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  1. #46
    College star Solefade's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    Quote Originally Posted by PejaNowitzki
    Look, another retard.

    The miracle of a dictatorship. Control the media, kill off anyone who disagrees with you or send them off to a prison camp. It's not until everything falls apart that people on the outside realize just how ****ed up things were.
    I'm sorry is this documented somewhere?

  2. #47
    #1 Manute Bol Fan PejaNowitzki's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    Quote Originally Posted by Solefade
    I'm sorry is this documented somewhere?

    Documented everywhere, 150,000 to 200,000 in prison labor camps in North Korea, political dissidents, being tortured, mothers executed in front of their children, young and old tortured by lackey's of the regime, a repressive society run by evil men that treat their citizens as animals.

    Every dissident that escapes states that people live in fear, any sort of disapproval of the regime, no matter how slight, is often greeted with death, being pulled out off your home in the middle of the night and shot dead in the street. Unless you're a member of a small percentage of the government elite, then you live in abject poverty, starvation is the norm, even for those who have the "in", they are often greeted with suspicion and lackey's compete to uncover those who are disloyal. It is a sick, repressed society led by psychopath's who wish to keep society down at their feet. People's every actions being scrutinized, if they do not show sufficient enthusiasm and praise for Dear Leader, they get punished and or killed. Basically, its like Jonestown on a nationwide scale, people being manipulated, tortured and used for an authoritarian agenda.

    Who is Kenneth Bae? And why is he being held by North Korea?

    Those are the questions for many following the combative exchange Tuesday between Dennis Rodman and Chris Cuomo on CNN's "New Day," who asked whether the former NBA player was planning to inquire about Bae, a U.S. citizen sentenced to 15 years in a North Korean labor camp.

    In response, Rodman, who is in North Korea with a team of fellow former NBA players, suggested the Korean-American had done something wrong, but did not specify what.

    "Do you understand what he did in this country?" Rodman asked Cuomo. "No, no, no, you tell me, you tell me. Why is he held captive here in this country, why?"

    Here's a look at the case:

    Who is Bae?

    Born in South Korea, Bae immigrated at age 16 to the United States with parents, his mother told CNN.

    The 44-year-old Bae, of Lynwood, Washington, moved to China in 2005. A year later he established "Nations Tour," a China-based tour company that specialized in tours of North Korea, according to his family and, a web site established by friends to promote his release.

    Described by his sister, Terri Chung, as a devout Christian, Bae is married and the father of three children.

    "Several years ago, Kenneth saw an opportunity that combined his entrepreneurial spirit with his personal convictions as a Christian," the web site said. "He believed in showing compassion to the North Korean people by contributing to their economy in the form of tourism."

    Bae had guided at least 15 tour groups, mostly made up of Americans and Canadians, into North Korea at the time of this arrest, his family has said.

    What happened?

    This much everybody appears to agree on: Bae was on the first day of a five-day tour when he was arrested November 3, 2012, in Rason, an area along the northeastern coast of North Korea that has been established by Pyongyang as a special economic zone to promote trade and investment.

    U.S. officials have struggled to establish how exactly Bae ran afoul of North Korean authorities.

    Word of Bae's arrest first surfaced in South Korea media reports days after he was detained, with the United States later confirming it.

    Nearly two weeks after detaining Bae, North Korea's official news agency confirmed his arrest, saying only he was picked up for a crime against the state.

    According to the state-run Korean Central News Agency, KCNA, there was evidence uncovered that proved he had committed a crime against the country. The American then confessed to the offense, it said, and faces legal action, the news agency said at the time.

    North Korea has never detailed what it says Bae did. Even when the country announced on April 30, 2013, that Bae had been sentenced to 15 years in a labor camp, it only said he was found guilty of "hostile acts to bring down its government" and planning anti-North Korean religious activities.

    North Korea is considered to have one of the most repressive penal systems in the world. Human rights groups estimate that as many as 200,000 people are being held in a network of prison camps that the regime is believed to use to crush political dissent.

    His mother and sister have told CNN that more than 10 months into Bae's sentence, his health is failing.

    In a prison interview with Choson Sinbo, a pro-North Korean group based in Tokyo, Bae had spoken of health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver and a back problem. He looked noticeably thinner and wore a blue prison garment streaked with sweat and dirt.

    "Although my health is not good, I am being patient and coping well," he said at the time. "And I hope that with the help of the North Korean government and the United States, I will be released soon."

    Bae was moved to a hospital for serious health problems, his sister, Terri Chung had told CNN in August.

    In previous interviews, Chung has said that her brother suffers from health problems including severe back and leg pain, kidney stones, dizziness, blurred vision and loss of vision. He was already dealing with diabetes.

    His family says he has lost more than 50 pounds.

