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  1. #76
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    My issue isn't just that you're writing off games that you've never played, it's that you keep going back and linking greatness to preference. There are games that I ****ing hated that I can still acknowledge as great games for what they brought to the table, even if it wasn't my cup of tea. Acknowledging greatness doesn't have to fit perfectly in line with whatever your preferences are.

    It's still GTA with a new setting. Hardly groundbreaking.

    As far as exclusively stealth-centric games, that's tough (Assassin's Creed franchise is definitely there, ACII in particular), but as far as open world games where stealth is a viable option throughout, there's a plethora. Not only that, but there are far superior stealth games that didn't go to the open world concept because it wasn't ideal for the game in question. Perfect stealth game in a non-open world > mix of both without perfecting either. Not like non-open world = completely linear in every way either, branching storylines is enough to introduce more variability on top of what's available as far as different methods/approaches of level completion.

    My point was that it's near the top of a sparsely populated (as far as good games) sub-genre that pales in comparison to what's available in the shooter genre as a whole. Max Payne/Resident Evil >

    None of the games that you listed belong anywhere near the top-10 all-time in video games. Some of them could probably crack top-10 for their genres or sub-genres but there's not a one that can stuck up against the true heavyweights. I'm not even trying to argue that they're not great games in their own right, just that they aren't nearly great enough to truly complete among the all-time ranks.

  2. #77
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Heres my top 10 list for shits and gigs, not GOAT, just IMO. Let the flames begin!

    In no order:

    Red Dead Redemption
    Uncharted 2
    Suikoden 2
    Pokemon Red/Blue
    Conkers Bad Furday (Or maybe Perfect Dark)
    Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    Super Smash Bros. (Any, but tempted to go N64)
    GTA: San Andreas
    Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

    (Disclaimer: This is straight of the top of my head, no doubt i will remember/forget a couple in the coming weeks)

    (Disclaimer Part 2: This is my opinion and not fact)

  3. #78
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Quote Originally Posted by 24-Inch_Chrome
    My issue isn't just that you're writing off games that you've never played, it's that you keep going back and linking greatness to preference. There are games that I ****ing hated that I can still acknowledge as great games for what they brought to the table, even if it wasn't my cup of tea. Acknowledging greatness doesn't have to fit perfectly in line with whatever your preferences are.

    It's still GTA with a new setting. Hardly groundbreaking.

    As far as exclusively stealth-centric games, that's tough (Assassin's Creed franchise is definitely there, ACII in particular), but as far as open world games where stealth is a viable option throughout, there's a plethora. Not only that, but there are far superior stealth games that didn't go to the open world concept because it wasn't ideal for the game in question. Perfect stealth game in a non-open world > mix of both without perfecting either. Not like non-open world = completely linear in every way either, branching storylines is enough to introduce more variability on top of what's available as far as different methods/approaches of level completion.

    My point was that it's near the top of a sparsely populated (as far as good games) sub-genre that pales in comparison to what's available in the shooter genre as a whole. Max Payne/Resident Evil >

    None of the games that you listed belong anywhere near the top-10 all-time in video games. Some of them could probably crack top-10 for their genres or sub-genres but there's not a one that can stuck up against the true heavyweights. I'm not even trying to argue that they're not great games in their own right, just that they aren't nearly great enough to truly complete among the all-time ranks.
    I would just like to say that even though Assassins Creed is considered a stealth game, I rate it more like an action game. Hell, it had just as much stealth as Shadow of Mordor. Granted, i haven't played any of them since Black Flag.

  4. #79
    NBA Superstar Heavincent's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Quote Originally Posted by 24-Inch_Chrome
    My issue isn't just that you're writing off games that you've never played, it's that you keep going back and linking greatness to preference. There are games that I ****ing hated that I can still acknowledge as great games for what they brought to the table, even if it wasn't my cup of tea. Acknowledging greatness doesn't have to fit perfectly in line with whatever your preferences are.

    It's still GTA with a new setting. Hardly groundbreaking.

