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  1. #76
    The Only Way
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    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    what does IIRC mean? Thanks.

    There is no use arguing about primetime about last years mavs/heat series. I dont have a problem with it but he wont change his mind about it. I still think shaq helped a lot with wade and i still think the refs did screw the mavs over somewhat.

    That's why there is no use arguing with me about it either. The mavs were the better team in that series and thats a fact to me.

  2. #77
    Kings fan BradMiller52's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Masterplan
    what does IIRC mean? Thanks.

    There is no use arguing about primetime about last years mavs/heat series. I dont have a problem with it but he wont change his mind about it. I still think shaq helped a lot with wade and i still think the refs did screw the mavs over somewhat.

    That's why there is no use arguing with me about it either. The mavs were the better team in that series and thats a fact to me.

    IIRC=If I remember correctly

    And yeah I agree the Mavs were the more talented team and that the refs did screw them over a bit. I was rooting for the Pistons and the Heat beat them, so I rooted against Miami at the time. I was pissed as hell when Miami beat the Mavs but now that I look back on it I realize that Dwyane Wade(even when you factor in the few phantom fouls he got) was amazing.

  3. #78
    lebron stole my shoes! jo3y91's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    Quote Originally Posted by Poseidon
    You do realize that "foul shooter in a wheel-chair" single-handedly squashed your team in the 2006 NBA Finals right?

    Oh and Wade was the one who carried Shaq.....NOT the other way around.

    Wade > LeBron > Dirk
    reading that comment, i am now 10% stupider. with a fckn test 2morrow THANX!

  4. #79
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    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    Quote Originally Posted by jo3y91
    reading that comment, i am now 10% stupider. with a fckn test 2morrow THANX!
    You were already stupid to begin I doubt my comment really added to your idiocy.

  5. #80
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Masterplan
    what does IIRC mean? Thanks.

    There is no use arguing about primetime about last years mavs/heat series. I dont have a problem with it but he wont change his mind about it. I still think shaq helped a lot with wade and i still think the refs did screw the mavs over somewhat.

    That's why there is no use arguing with me about it either. The mavs were the better team in that series and thats a fact to me.
    now that I think about....this is 100% true

    the only thing you are gonna get out of me is a reminder of how bad those refs where...

  6. #81
    Chicken Parm
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    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    lebron isn't clutch. imo, to be in the top 5 in the nba you need to be clutch. d-wade falls into that category, as does nash, kobe, duncan, whoever else you want to name.

  7. #82
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    Quote Originally Posted by silencespeak
    lebron isn't clutch. imo, to be in the top 5 in the nba you need to be clutch. d-wade falls into that category, as does nash, kobe, duncan, whoever else you want to name.
    Wade and Kobe are more clutch than Lebron?

    they both went out in the first round...

    Nash didn't make it as far as Lebron either....but I will cut him some slack for playing against the champs with a bad ref

  8. #83
    I usually hit open layups
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    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    Quote Originally Posted by -primetime-
    Wade and Kobe are more clutch than Lebron?

    they both went out in the first round...

    Nash didn't make it as far as Lebron either....but I will cut him some slack for playing against the champs with a bad ref
    wade played the bulls in the 1st round. kobe played the spurs in the 1st round. lebron played the wizards in the first round w/o their two best players. So that is why wade and kobe didnt get past the 1st round and lebron did. Not to mention the fact that wade had a shoulder injury and knee tendonitis and his team (yes shaq included) were sleeping every game. You are probably the only person Ive ever heard that believes that lebron is more clutch than both kobe and wade. In the last 5 min. of a game, when the game is close you kno that wade and kobe are going to take over unlike lebron who hardly ever comes through late in the 4th.

  9. #84
    Smooth Like Butter Richie2k6's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    Primetime, I'm not going to make a massive post purely taking shots at you, I've done enough of that, and I'm behind that. Though I will make a massive post about why I believe Dwyane Wade is better than Lebron James.

    You seem to think that the reason the Heat won that championship was not because of Wade's domination against the Mavericks, but because of the almighty 18/8 Shaq. Besides around 18 points, 7 or 8 boards, a couple of blocks, Shaq is just a massive presence in the post with leadership capabilities and playoff experience. I'm not implying that Shaq was useless in the series, he wasn't. I'm implying that you're overrating his valubility. I'm say it loud and clear, right now - Dwyane Wade dominated the Dallas Mavericks almost by himself. Besides the obvious team help with other people scoring and rebounding and what not, that's common sense of course, Wade pretty much did it himself. He scored, he assisted, he blocked, he stole, he rebounded, he dominated. Averaging 37PPG in the Finals wasn't because Shaq was there - it was because Dwyane Wade flat out smashed the Dallas Mavericks from Game 3 and on. That's something Lebron is yet to do.

