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  1. #61
    3-time NBA All-Star oarabbus's Avatar
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    Quote Originally Posted by chips93

    its totally worth the hassle

    Agreed. It's a fantastic way to keep in touch with high school and college friends. Plus as it's been mentioned, if you are friends with cool people then facebook is worthwhile. If you're friends with a bunch of nobodies then its a time waster.

  2. #62
    NBA Legend Bandito's Avatar
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    Well it is not really facebook's fault people are morons, right?

  3. #63
    NBA Legend
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    Quote Originally Posted by oarabbus
    Agreed. It's a fantastic way to keep in touch with high school and college friends. Plus as it's been mentioned, if you are friends with cool people then facebook is worthwhile. If you're friends with a bunch of nobodies then its a time waster.

    Why do you actually care what people you dont see anymore are doing on a day by day basis?

  4. #64
    3-time NBA All-Star oarabbus's Avatar
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrazotile
    Why do you actually care what people you dont see anymore are doing on a day by day basis?

    I don't know about you, but the people I'm friends with don't post petty shit about their day to day activities. Obviously there is some of that, but people I know generally post about significant life updates, which I do in fact care about.

    Plus, ultimately facebook is about yourself. I never waste time reading about other people's drama, but I like the fact that I have my own shit up there if I ever feel the need to revisit it.

  5. #65
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    as far as High School goes there are only a small handful of buddies I want to keep in touch with and I do with phone/text...for everyone else would be "Hey what's up!!! Oh shit you're an accountant now in Randomville???, that's awesome!!!...okay, talk to you never again!!!"

    I am fine with my HS years being left back in the "HS years"

    I imagine that would get a little awkward for people later in life, to be FB friends with some acquaintances they had for only a couple years in HS like 20-30 years down the line, both people not having the balls to unfriend the other lol...if FB is around that long anyway.

  6. #66
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    Quote Originally Posted by hateraid
    I'm not even interested in that. Just for people tagging you in embarrassing moments is enough for me. I was once at a party and while I was playing poker I stood up in an all in moment. I was wearing a tank top and right when someone snapped a picture of me my cousin ripped my tank top off. He then tagged me and titled it strip show. I didn't find out until my mom told me and asked why I was stripping at a party.
    I at least had a whole bunch of likes
    Just sounds like you're being a bitch and a kill joy put bluntly. Sorry.

  7. #67
    Is it in you? hateraid's Avatar
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    Quote Originally Posted by Ai2death
    Just sounds like you're being a bitch and a kill joy put bluntly. Sorry.
    And you sound like a young in putz who's never had a true profession so he can act a fool anytime he wants to put it bluntly. Sorry

  8. #68
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    Quote Originally Posted by bladefd
    I don't usually post on FB, but I've been going on a bit more for last few months. Sometimes if I'm on there and I think of something interesting, cool or wise, I post it on there. Usually, it's something philosophy or science or sports related - sometimes I might post link to article on things like how to be professional, importance of respect, quotes from people like Gandhi/Einstein/Aristotle/etc etc. I don't get many responses or "likes", but I don't post for likes.

    One of the very few things that genuinely annoys me is when somebody posts something stupid or ignorant, and then I see bunch of people "liking" it or posting how they agree. Usually, it's one of the popular kids from my HS days that throw something like that.

    I guess it all depends on who you have on your FB and how popular you are. I was never popular in HS - people knew who I was but very few people knew me well. I only talked when I had something to say (I did not gossip or bull$hit around) so I was pretty socially-awkward.

    When those people see me post something philosophical, they probably don't even read it past the first couple words. I guess since that is not entertainment, they simply skip it. Most people today prefer to be entertained than read something that may look at life from a little different perspective. If you ask me, there is more to gain from quotes from philosophers and scientists than there is to gain from images of people making weird faces and jaws. But that is just me.

    I won't disable my account because I feel like there is something to gain from facebook - the ability to connect with old class-mates and to see what some of them are up to. For somebody that is socially-awkward like me, I feel like I have to sometimes push myself just to connect with people. I don't talk much so FB is one way to push myself out there a bit. Things begin to get a bit stagnant if you're lost in your own world for too long or if you roll solo for too long - social connections are one of the essence of being & staying human. Don't cut ties simply because of some bad apples out there.
    I went through a phase of posting a bunch of philosophical stuff when I was having an identity crises. It was a way of sharing my thoughts publicly with people I knew giving them a chance to read it or not. Most people just don't have the patience for the stuff I was thinking about so it really worked for me as an outlet. Message boards are cool for that too but I don't know any of the people. I wanted to see if people I knew and had shared similar experiences had any thoughts.

    I like facebook though. There are a lot of cool pages with interesting stuff... I "like" pages that have to do with stuff I am interested in and there is always tons of stuff to read and look at while I'm on the shitter or in line somewhere.

  9. #69
    NBA Legend DeuceWallaces's Avatar
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    Quote Originally Posted by oarabbus
    Plus, ultimately facebook is about yourself. I never waste time reading about other people's drama, but I like the fact that I have my own shit up there if I ever feel the need to revisit it.
    So you mainly use Facebook to browse your past?

  10. #70
    The One CelticBaller's Avatar
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    I'll still be your friend no matter what

    You better like my latest status

  11. #71
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    Damn, you guys must have a bunch of uneducated friends or something.

    My facebook newsfeed is 95% positive thoughts, legit pictures, some funny stuff, bball updates, and inspirational or educational material.

    Almost no one I know posts very intimate details, or is blatantly annoying on it. Most of the people post about their company, job openings at their company, semi interesting pictures etc.

    I guess it really depends who your friends are. For me, it is an easy way to get my daily news without spending any time looking for it. I just scroll through my newsfeed and click on videos or articles others have posted.

    I especially like the Warriors and Steph Curry's facebook pages. Always posting interesting stuff.

    People OD hating on facebook in here. If you have a high caliber of people you know, then it is definitely a useful tool.

  12. #72
    First Kobe fan on ISH JohnFreeman's Avatar
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    I got nudes off facebook, that was pretty good.

  13. #73
    3-time NBA All-Star oarabbus's Avatar
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    Quote Originally Posted by DeuceWallaces
    So you mainly use Facebook to browse your past?

    No, I rarely use Facebook to browse my past. But I think that's the true value of it, it's pretty straightforward. It's there if/when I want it and they don't charge for the service.
    Last edited by oarabbus; 03-15-2014 at 03:58 AM.

  14. #74
    Reds/Bengals/Cavs mlh1981's Avatar
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    All my family and good friends live far away, so its a useful tool. People that post garbage get unfrirnded, or I stop subscribing to their posts. I also find it a useful place to discuss sports and find out pertinent news.

  15. #75
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: In the end nothing can come good out of facebook

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBlackAttack
    Twitter is awesome. No complaints there.
    I ask this out of ignorance, but what does Twitter provide (or not provide) that sets itself apart from Facebook? From the outside, Twitter hits me as merely an endless stream of status updates. I understand following news stations or professional basketball teams can be informative, but I find that similar to what one can do on Facebook as well, yes?

    I just see some folks who have a Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram concurrently and I admit I wonder if I'm missing out on something by only having a Facebook. My limited exposure to Twitter has not done a lot for me thus far.

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