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  1. #76
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    There's something weird about the article that I don't understand. The kid was born in 84 and the article says that he didn't know Malone was his father until after he graduated HS, but the story broke out in 98 with the mother saying her son is ashamed that Malone won't claim him as his son. But if he was born in 84 and didn't know Malone was his father until he after HS, doesn't that mean he would've only known about it in 2002? Unless for some reason he graduated HS when he was 14.

  2. #77
    Not airballing my layups anymore Cerebral Jedi's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    I HATED malone with a passion, but when he came to the Lakers I cut him some slack, 'cause I was of the mind all can be somewhat forgiven due to this guaranteed championship we about to get. Well that didn't go as planned, then the whole thing with Kobe's wife. I was back to hating him and ashamed I had a weak moment and eased up on him. This article is just more proof malone is a scumbag. I wish I could get back that year of accepting him as an Laker. Oh well at least he didn't get that ring he wanted/needed.

  3. #78
    Good college starter Valliant13's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Quote Originally Posted by iamgine

    . Besides, most college freshman wouldn't refuse having sex with a 12-13 yr old girl (or any girl for that matter) if they can get away with it. Only now they're smart enough to use condoms.

    What backwoods, pedophilic, hillbilly town are you from....where the Majority of 21 year olds have no issue with banging 12-13 year old children?

  4. #79
    Sixers|Eagles|Phillies GOBB's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Quote Originally Posted by Valliant13
    What backwoods, pedophilic, hillbilly town are you from....where the Majority of 21 year olds have no issue with banging 12-13 year old children?

    This is where that freak is from

  5. #80
    Good college starter Valliant13's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Quote Originally Posted by GOBB
    8 and 13 = kids.

    13 = 8th grade

    13yr old has nothing in common with a college student. Especially one that is an athlete.

    The only difference with 8 & 13 is one is 5yrs older. The constant variable? Both are still kids.

    Pause, your entire post made no sense. I'm not the only one calling you out on it you future pedophile, peeping tom weirdo.

    There are no sides to the story that would change anything unless the sexual encounter NEVER occured. That is the only thing left for one to say "Hey lets not rush into judgement because this probably NEVER happened".

    Healthy freshman student? No a sick, perverted individual who either cant get laid by females his own age or older. There is absolutely nothing that can excuse a college athlete from sleeping with a 13yr old. F*ck outta here with the illegal wrong. Its common sense. Not only do you prey on the weak and vulnerable you steal thier innocence completely by putting a LIFE inside thier stomach. Then going on about your professional NBA career. Thats sick.

    You obviously dont have much of a clue nor had any interaction with 13yr old kids in that age range. They swear they are grown and want to reason with adults. They cant, they dont know any better. As a college student you have a clue. You KNOW hitting that 13yr old is wrong but you do it because its easy, you can be the first and/or want to control some minor. You know it wont take much to get in her head because you're older than her and that in itself is an attractive. Let alone going to college and being an athlete.

    Were you homeschooled you f*cking freak? Why do i even have to break down what any mature mofo should know. You dont f*ck 13yr olds. You're in college. College gurantees your sexual partners will double, triple in your life. You're gonna get laid, you're gonna get sexual advances thrown your way often and its up to your to accept or deny. Either way you got a shytload of college females...but somehow that 13yr old on the swings gives you a boner?

    Dont let me see you on How to Catch a Predator
    I occasionally have issue with some of GOBBs basketball opinions...but his postion on what consitutes a decent adults behaviour is right on
    Last edited by Valliant13; 04-30-2008 at 02:34 PM.

  6. #81
    ... iamgine's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Quote Originally Posted by GOBB
    There are no sides to the story that would change anything unless the sexual encounter NEVER occured. That is the only thing left for one to say "Hey lets not rush into judgement because this probably NEVER happened".

    Healthy freshman student? No a sick, perverted individual who either cant get laid by females his own age or older. There is absolutely nothing that can excuse a college athlete from sleeping with a 13yr old. F*ck outta here with the illegal wrong. Its common sense. Not only do you prey on the weak and vulnerable you steal thier innocence completely by putting a LIFE inside thier stomach. Then going on about your professional NBA career. Thats sick.