    In the entire Heat Finals series, Shaq wasn't spectacular. He averaged a grand total if 13.6PPG and 10.1RPG. Less than phenomenal. Besides 13/10 and a 300lbs presence and Finals experience, he wasn't extremely useful. He was in foul trouble in every game except 2 and 3. He played only 27 minutes in game 2, resulting in 5 points. He played only 29 minutes in game 4, and he played 30 minutes in game 6 resulting in 9 points. Dwyane Wade? I shouldn't even have to explain what he did in every game. He was beyond amazing for the whole series.

    Lebron James, in the Finals, shot 34% while averaging almost 6 turnovers. Talk about showing up in the Finals. And there's really no excuse for it. You can't say Bowen locked him down, because he didn't. Lebron decided to shoot jumpshots when he could have plowed his way into the lane and scored, so it was his own fault. Hish highest shooting percentage output was 42% in game 2. His worst? 25% in game one. Oh, and we can't forget, he got swept. I just had to put that out there, because it matters.

    As for Dwyane Wade getting swept against the Bulls, he had dislocated his shoulder prior to the series and wasn't even 100%, so really, it wasn't his fault. The Heat were lucky he even decided to play instead of taking surgery immediately. So enough with the "wheelchair" stuff, it's immature. He got swept by the Bulls because he wasn't 100%. You could tell by his numbers and percentages. His FG% went down because he couldn't attack the rim as much like he always did without risk of injuring himself even further. Before he got injured he was averaging 28/5/7 on 50% shooting.

    Now as for actual comparison of the two, let's break it down. Lebron James averaged 27.3PPG on .476% shooting. Dwyane Wade averaged 28.9PPG on .491% shooting, all the while even averaging less shot attempts then Lebron.

    Lebron James' eFG%: .493%
    Dwyane Wade's eFG%: .491

    Lebron James' TS%: .543%
    Dwyane Wade's TS%: .566%

    Lebron James' FT%: .733%
    Dwyane Wade's FT%: .777%

    Lebron James' 06-07 Efficiency Rating: 24.5
    Dwyane Wade's 06-07 Efficiency Rating: 28.9

    Lebron James' Career APG: 6.4
    Dwyane Wade's Career APG: 6.4

    Lebron James' Career BPG: 0.7
    Dwyane Wade's Career BPG: 0.9

    Dwyane Wade does all that in less minutes per game than Lebron. (41 to 37). He shoots a higher percentage, even as a guard, while Lebron shoots a worse percentage as a forward. Lebron averages more rebounds simply because of size and strength, but what's even more amazing is the fact that Dwyane Wade is a better blocker AND stealer than Lebron. Dwyane Wade was an All-Defensive team selection once. Lebron James was an All-Defensive team selection never.

    Passing wise, it's pretty even, but I give the slight edge to Wade because of the fact that he's a guard and is an extremely, extremely good decision-maker. Watching many Heat games I've heard commentators say he's the second best decision maker in the league behind Steve Nash. Other than Nash, Wade is a keen and spectacular decision maker. Lebron? Not exactly the most clutch player in the league.

    Add on the fact that Wade usually beats the Cavaliers (I'm pretty sure) and has a history of ripping them to shreds. Remember last year when the Cavaliers were facing the Heat? I do. I remember in the fourth quarter, Wade was the point guard and they continued to run the same isolation play at the top of the key for him over and over and over again. Nobody could stop him. He kept scoring at will and kept getting to the line at will. He led the league in 4th quarter PPG averages last year. He's a 4th quarter and clutch player, and any coach would want their point guard/shooting guard to be clutch, which Lebron isn't exactly.

    Then we get to the fact that Dwyane Wade can get to the line at will. He attacks the rim more than any player in the league - Kobe, Iverson, Lebron, you name it. Wade slashes more than anybody and he relentlessly attacks the basket more than anybody, which is why his FG% is so high. Common sense - the closer you shoot the ball to the basket, the more likely it is to go in. Lebron decides to pull up for fade aways like Kobe Bryant and fails miserably, which is why his FG% isn't quite as high as Wade's. Dwyane Wade can get to the line at will because he knows how to create contact. You keep bringing up the phantom fouls in the Finals. Okay, so fouls were called a couple of times when they shouldn't have. Why are you hating on Wade? Did HE blow the whistle? Did he pay the refs to blow it? No. It's the referees' fault they're blind as bats and called a few stupid calls in the Finals. Stop blaming Wade and calling him D-Whistle or saying he's a David Stern mama's boy. It's not his fault there were a few stupid fouls - it's the blind refs.

    Back to the fact that he can get to the line at will. He proved it when he set the new free throw attempts record. Now you're going to start saying he's a cheater or something, right? Wrong. Again, it was the refs fault, that's obvious. But other than that, watching games of Wade you would realize that he is a master at creating contact. He attacks the rim so much he gets to the line so much. The most you attack the rim, the more free throws you'll get, simple as that. He creates contact at will and is even a goot free throw shooter. (.777%).

