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  1. #31
    Titles are overrated Kblaze8855's Avatar
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    Wade was 5th in the NBA in FTs last season and only 4 over #6(Arenas). Thats in total. Im sure someone could find per game if they cared to. I dont feel like it at the moment.

    Kobe, AI, Pierce, Bron, Wade, and Arenas were all a hundred(200 for Kobe and AI) ahead of Carmelo who was 7th. next was Gasol who was almost a hundred below him.

    Every elite swingman but VC was up around 800 fts last season. After 1988 Jordan never even shot 800. This year we have 5 guards on pace for 800+ with Kobe slowly getting there and Randolph right behind.

    Every elite guard gets a lot of FTs and Wade gets less than 1 more than the others.

    How many calls really would you think he gets? Abnormal ones I mean. to take the 11 or whatever it is FTs he averages he might get 2 and 1s, 4 shooting fouls, and then either a technical FT(he often takes them) or one from a non shooting foul in the penalty.

    He might only get fouled on shots 4 or 5 times in the game. You have watched basketball just as long as I know how easy it is for a superstar who slashes to get hit once a quarter.

    The degree of *****ing over this guys foul calls has gotten almost as out of control as the foul situation(league wide not just him).

    People claiming he takes way too many foul shots. Gets massive phantom calls. Wade might stand on the line for 10 seconds more a game than others and get an extra 2 points out of it. Virtually everyone agrees he goes to the basket a lot. In a league where 5-6 guys can get more FTs than Jordan in his prime how shocking is it for a great slasher to take 11-12 FTs a game?

    Hes just the designated whipping boy at the moment. People see a 14-16 ft total and act like it means refs were calling guys for nothing and putting him on the line over and over and over unjustly. It just isnt true. Guy does not get fouled all that much more than the other star guards and most of the fouls he gets are legit ones. Out of 4 or 5 shooting fouls its rare more than 1 can really be disputed. and on that one there is almost always still some contact of some kind.

    Then people start bringing out FTA per shot and all this other ****. Like getting .7 free throws per shot is some great difference from .5. Its really just a long list of small margins and perceptions bent by reputation and presented without perspective.

    Wade isnt getting crazy calls. High scoring guards are getting calls. Wade just happens to be the posterboy for the problem.

  2. #32
    Decent college freshman BFRESH44's Avatar
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    I've now learned that you can lay down all the logic that you can possibly bring with this particular subject and it's still doesn't matter. People will have their (retarded) views...
    Last edited by BFRESH44; 12-03-2006 at 01:41 AM.

  3. #33
    Proves idiots wrong Human Error's Avatar
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    Wade gets called because he can get to the basket at will and Sheed can't guard Wade unless he fouls. End of discussion.

    And eliteballer, you really needs to smarten up yourself. Seriously. You keep saying that "Wade took far fewer shots than the other leading scorers and got the most or second most free throws", and by saying that, you probabaly wanted to say that "he doesn't even take a lot of shots but he still gets a ton of foul shots and that's crazy", but in the 1st place, you should be able to know that large portion of Wade's field goal attempts were already translated into his free throw attempts. And since Wade is no chucker, there's basically no way Wade can take as many field goal attempts as some of the league's top scorers.

    You just should change your freakin' username to idiotballer right now. I've had enough of your stupidity.
    Last edited by Human Error; 12-03-2006 at 01:39 AM.

  4. #34
    Good college starter EricForman's Avatar
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    let me guess, eliteballer posted this thread to bash Wade simply because Wade did something Kobe never did, win a title as the best player on his team right?

    The guy's a moron, start random threads posting articles or quotes bashing other players, and those players are almost always Kobe's "rivals". You never see him try to start threads on Yao Ming or Carlos Boozer, but Jordan, Wade, Lebron, guys who alot of guys put above Kobe? He starts these random threads about them.

    Gotta give credit to Mavs fans though, they take alot of time getting clips of the fouls and putting them on youtube, bringing it up randomly, etc. They get their sh*t heard.

    I wish Kings fan would have done the same for game 6 of the 02 series, maybe Kings fans are just lazier than Mavs fans because game 6 had a ton of calls worse than any Wade got. More "phantom fouls". I remember one where Doug Christie blocked Kobe, Kobe got free throws, and the whole time, the replay showed in slow mo that it was a clean block, with the commentators straight out saying "how is that a foul?".

    Spurs fans should also put up clips of Bruce Bowen's "foul" on Dirk in game 4, that is just as bad, if not worse than the Wade foul on Dirk.

  5. #35
    Local High School Star JSub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EricForman
    let me guess, eliteballer posted this thread to bash Wade simply because Wade did something Kobe never did, win a title as the best player on his team right?

    The guy's a moron, start random threads posting articles or quotes bashing other players, and those players are almost always Kobe's "rivals". You never see him try to start threads on Yao Ming or Carlos Boozer, but Jordan, Wade, Lebron, guys who alot of guys put above Kobe? He starts these random threads about them.

    Gotta give credit to Mavs fans though, they take alot of time getting clips of the fouls and putting them on youtube, bringing it up randomly, etc. They get their sh*t heard.