    You obviously dont have much of a clue nor had any interaction with 13yr old kids in that age range. They swear they are grown and want to reason with adults. They cant, they dont know any better. As a college student you have a clue. You KNOW hitting that 13yr old is wrong but you do it because its easy, you can be the first and/or want to control some minor. You know it wont take much to get in her head because you're older than her and that in itself is an attractive. Let alone going to college and being an athlete.

    Were you homeschooled you f*cking freak? Why do i even have to break down what any mature mofo should know. You dont f*ck 13yr olds. You're in college. College gurantees your sexual partners will double, triple in your life. You're gonna get laid, you're gonna get sexual advances thrown your way often and its up to your to accept or deny. Either way you got a shytload of college females...but somehow that 13yr old on the swings gives you a boner?
    Lol angry much? calling names is always great relief.

    You obviously havent seen some of the 13 year old walking around. First they look and act like they're 16. Then, you get drunk and are you seriously gonna ask their age before hitting em? As a college freshman who get p*ssy all the time? Please, n*gga.

    You are taking so many things out of context. Preying, nobody said anything about preying. For all we know it could be her that was preying on Karl. And I'm not defending his action, he might well be a pedophile, it's just we have only heard 1 party. Even in the court of law they will hear from both parties before judging. Why do you think that is?

    Quote Originally Posted by Killer_Instinct
    Boss, you're seriously gonna stand by this? I mean, what the hell? I'm 16 and won't touch a 13/12 year old. Much less if I was a college freshman. You're screwed in the head if you believe what you wrote to be true. Only guys that'll touch a kid that young are already pedophiles, man. And condoms? There's so many pregnant girls walking around my HS it isn't funny. Teen pregnancy is higher than ever.
    Yeah sure mate.

    I like your holier than thou attitude

    Although, people do get smarter nowadays about the use of condoms, much more so than back then.

    Quote Originally Posted by guy
    Are you speaking from experience? Cause when I was in college, nobody ever thought like that unless they were desperate and couldn't get some anywhere else, and those types usually are never college athletes. I think it is definitely possible that she was really just looked older thought, and Karl might've not known her age.
    Lol then I'd be writing this from jail wouldn't I?

    The bolded part is what I'm saying. People don't know the circumstances and then get quick on their feet to judge.

    Most college freshman should not be attracted to 13 year old girls
    Who's talking attracted here? P*ssy is still p*ssy. Sex is still sex. Men is still men. All those is true especially after a few beer. And college isn't really the smartest time of your life. That's the part of life where you make the most mistakes cause you try to experience everything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cerebral Jedi
    Is there another article I missed? Because I don't see where Bell initiated the contact. Maybe karl did? Maybe he finally felt enough shame to come forward and see his who was gonna graduate.
    I think you miss another article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cerebral Jedi
    Where are you from? I want to make sure I stay away from there if it's common for college kids to screw 12-13 girls.
    Lol wow, see what I mean by people quick to judge

    No one say anything about common, yet they assume.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valliant13
    What backwoods, pedophilic, hillbilly town are you from....where the Majority of 21 year olds have no issue with banging 12-13 year old children?
    Good job buddy. Thanks for proving my point.

  7. #82
    Good college starter Valliant13's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Originally Posted by Valliant13
    What backwoods, pedophilic, hillbilly town are you from....where the Majority of 21 year olds have no issue with banging 12-13 year old children?

    Quote Originally Posted by iamgine

    Good job buddy. Thanks for proving my point.
    What point:That you are a closet pedophile trying to justify it by assuming everyone else would commit the same loathsome act? You're welcome...I guess.
    Last edited by Valliant13; 04-30-2008 at 02:43 PM.

