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  1. #61
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

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    He wasn't strategic enough though; if he dissed Muslim or Mexican women, he'd probably skip college altogether and get hired by Donald Trump.

    Making millions.

  2. #62
    NBA Legend UK2K's Avatar
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    Jan 2014

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    Quote Originally Posted by ROCSteady
    Apologies for comin at you like that, I was way too quick to get hostile. I just think it's lazy when ppl call other ppl racist for sharing experiences/ observations about a certain demographic when it becomes a trend and not a one bad apple scenario.

    I do agree that it is an American black thing. One of my best girlfriends is a dark skinned girl whose family is from Sierra Leone. She's been an American her whole life but her family is African, they are wonderful gracious people with a joyous spirit and great attitude. I enjoy their family and their virtues. My mom also has had a lot of African friends from her church groups or whatever ad those people are also great; kind people with strong values and loving types. Great laughs, etc.

    However, she has two older sisters that have kind of fallen into the standard American black girl stereotype. Most likely because they went to black colleges like Howard and whatnot but they certainly aren't uneducated. They have become more or less that entitled diva type over the last few years but my main homegirl is pretty humble and very kind, despite being the most attractive out of all of them.

    Their family has shown me the different sides and how it really is American culture that leads to this unfortunate trend surrounding black chicks. Some just feel pressured or adapt to a certain attitude and philosophy that is monolithically placed on young black people in various social settings and institutions.

    That's not even getting into the hood rat types who have never been exposed to other ways of thinking except on television and whatnot.
    One of my good friends last semester was this black chick from Belgium.

    She said she hates blacks in America, male and female. Dresses nice, speaks proper, gets good grades.

    It's not racial in the sense it's not all blacks, but it's racial that it is definitely more of a black American thing than it is any other race here.

  3. #63
    NBA sixth man of the year
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    Jun 2006

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    Quote Originally Posted by UK2K
    Colorado student suspened for two years for posting that on Yik Yak....

    That's the post, in it's entirety.

    Suspended from school for two years. Two years! So I guess his graduation plan needs a bit of tinkering, and I guess until then he is going to have to go work some minimum wage job until he can start taking classes again.

    College campuses are really no longer schools for thought, or free speech. Sadly, the kids in college who support this will one day be adults.
    60 something percent of them are unmarried. That says enough.

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