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  1. #31
    Good college starter LakersDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamRockets

    nash isnt better than stockton, payton, strickland, whoever, he didnt win because he was better than those players were, but because his competition sucked.
    Nash is easily better than Strickland.

  2. #32
    NBA Superstar
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    and we continue to ignore the point that the differential between the mavs and suns was greater than the differential between the suns and cavs
    who cares? obviously no one if they're ignoring you.

  3. #33
    Old School Shepseskaf's Avatar
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    Excellent point guard. Gets his teammates involved. Generates entertaining up-tempo style.

    Not the MVP. Either year. End of story.

  4. #34
    Local High School Star DreamRockets's Avatar
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    the cavs won 50 IN THE EAST, whether YOU like it or no the voters understand that the cavs would barely crack 40 in the west, which is the conference where nash lead the suns to 54 wins without 30 ppg amare stoudemire who was out all year.

    the suns werent better in 06 than in 05, but having lost amare, and still winning 54 games made nash a huge favor in the voter's eyes.

  5. #35
    Local High School Star DreamRockets's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LakersDynasty
    Nash is easily better than Strickland.
    i meant to say is debateable, sorry if you misunderstood that but what i meant is that nash didnt win mvp because he was better than those players (maybe he was, maybe he wasnt, is debateable) but because his teams were btter and because his competition for the award was worst, nash wouldnt have won the award over jordan, magic, bird, hakeem, prime shaq, prime duncan either, buts thats kind of irrelevant, he didnt compete against them, but against 2 overrated guards who werent part of elite teams.

  6. #36
    Shazam! raiderfan19's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamRockets
    the cavs won 50 IN THE EAST, whether YOU like it or no the voters understand that the cavs would barely crack 40 in the west, which is the conference where nash lead the suns to 54 wins without 30 ppg amare stoudemire who was out all year.

    the suns werent better in 06 than in 05, but having lost amare, and still winning 54 games made nash a huge favor in the voter's eyes.
    which is retarded. You dont focus on what a team doesnt have. The suns still had Marion, Diaw(who was good regardless of nash) bell, barbosa and kurt thomas. The mavs won 60 games with adrian griffin and desagana diop starting the majority of games and having the most injuries in the nba that negated their already overrated depth.

    Griffin cant get minutes on the bulls now and diop is a 15 minute a game guy who can only block shots. The suns had more talent and won less games last year than the mavs.

  7. #37
    Sixers|Eagles|Phillies GOBB's Avatar
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    I want to know what makes Lebron or Dirk MVP canidates and not Steve Nash. Seems like fans have made him into a player that cant win it. Like its reserved for a specific elite group and no one else...and Nash isnt among the elites. His production is a product of the system D'Antoni has instilled along with talented players who excel in the same system to give Nash his assist numbers. I wanna know what it is about Nash that he cant win a MVP.

  8. #38
    Local High School Star DreamRockets's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raiderfan19
    which is retarded. You dont focus on what a team doesnt have. The suns still had Marion, Diaw(who was good regardless of nash) bell, barbosa and kurt thomas. The mavs won 60 games with adrian griffin and desagana diop starting the majority of games and having the most injuries in the nba that negated their already overrated depth.

    Griffin cant get minutes on the bulls now and diop is a 15 minute a game guy who can only block shots. The suns had more talent and won less games last year than the mavs.

    thats bullcrap, why no mention of howard and terry ?

    the suns were hit by injuries all year, one injury sidelined their best scorer all season long, kurt thomas missed a lot of games too, marion depends on amare to do pretty much everything, diaw was a garbage 4 ppg player who nash MADE good, end of story.

  9. #39
    Very good NBA starter konex's Avatar
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    Maybe he deserved the first one but he STOLE that second one from Kobe, Bron or Dirk.

    I mean, who DOESN'T have good stats in that system? And he plays with too many good players to get MVP twice in a row IMO.

