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  1. #1
    Off the Meds. MMKM's Avatar
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    Default Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    Share your own if you dare. I have like 20 that I continuously cycle through, some are more psychotic than are 3 of my most frequent ones for any Freuds out there who can explain them:

    1. I'm running or biking through the hills and I'm attacked by a mountain lion. I manage to hold him off and break his neck. I always break the mountain lion's neck at the end of the dream to save myself.

    2. It's late at night and I have to be somewhere in the morning. I have to drive 300-400 miles in the middle of the night. The freeways are all intertwined and confusing, I miss exits, but continue going anyway. It never ends with me arriving at my destination.

    3. I'm back in high school, my senior year playing varsity bball. I'm the big man on campus. My junior year I tore it up and the school all has high expectations for me, but I've been skipping practice, eating junk and haven't stayed in shape. It's the home opener tonight and I'm heading to the gym wondering why I didn't prepare myself for this season. Then the dream stops. I never get to the actual game.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    Quote Originally Posted by MMKM
    1. I'm running or biking through the hills and I'm attacked by a mountain lion. I manage to hold him off and break his neck. I always break the mountain lion's neck at the end of the dream to save myself.
    You were Wilt Chamberlain in your past life. These are residual memories.

    2. It's late at night and I have to be somewhere in the morning. I have to drive 300-400 miles in the middle of the night. The freeways are all intertwined and confusing, I miss exits, but continue going anyway. It never ends with me arriving at my destination.
    You're gonna die.

    3. I'm back in high school, my senior year playing varsity bball. I'm the big man on campus. My junior year I tore it up and the school all has high expectations for me, but I've been skipping practice, eating junk and haven't stayed in shape. It's the home opener tonight and I'm heading to the gym wondering why I didn't prepare myself for this season. Then the dream stops. I never get to the actual game.
    You're a choke artist and you're gonna die.

  3. #3
    Off the Meds. MMKM's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    Number 1 I'll take it. 2 and 3 not so much

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    Quote Originally Posted by MMKM
    Number 1 I'll take it. 2 and 3 not so much
    In all seriousness, looks like you're worried about your path in life and you have anxiety about expectations about yourself... Expectations you feel you are not living up to because you are not committed fully to realizing your potential.

    Regarding the mountain lion-

    To see a mountain lion in your dream represents lurking danger, aggression and raw emotions. You need to keep your attitude and emotions in check. Alternatively, the mountain lion symbolizes pride and grace.
    Source: dream dictionary

    So sounds like whatever danger or emotional turmoil you face, you'll eventually overcome it (kill it).

    That'll be $39.95

  5. #5
    The People's Choice Draz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    I've had the same dreams since I was 6-10. Exactly the same, very minimum changes. All of me in different houses I used to live in, never in the house my parents baught. Never had a single fcking dream in this house and I've lived here for about 10 years now.

  6. #6
    Off the Meds. MMKM's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    Quote Originally Posted by Draz
    I've had the same dreams since I was 6-10. Exactly the same, very minimum changes. All of me in different houses I used to live in, never in the house my parents baught. Never had a single fcking dream in this house and I've lived here for about 10 years now.
    Care to elaborate?

  7. #7
    Off the Meds. MMKM's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    Quote Originally Posted by DonDadda59
    In all seriousness, looks like you're worried about your path in life and you have anxiety about expectations about yourself... Expectations you feel you are not living up to because you are not committed fully to realizing your potential.

    Regarding the mountain lion-

    To see a mountain lion in your dream represents lurking danger, aggression and raw emotions. You need to keep your attitude and emotions in check. Alternatively, the mountain lion symbolizes pride and grace.
    Source: dream dictionary

    So sounds like whatever danger or emotional turmoil you face, you'll eventually overcome it (kill it).

    That'll be $39.95
    That's seriously pretty good, I have to say.

  8. #8
    Off the Meds. MMKM's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    Quote Originally Posted by Rondooooooooooo
    I have only had a recurring dream once (or twice however you wanna look at it)

    I would be in my room at my parents house, then hear a loud noise and lights outside, so I look out my window and see a car tearing through all my neighbors lawns, then the car would flip around and head straight for me. Right before it would crash into my room and hit me, I would wake up.

