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  1. #106
    College star
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    Quote Originally Posted by qrich
    Mike Dunleavy:
    PG: Maurice Williams | Andre Miller
    SG: Brandon Roy | Jamal Crawford | Mo Peterson
    SF: Andrei Kirilenko | Tim Thomas
    PF: David West | Taj Gibson | Leon Powe
    CE: Shaquille O'Neal | Marcins Gortat

    Most dominant ever with three guys to spread the floor in the starting unit and two other good defenders.
    That team has a nice set-up. David West is the kind of a PF you want next to Shaq. Roy could play the Kobe 00-01 role to perfection. Kirilenko never is a wrong choice. However, it just feels to me that everyone but Shaq is just a notch too bad to really put this team over the top, compared to other teams that have been put together. This team could also use a consistent outside shooter, rather than Tim Thomas, would I think adds nothing to this team, especially when you put him at SF.

    Sorry to be negative in both my feedbacks

  2. #107
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    Kobe & the "Kobe-stoppers"

    Coach: Del Harris (5)

    PG: Andre Iguodala (4) / Tony Allen (6) / Smush Parker (7)
    SG: Kobe (03-10) (1) / Raja Bell (Suns) (5) / Doug Christie (5)
    SF: Tayshaun Prince (6) / Ruben Patterson (6)
    PF: Lamar Odom (4) / Horace Grant (5)
    C: Andrew Bynum (2010-2012 healthy) (4) / Kwame Brown (7)

    In Rotation: Iggy, Kobe, Tayshaun, Lamar, Bynum, Smush, Tony Allen, Raja, Horace Grant, and Kwame.

    Del Harris, who held back young Kobe as the first coach of the Shaq-Kobe Era Los Angeles Lakers, is back to stop Kobe once again.

    Kobe is surrounded by "Kobe-stoppers", past and present, including self-proclaimed Kobe-stopper himself, Ruben Patterson. Former teammates of Kobe during the "Smush-Kwame" Lakers Era, Smush Parker, Kwame Brown, Lamar Odom, and Andrew "Ship his ass out" Bynum are also back to stop Kobe.

    This should be a great team defensively, as every perimeter player - sans Kobe - on the team is a Kobe-stopper. Odom is an active defender and Horace, Bynum, and Kwame are great interior defenders.

    Can Kobe overcome the odds against more talented, better coached teams?
    Last edited by J.Pullicin; 04-08-2013 at 07:45 PM.

  3. #108
    NBA lottery pick Overdrive's Avatar
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    I got two Teams:

    Coach: Adelman
    C: Shaq
    PF: Horace Grant
    SF: Detlef
    SG: Roy
    PG: Andre Miller
    Bench: Battier, Ratliff, Ibaka, Horry, Mobley, Rambis, Legler.

    Coach: Bird
    C: Ewing
    PF: LMA
    SF: Grant Hill
    SG: Eddie Jones
    PG: Steph
    Bench: Ratliff, Dennis Scott, Horry, Hinrich, Battier, Rambis, Sessions.

    The first team is basically Shaq & defensive bigs. Some shooters, one explosive scorer in Roy and a point foward type in Schrempf.

    The second is built around Grant Hill's playmaking and Ewing and LMA who both can take it to the post but also shoot the midrange. It was very important to have PGs, who can play off the ball, but can also create plays for others, when Hill rests. Jones receives the perimeter D duties.

  4. #109
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    awesome me out of lurking to post my team since I put some thought into it :) hoping to hear your thoughts on this kblaze

    Coach: Thibs

    C: Ewing / Nene
    PF: Rodman / Millsap / Sanders
    SF: Durant / Prince
    SG: Rip Hamilton / JR Smith / Novak
    PG: Curry / Afflalo

    No real "theme"...just a good mix of offense and defense that can come together and play good ball.

    Prime Ewing was a beast, he can give you 30 points any given night. The same goes for Durant obviously. Millsap is very skilled and can get you points inside. Nene and Curry can get you points too if needed. JR is a scoring punch off the bench, Rip and Prince can hold their own offensively too. There are basically no offensive liabilities on this team, since I think offense is more important than defense (though only slightly). Lots of different ways of scoring, would be hard to stop this team from getting 120 a night.

