you have IMO. I notice that you take a little hop before you jump on your 2 foot jumps... a good leaper will never do that. It's 1 foot forward, then the other, and explode. Keep working at it. Obv. you have good height and a good vertical would go a long way.

  11. #41
    Saw a basketball once BoredActuary's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Its been a while. I tweaked my back a few months ago so my lifting has suffered from the break I took.

    But my back is 100% now and I'm gradually getting back into the lifting. This gave me the chance to work on my squat form and go really low which I think has helped. I've just finished phase 1 of my third round of VJB.

    Even though I'm squatting 3x6x75kg I managed this:

  12. #42
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    not feelin the jersey bro

    Looks like you have made some progress.

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