    As for shooting, I really don't know who to pick. Wade has the higher FG% and FT%, but Lebron has the higher 3PT%. But Wade has money spots where his mid-range shot almost always goes it, and Lebron doesn't really have a consistent shot at all. Wade's mid range shot is coming along nicely since his rookie season, and so is Lebron's, just not quite as well. Lebron's 3PT% is higher because he attempts more 3's. The more you attempt, the more likely you are to get one in. Wade scored more three pointers in the playoffs alone than he did in the entire regular season last year - that's proof that his 3PT shot is coming along nicely and that it will be solid one day. He just simply doesn't attempt them, because he knows attacking the rim is more efficient. Coaches want their guards to slash and get to the line and attack the rim, not shoot 30 footers, for the most part. Wade knows slashing is more efficient than 3PTing, therefore he does that more. Like Carmelo Anthony. He shot 50% from 3 land in the Playoffs against the Spurs. Yet he still doesn't jack'em up like Arenas. Why? Because he knows attacking the rim beats 3 point shooting. You're more likely to score, and much much more likely to get to the line. Carmelo's 3PTer is pretty good, but he doesn't do it much, like Wade, because his game is built around attacking the rim.


    So there, I've stated reasons why a lot of coaches would rather have a clutch guard that can get to the line, score, block, steal, assist, lead, be clutch, and play defense instead of a forward who settles for jumpshots a bit more than he should and shoots a lower percentage and isn't as clutch. I've always thought people say Wade is overrated because of the "D-Whistle" crap and the fact that he got injured. In the basketball society today, apparently, if you get injured, you suddenly suck. Doesn't make sense at all. As for the Finals, primetime, get over it, seriously, please. You can't change the past. What happens happens, the phantom calls, whatever. Just please stop whining about it. Your Mavericks still have a good chance at the title next year - move on.

    Starting a franchise and near a superstar? I'd probably pick Lebron, simply becaue he doesn't get injured as much and is more valuable, not because he is better, which I don't think he is. Valubility and skill are two different things. But if it's Game 7 of the NBA Finals, give me Dwyane Wade in a heartbeat instantly.

    In the end, I pick Dwyane Wade over Lebron James.
    Last edited by Richie2k6; 07-30-2007 at 01:02 PM.

  10. #85
    I usually hit open layups
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    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    Quote Originally Posted by Richie2k6
    Primetime, I'm not going to make a massive post purely taking shots at you, I've done enough of that, and I'm behind that. Though I will make a massive post about why I believe Dwyane Wade is better than Lebron James.

    You seem to think that the reason the Heat won that championship was not because of Wade's domination against the Mavericks, but because of the almighty 18/8 Shaq. Besides around 18 points, 7 or 8 boards, a couple of blocks, Shaq is just a massive presence in the post with leadership capabilities and playoff experience. I'm not implying that Shaq was useless in the series, he wasn't. I'm implying that you're overrating his valubility. I'm say it loud and clear, right now - Dwyane Wade dominated the Dallas Mavericks almost by himself. Besides the obvious team help with other people scoring and rebounding and what not, that's common sense of course, Wade pretty much did it himself. He scored, he assisted, he blocked, he stole, he rebounded, he dominated. Averaging 37PPG in the Finals wasn't because Shaq was there - it was because Dwyane Wade flat out smashed the Dallas Mavericks from Game 3 and on. That's something Lebron is yet to do.

    In the entire Heat Finals series, Shaq wasn't spectacular. He averaged a grand total if 13.6PPG and 10.1RPG. Less than phenomenal. Besides 13/10 and a 300lbs presence and Finals experience, he wasn't extremely useful. He was in foul trouble in every game except 2 and 3. He played only 27 minutes in game 2, resulting in 5 points. He played only 29 minutes in game 4, and he played 30 minutes in game 6 resulting in 9 points. Dwyane Wade? I shouldn't even have to explain what he did in every game. He was beyond amazing for the whole series.

    Lebron James, in the Finals, shot 34% while averaging almost 6 turnovers. Talk about showing up in the Finals. And there's really no excuse for it. You can't say Bowen locked him down, because he didn't. Lebron decided to shoot jumpshots when he could have plowed his way into the lane and scored, so it was his own fault. Hish highest shooting percentage output was 42% in game 2. His worst? 25% in game one. Oh, and we can't forget, he got swept. I just had to put that out there, because it matters.

    As for Dwyane Wade getting swept against the Bulls, he had dislocated his shoulder prior to the series and wasn't even 100%, so really, it wasn't his fault. The Heat were lucky he even decided to play instead of taking surgery immediately. So enough with the "wheelchair" stuff, it's immature. He got swept by the Bulls because he wasn't 100%. You could tell by his numbers and percentages. His FG% went down because he couldn't attack the rim as much like he always did without risk of injuring himself even further. Before he got injured he was averaging 28/5/7 on 50% shooting.