    Voters are in a jam this year cos there's NO WAY they can give it to him even if he does deserve it

  10. #40
    The Expert Glove_20's Avatar
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    Nash in 2005

    Ok, he deserved MVP

    But in 2006?

    NO WAY

    Dirk should've been MVP...

    1. His team had a better record
    2. He had less talent around him
    3. He put numbers as good as or BETTER than Nash last year

    Why didn't Dirk win MVP?

  11. #41
    NBA Legend tontoz's Avatar
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    the suns werent better in 06 than in 05, but having lost amare, and still winning 54 games made nash a huge favor in the voter's eyes.
    Have to agree there. When Amare went down i saw so many gloom and doom predictions for the Suns. I also saw some Nash haters who said he would be exposed without Amare. OOPS

    I have no problem at all with him winning his two MVPs.

  12. #42
    Good college starter LakersDynasty's Avatar
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    For the first time ever, I agree with Glove. Nash should have been a top MVP candidate last year but Dirk deserved it more than him IMO.

  13. #43
    Local High School Star DreamRockets's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by konex
    Maybe he deserved the first one but he STOLE that second one from Kobe, Bron or Dirk.

    dirk is the only one arguable, kobe was part of a garbage team who won 45 games, lebron won 50 games, seriously dislodge your head from those 2 overrated guards and tell me who was won mvp in the last 25 years with 50-wins ? nobody has, lebron and kobe mvp would have been a pharce and a travesty to say the least.

    Quote Originally Posted by konex
    I mean, who DOESN'T have good stats in that system? And he plays with too many good players to get MVP twice in a row IMO.
    thats all it is, your opinion, biased as always, diaw was garbage without nash, amare jumped from 19 ppg scorer to 26 pg 56% scorer within a year thanks to the mvp, bell, jones, house, marion do nothing offensivelly except for wait the mvp to give them the ball on an open spot to take an open jumper, nash isnt a part or product of the system, the guy IS the system.

  14. #44
    Sixers|Eagles|Phillies GOBB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by konex
    Maybe he deserved the first one but he STOLE that second one from Kobe, Bron or Dirk.
    stole it from Kobe? Get real. Last yrs was arguable. But for fans to act like he shouldnt have even been in the race, been considered is silly.

    I mean, who DOESN'T have good stats in that system? And he plays with too many good players to get MVP twice in a row IMO..
    Classic, i just spoke on fans using this excuse.

    Voters are in a jam this year cos there's NO WAY they can give it to him even if he does deserve it
    They arent in a jam. He continues this if not betters his stats...and the Suns win games. I wouldnt be mad if he won #3.

    The thing that gets me is this board can be stat whores. We post the stats Lebron puts up. KG put up back then...a list of players who put up eye opening stats. Nash does that and he doesnt deserve an award for it. What does Bron do that makes him any more deserving? Didnt know the prerequisitie was to play on a bad team, play in a avg system and put up stats...therefore you qualify. If thats the case Allen Iverson should have won it last yr. Oops you'll edit your criteria and say they must make playoffs/have a top NBA record. But Nash was apart of that as well. Whatever.

    You guys make a criteria that is funny and not consistent at all. Has holes.
    Last edited by GOBB; 12-17-2006 at 04:33 PM.

  15. #45
    College star DoubleTech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by konex
    Maybe he deserved the first one but he STOLE that second one from Kobe, Bron or Dirk.

    I mean, who DOESN'T have good stats in that system? And he plays with too many good players to get MVP twice in a row IMO.

    Voters are in a jam this year cos there's NO WAY they can give it to him even if he does deserve it

    raja bell, boris diaw... who were these players before they played with nash?

    but no... its ENTIRELY the system... i mean, its easy to get great numbers in the system, it has nothing to do with the person who makes that system tick.

    when george karl was asked at the beginning of the season whether the nugs could run a system as effective as PHX's... his response "nah, thats a Steve Nash thing"

    and no one better mention kobe... this year he may have a chance cause the lakers are actually performing... last couple seasons with the lakers playing like a$$... NO CHANCE.

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