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  1. #16
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Quote Originally Posted by BoredActuary
    I'll re-shuffle my program and do the power movements first. I was using the leg extension and curls as a sort of warm-up. Should I still do them?

    I am pretty lean/skinny, I think I will always be that way, I just don't have the body type!

    Thanks Swaggin916. I'll post later with my progress and some videos.
    It's actually fine to do them as warmups... I thought that might have been what you were doing. Personally though I would warm up with dynamic stretching and maybe 10 minutes on the bike... shooting around and getting nice and warm is great too. If you warm up like that, you are completely fresh. The blood is flowing, and your muscles aren't tired from anything. That's how you want to be when doing squats/Deads or anytype of power movement like that.

    Yea you are super slow on your jumps... no power or anything there. What this program will do is not only increase how high you get up, but how fast your get up. You will be able to board like you never have, block shots, contest shots... all that stuff is based on how quickly you can get up there. Of course length is more important for those because you are already there without jumping... but you are already tall so add that quickness to your jump, you will cause all sorts of problems.

  2. #17
    Saw a basketball once BoredActuary's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Here's the end of week 3 video:

    I feel like I'm jumping slightly higher but I think that might have more to do with my faster approach. The standing two hand jump was very poor. I also found right leg is stronger than my left leg when leaping.

    After everyone's comments I've been thinking "explode" when lifting weights and doing the plyos. It's still early days, I'm starting phase 2 next week and will post another progress video in 3 weeks time.

  3. #18
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Standing 2 foot jump is based on pure power and explosion. As you get stronger at your lifts, your 2 foot standing jump will increase (as well as every other jump really... but in particular the standing 2 foot jump).

  4. #19
    Saw a basketball once BoredActuary's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Here's my end of phase 2 clip.

    I think I had a slight improvement on my standing vertical leap - before I could touch the rim with my finger tips and now I'm getting my fingers tips slightly over the top of the rim. My running vertical has improved as well, I can nearly hang on the rim with two hands and touching the rim with my palm with one hand.

    In terms of numbers I think I've gone from a 20" to a 21" standing vertical and 22" to 24" running vertical leap.

    Its been 4 weeks since I took Swaggin916's advice on moving to 6 reps from 8 reps for my power moves. I've improved from 3x6 reps with 80kg to 3x6 reps with 90kg, I'm focussing on getting my thighs parallel to the ground and exploding upwards. My deadlift has improved from 6x60kg to 6x80kg, I think I could lift more but I'm still getting used to the movement and don't want to screw up my back by loading the bar too much. I'm also doing step ups with 24kg dumbbells in each hand. I started out with 20kg dumbbells in each hand.

  5. #20
    I hit open 5-foot jumpshots with ease carpevicis's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Good work, it feels great to see yourself get stronger. And good job and remembering to keep form over weight. An injury takes longer to recover from than the put the weight on progressively.

    My deadlift shot up a couple weeks ago, it was 135x5 then I took a week off and it went to 185x5, now it's 205x5.

  6. #21
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Keep it up man. As you increase in weight, you will see your vertical increase as well. Right now your lifts aren't very impressive, but keep lifting and they will get impressive. Don't give up on this either... stick with it. You will be up over 30" and dunking in no time... and you thank yourself for sticking with it.

  7. #22
    Saw a basketball once BoredActuary's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    No clip for the end of phase 3. The weather has been pretty bad in the UK. I've still been working out and doing VJB.

    I can squat 110kg (6 reps - I do three sets of 6 reps - 1st 100kg, 2nd 105kg, 3rd 110kg), dead lift 90kg (3 sets of 6 reps) and 3 sets of 6 reps of step ups with 30kg dumbbells.

    I was down at my usual rim this morning and decided to measure it. Turns out it is 3 inches higher than regulation! So my vertical leap measurements have been off by about 3 inches. I'll be in the US in 2 weeks time on holiday and the place I'm at his a court, hopefully its regulation height and I'll get some clips out there.

  8. #23
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Yea man get some clips I want to see your improvement.

  9. #24
    Saw a basketball once BoredActuary's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    So I'm back from my holiday and I have a clip of me testing my hops on a regulation height rim. I was pretty surprised, I kept measuring the rim to make sure it was 10' because it just seemed so easy to reach compared to the one near my house. I'm not really slamming it in but it's a start.