    Now as for actual comparison of the two, let's break it down. Lebron James averaged 27.3PPG on .476% shooting. Dwyane Wade averaged 28.9PPG on .491% shooting, all the while even averaging less shot attempts then Lebron.

    Lebron James' eFG%: .493%
    Dwyane Wade's eFG%: .491

    Lebron James' TS%: .543%
    Dwyane Wade's TS%: .566%

    Lebron James' FT%: .733%
    Dwyane Wade's FT%: .777%

    Lebron James' 06-07 Efficiency Rating: 24.5
    Dwyane Wade's 06-07 Efficiency Rating: 28.9

    Lebron James' Career APG: 6.4
    Dwyane Wade's Career APG: 6.4

    Lebron James' Career BPG: 0.7
    Dwyane Wade's Career BPG: 0.9

    Dwyane Wade does all that in less minutes per game than Lebron. (41 to 37). He shoots a higher percentage, even as a guard, while Lebron shoots a worse percentage as a forward. Lebron averages more rebounds simply because of size and strength, but what's even more amazing is the fact that Dwyane Wade is a better blocker AND stealer than Lebron. Dwyane Wade was an All-Defensive team selection once. Lebron James was an All-Defensive team selection never.

    Passing wise, it's pretty even, but I give the slight edge to Wade because of the fact that he's a guard and is an extremely, extremely good decision-maker. Watching many Heat games I've heard commentators say he's the second best decision maker in the league behind Steve Nash. Other than Nash, Wade is a keen and spectacular decision maker. Lebron? Not exactly the most clutch player in the league.

    Add on the fact that Wade usually beats the Cavaliers (I'm pretty sure) and has a history of ripping them to shreds. Remember last year when the Cavaliers were facing the Heat? I do. I remember in the fourth quarter, Wade was the point guard and they continued to run the same isolation play at the top of the key for him over and over and over again. Nobody could stop him. He kept scoring at will and kept getting to the line at will. He led the league in 4th quarter PPG averages last year. He's a 4th quarter and clutch player, and any coach would want their point guard/shooting guard to be clutch, which Lebron isn't exactly.

    Then we get to the fact that Dwyane Wade can get to the line at will. He attacks the rim more than any player in the league - Kobe, Iverson, Lebron, you name it. Wade slashes more than anybody and he relentlessly attacks the basket more than anybody, which is why his FG% is so high. Common sense - the closer you shoot the ball to the basket, the more likely it is to go in. Lebron decides to pull up for fade aways like Kobe Bryant and fails miserably, which is why his FG% isn't quite as high as Wade's. Dwyane Wade can get to the line at will because he knows how to create contact. You keep bringing up the phantom fouls in the Finals. Okay, so fouls were called a couple of times when they shouldn't have. Why are you hating on Wade? Did HE blow the whistle? Did he pay the refs to blow it? No. It's the referees' fault they're blind as bats and called a few stupid calls in the Finals. Stop blaming Wade and calling him D-Whistle or saying he's a David Stern mama's boy. It's not his fault there were a few stupid fouls - it's the blind refs.

    Back to the fact that he can get to the line at will. He proved it when he set the new free throw attempts record. Now you're going to start saying he's a cheater or something, right? Wrong. Again, it was the refs fault, that's obvious. But other than that, watching games of Wade you would realize that he is a master at creating contact. He attacks the rim so much he gets to the line so much. The most you attack the rim, the more free throws you'll get, simple as that. He creates contact at will and is even a goot free throw shooter. (.777%).

    As for shooting, I really don't know who to pick. Wade has the higher FG% and FT%, but Lebron has the higher 3PT%. But Wade has money spots where his mid-range shot almost always goes it, and Lebron doesn't really have a consistent shot at all. Wade's mid range shot is coming along nicely since his rookie season, and so is Lebron's, just not quite as well. Lebron's 3PT% is higher because he attempts more 3's. The more you attempt, the more likely you are to get one in. Wade scored more three pointers in the playoffs alone than he did in the entire regular season last year - that's proof that his 3PT shot is coming along nicely and that it will be solid one day. He just simply doesn't attempt them, because he knows attacking the rim is more efficient. Coaches want their guards to slash and get to the line and attack the rim, not shoot 30 footers, for the most part. Wade knows slashing is more efficient than 3PTing, therefore he does that more. Like Carmelo Anthony. He shot 50% from 3 land in the Playoffs against the Spurs. Yet he still doesn't jack'em up like Arenas. Why? Because he knows attacking the rim beats 3 point shooting. You're more likely to score, and much much more likely to get to the line. Carmelo's 3PTer is pretty good, but he doesn't do it much, like Wade, because his game is built around attacking the rim.


