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  1. #31
    for your health Prometheus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by Shogon
    Most people are too stupid, that’s true. But the people that are aware are too fat and happy.
    They are too fat, yes. Consider that a win for the healthcare industry.

    If they were too happy, would we really have 50 million+ people on psychiatric drugs?

    Another win for healthcare companies.

    Capitalism isn’t perfect but it’s the best we’ve got.
    Well... capitalism is better than communism. That I can agree with... easily. But capitalism and socialism are not antonyms. We are already living in a nation that is both capitalist and socialist. These are not mutually exclusive terms. No sensible person is talking about eradicating capitalism... but you have to be virtually blind to think it doesn't need its checks and balances.

    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here, and believe that this point is a semantic misunderstanding.

    Name one type of government that doesn’t end up corrupt. I’ll wait.
    I don't think I can do that. Corruption is not something that exists (or doesn't) in absolute terms. To different extents, it exists in any government... at least any government which at least attempts to present itself as democracy (after all, there is no corruption in a fascist state, or an autocracy, since they generate no illusions of serving the interests of the people, and there is nothing to 'corrupt').

    What I can do... easily... is rattle off the names of a few nations which are less corrupt than ours... inarguably so...

    Iceland, Norway, France, the UK, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Canada...

    You think Kobe is better than LeBron and you dare bring up IQ to me? Pathetic. “LOL THE MEDIA FOOLED YOU INTO THINKING LEBRON IS BETTER HAHA DUMBO!!” Riiight.
    I think the fact that you would even think to use the Kobe/LeBron debate in this context says a lot more about IQ than does my position within that debate.

  2. #32
    Un Hermano de Bernie Loco 50's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by Prometheus
    They are too fat, yes. Consider that a win for the healthcare industry.

    If they were too happy, would we really have 50 million+ people on psychiatric drugs?

    Another win for healthcare companies.

    Well... capitalism is better than communism. That I can agree with... easily. But capitalism and socialism are not antonyms. We are already living in a nation that is both capitalist and socialist. These are not mutually exclusive terms. No sensible person is talking about eradicating capitalism... but you have to be virtually blind to think it doesn't need its checks and balances.

    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here, and believe that this point is a semantic misunderstanding.

    I don't think I can do that. Corruption is not something that exists (or doesn't) in absolute terms. To different extents, it exists in any government... at least any government which at least attempts to present itself as democracy (after all, there is no corruption in a fascist state, or an autocracy, since they generate no illusions of serving the interests of the people, and there is nothing to 'corrupt').

    What I can do... easily... is rattle off the names of a few nations which are less corrupt than ours... inarguably so...

    Iceland, Norway, France, the UK, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Canada...

    I think the fact that you would even think to use the Kobe/LeBron debate in this context says a lot more about IQ than does my position within that debate.

    Knew you were a smart guy. You especially nailed some of the problems with healthcare to a f'n tee. You give me hope, sir.
    Last edited by Loco 50; 08-07-2019 at 12:44 AM.

  3. #33
    NBA rookie of the year Shogon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by Prometheus
    I think the fact that you would even think to use the Kobe/LeBron debate in this context says a lot more about IQ than does my position within that debate.
    Low IQ.

  4. #34
    for your health Prometheus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by Shogon
    Low IQ.

  5. #35
    NBA rookie of the year Shogon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by Prometheus

  6. #36
    for your health Prometheus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

  7. #37
    NBA rookie of the year diamenz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    sanders' biggest flaw is that he lacks the ability to explain himself well. he just sounds like the same, tired old screaming man from 2016. warren on the other hand is great at painting that same picture, and putting things into a perspective that anyone can understand and relate to... and that's pretty big when you're speaking to low information voters (most of america).

    sanders' and warren's policies and ideologies obviously revolve entirely around wealth redistribution. taxing the super rich (a little) harder, and redistributing that wealth to the lower and middle class through things like health care, free public college, etc. as well as taking on the drug and insurance companies' greed. so how radical is that really? is that indeed socialism? how many of u here r a part of the 1%, and if (since) you're not, what gets u up in arms about it? because it's not 'american'?

    sanders and warren are essentially the new dealers of the modern era. even seventy years ago, i don't think he would have been seen as the radical guy from mars that everyone makes him out to be. people are just too stubborn, caught in their tribalism, or set in their ways to look outside of their bubble and say, 'why not give it a shot'?

    this country has been on it's way out for a while now imo.

    "Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too."

    -Marcus Aurelius
    Last edited by diamenz; 08-07-2019 at 10:18 AM.

