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Thread: Nba 2k10

  1. #16
    Good High School Starter Splitz77's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    Quote Originally Posted by bdreason
    2K Sports has their own forum where they get ideas.
    Yeah, I know. I just

  2. #17
    I am Chris Wilcox
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    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    Make sure you take some of the ideas we have here, over there. Although, I'm sure that all the ideas that we thought up over here, have all been done to death over there.

  3. #18
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    -Different offenses (Princeton, Triangle, etc.)

    -Better/smarter defenses (there's no reason that teams should regularly shoot over 50% on all of the difficulty settings; I'm better at offense than defense, but not that much better, and it's annoying to see Chris Bosh or Yao someone shoot 15-18 when I'm guarding them relatively well)

    -Better box outs

    -Make it easier to draw fouls without having to fiddle around with the sliders, and I'd like to be able to draw them more on jumpshots with players like Pierce, ideally without using the shotstick

    -Better commentary. I don't have a problem with the guys, but I want them to say more different things. Also, it'd be nice if they said more things like "that's his eighth rebound" more often. Also, I'd like them to say more unique things about each player.

    -More realistic ratings that gradually change as the season goes on.

    -Some kind of story mode a la NBA 09 (I didn't buy that game, but the story thing seemed great)

    -Being able to create a player and develop him by playing, sort of like an RPG

    -Let me play my own music during the game. This doesn't seem too hard, but the only game I have that lets me do this is Super Stardust HD

    -TROPHY SUPPORT! (well, they'll have this anyways, but it's my biggest annoyance as far as 2k9 is concerned)

    -MJ and Barkley

    -Even more realistic body language

    -All the stuff that was mentioned already about customizable jerseys and arenas

    -A more accessible Association Mode

    -All Star weekend


    -Update the players' haircuts and accessories as the season goes on

    -Unlockables for when you beat season mode, score a hundred points with one player, stuff like that.

  4. #19
    CATCH ME IN TRAFFIC NYK-Bball's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    They already update accessories just not haircuts.

  5. #20

    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    Quote Originally Posted by NYK-Bball
    They already update accessories just not haircuts.
    i know this idea would cause 2k sports to lose money. but i wish they would update EVERYTHING.

    hair, shoes, jerseys, accessories, looks, tatoos, nba courts, import rookies when they come into the league

    that would be amazing

  6. #21
    Good college starter NotYetGreat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    Quote Originally Posted by Kebab Stall
    Oh man, where do I start. There's so much I want improving, that I start to sound like an ungrateful little sh!t, but whatever, I'll go ahead and throw out my ideas.

    First of all, we all know that this game needs a mode, where you follow a player throughout his career, much like what Madden had.

    - You create a player
    - Go through all the workouts and the combine (this is important, because I could have so much fun with this part, but it has to be worthwhile and not a quick thing that is rushed)
    - You then go through interviews, this can be quick though. This would be so that GM's can get an idea of what you are like as a person and what you think of your own game. Whether you can recognise your own strengths and weaknesses.
    - You then get drafted
    - You then go through all the training and such, before finally getting to play in the games

    Association Mode

    - Include the preseason at the very start of the season, not at the very end, just before the next one. This is so that I can discover my lineups and such, what plays work well and such.
    - Rookie classes need to be drastically improved. The weights are stupid at the moment. How many 280lbs+ guys are in the league right now? Very few, if any. So, therefore, I should not be getting 10+ guys all above 280lbs in my draft class. We should be able to change the weights automatically, so that they are more realistic. (Just jump down to my Create-a-Player section for further details)
    - Include an All-Star weekend. Just an All-Star game is boring. It's a time of rest fun and enjoyment, let's make it like that. (also, when you go further in the association, the all-star game starts becoming out of place and is sometimes played on weekdays, this should not happen)
    - I should have the option of appointing assistant coachs to head coaches or just interim coaches, if the head coach is fired.
    - Include the summer league. This is definitly needed.
    - Include the Draft combine and make the workouts better.

    Creating-a-Team - tedloc has already touched upon it.

    - They need a hell of a lot more logos.
    - We should be given the oppotunity to use different style of uniforms. e.g. the Spurs uni has a differently layout to Minny's uni. We should be able to choose how the side panels, collar, etc, look.
    - We should also be able to create fans, including the look and even personality (Madden had this feature, but not the personality part). Different teams will have different types of fans. e.g. some teams have insane fans who cheer for everything, where as some teams have more laid back fans.

    Creating-a-Player - Possibly the weakest part of the game.

    - More hairstyles, facial hair, even more colours aswell.
    - More body types. Maybe include a morphing tool that we can use to adjust body types accordingly. Having three set types (which are all at the extreme end of things) is pathetic. Very skinny, very muscley or very fat, is not good enough.
    - Also, on a side note, as anyone noticed that the body types in association mode, when editing rookies, are completely different to the CAP mode body types?
    - More accessories. Arm bands, sleeves, leg sleevs, differnt height socks (again, only having 3 set heights is stupid. Include a tool that we can use to adjust the socks to any height)
    - A hell of a lot more shoes. The list right now, is beyond poor. Include some older shoes, more colours. The list should include 30+ shoes.
    - The ability to mix and match different shot styles, so that you can create a unique shot for your own player. e.g. break it down into foot placement, leg movement, arm movement, height of release, etc.


    There have been countless times where my player has just stood and watched the ball bounce over his head, because he didn't go for the rebound, yet I was tapping the button for him to grab it. This usually happens after the player has missed a shot and is then wondering why he missed it, instead of getting the Off. Reb.

    There has also been many times, where I have gone for the rebound and the ball has come down, straight through the hands of my player, hit his chest or knee and then bounced out of bounds. What the f*ck is going on here? That needs to be fixed.