    Rodman. Enough said. Ewing is good on the boards as well. Durant is tall and long and can get boards too if he tries (refer to the beginning of this season). Millsap and Nene get you 10 boards a night easily if they need too. Everyone else is adept too for their positions. Very solid rebounding team.

    Rodman... one of the greatest defensive players ever - he'll shut down pretty much any front court player. Ewing can play tough defense too. Durant is long and tall, and a pretty decent defender if he tries (probably underrated on this board. Rip Hamilton and Prince are proven excellent defensive players (see 2004 pistons). Afflalo and Sanders are nice too, they can play scrappy D. The team could be excellent defensively, especially with Rodman anchoring and with Thibs coaching.

    We all know what Durant can do. Novak is great. Rip Hamilton and Prince can shoot. JR isn't bad (though admittedly inconsistent. Curry and Afllalo are solid shooters as well. Spacing and shooting should be great overall.

    Durant is efficient and doesn't need the ball in his hands all the time, can easily share the scoring load with Ewing and defer when necessary. Rodman doesn't need touches, and Rip and Hamilton are unselfish players that can play off the ball. None of the guys off the bench have big egos either. Thibs could get this team to play great team ball.

    Pretty sure I win

  5. #110
    Local High School Star
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    Initial Draft planning (and justification of picks, some team level stuff omitted and put in later
    First order of business, if I'm creating an all-star (or semi-all-star) team, I don't want high usage, below average efficiency, high turnover pg.
    I want passing, defence, shooting accuracy and range then scoring as a bonus. Frazier, Paul, Stockton, Nash, Payton and Kidd fulfil most of those. Kidd wasn't a great shooter at his apex, Nash was a below average defender and Payton wasn't as controlled or efficient on O as most of the other, peak on O and D at different times and generally seems like a slightly worse version of Frazier.

    Of what's left Stockton's the best passer, Frazier the best defender, Paul is the best creator (for himself and others) and has the best advanced stats.
    It's tough and probably not popular because it's taking modern over legends but I'm picking Chris Paul.

    Next up a big time scorer (again low mistakes / high efficiency required). McGrady, Durant, Gervin and McAdoo all fit the bill. Gervin far too shoddy a defender. McAdoo was tempting but raw numbers are inflated by playing 43mpg, and he can't defend his position if he's a C. For Durant v McGrady the comparison were over more than one year then it's definitely Durant. As I'm interpreting peak as getting the very best version it's a real competition. McGrady proved he could take a higher load than Durant has ever had too, and had significantly fewer miscues, Durant shot significantly better. Durant has an edge on the boards, McGrady in assists. Defense wise both have okay numbers, McGrady might have more upside if he's not being asked to carry such a huge offensive load and can guard 2 positions (sf, sg) wheras Durant can really only defend the 3.

    Again very tough, again not popular because McGrady washed out, didn't hold peak level etc, but very marginally I lean McGrady (this is a toss up though).

    From pack 3 it was Love, Lanier or Thompson. Stats make Love v Lanier close, but Love has been a poor defender whilst Lanier was apparently able to switch out on forwards and guards as well as clog the middle. If Lanier we need 2 forwards, so a choice of 2 from Mason, Kirilenko, Bobby Jones and Larry Nance. If Thompson McGrady moves to forward center becomes an issue demanding Bynum plus one big forward.
    I'll take Lanier, and at their peaks, Nance and Kirilenko (higher peaks plus Mason has some character issues).

    Probable Starting 5 and team based logic/analysis


    (Stats below refer to peak year)
    4 of 5 shoot 49%+ (and McGrady gets to the line enough to make up, and also this isn't the '03 Magic so with a usage slide he might be around that mark, Kirilenko should should rocket up his fg% and take his ts% even higher if we can minimise the 3 ball from his game), 5 ball hawks (all better than a steal a game), 4 versatile, multi-position defenders. Three shot blockers (plus maybe McGrady if he's got his Toronto legs back with a lesser load). Three elite shot creators, plus two above average ones who did very well off the ball with worse pgs than Chris Paul (Nance 22.5 on .551 from the field with Jay Humphries, Kirilenko 17.3ppg .493 but also .599 ts% with Carlos Arroyo, Keith McLeod, Howard Eisley and Raul Lopez combining to man the point). No black holes (all above 3apg) and mostly low mistake players (Lanier at 3.5 turnovers a game is a slight concern). No late game liabilities (all above 77%+ from the free throw line). The team can run with some elite athletes, or as noted there are shot creators in the halfcourt game. There's flexibility and spacing in the offense because everyone can shoot out to 15+ feet (as noted in the free throw point).