    As far as exclusively stealth-centric games, that's tough (Assassin's Creed franchise is definitely there, ACII in particular), but as far as open world games where stealth is a viable option throughout, there's a plethora. Not only that, but there are far superior stealth games that didn't go to the open world concept because it wasn't ideal for the game in question. Perfect stealth game in a non-open world > mix of both without perfecting either. Not like non-open world = completely linear in every way either, branching storylines is enough to introduce more variability on top of what's available as far as different methods/approaches of level completion.

    My point was that it's near the top of a sparsely populated (as far as good games) sub-genre that pales in comparison to what's available in the shooter genre as a whole. Max Payne/Resident Evil >

    None of the games that you listed belong anywhere near the top-10 all-time in video games. Some of them could probably crack top-10 for their genres or sub-genres but there's not a one that can stuck up against the true heavyweights. I'm not even trying to argue that they're not great games in their own right, just that they aren't nearly great enough to truly complete among the all-time ranks.
    Agree to disagree. I've said my piece.

    Removed the "GOAT" part if it makes you feel any better.
    Last edited by Heavincent; 10-26-2015 at 01:47 AM.

  5. #80
    NBA Superstar Heavincent's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Quote Originally Posted by Ai2death
    I would just like to say that even though Assassins Creed is considered a stealth game, I rate it more like an action game. Hell, it had just as much stealth as Shadow of Mordor. Granted, i haven't played any of them since Black Flag.
    Agreed. AC has extremely basic and bare bones stealth. I've never really considered it a stealth series.

  6. #81
    Gov'n macmac's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Maybe you thought I was attacking you personally, but really when 90% of your list is comprised of games from the last 5 years and the rest not long before that, how can you possibly call it Greatest games of All Time with a straight face?

    The only logical conclusion I can come up with is that your point of reference is that of someone who wasn't around for the golden era of console games.

    I mean, a link to the past was a work of art. So much so, that the shitty semi remake of it on DS is one of the systems best seller in modern times.

    Chrono Trigger has an incredible battle system, amazing music, sprites that still look good today, great storyline and characters. That's a work of art. Growing up, it was neck and neck with FF6 when it came to favorite RPGs, but in hindsight, Chrono Trigger was the one to stand the test of time, no pun intended.

    The civilization series. I mean, what more can be said? This franchise is the greatest and longest lasting series in strategy. Matter of fact, how can you not have one strategy game on there? No starcraft, no age of empires, no red alert. I know it's hard to play them with an Xbox controller but to exlude them entirely?

    Mario 64. When that game came out, people were completely floored. Best launch game of all time, what a jump from the SNES to a fully 3d game with different worlds, the first open world game of all time really. Yeah, it's hard to look at those huge polygons now, but if you want to talk about influential and game changing, look no further.

    I could go on and on, and sit and debate for days but truth is there will never be a definite top 10 list. However, to claim that the top games of all time are all from this era is a complete farce. So I assumed you were 15-18, not to look down upon you, but because the alternative would mean that you're a fkin idiot.

  7. #82
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Quote Originally Posted by 24-Inch_Chrome
    The thread title states that Last of Us is the best game ever made, not your favourite. The list itself is titled "Top 10 GOAT." No one can really take issue with someone's favourite games as that is purely subjective, but calling a game like Last of Us the GOAT game is a statement that will create (and honestly deserves) criticism.

    I don't think I'd call any of those games horrible, but there's not a game on that list that should make it onto a top 10 GOAT list. No Nintendo (Zelda, Mario, Metroid)? No true PC games (DOOM, Half-Life, UT, Diablo, etc.)? Lack of the best Playstation titles (Original MGS, FFVII, Shadow of the Colossus, etc.)?

    Omitting these games/franchises, all of which either are or contain top 10 GOAT candidates really takes away from your list's credibility. Hence my comparison to a basketball list that features LeBron or Kobe at #1.
    You ****ing moron, just shut up already.

    You just said TLOU has no shot at being the best ever.
    According to who? YOU?! There are plenty of people that would disagree with your opinion.

    You just exposed yourself with this post anyways. You ****ing named me games like Doom Half-Life, SOTC; yet these games were actually released during the internet days and NONE of them were rated higher than TLOU.

    So let me get this straight you shit for brains; TLOU isn't one of the best because you have nostalgia issues and think ****ing Zelda or Mario on SNES are better games?