    Also, 'magnetic hands' needs to go. When players go for a rebound, are a good foot or two from the ball, yet the ball just magically goes to their hands.


    The AI needs to be made smarter overall.

    The AI trading is pathetic. I've got it turned off and if a team is looking to move a player, I have to do it through my team, so that everything works out evenly and fairly. Which is annoying as f*ck, because I have to trade players away and then trade them back. It's just too much trouble.

    Also, has anyone had the problem of playing a team, that has a number of solid bench players, yet when you play that team the AI doesn't even sub them in?

    I had this problem today. I was playing the Raptors (I play as Memphis) and Kapono gets 20 mins coming off the bench as the teams 6th man and is averaging 10ppg. Yet the AI didn't even sub him into the game once. And that's not the worst thing. I occasionally play teams that only play 6 or 7 players against me and hardly ever dip into their bench.


    - Crowds should be more lively during the playoffs. And, as an extra step, the fans get more lively the deeper you go in the playoffs, so by the Finals, if you make it, the crowd is going crazy.

    - Make the whole ownership thing more realistic. I should be able to change prices on tickets, refreshments and merchandise. I should be able to offer fan nights, family nights, free Tacos and all the other cool stuff that NBA teams do.

    - Have colour outs. You know when you see Heat fans all wearing white for the 'white hot Heat', or when GSW made the playoffs and all the fans were wearing yellow. This would definitly add to the experience.

    - Also, to make the crowd more realistic, make sure that the amount of fans is relative to the amount of wins/loses. e.g. Memphis gets very few fans to games, make that noticable in game. If I start to win more, the amount of fans go up. If I start losing again, the amount of fans goes down.

    - Relocating the team. This should only be available, if the team's losing money, the town isn't interested at all, etc. Otherwise, people would just play with this option all day long. Make it realistic and only have it available in extreme conditions.

    - Include a weekly roundup at the end of each week. Showing the stories of the past week. The best games, the best players, the best statlines, etc.

    - On the half time show, actually have someone sitting at the desk.

    - Players should have team warmups and shooting jerseys and should also be wearing them, when on the bench.

    - Include team orientated training facilities. This one may be a bit of a stretch, but it really does add to the game.

    - Kind of following on from the last two points. When I go into development mode, I would like to see the players wearing the team's actually training shorts and jerseys.

    - Also, the development mode has reminded me of this. Only having 7 points for development is absolutely pathetic, especially when something like 3pt shooting takes up 4 points and this has to be spread over 30 or so days. We should be given 15, maybe 20 points for this feature.

    Now, I can see that some of these are too much to ask for and that a lot of this stuff will probably never make the game, but this is what I want to see, to make the most realistic game. It's these kind of things, especially the smaller things, that make the game even better than it could be. I love the small bits of detail, sometimes the smallest of detail, can make the biggest of changes.
    First part sounded just like the NBA series of Sony, but everything else, man, it's as if you read my mind.

    I also remember you being able to fix up your own show in the older ones, which was really great. Shoes were kinda lacking since 2K8.

  7. #22
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    Quote Originally Posted by NotYetGreat
    First part sounded just like the NBA series of Sony, but everything else, man, it's as if you read my mind.

    I also remember you being able to fix up your own show in the older ones, which was really great. Shoes were kinda lacking since 2K8.
    The own shoe thing is pointless to me if they just include more from nike/jordan.

    And they need and1's!

  8. #23
    LA champions again 23ajay's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    they need to add flagrantfouls and techacal fouls

  9. #24
    Bulls official mod Crazy Style's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    Most of the comments already mentioned I like, but I'd like to see better pre game, half time and post game commentary. The in game commentary is not bad since they show replays of guys that are shooting well, playing well defensively, playing well in the post etc, but it could be more in detail, for instance the commentator stating what player or players he's been able or not able to do good things against. It would be nice to see a commentator show highlights of a player that has played well the previous couple games in the pre game, actually stating the players stats including the high and low points of his game up to a particular game. It would also be cool if the commentators can talk about how a player has played against that particular team coming into the game. Finally Major awards should be presented in some way where you can actually see the award being granted to a team or player (Rookie of the year, Conference championship trophy, NBA Championship tropy, MVP, Finals MVP.) A good reference to look at would be soccer games in where they show the team actually celebrate more after winning a championship or big game with a trophy in their hands, confetti everywhere and a team photo, it shouldn't be that hard and it would add to the excitement of the game.
    Last edited by Crazy Style; 06-18-2009 at 04:01 PM.

  10. #25
    Sugar K
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    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    Make the draft MUCH MORE DEEP.

  11. #26
    Maybe Next year... t-rud349's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    Techs that can sway the refs into either giving you more calls or ignoring you more.

    Flagarents that make the cpu a lil more hesitant on dring to the lane.

    In close games a little more emotion. Much more emotion in the playoffs.

    Better scouting, drafting, and a deeper draft. 2kshare drft classes should be added.

    Deeper association. Upgrade the trading system to make it more difficult, player rights, cash considerations.

  12. #27
    Hustle Loyalty Respect Knicks101's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    An Expansion Draft.

  13. #28
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    Quote Originally Posted by Knicks101
    An Expansion Draft.
    +1 That'd make The Association a lot more interesting.

  14. #29
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    For the people who complained about the AI, you can set the teams rotation in terms of minutse, and the pc will follow that pretty well. You can even do situational lineups.

  15. #30
    NBA Finals
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    Default Re: Nba 2k10

    Create - a - team/player

    Create - an - area/jersey/mascot/etc.

    Remove some of the glitches

    All-Star weekend on A[COLOR="Black"]s[/COLOR]s. Mode

    ummmmm.....cant think of anymore off the top of my head

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