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  1. #16
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    Ahahaha, I died watching that.
    Anyway, I'm on the school team, my first major highlight was an ankle breaker. Last game of the year, i got a rebound, brought the ball up the court. Some guy reached in from behind, missed so he went back on defense. He broke the zone so i went iso, crossed him up and was about to drive when i saw him fall. I was surprised, so i passed it, aha. Massive gap to the key. Best feeling after the game, aha. They no longer play in our comp. I like to think i was partly responsible, haha.

  2. #17
    Believeland MP.Trey's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rake2204
    I made a gif of one of my most unforgettable basketball moments. This was my teammate during my sophomore year. His playing time was sparse, then he was told to check in late, only to be pulled back due to a change in the game situation. His response:

    I have many I could put here, but I'll just mention my favorite (or least favorite, depending how you look at it)

    From my Senior year. Playing a team clearly better than us that we played two times already and lost convincingly both times. Game starts and I start out hot, hit my first couple threes then everything starts opening up. I'm getting the lane and getting and-1's, draining jumpers, had a couple nice dishes. I would say one of my offensive weaknesses is the mid-range jumper but even that was falling left and right. We finished the first half and score was something like 44-44 with me having 26 of my teams points.

    I come out third quarter, ready to keep it going, but only about a minute in a rebound came off the rim, the lane was clogged with 4-5 people around the basket area, I'm right in the middle battling for the rebound when all of a sudden it feels like someone grabbed tight and yanked on my arm about as hard they possibly could. I've never felt that much pain from anything on the basketball court before. My elbow received the most pain, I assume it was a hyper extension. I had to come out of the game immediately, had a teammate's mother look it over and she had an elbow brace left over from a former injury her son had. I popped it on, was still feeling a lot of pain but could at least move my elbow/arm up and down so I figured let's give it a couple minutes and maybe get back in the game.

    By the time I get to look at the score, it was 70-50 or something of the sort with the third winding down. I told my coach at the beginning of the fourth to put me back in, so he did but I was out there basically playing on one arm. I underestimated the amount of power needed in your elbow to dribble with your left or even bring the ball above your head to get in your proper shooting motion. I bricked a couple one armed shots before coming back out and surely only helped to our eventual demise. We ended up losing by 30+ and I felt terrible that I couldn't do anything about it. Especially considering how tight it was when I was in the game and performing, to this day I wonder if they were trying to get me out of the game or if it was just an unfortunate accident but either way, I wonder how that one would have turned out if I kept playing.

  3. #18
    3/8 is real Straight_Ballin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    Best shot? Outdoor court, grabbed bound, did a no look 2 handed behind the head pass to a cherry picker but threw it down court a little too hard and swished the shot.

    Game over

  4. #19
    Life goes on. ILLsmak's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    one of my unforgettable moments is playing basketball when I was 14, 2v2 full court against this guy and this girl who I think was a college player. She definitely had some belief in herself.

    I don't really remember who won, but I still remember her getting out on the break (cuz cherry picking) and chasing her down... catching her shot clean off the backboard (the rims were a little low, maybe 9 3/4.

    It was a funny moment cuz she was super pissed that some little kid smashed her shit, her friend was clowning her, and it led to my career as girl-match up. I don't really ball anymore, but even if I get together with just a few guys at a gym to clown around, half the time a girl shows up... and everyone is scared to guard her (cuz for some reason guys are scared to guard girls, both cuz they don't wanna get owned and because they are afraid to be kind of be physical with them.)

    I'd have been a beast in the WNBA tho.


  5. #20
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    A moment a little less dubious than my first post:

    The first team I coached was awful. They were 8th graders. Didn't win a single game in 7th grade, didn't win a single game with me. They loved the game though. I stayed with them through high school. Summer camps. Streetball. Open gyms. We played all the time.

    They still weren't great in high school. Struggled the first three and a half years. Began to turn it on a bit toward the end of their senior year (I was an assistant on that squad). They managed to slip their way into the district championship game (drew a first round bye, defeated an underwhelming foe in round 2). Their championship opponent had already destroyed my kids twice that year, once putting them on a running clock (for a lead of 30 or more).

    Then it all came together. My undersized point who used to bomb from 26 feet on the streets, began pulling & hitting in-game. My hustler who never missed an open gym but always wanted more PT finally accepted his small role and made the most of it. My grumpy big man fouled out and became the biggest cheerleader on the bench. All the cliche stuff.

    Still, with 10 seconds remaining in OT, they trailed by one. Then this:


    Still gives me goosebumps.

    The TV footage:

  6. #21
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    in the under 12s age group here we had this fat guy on our team, proper obese I went to school with him and while he was a nice guy he had some health issue and he had always been big no matter what he ate. Our coaches game plan for him was to just stand under our ring and not even bother moving out of the paint. The funny part was we'd lob the ball down to him but his reflexes were so slow that the ball would just hit him and bounce out of bounds because he couldn't catch at all. At that age everyone on the team had to get at least some playing time though so not much we could do.

  7. #22
    Learning to shoot layups
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rake2204
    A moment a little less dubious than my first post:

    The first team I coached was awful. They were 8th graders. Didn't win a single game in 7th grade, didn't win a single game with me. They loved the game though. I stayed with them through high school. Summer camps. Streetball. Open gyms. We played all the time.

    They still weren't great in high school. Struggled the first three and a half years. Began to turn it on a bit toward the end of their senior year (I was an assistant on that squad). They managed to slip their way into the district championship game (drew a first round bye, defeated an underwhelming foe in round 2). Their championship opponent had already destroyed my kids twice that year, once putting them on a running clock (for a lead of 30 or more).