    So there, I've stated reasons why a lot of coaches would rather have a clutch guard that can get to the line, score, block, steal, assist, lead, be clutch, and play defense instead of a forward who settles for jumpshots a bit more than he should and shoots a lower percentage and isn't as clutch. I've always thought people say Wade is overrated because of the "D-Whistle" crap and the fact that he got injured. In the basketball society today, apparently, if you get injured, you suddenly suck. Doesn't make sense at all. As for the Finals, primetime, get over it, seriously, please. You can't change the past. What happens happens, the phantom calls, whatever. Just please stop whining about it. Your Mavericks still have a good chance at the title next year - move on.

    Starting a franchise and near a superstar? I'd probably pick Lebron, simply becaue he doesn't get injured as much and is more valuable, not because he is better, which I don't think he is. Valubility and skill are two different things. But if it's Game 7 of the NBA Finals, give me Dwyane Wade in a heartbeat instantly.

    In the end, I pick Dwyane Wade over Lebron James.
    wow this cannot be the same guy who a little while ago was bashing wade and saying that he had a ton of support from gary payton and shaq in the 2006 finals. A complete change of heart from b4. I applaud u for seeing the light

  11. #86
    Smooth Like Butter Richie2k6's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    Quote Originally Posted by d-wade2923
    wow this cannot be the same guy who a little while ago was bashing wade and saying that he had a ton of support from gary payton and shaq in the 2006 finals. A complete change of heart from b4. I applaud u for seeing the light
    I'm pretty sure I was referring to the regular season. I know in the Finals it was pretty much all him.

  12. #87
    NBA sixth man of the year picc84's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    Quote Originally Posted by Richie2k6
    Primetime, I'm not going to make a massive post purely taking shots at you, I've done enough of that, and I'm behind that. Though I will make a massive post about why I believe Dwyane Wade is better than Lebron James.

    You seem to think that the reason the Heat won that championship was not because of Wade's domination against the Mavericks, but because of the almighty 18/8 Shaq. Besides around 18 points, 7 or 8 boards, a couple of blocks, Shaq is just a massive presence in the post with leadership capabilities and playoff experience. I'm not implying that Shaq was useless in the series, he wasn't. I'm implying that you're overrating his valubility. I'm say it loud and clear, right now - Dwyane Wade dominated the Dallas Mavericks almost by himself. Besides the obvious team help with other people scoring and rebounding and what not, that's common sense of course, Wade pretty much did it himself. He scored, he assisted, he blocked, he stole, he rebounded, he dominated. Averaging 37PPG in the Finals wasn't because Shaq was there - it was because Dwyane Wade flat out smashed the Dallas Mavericks from Game 3 and on. That's something Lebron is yet to do.

    In the entire Heat Finals series, Shaq wasn't spectacular. He averaged a grand total if 13.6PPG and 10.1RPG. Less than phenomenal. Besides 13/10 and a 300lbs presence and Finals experience, he wasn't extremely useful. He was in foul trouble in every game except 2 and 3. He played only 27 minutes in game 2, resulting in 5 points. He played only 29 minutes in game 4, and he played 30 minutes in game 6 resulting in 9 points. Dwyane Wade? I shouldn't even have to explain what he did in every game. He was beyond amazing for the whole series.

    Lebron James, in the Finals, shot 34% while averaging almost 6 turnovers. Talk about showing up in the Finals. And there's really no excuse for it. You can't say Bowen locked him down, because he didn't. Lebron decided to shoot jumpshots when he could have plowed his way into the lane and scored, so it was his own fault. Hish highest shooting percentage output was 42% in game 2. His worst? 25% in game one. Oh, and we can't forget, he got swept. I just had to put that out there, because it matters.

    As for Dwyane Wade getting swept against the Bulls, he had dislocated his shoulder prior to the series and wasn't even 100%, so really, it wasn't his fault. The Heat were lucky he even decided to play instead of taking surgery immediately. So enough with the "wheelchair" stuff, it's immature. He got swept by the Bulls because he wasn't 100%. You could tell by his numbers and percentages. His FG% went down because he couldn't attack the rim as much like he always did without risk of injuring himself even further. Before he got injured he was averaging 28/5/7 on 50% shooting.

    Now as for actual comparison of the two, let's break it down. Lebron James averaged 27.3PPG on .476% shooting. Dwyane Wade averaged 28.9PPG on .491% shooting, all the while even averaging less shot attempts then Lebron.