  8. #83
    Put yr guns up
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Only on ISH would someone defend this. I just don't see how, drunk or not, you mistake a 13-year old for being legal. Maybe she did look like she was 16, that's still not legal and f&cked up. And here's the original quote before he tries to act like he didn't say this:

    Quote Originally Posted by iamgine
    Besides, most college freshman wouldn't refuse having sex with a 12-13 yr old girl (or any girl for that matter) if they can get away with it.

  9. #84
    7-time NBA All-Star Dasher's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    First Member of the ISH Sex Offender Registry:

    Last edited by Dasher; 04-30-2008 at 03:17 PM.

  10. #85
    ErhnamDjinn's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Lolz granted we dont have both side of the story, how the hell can anyone justify what Malone did and constanly argue about it. I think you need to rethink what your saying, shutup and get on with living,because if thats how you think you sir are messed up.

  11. #86
    ... iamgine's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Quote Originally Posted by Valliant13
    Originally Posted by Valliant13
    What backwoods, pedophilic, hillbilly town are you from....where the Majority of 21 year olds have no issue with banging 12-13 year old children?

    What point:That you are closet pedophile trying to justify it by assuming everyone else would commit the same loathsome act? You're welcome...I guess.
    if you read the whole post then you'll figure out. here's a hint:
    Lol wow, see what I mean by people quick to judge
    oh wait you dont need a hint since you're not from backwoods, pedophilic, hillbilly town.
    Quote Originally Posted by SCY
    Only on ISH would someone defend this. I just don't see how, drunk or not, you mistake a 13-year old for being legal. Maybe she did look like she was 16, that's still not legal and f&cked up. And here's the original quote before he tries to act like he didn't say this:
    Yes I said that. And it's true. First, most college freshman are 17 - 18 yrs old.
    Second A LOT of these 13 yr old look like 15-16 or even older. Thats not legal by law only. If you read the whole quote, it said "if you can get away with it". So why a 17-18 yr old having sex with someone 4 yrs younger who look like 16 is so strange to ppl? wrong? yes. Hard to understand? no.

    Did anyone else take psychology back in college?

    And dasher, maybe if you make the font bigger it will look better

  12. #87
    Sixers|Eagles|Phillies GOBB's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    The majority says you're a perv. You're alone here. Maybe you can create a new account to get someone to cosign your sick movement. Right now? Doesnt look good for you.

  13. #88
    Put yr guns up
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Yes I said that. And it's true. First, most college freshman are 17 - 18 yrs old.
    Second A LOT of these 13 yr old look like 15-16 or even older. Thats not legal by law only. If you read the whole quote, it said "if you can get away with it". So why a 17-18 yr old having sex with someone 4 yrs younger who look like 16 is so strange to ppl? wrong? yes. Hard to understand? no.
    First of all I'm not sure what in the hell qualifies you to speak on what most college freshmen do. But just speaking on the people I know as a college soph, sure there's a fair share of weirdos who mess with high school chicks, but that's a bit different than a 13 year old. I at least would like to think that regardless of the gross factor of hitting an underage girl, most men would pride themselves on finding someone their own age or older and would be embarrassed that the best they could pull is someone underage. But whatever, I'm done with the argument, I just hope that people like you are rare.

  14. #89
    ... iamgine's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Quote Originally Posted by GOBB
    The majority says you're a perv. You're alone here. Maybe you can create a new account to get someone to cosign your sick movement. Right now? Doesnt look good for you.
    lol who cares? New account? are these people your account GOBB? And what sick movement lol?

    You know i'm right. Anyone who read the whole thing knows it's the reality. I don't endorse it, I don't support it, but I understand it as human nature in general.

    and scy, are you talking about something other than having meaningless sex? Most men want to have sex with someone younger. So still the question of why a 17-18 yr old having sex with someone 4 yrs younger who look like 16 is so strange to ppl remains.

  15. #90
    Sixers|Eagles|Phillies GOBB's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Soon you're gonna be calling Karl Malone a 16yr old sleeping with a 13yr old that looked 16 so there is no big deal. You're struggling with your position and at the same time lookin like a perv. Dont ever post your photo and address. If you live near me? I'll pistol beat you, until you got a Rahman lump.

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