    Let me know what you guys think.

    I'll have a final test video later in the week (if the weather clears up...) to show my progress on my usual rim. And I'll be starting another cycle of the VJB programme.

  10. #25
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Quote Originally Posted by BoredActuary
    So I'm back from my holiday and I have a clip of me testing my hops on a regulation height rim. I was pretty surprised, I kept measuring the rim to make sure it was 10' because it just seemed so easy to reach compared to the one near my house. I'm not really slamming it in but it's a start.

    Let me know what you guys think.

    I'll have a final test video later in the week (if the weather clears up...) to show my progress on my usual rim. And I'll be starting another cycle of the VJB programme.
    Good job man. Just keep working at getting more explosive. Right now you are real slow with your approach and your first step is surely slow. I think it would do you a lot of good to do some 20 yard sprints... look at how really explosive leapers approach the rim... they look like they are about to jump out of the atmosphere.

  11. #26
    Saw a basketball once BoredActuary's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    I know, I can get the height, but it takes me a while to get up there. I also found that I would hit the back iron if I ran at the rim fast. All stuff to work on though...

    For this cycle of VJB I've started doing cleans which should help. I'm doing the novice plyos this time round. If the weather's good this weekend I'll get a clip of my hops to show my full progress on my usual (3" higher...) rim. I'll see if I can be more explosive in this clip.

  12. #27
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Cleans will definitely help. Just do it explosively but controlled. Load some weight on the bar. As your lifts get higher, you will be more explosive. You will have to be to get the weight up haha.

  13. #28
    Saw a basketball once BoredActuary's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    I never got around to doing the first week filming, the weather in the UK has been pretty bad. I'll post a video when I'm done with the first phase in two weeks.

    Swaggin916: At the gym, on a Tuesday, I'm doing deadlifts, cleans and step-ups. On a Friday I do squats, cleans and straight leg deadlifts.
    Do you think I should swap the straight leg dead lifts for step-ups? Or is it better to have the variety?

    Cleans are definitely a great exercise, you just can't cheat with them...

  14. #29
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    Quote Originally Posted by BoredActuary
    I never got around to doing the first week filming, the weather in the UK has been pretty bad. I'll post a video when I'm done with the first phase in two weeks.

    Swaggin916: At the gym, on a Tuesday, I'm doing deadlifts, cleans and step-ups. On a Friday I do squats, cleans and straight leg deadlifts.
    Do you think I should swap the straight leg dead lifts for step-ups? Or is it better to have the variety?

    Cleans are definitely a great exercise, you just can't cheat with them...
    nooooooo... seriously???

    Keep the variety... I like that you are doing cleans twice. Like I said, your explosiveness needs to increase and those are going to help you the most.

  15. #30
    Saw a basketball once BoredActuary's Avatar
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    Default Re: anyone doing vjb?

    I've finished phase 1 of my second round of VJB. I just need to get the clip sorted out and I'll put it online this weekend.

    Now that there's snow on the court, filming updates will be difficult. The UK's not great for indoor courts, most gyms don't have them, if they do, you have to rent them out.

    Strength-wise I've not improved. I've dropped weight on my squat and deadlift because I felt I didn't have great form and wasn't going low enough on the squats and I wanted perfect form on the deadlifts. But I have started doing power cleans. Here are the weights I'm doing (all are 3 sets of 6 reps):

    Squat (once per week): 90kg, 95kg, 100kg
    Deadlift (once per week): 80kg, 90kg, 95kg
    Step-up (once per week, two dumbells each weighing): 32kg, 32kg, 32kg
    Straight leg deadlift (once per week): 85kg, 85kg, 85kg
    Power Cleans (twice per week): 60kg, 65kg, 70kg

    Should I do sets of increasing weight or try to do 3 sets of constant weight? How do people gradually increase what they lift?

    Just a reminder: I'm 6'6'' (in shoes) with an 8'4'' reach and weigh ~82-83kg and the rim in the clips (after measuring it the other day) is ~10'4''-10'5''.

    SVJ: ~24-25''
    RDVJ: ~26-27''
    RSVJ: ~25-26''

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