    Had that dream 2 nights in a row a few years ago, but never had it since...
    I would guess if you only had it twice it was probably related to a temporary problem or situation....that's all I got

  9. #9
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    1) You shouldn't share your nightmares with the public. A good number of ancient cultures specifically warned against this act, as it spreads a curse. They've had precautions against them either through dreamcatchers, or certain things to chant prior to going to sleep.
    Without going into details, I've had horrific nightmares through my teenage years that have began since I was a toddler and have stopped for very pleasant ones recently.
    Ask me how I know? I've done it dozens of time and now reaping the negative consequences. Moreover, my younger sister is cursed with a great portion of them.

    2) Your soul has from the looks of ISH wreaked been a strong mix of arrogance and sociopathy.

    3) Freud is not a great dream analyzer. Joseph with his fancy colored coat is the master dream interpreter, a gift given to all Prophets. Carl Jung (who is so much more sane, well rounded, well developed.. an Aristotle to the Socrates) is second place.

    Your first dream is about is fighting the inner savage (Dadda beat me to it) through bipolar disorder. Be extra cautious on your lows. Make sure no innocents are nearby when you let loose the rage. You're winning now but you'll have to "kill the beast" or subvert it's urges someway somehow. Stay far far away from alcohol and make sure to grow stronger in mind and practice being more loving/compassionate.

    Your second dream is your inability to have limits to your conduct/speech and no guide or father figure or code of conduct to grant you direction. Basically you're lost and undisciplined. Do some soul-searching, find out what you want in life, head over there, and curb off any distractions that come forth. Hold yourself to a standard of morality as well.

    Your third dream symbolizes you being on a decline from your prime and living in the past. It requires a conscious decision to change yourself to meet the new expectations life is about to hand you. The war you face now is a fresh and new one. Your Junior self can not deal with it.

    Bump up the other dream logs of ISH.
    Last edited by JEFFERSON MONEY; 12-19-2015 at 01:15 AM.

  10. #10
    ... on a leash ArbitraryWater's Avatar
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    I walk a higher path, son

    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    Made a post on this somewhere here.. not sure if saved. Def. a few images or dreams kinda staying in your mind, not nec. nightmare stuff though, just interesting things.

  11. #11
    Off the Meds. MMKM's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    1) You shouldn't share your nightmares with the public. A good number of ancient cultures specifically warned against this act, as it spreads a curse. They've had precautions against them either through dreamcatchers, or certain things to chant prior to going to sleep.
    Without going into details, I've had horrific nightmares through my teenage years that have began since I was a toddler and have stopped for very pleasant ones recently.
    Ask me how I know? I've done it dozens of time and now reaping the negative consequences. Moreover, my younger sister is cursed with a great portion of them.

    2) Your soul has from the looks of ISH wreaked been a strong mix of arrogance and sociopathy.

    3) Freud is not a great dream analyzer. Joseph with his fancy colored coat is the master dream interpretor. Jung is second place.

    Your first dream is about is fighting the inner savage (Dadda beat me to it) through bipolar disorder. Be extra cautious on your lows. Make sure no innocents are nearby when you let loose the rage.

    Your second dream is your inability to have limits to your conduct/speech and no guide or father figure r code of conduct to grant you direction. Basically you're lost and undisciplined.

    Your third dream symbolizes you being on a decline from your prime and living in the past. It requires a conscious decision to change yourself to meet the new expectations life is about to hand you.
    Interesting... Want to go deeper down the rabbit hole?

  12. #12
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer 1987_Lakers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    Funny this thread was made because earlier today I was thinking about this horrific dream I had a few months back, it felt so real that it scared the shit out of me.

    So in the dream I get invited to a party by some strange looking guys, I agree and go and see the most odd looking characters you will ever see, I don't know how to describe them, they were just odd looking people who seemed to have alot of troubles in their life, and for a party it was pretty quiet. I remember a couple of chicks approaching me and licking my face, I didn't feel turned on, I actually felt a bit creeped out. I saw a friend in the dream, once he saw me he said I was "very corrupt" and he acts very cold towards me. Later in the dream I see him with a black eye, I asked what happened to him and his face slowly changes to someone else and that black eye turns into a missing eye, it looks like he just got shot at point blank or something. I must also mention I saw this tall creepy guy in a suit in the kitchen, I don't know what it was about him, but I was filled with fear when I saw him, he wasn't aggressive or anything, he just looked creepy.

    I then see this naked girl with big boobs dancing, I go and touch her boobs and she doesn't even look at me, she has no reaction. I seriously felt like I was at the most creepiest party imaginable. I wake up, or so I think I wake up, i look at the clock but I can't read the time, so I get up to turn the lights on in my room, lights don't work. At that moment I see a bright red light and feel paralyzed instantly, I couldn't move and felt instant fear. I remember thinking to myself to just calm down and don't panic and at that moment I wake up. Realized it was all a dream and I for some reason felt heat throughout my whole body.