    Lebron James' eFG%: .493%
    Dwyane Wade's eFG%: .491

    Lebron James' TS%: .543%
    Dwyane Wade's TS%: .566%

    Lebron James' FT%: .733%
    Dwyane Wade's FT%: .777%

    Lebron James' 06-07 Efficiency Rating: 24.5
    Dwyane Wade's 06-07 Efficiency Rating: 28.9

    Lebron James' Career APG: 6.4
    Dwyane Wade's Career APG: 6.4

    Lebron James' Career BPG: 0.7
    Dwyane Wade's Career BPG: 0.9

    Dwyane Wade does all that in less minutes per game than Lebron. (41 to 37). He shoots a higher percentage, even as a guard, while Lebron shoots a worse percentage as a forward. Lebron averages more rebounds simply because of size and strength, but what's even more amazing is the fact that Dwyane Wade is a better blocker AND stealer than Lebron. Dwyane Wade was an All-Defensive team selection once. Lebron James was an All-Defensive team selection never.

    Passing wise, it's pretty even, but I give the slight edge to Wade because of the fact that he's a guard and is an extremely, extremely good decision-maker. Watching many Heat games I've heard commentators say he's the second best decision maker in the league behind Steve Nash. Other than Nash, Wade is a keen and spectacular decision maker. Lebron? Not exactly the most clutch player in the league.

    Add on the fact that Wade usually beats the Cavaliers (I'm pretty sure) and has a history of ripping them to shreds. Remember last year when the Cavaliers were facing the Heat? I do. I remember in the fourth quarter, Wade was the point guard and they continued to run the same isolation play at the top of the key for him over and over and over again. Nobody could stop him. He kept scoring at will and kept getting to the line at will. He led the league in 4th quarter PPG averages last year. He's a 4th quarter and clutch player, and any coach would want their point guard/shooting guard to be clutch, which Lebron isn't exactly.

    Then we get to the fact that Dwyane Wade can get to the line at will. He attacks the rim more than any player in the league - Kobe, Iverson, Lebron, you name it. Wade slashes more than anybody and he relentlessly attacks the basket more than anybody, which is why his FG% is so high. Common sense - the closer you shoot the ball to the basket, the more likely it is to go in. Lebron decides to pull up for fade aways like Kobe Bryant and fails miserably, which is why his FG% isn't quite as high as Wade's. Dwyane Wade can get to the line at will because he knows how to create contact. You keep bringing up the phantom fouls in the Finals. Okay, so fouls were called a couple of times when they shouldn't have. Why are you hating on Wade? Did HE blow the whistle? Did he pay the refs to blow it? No. It's the referees' fault they're blind as bats and called a few stupid calls in the Finals. Stop blaming Wade and calling him D-Whistle or saying he's a David Stern mama's boy. It's not his fault there were a few stupid fouls - it's the blind refs.

    Back to the fact that he can get to the line at will. He proved it when he set the new free throw attempts record. Now you're going to start saying he's a cheater or something, right? Wrong. Again, it was the refs fault, that's obvious. But other than that, watching games of Wade you would realize that he is a master at creating contact. He attacks the rim so much he gets to the line so much. The most you attack the rim, the more free throws you'll get, simple as that. He creates contact at will and is even a goot free throw shooter. (.777%).

    As for shooting, I really don't know who to pick. Wade has the higher FG% and FT%, but Lebron has the higher 3PT%. But Wade has money spots where his mid-range shot almost always goes it, and Lebron doesn't really have a consistent shot at all. Wade's mid range shot is coming along nicely since his rookie season, and so is Lebron's, just not quite as well. Lebron's 3PT% is higher because he attempts more 3's. The more you attempt, the more likely you are to get one in. Wade scored more three pointers in the playoffs alone than he did in the entire regular season last year - that's proof that his 3PT shot is coming along nicely and that it will be solid one day. He just simply doesn't attempt them, because he knows attacking the rim is more efficient. Coaches want their guards to slash and get to the line and attack the rim, not shoot 30 footers, for the most part. Wade knows slashing is more efficient than 3PTing, therefore he does that more. Like Carmelo Anthony. He shot 50% from 3 land in the Playoffs against the Spurs. Yet he still doesn't jack'em up like Arenas. Why? Because he knows attacking the rim beats 3 point shooting. You're more likely to score, and much much more likely to get to the line. Carmelo's 3PTer is pretty good, but he doesn't do it much, like Wade, because his game is built around attacking the rim.


    So there, I've stated reasons why a lot of coaches would rather have a clutch guard that can get to the line, score, block, steal, assist, lead, be clutch, and play defense instead of a forward who settles for jumpshots a bit more than he should and shoots a lower percentage and isn't as clutch. I've always thought people say Wade is overrated because of the "D-Whistle" crap and the fact that he got injured. In the basketball society today, apparently, if you get injured, you suddenly suck. Doesn't make sense at all. As for the Finals, primetime, get over it, seriously, please. You can't change the past. What happens happens, the phantom calls, whatever. Just please stop whining about it. Your Mavericks still have a good chance at the title next year - move on.

    Starting a franchise and near a superstar? I'd probably pick Lebron, simply becaue he doesn't get injured as much and is more valuable, not because he is better, which I don't think he is. Valubility and skill are two different things. But if it's Game 7 of the NBA Finals, give me Dwyane Wade in a heartbeat instantly.