    Then it all came together. My undersized point who used to bomb from 26 feet on the streets, began pulling & hitting in-game. My hustler who never missed an open gym but always wanted more PT finally accepted his small role and made the most of it. My grumpy big man fouled out and became the biggest cheerleader on the bench. All the cliche stuff.

    Still, with 10 seconds remaining in OT, they trailed by one. Then this:


    Still gives me goosebumps.

    The TV footage:
    That would have been intense, and congrats on that you must have felt proud of em.

  8. #23
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    Quote Originally Posted by blazersfan52
    That would have been intense, and congrats on that you must have felt proud of em.
    'Twas intense, and thank you, I am immensely proud of those guys. I always figured my top 10 basketball moments would all involve something I did while playing. I was surprised how emotionally invested I became in that group. Their success surpassed many of my own personal basketball moments. Good times.

  9. #24
    hon hon hon eat snails 9512's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    I played my first organized basketball game over 20+ years ago. During garbage time, I scored my 1st (& only outside shot) basket from the left elbow. The ball went in a perfect swish. The crowd went wild because I guess they were happy a scrub like me scored

  10. #25
    Good college starter NZStreetBaller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    We had played our last game of the season and we hadn't won a single game. lost most of our games by double digits but in our last game we were trailing by two and my team mate was shooting free throw with 9 seconds left on the clock he nailed the first then missed the second I was playing shooting guard so i was standing out on the perimeter. when the shot went up i saw all the big guys boxing out and i ran straight through the middle and the ball came straight into my hands at that point. i got swarmed and i could hear my bench yelling SHOOT IT and PASS IT!!! lol I didnt know what to do so I kinda did a shass (shot/pass) but luckily enough some over eager guy fouled me i got to shoot 2 free throws nailed em both and won the game

    Man did me and my boys get drunk that night haha

  11. #26
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    when i hit a buzzer beater midrange jumper in a pickup game last year.

  12. #27
    Decent playground baller
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    When i break the record of my regional league: i was at 63 with 40 sseconds left, the record was 65 and i Say to one of the referee:" i need a Call" so i go in the paint and made a Hook shot, plus one FT: 66! It was wild!

  13. #28
    I don't get picked last at the park anymore
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    i got some buzzer beaters from middle/high school & AAU games, but my most unforgettable moment was a block in practice.

    We were doing a 2v2 drill, dribbler gets ball at halfcourt with teammate in corner and they have to score, defense gets rebound and vice versa. But yea anyways was on defense and was up against our starting pg who was like a 5'5 little black dude with insane hops, quickness, and handles. So he drives by me or something on a crossover, he thinks he has me beat I guess and tries the easy layup(and i thought so too tbh) but I just nonchalantly come from behind and not only pin the sht out of him, but also send the ball flyin towards halfcourt. Funny thing is I didn't even think much of it right after it happened and ran to get the ball to score on the other end, but everybody in the gym is like "holy f*ck!!, " apparently and stopped to admire my play. Even dude I slapped had to give me props immediately after lol

  14. #29
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    Quote Originally Posted by NJW1247
    i got some buzzer beaters from middle/high school & AAU games, but my most unforgettable moment was a block in practice.

    We were doing a 2v2 drill, dribbler gets ball at halfcourt with teammate in corner and they have to score, defense gets rebound and vice versa. But yea anyways was on defense and was up against our starting pg who was like a 5'5 little black dude with insane hops, quickness, and handles. So he drives by me or something on a crossover, he thinks he has me beat I guess and tries the easy layup(and i thought so too tbh) but I just nonchalantly come from behind and not only pin the sht out of him, but also send the ball flyin towards halfcourt. Funny thing is I didn't even think much of it right after it happened and ran to get the ball to score on the other end, but everybody in the gym is like "holy f*ck!!, " apparently and stopped to admire my play. Even dude I slapped had to give me props immediately after lol
    Good stuff. We used to have something called "The Block Drill". Two players on opposite sides of half court. One with the ball, one on defense. Offense had to go score. Incredible blocks ensued. Also some accidental flagrants. We had to stop that drill toward the end of my junior year. Still, fun while it lasted.

  15. #30
    NBA Legend Jailblazers7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Unforgettable moments in your basketball life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rake2204
    Good stuff. We used to have something called "The Block Drill". Two players on opposite sides of half court. One with the ball, one on defense. Offense had to go score. Incredible blocks ensued. Also some accidental flagrants. We had to stop that drill toward the end of my junior year. Still, fun while it lasted.
    Yeah, we used to do the same thing except we would call it the Kamikaze Drill because it was basically to people flying into each other at full speed. Tons of fun but also super dangerous lol.

    Thsoe types of plays where everyone gives an "ooh" and admires it always feel the best. During those moments I can never help grinning my ass off like a little kid. I've had a couple plays where I've had weird bursts of instinct or athleticism that I remember well. Two come to mind specifically.

    One was during an intrasquad scrimmage and my coach made me play point. Never had great handles and I felt uncomfortable playing point so it was kind of a "trial by fire" thing. Eventually I get frustrated and go Russell Westbrook. Just out of control and super aggressive. At one point I caught pass and turned to push but my man anticipated the play and was about to steal the ball. In my mind I assumed it was a stripped but at the last second I went between the legs and left him in the dust. I took two more dribble and threw like a 30 foot left handed bounce pass around another defender for a lay-up. It was kind of an out of body experience.

    The other is a loose ball I saved in practice. I jumped in the air to save it on the baseline and turned my body to the left to find an open man. Nobody was available so I contorted my body mid-air and turned like 120 degrees to my right and hit an guy on the wing for a 3. It was such a strange twist of my body that a few teammates actually said "oh shit" as I did it. I think I'd probably slip a disk if I tried it today but it was a cool little burst of athleticism that I'll probably always remember.

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