    Sometimes I wish you could put your hand through a screen a slap the stupid out of people.

  8. #83
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Quote Originally Posted by 24-Inch_Chrome
    Then don't title the list "Top 10 GOAT."

    Not really. The all-time great games are damn near universally recognized as such. The only exceptions come from those who don't know what they're talking about because they haven't experienced nearly enough.
    Dipshit, it's HIS top 10 GOAT.
    There are no definite answer. Even if you are a nerd and have played all the games in the world, doesn't give you a head-up on someone who hasn't. Games are highly subjective and it depends heavily on preference.

    For example, someone mentioned pokemon.
    For me, , but I won't argue because I know it's a highly regarded game in the gaming world and even though I don't like it (or see the appeal in it), I can respect their opinion.

    The same goes for TLOU, just because YOUR dumbass doesn't think it's the best game or one of the best, doesn't mean it isn't.

    The gaming world strongly disagrees. It has won GOTY by the largest margin of victory in history. It has received a ton of praise and has incredibly great reviews.

    Only ONE game in gaming history received more PERFECT reviews than TLOU. And that was GTA IV, and that was largely because it was the first GTA game released on the newer console, so people were drooling over with.

  9. #84
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Quote Originally Posted by macmac
    Maybe you thought I was attacking you personally, but really when 90% of your list is comprised of games from the last 5 years and the rest not long before that, how can you possibly call it Greatest games of All Time with a straight face?

    The only logical conclusion I can come up with is that your point of reference is that of someone who wasn't around for the golden era of console games.

    I mean, a link to the past was a work of art. So much so, that the shitty semi remake of it on DS is one of the systems best seller in modern times.

    Chrono Trigger has an incredible battle system, amazing music, sprites that still look good today, great storyline and characters. That's a work of art. Growing up, it was neck and neck with FF6 when it came to favorite RPGs, but in hindsight, Chrono Trigger was the one to stand the test of time, no pun intended.

    The civilization series. I mean, what more can be said? This franchise is the greatest and longest lasting series in strategy. Matter of fact, how can you not have one strategy game on there? No starcraft, no age of empires, no red alert. I know it's hard to play them with an Xbox controller but to exlude them entirely?

    Mario 64. When that game came out, people were completely floored. Best launch game of all time, what a jump from the SNES to a fully 3d game with different worlds, the first open world game of all time really. Yeah, it's hard to look at those huge polygons now, but if you want to talk about influential and game changing, look no further.

    I could go on and on, and sit and debate for days but truth is there will never be a definite top 10 list. However, to claim that the top games of all time are all from this era is a complete farce. So I assumed you were 15-18, not to look down upon you, but because the alternative would mean that you're a fkin idiot.
    Those games you mentioned were spectacular for their age and time.
    The Last Of Us is relatively speaking JUST as great as any of those games.

    Yes I've played A Link to the Past; if I was to put TLOU in my PS3/4 console and Zelda, I'd far likely end up playing TLOU. It's just a far better experience. I know you guys have you lame ass nostalgia and you probably had a lot of memories with those old ass games (as did I, I loved my Mario All-Stars, Zelda, Donkey Kong etc.) and relatively speaking, they were fantastic.

    I'll use simple terms though.
    We aren't talking about Kyrie Irving here when it comes to GOAT basketball players, we are talking about LeBron James. Games like TLOU or Uncharted 2 or RDR or handful of others, are comparable to LeBron James.

    People here talking about old school games are acting like TLOU has no place to be compared to chrono trigger, half life, zelda or BG 2.

    Absolutely ridiculous statement to make. I've PLAYED all of them.
    And I'm telling you; TLOU is easily on that tier. It just does a far better job at engaging you in its story because its just a far more advanced game.

    Just tired of idiots acting like praising nostalgia means you somehow have a better knowledge base. No, you just have difference of preference, so sit you condescending asses down.

    PS - You guys dismissing a game like TLOU is no different than me dismissing a game like Ocarina of Time, or GoldenEye or Baldur Gate's or Metroid Prime.

    Fact is, all those games are classics. TLOU is just a newer classic.