    In the end, I pick Dwyane Wade over Lebron James.
    I agree with almost everything you said here. Only exceptions are:

    1. Wade's injury didnt seem to be affecting him at all in the Heat series, especially not on those flying, leaping blocks and rebounds, and tomahawk dunks he was doing. If the shoulder, to his weak arm, was affecting him, it did so minimally.
    2. He is somewhat to be blamed for the refs in the finals, a little, because he began flopping egregiously in response.

    Besides those, cosign everything. I take Wade over Lebron easily these days, but would start a franchise with Bron simply because I think he has more upside/potential. Wade's jumper is money, as are his driving skills, passing, and help defense. When Lebron learns how to shoot and plays better defense, things will change.

  13. #88
    The Big Bang
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    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    Quote Originally Posted by Richie2k6
    Primetime, I'm not going to make a massive post purely taking shots at you, I've done enough of that, and I'm behind that. Though I will make a massive post about why I believe Dwyane Wade is better than Lebron James.

    You seem to think that the reason the Heat won that championship was not because of Wade's domination against the Mavericks, but because of the almighty 18/8 Shaq. Besides around 18 points, 7 or 8 boards, a couple of blocks, Shaq is just a massive presence in the post with leadership capabilities and playoff experience. I'm not implying that Shaq was useless in the series, he wasn't. I'm implying that you're overrating his valubility. I'm say it loud and clear, right now - Dwyane Wade dominated the Dallas Mavericks almost by himself. Besides the obvious team help with other people scoring and rebounding and what not, that's common sense of course, Wade pretty much did it himself. He scored, he assisted, he blocked, he stole, he rebounded, he dominated. Averaging 37PPG in the Finals wasn't because Shaq was there - it was because Dwyane Wade flat out smashed the Dallas Mavericks from Game 3 and on. That's something Lebron is yet to do.

    In the entire Heat Finals series, Shaq wasn't spectacular. He averaged a grand total if 13.6PPG and 10.1RPG. Less than phenomenal. Besides 13/10 and a 300lbs presence and Finals experience, he wasn't extremely useful. He was in foul trouble in every game except 2 and 3. He played only 27 minutes in game 2, resulting in 5 points. He played only 29 minutes in game 4, and he played 30 minutes in game 6 resulting in 9 points. Dwyane Wade? I shouldn't even have to explain what he did in every game. He was beyond amazing for the whole series.

    Lebron James, in the Finals, shot 34% while averaging almost 6 turnovers. Talk about showing up in the Finals. And there's really no excuse for it. You can't say Bowen locked him down, because he didn't. Lebron decided to shoot jumpshots when he could have plowed his way into the lane and scored, so it was his own fault. Hish highest shooting percentage output was 42% in game 2. His worst? 25% in game one. Oh, and we can't forget, he got swept. I just had to put that out there, because it matters.

    As for Dwyane Wade getting swept against the Bulls, he had dislocated his shoulder prior to the series and wasn't even 100%, so really, it wasn't his fault. The Heat were lucky he even decided to play instead of taking surgery immediately. So enough with the "wheelchair" stuff, it's immature. He got swept by the Bulls because he wasn't 100%. You could tell by his numbers and percentages. His FG% went down because he couldn't attack the rim as much like he always did without risk of injuring himself even further. Before he got injured he was averaging 28/5/7 on 50% shooting.

    Now as for actual comparison of the two, let's break it down. Lebron James averaged 27.3PPG on .476% shooting. Dwyane Wade averaged 28.9PPG on .491% shooting, all the while even averaging less shot attempts then Lebron.

    Lebron James' eFG%: .493%
    Dwyane Wade's eFG%: .491

    Lebron James' TS%: .543%
    Dwyane Wade's TS%: .566%

    Lebron James' FT%: .733%
    Dwyane Wade's FT%: .777%

    Lebron James' 06-07 Efficiency Rating: 24.5
    Dwyane Wade's 06-07 Efficiency Rating: 28.9

    Lebron James' Career APG: 6.4
    Dwyane Wade's Career APG: 6.4

    Lebron James' Career BPG: 0.7
    Dwyane Wade's Career BPG: 0.9

    Dwyane Wade does all that in less minutes per game than Lebron. (41 to 37). He shoots a higher percentage, even as a guard, while Lebron shoots a worse percentage as a forward. Lebron averages more rebounds simply because of size and strength, but what's even more amazing is the fact that Dwyane Wade is a better blocker AND stealer than Lebron. Dwyane Wade was an All-Defensive team selection once. Lebron James was an All-Defensive team selection never.

    Passing wise, it's pretty even, but I give the slight edge to Wade because of the fact that he's a guard and is an extremely, extremely good decision-maker. Watching many Heat games I've heard commentators say he's the second best decision maker in the league behind Steve Nash. Other than Nash, Wade is a keen and spectacular decision maker. Lebron? Not exactly the most clutch player in the league.