    I wish Kings fan would have done the same for game 6 of the 02 series, maybe Kings fans are just lazier than Mavs fans because game 6 had a ton of calls worse than any Wade got. More "phantom fouls". I remember one where Doug Christie blocked Kobe, Kobe got free throws, and the whole time, the replay showed in slow mo that it was a clean block, with the commentators straight out saying "how is that a foul?".

    Spurs fans should also put up clips of Bruce Bowen's "foul" on Dirk in game 4, that is just as bad, if not worse than the Wade foul on Dirk.
    Cosigned. eliteballer's #1 groupie status sickens me. Everyday, its the same BS. Rasheed is just a bitter punk who got shanked and torched by DWade last year. That's not gonna take away that Finals MVP trophy, is it?

  6. #36
    NBA Superstar eliteballer's Avatar
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    Wade averaged more FT's in last years playoffs than SHAQ ever did and averaged more FT's in the Finals than Jordan ever did. If ya'll don't think something is wrong with THAT, then I don't know what to tell you

  7. #37
    National High School Star gpfanz's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by eliteballer
    Wade averaged more FT's in last years playoffs than SHAQ ever did and averaged more FT's in the Finals than Jordan ever did. If ya'll don't think something is wrong with THAT, then I don't know what to tell you
    Yeah.. does David tink we r morons to not notice the discrepencies in the FT attempts by Wade huh

  8. #38
    I rule the local playground theinfamousmobb's Avatar
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    Sheed just mad Wade assraped the Pistons in the ECF....

  9. #39
    Dunking on everybody in the park
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    You think rasheed brings up the topic? No, the journalists do and the player answers in his own opinion. You guys act like the players brought up the topic. You guys are clueless.
    Last edited by telephone; 12-03-2006 at 11:14 AM.

  10. #40
    Good college starter Sharas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eliteballer
    Wade averaged more FT's in last years playoffs than SHAQ ever did and averaged more FT's in the Finals than Jordan ever did. If ya'll don't think something is wrong with THAT, then I don't know what to tell you
    as kblaze said, there are SIX guys who got more free throws last season than jordan ever basically, it's a league wide trend, wade is just most exposed because he did it in finals. stern is trying to forcefully make a high scoring league

  11. #41
    Titles are overrated Kblaze8855's Avatar
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    as kblaze said, there are SIX guys who got more free throws last season than jordan ever did
    After 1988...yes.

    And Wade did not take more FTs in the playoffs than Shaq ever did either. Neither by total or per game. Wade took 250 in the playoffs. 10.8 a game. Shaq took 296 in the 2000 playoffs in the same number of games. And hes had at least 6 higher playoff runs per average. Maybe more since I didnt average out every season. Just the obvious ones. He took 254 in one less game than Wade needed for 250 in 2004. took 200 in just 16 games in 01. 261 in the 95 run in 2 less games than Wade needed for 250.

    You can all check for yourselves im sure so no need to run them all down.

    No idea where Elite got that.

  12. #42
    Samurai Swoosh
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    Quote Originally Posted by picc84
    And I think thats what irks people about his game. That sometimes it seems like he's not playing to score but to get fouled, and to get fouled ONLY. Hence the egregious pump fakes, flopping, and self initiated contact. It used to annoy me about Reggie Miller how he'd leap into people like Carl Lewis at the longjump and get a foul called, like he wasnt even looking for the score, and its the same with Wade. I like his game but the forced theatrics need to stop.
    Yes, I agree. Kind of disturbing. As his peers have noted. Who wants to lose respect of peers? The people who play the same game, at the same level as you do, and they think its fluke-ish. I wish D. Wade would just play hard, and not worry about calls.

  13. #43
    Laker fan here shadow's Avatar
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    i don't think the issue is the numer of FTAs as much as the perception that he seems to get them on some seriously bogus calls when he needs them the most; perhaps more than any other player in recent memory. Atleast that is the perception.

    I can say that it definitely was true of the NBA finals. I don't know if it still holds true though since I don't watch heat games much.

  14. #44
    Good High School Starter lakers-city's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kblaze8855
    After 1988...yes.

    And Wade did not take more FTs in the playoffs than Shaq ever did either. Neither by total or per game. Wade took 250 in the playoffs. 10.8 a game. Shaq took 296 in the 2000 playoffs in the same number of games. And hes had at least 6 higher playoff runs per average. Maybe more since I didnt average out every season. Just the obvious ones. He took 254 in one less game than Wade needed for 250 in 2004. took 200 in just 16 games in 01. 261 in the 95 run in 2 less games than Wade needed for 250.
    i dont think you can use the same criteria on shaq, ever heard of hack-a-shaq ? other teams intentionally fouled shaq to send him to the line because he is a 50% career ft shooter plus fouling him was the only way to stop him in his good days, players nowadays sure as hell arent purposely fouling wade the way they did to shaq and the way they do to duncan some times, power forwards and centers shooting a lot of free throws is completely understandable, specially if they do all their game 5 ft away from the rim.

  15. #45
    Titles are overrated Kblaze8855's Avatar
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    "i dont think you can use the same criteria on shaq, ever heard of hack-a-shaq ?"

    Hey he said it not me. If its not true its just not true.

    Only reason to even mention Shaq like that would be to point out that Wade took more FTs than even he....a guy known for massive Ft numbers...ever got. And it simply is not true.

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