    The timing of Bae's conviction has raised questions about whether Pyongyang is using him as a bargaining chip in efforts to jumpstart negotiations to dismantle North Korea's nuclear program. Washington has previously accused North Korea of doing so to try to gain concessions.

    Bae's conviction followed North Korea's testing of a long-range rocket and an underground nuclear test, moves that resulted in tougher U.N. sanctions.

    Tensions between North Korea and the United States have eased somewhat since the spring, when Pyongyang unleashed a torrent of dramatic threats as U.S. and South Korean troops carried out large-scale military exercises in the region.

    U.S. officials have repeatedly called on North Korea to release Bae. In August, the two countries appeared close, but North Korea rescinded an invitation to a U.S. envoy. Ambassador Robert King, President Barack Obama's special envoy for North Korean human rights issues, had been expected to fly to Pyongyang to try to win Bae's freedom.

    In previous instances, North Korea has released Americans in its custody after a visit by some U.S. dignitary -- in recent cases, former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

    But efforts by Bill Richardson, the former ambassador to the United Nations, was unsuccessful in winning his release during a visit to North Korea last year.
    Last edited by PejaNowitzki; 01-07-2014 at 09:02 PM.

  3. #48
    Your King OhNoTimNoSho's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    I agree with Rodman here. Reports tried some low ball shit and Rodman spotted immediately and called him out on it. Rodman just happens to be completely incoherent though, but both the reporter an Rodman know exactly what happened.

  4. #49
    The Chosen King Raymone's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    Quote Originally Posted by Solefade
    I'm sorry is this documented somewhere?
    Were you born yesterday?

  5. #50
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    Quote Originally Posted by PejaNowitzki
    That's exactly what he's doing. His whole public relations deal is an absolute farce when they are basically keeping a falsely imprisoned American there against his will, so basically, **** him and the horse he rode in on, Rodman can stay there and choke on that fat toad's balls for eternity.
    except its not, this isn't some small setting. there is a bigger picture and Rodman has nothing to do with that big picture, hes just a basketball player and that is what he is there for. His stance is just if basketball does some good then so be it, he never claimed to go there with the purpose of turning N Korea and US into friends

  6. #51
    #1 Manute Bol Fan PejaNowitzki's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    Quote Originally Posted by flipogb
    except its not, this isn't some small setting. there is a bigger picture and Rodman has nothing to do with that big picture, hes just a basketball player and that is what he is there for. His stance is just if basketball does some good then so be it, he never claimed to go there with the purpose of turning N Korea and US into friends

    It doesn't work that way. Rodman consorting with a dictator is basically spitting in the face of the families of all of those were murdered or tortured by a regime. A regime that we know continues its brutal tactics into this very day.

    If Larry Bird had been hanging out with Saddam Hussein, would that have been acceptable? It's all about using smart judgment, Rodman apparently has none, he's an attention whore starving for his last 15 minutes and sadly enough the only place he can get it is from a brutal tyrant.

  7. #52
    National High School Star CJ Mustard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    Is this guy trying to get Rodman killed? He's obviously not gonna talk about how horrible KJU is while he's in NK.

  8. #53
    #1 Manute Bol Fan PejaNowitzki's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    "Man, how many Korea's y'all got?"

  9. #54
    Burning Spirit! BurningHammer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    Rodman shouldn't agree to do the interview at the first place.

    I can understand his basketball trips are peaceful, but he should at least known every single news media will never think like he does.

  10. #55
    Dream Reality BasedTom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    Isn't Rodman broke? Like worse than MC Hammer?

    He either gets live like a king in North Korea or appear on shitty reality shows in the US every once in a while. I think the choice is pretty clear for him.

  11. #56
    Dream Reality BasedTom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    It also wouldn't surprise me if Kim was using Rodman as some sort of propaganda figure. I wouldn't be surprised if the Koreans were led to believe that he's our president or lead ambassador.

    Seriously, the average sheltered Korean probably sees Rodman and thinks he's looking at a mythical demon

  12. #57
    The People's Choice Draz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    Quote Originally Posted by PejaNowitzki

    "Man, how many Korea's y'all got?"

    Will rep when I can

  13. #58
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    Rodman better watch his mouth, or Lil Kim might send him to the Guillotine.

  14. #59
    Good college starter Burgz V2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    the only thing i found wrong with this video is the behaviour of the reporter. as soon as Charles Smith called him out for baiting Rodman in to an argument he cut off the interview. disgusting and the reason I don't watch the news anymore. Fox, CNN, NBC, CBC, ABC, whatever. they are all the same fear-mongering drivel.

  15. #60
    I don't get picked last at the park anymore Mirko Cro Cop's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dennis Rodman Goes Nuts on CNN about N. Korea

    If you listen to the entire segment without watching it, you'd think it was a Macho Man Randy Savage promo from the 80's

    dude's a straight up lunatic

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