  10. #85
    Gov'n macmac's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Quote Originally Posted by West-Side
    Dipshit, it's HIS top 10 GOAT.
    There are no definite answer. Even if you are a nerd and have played all the games in the world, doesn't give you a head-up on someone who hasn't. Games are highly subjective and it depends heavily on preference.

    For example, someone mentioned pokemon.
    For me, , but I won't argue because I know it's a highly regarded game in the gaming world and even though I don't like it (or see the appeal in it), I can respect their opinion.

    The same goes for TLOU, just because YOUR dumbass doesn't think it's the best game or one of the best, doesn't mean it isn't.

    The gaming world strongly disagrees. It has won GOTY by the largest margin of victory in history. It has received a ton of praise and has incredibly great reviews.

    Only ONE game in gaming history received more PERFECT reviews than TLOU. And that was GTA IV, and that was largely because it was the first GTA game released on the newer console, so people were drooling over with.

    I'm pretty sure Ocarina of Time was better rated than both those games

  11. #86
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    It is way too hard to compare games across eras

    The truth of the matter is games are constantly evolving and getting better

    We need to judge games in their retrospective eras, but ALSO account for competition during that era. Today the level of scrutiny and attention to detail just cannot be compared to even 7 years ago, let alone 15.

  12. #87
    Gov'n macmac's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Quote Originally Posted by West-Side
    Those games you mentioned were spectacular for their age and time.
    The Last Of Us is relatively speaking JUST as great as any of those games.

    Yes I've played A Link to the Past; if I was to put TLOU in my PS3/4 console and Zelda, I'd far likely end up playing TLOU. It's just a far better experience. I know you guys have you lame ass nostalgia and you probably had a lot of memories with those old ass games (as did I, I loved my Mario All-Stars, Zelda, Donkey Kong etc.) and relatively speaking, they were fantastic.

    I'll use simple terms though.
    We aren't talking about Kyrie Irving here when it comes to GOAT basketball players, we are talking about LeBron James. Games like TLOU or Uncharted 2 or RDR or handful of others, are comparable to LeBron James.

    People here talking about old school games are acting like TLOU has no place to be compared to chrono trigger, half life, zelda or BG 2.

    Absolutely ridiculous statement to make. I've PLAYED all of them.
    And I'm telling you; TLOU is easily on that tier. It just does a far better job at engaging you in its story because its just a far more advanced game.

    Just tired of idiots acting like praising nostalgia means you somehow have a better knowledge base. No, you just have difference of preference, so sit you condescending asses down.

    PS - You guys dismissing a game like TLOU is no different than me dismissing a game like Ocarina of Time, or GoldenEye or Baldur Gate's or Metroid Prime.

    Fact is, all those games are classics. TLOU is just a newer classic.
    Where did I dismiss TLOU? I just said a list without any classics cannot be a GOAT list. I've very much enjoyed TLOU, whether I would put it in my top 10 is debatable, but the interaction between characters, the voice acting and storytelling are all top notch and arguably revolutionary.

  13. #88
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Quote Originally Posted by macmac
    I'm pretty sure Ocarina of Time was better rated than both those games
    Well, it also only received 22 reviews.
    TLOU received four times as many reviews.

    So kinda hard to compare which game was rated higher.
    I remember Arkham City maintained a 97 overall rating after 40 reviews, and ended up finishing with like 94 after 80 reviews.

  14. #89
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Quote Originally Posted by macmac
    Where did I dismiss TLOU? I just said a list without any classics cannot be a GOAT list. I've very much enjoyed TLOU, whether I would put it in my top 10 is debatable, but the interaction between characters, the voice acting and storytelling are all top notch and arguably revolutionary.
    Not you bro, I mean that other dude.
    I don't even care if you don't have TLOU in your top 10. I can respect anyone's opinion who has 10 games who are on a similar tier.

    Like if you mentioned 10 great games that were made before 2006 (like Metroid or Zelda etc.) I'd have no problem with your list, even if it doesn't include TLOU. I do have a problem with people who don't do that though.

    Who have played a lot of older games and think when people act like RDR and TLOU are two of the best five games they've ever played, they deserve criticism.

  15. #90
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Last of Us is the best game ever made

    Today's era = insane scrutiny

    Halo 5 is currently rated lower than Halo 4 on metacritic....

    That just defies all logic

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