    Seriously the most ****ed up dream I ever had, the thing that got me was how real it felt. I remember I was up awake for 2 hours after I awoke to that dream, was too scared to go back to sleep.

  13. #13
    Off the Meds. MMKM's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    Quote Originally Posted by 1987_Lakers
    Funny this thread was made because earlier today I was thinking about this horrific dream I had a few months back, it felt so real that it scared the shit out of me.

    So in the dream I get invited to a party by some strange looking guys, I agree and go and see the most odd looking characters you will ever see, I don't know how to describe them, they were just odd looking people who seemed to have alot of troubles in their life, and for a party it was pretty quiet. I remember a couple of chicks approaching me and licking my face, I didn't feel turned on, I actually felt a bit creeped out. I saw a friend in the dream, once he saw me he said I was "very corrupt" and he acts very cold towards me. Later in the dream I see him with a black eye, I asked what happened to him and his face slowly changes to someone else and that black eye turns into a missing eye, it looks like he just got shot at point blank or something. I must also mention I saw this tall creepy guy in a suit in the kitchen, I don't know what it was about him, but I was filled with fear when I saw him, he wasn't aggressive or anything, he just looked creepy.

    I then see this naked girl with big boobs dancing, I go and touch her boobs and she doesn't even look at me, she has no reaction. I seriously felt like I was at the most creepiest party imaginable. I wake up, or so I think I wake up, i look at the clock but I can't read the time, so I get up to turn the lights on in my room, lights don't work. At that moment I see a bright red light and feel paralyzed instantly, I couldn't move and felt instant fear. I remember thinking to myself to just calm down and don't panic and at that moment I wake up. Realized it was all a dream and I for some reason felt heat throughout my whole body.

    Seriously the most ****ed up dream I ever had, the thing that got me was how real it felt. I remember I was up awake for 2 hours after I awoke to that dream, was too scared to go back to sleep.
    Yeah...I've been to a few parties like that

  14. #14
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    In Islam, dreams can be split into:

    - Ones that come directly from God i.e. premonitions and prophecies (super rare)
    - Ones that come from your own soul (unfulfilled desires) [Most of them]
    - Ones that come from evil forces (nightmares) [the uncommon ones]

    Many of
    The second is annoying and not much can be gained from it. You're horny, or or lost, or hungry, or pissed or whatever. Something anyone realizes with some time to themselves and private introspection lol.

    The third type has no truth to it. The fear elicited wants to keep you off balance and away from happiness and love. Kind of like Pennywise and Freddy Krueger and Jeepers Creeper guy chasing the culprit around and around... until the person matures and realizes that it's not even freakin' real; they've been feeding it the whole time.

    It's advised to pray right after.

    - They are symbolic and emotional. If you dream of a family member, chances are it's actually about your anima or animus, younger or older depending upon which one. If you dream about objects, they have a defining trait.

    Try to exercise these faculties by seeing the connection of the subsequent examples.

    - Joseph saw
    12 stars the moon and the sun bowing down to him.
    These are his family pledging allegiance

    Prisoner 1 saw
    Cup of wine in a royal court.
    Earning a spot in becoming a wine server and later the cup being stolen.

    Prisoner 2 saw
    Birds feeding on bread on top of his head
    Pecking on top of him while he's being crucified.

    The Aziz saw
    Seven emaciated cows eating seven fat ones.
    Famine following prosperity.

    "Buckminster Fuller and the guy who invented the zipper actually got their inspiration from their dreams" - unknown source

  15. #15
    Off the Meds. MMKM's Avatar
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    Default Re: Recurring Dream/Nightmare Analysis

    Ok I'll do 3 more, and I should probably emphasize these are real and recurring:

    1) there is a pig and some sort of rodent, like an opossum or something. The pig is tickling the opossum and the opossum is laughing, this goes on for a while. Suddenly the pig opens his mouth wide and bites the opossum on the leg. The opossum screams in agony. Then I wake up.

    2) I'm making out with some chick and suddenly the chick turns into Stewie from family guy, but like a creepy human Stewie. He tries to kiss me and I punch him in the face, but he's undeterred. He keeps advancing and I just keep punching him.

    3) I'm in a public place with my mom. Suddenly im surrounded by police and they start closing in. I remember that I stabbed someone to death and buried them somewhere. Then the police surround some other random person, and I walk away.

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