    Add on the fact that Wade usually beats the Cavaliers (I'm pretty sure) and has a history of ripping them to shreds. Remember last year when the Cavaliers were facing the Heat? I do. I remember in the fourth quarter, Wade was the point guard and they continued to run the same isolation play at the top of the key for him over and over and over again. Nobody could stop him. He kept scoring at will and kept getting to the line at will. He led the league in 4th quarter PPG averages last year. He's a 4th quarter and clutch player, and any coach would want their point guard/shooting guard to be clutch, which Lebron isn't exactly.

    Then we get to the fact that Dwyane Wade can get to the line at will. He attacks the rim more than any player in the league - Kobe, Iverson, Lebron, you name it. Wade slashes more than anybody and he relentlessly attacks the basket more than anybody, which is why his FG% is so high. Common sense - the closer you shoot the ball to the basket, the more likely it is to go in. Lebron decides to pull up for fade aways like Kobe Bryant and fails miserably, which is why his FG% isn't quite as high as Wade's. Dwyane Wade can get to the line at will because he knows how to create contact. You keep bringing up the phantom fouls in the Finals. Okay, so fouls were called a couple of times when they shouldn't have. Why are you hating on Wade? Did HE blow the whistle? Did he pay the refs to blow it? No. It's the referees' fault they're blind as bats and called a few stupid calls in the Finals. Stop blaming Wade and calling him D-Whistle or saying he's a David Stern mama's boy. It's not his fault there were a few stupid fouls - it's the blind refs.

    Back to the fact that he can get to the line at will. He proved it when he set the new free throw attempts record. Now you're going to start saying he's a cheater or something, right? Wrong. Again, it was the refs fault, that's obvious. But other than that, watching games of Wade you would realize that he is a master at creating contact. He attacks the rim so much he gets to the line so much. The most you attack the rim, the more free throws you'll get, simple as that. He creates contact at will and is even a goot free throw shooter. (.777%).

    As for shooting, I really don't know who to pick. Wade has the higher FG% and FT%, but Lebron has the higher 3PT%. But Wade has money spots where his mid-range shot almost always goes it, and Lebron doesn't really have a consistent shot at all. Wade's mid range shot is coming along nicely since his rookie season, and so is Lebron's, just not quite as well. Lebron's 3PT% is higher because he attempts more 3's. The more you attempt, the more likely you are to get one in. Wade scored more three pointers in the playoffs alone than he did in the entire regular season last year - that's proof that his 3PT shot is coming along nicely and that it will be solid one day. He just simply doesn't attempt them, because he knows attacking the rim is more efficient. Coaches want their guards to slash and get to the line and attack the rim, not shoot 30 footers, for the most part. Wade knows slashing is more efficient than 3PTing, therefore he does that more. Like Carmelo Anthony. He shot 50% from 3 land in the Playoffs against the Spurs. Yet he still doesn't jack'em up like Arenas. Why? Because he knows attacking the rim beats 3 point shooting. You're more likely to score, and much much more likely to get to the line. Carmelo's 3PTer is pretty good, but he doesn't do it much, like Wade, because his game is built around attacking the rim.


    So there, I've stated reasons why a lot of coaches would rather have a clutch guard that can get to the line, score, block, steal, assist, lead, be clutch, and play defense instead of a forward who settles for jumpshots a bit more than he should and shoots a lower percentage and isn't as clutch. I've always thought people say Wade is overrated because of the "D-Whistle" crap and the fact that he got injured. In the basketball society today, apparently, if you get injured, you suddenly suck. Doesn't make sense at all. As for the Finals, primetime, get over it, seriously, please. You can't change the past. What happens happens, the phantom calls, whatever. Just please stop whining about it. Your Mavericks still have a good chance at the title next year - move on.

    Starting a franchise and near a superstar? I'd probably pick Lebron, simply becaue he doesn't get injured as much and is more valuable, not because he is better, which I don't think he is. Valubility and skill are two different things. But if it's Game 7 of the NBA Finals, give me Dwyane Wade in a heartbeat instantly.

    In the end, I pick Dwyane Wade over Lebron James.

    Ahhh damn I actually read it all. I agree with everything you said and especially the part about Lebron trying to shoot fade-aways like Kobe and failing miserably.

    Lebron is overrated. Like Wade, he does get some silly calls for him but the difference is Wade does it on his own and wins when it counts. Lebron chokes.

  14. #89
    I usually hit open layups letsdothis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    I think both Lebron and Wade is a bit overrated, but Lebron will be considered a better player in the end. My opinion.

  15. #90
    kb24 to boston mongePR(kb24)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Hate to say it ... Lebron is overrated

    can lebron do a 360 dunk?

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