  8. #38
    The One CelticBaller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by diamenz
    sanders' biggest flaw is that he lacks the ability to explain himself well. he just sounds like the same, tired old screaming man from 2016. warren on the other hand is great at painting that same picture, and putting things into a perspective that anyone can understand and relate to... and that's pretty big when you're speaking to low information voters (most of america).

    sanders' and warren's policies and ideologies obviously revolve entirely around wealth redistribution. taxing the super rich (a little) harder, and redistributing that wealth to the lower and middle class through things like health care, free public college, etc. as well as taking on the drug and insurance companies' greed. so how radical is that really? is that indeed socialism? how many of u here r a part of the 1%, and if (since) you're not, what gets u up in arms about it? because it's not 'american'?

    sanders and warren are essentially the new dealers of the modern era. even seventy years ago, i don't think he would have been seen as the radical guy from mars that everyone makes him out to be. people are just too stubborn, caught in their tribalism, or set in their ways to look outside of their bubble and say, 'why not give it a shot'?

    this country has been on it's way out for a while now imo.

    "Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too."

    -Marcus Aurelius
    The problem is these politicians acts like they want to tax the big ultra rich companies but end up screwing the small business owners or the growing small business

  9. #39
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by CelticBaller
    The problem is these politicians acts like they want to tax the big ultra rich companies but end up screwing the small business owners or the growing small business


  10. #40
    for your health Prometheus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by CelticBaller
    The problem is these politicians acts like they want to tax the big ultra rich companies but end up screwing the small business owners or the growing small business
    This is a generalization (or a scare tactic, if you were a shill) and has nothing to do with any policies that Bernie is fighting for.

    A tax on Wall Street speculation isn't going to hurt small business owners. Forcing Amazon to pay taxes isn't going to hurt small business owners.

    Universal healthcare would very obviously help small business owners.

    Bernie Sanders should not be lumped in with "these politicians" without making any mention of his particular policies.

  11. #41
    The One CelticBaller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by Prometheus
    This is a generalization (or a scare tactic, if you were a shill) and has nothing to do with any policies that Bernie is fighting for.

    A tax on Wall Street speculation isn't going to hurt small business owners. Forcing Amazon to pay taxes isn't going to hurt small business owners.

    Universal healthcare would very obviously help small business owners.

    Bernie Sanders should not be lumped in with "these politicians" without making any mention of his particular policies.
    Or maybe I heard this same shtick before and I have direct knowledge of the amount of taxes state and federal impose on these business?

    I mean I am an accountant and have family who own grocery stores.
    Last edited by CelticBaller; 08-07-2019 at 03:36 PM.

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Bernie is a retrded statist who probably never had a real job in his life.

  13. #43
    NBA rookie of the year Shogon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by CelticBaller
    The problem is these politicians acts like they want to tax the big ultra rich companies but end up screwing the small business owners or the growing small business
    This is factually correct.

    Not only that, but raising the minimum wage actually hurts small businesses even further and by extension, helps large corporations in the long term.

    Having a minimum wage period actually completely prices truly low end people out of the market that either don't have enough skill to get a job or have no chance of getting a job because they're too dumb for a business to justify paying them minimum wage.

    What about felons/criminals? (I'm talking about the reformed ones that have paid their debt to society, obviously)

    Minimum wage hurts them also. Basically makes it impossible to get a job in most industries.

  14. #44
    for your health Prometheus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by CelticBaller
    Or maybe I heard this same shtick before and I have direct knowledge of the amount of taxes state and federal impose on these business?

    I mean I am an accountant and have family who own grocery stores.
    Well I'm not an accountant. I also haven't yet made up my mind as to who is getting my vote.

    Care to elaborate? What is Sanders going to do that will hurt small businesses?

  15. #45
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: Joe Rogan Experience - Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by Prometheus
    This is a generalization (or a scare tactic, if you were a shill) and has nothing to do with any policies that Bernie is fighting for.

    A tax on Wall Street speculation isn't going to hurt small business owners. Forcing Amazon to pay taxes isn't going to hurt small business owners.

    Universal healthcare would very obviously help small business owners.

    Bernie Sanders should not be lumped in with "these politicians" without making any mention of his particular policies.
    It would hurt a small businesses' ability to expand if those taxes are present. It disincentivizes growth and competition at a high level.

    Why would a small business want to put up some capital to grow into a large business if it's going to be hit with a tax it can't afford almost immediately?

    All these regulations do is have the opposite effect of what bernie retards wants - consolidation of power in big companies because they can actually afford the regulations.

    Why do you think Amazon is now lobbying for a $15 min wage? Out of the good ness of their heart? No. Because they know other companies can't afford it yet they can.

    Why do you think ExxonMobil agreed with the Paris Accord? Because the regulations that would've followed only large companies would've been able to afford. I can't believe the amount of retards chanting, "see even Exxon agrees with it. We should stay" when we decided to leave. Zero critical thinking skills.

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