    The offense runs firstly through Paul, though McGrady and Lanier will get their shots, with the exterior guys running some pick and roll and pick and pop with Lanier (with the other guard probably in the corner and Nance and AK47 looking at cutting for a dump off or second chance points where possible/appopriate). McGrady especially may get some run with the second unit as a major ball handler and the primary shot creator.

    The bullet point logic behind the team
    Can't key in on one player, multiple shot creators, no offensive dead weight.
    All high % shooters (McGrady possible exception but he should be on this team with lower usage).
    Mostly low mistake players (only Lanier high in turnovers).
    Everyone plays both ends (McGrady the only relative concern at this point, Lanier at his apex was a good defender, and my hope is McGrady can bring his Toronto D with a lower offensive load, if not there are wings on the bench to come in as stoppers and McGrady can light up other teams 2nd unit).

    6th Man
    Jeff Hornacek. A deadeye shooter, high IQ, high character guy. Capable of playing the point. Smart, above average defender (good team D). Has an array of shots as well as the deadly 3 ball. Can create his own shot, but also very dangerous off the ball.

    Muresan 7
    Grant 5
    Battier 6
    Elie 6
    Blaylock 5

    Off the bench it was difficult to pass up top notch scorers like Pierce and Redd (both of whom played the microwave role well in Milwaukee). But I wanted a bench unit, especially on the perimeter, who can change the game through defense (especially for if McGrady were slacking). Blaylock is one of the premier defensive point guards of all time, Battier the fabled "no stats all-star" and king of +/- and Elie the forgotten man who just quietly provided elite shooting and defense for three championship teams. Horace Grant at his apex was integral in directing the Doberman defense of Jordan and Pippen and he could do the same here if the team decides to platoon. Finally big Gheorge provides a big deterrent to would be rim attackers. Platooning here is possible as peak Blaylock and Muresan could create their own shots (and Blaylock was a 3 shooter at his best). But the decision to go with defensive aces who are (mostly) efficient but not as high usage (passed on the likes of Cedric Maxwell or Millsap opting for Grant, and Blaylock instead of Redd or Ricky Pierce) is a consequence of seeing 3 strong shot creators in the first unit so probably one of these will be playing with any semi-platooned, mostly reserve lineup. Blaylock is a touch less controlled than I like my PGs but he’ll probably play with a Hornacek and/or McGrady who can share playmaking responsibilities. As with the first unit I didn’t want any one way players though as noted above defense was a priority so there’s a little less shot creation here but all are accurate from the field, there’s floor spacing, most are willing passer (Big Gheorge could be a black hole, but then he typically got good looks). Also I’ve looked to guys who are willing to take a backseat in terms of the limelight and should be willing to come off the bench (Grant might get a 50:50 split with Nance at PF or close to, so only Blaylock is of any concern there).

    With the last pick there was a temptation to go with another defensive force like Bol or Bradley. But I want players who can play both ends of the court, and neither is the rebounder you'd hope for. Sparkplugs like Stromile Swift (and worse versions of him Ty Thomas and Keon Clark) were a vague possibility but I wanted higher character (and b-ball IQ) from a probable end of the bench guy. Kurt Rambis was very tempting, providing hustle, defense, rebounding, high percentage shooting, low mistakes and a great team guy. But I think I've got the PF position covered. I couldn't pass up on a peak Muresan who at his best was per 36 minutes an 18-12 with 3 blocks on 58% from the field guy. Okay you couldn't play him that because of conditioning/health or fouls. But he brings a matchup problem, a 2nd unit shot creator, a two end player and an intimidator. Not bad for a 7th rounder and his fellow bigs (likely Nance or Grant, but also Lanier or Kirilenko) are mobile enough to help cover for and compliment him.

    12th Man

    Just realised I’ve still got a bench spot left. As chief towel waver plus energy, IQ, rebounds guy I select Kurt Rambis. With Nance and Grant on board Rambis probably only sees garbage time, but he lived with low minutes in LA.

    Del Harris

    The coaching choice here is Del Harris. I'm happy to get a coach of his quality this late. A basketball lifer, a defensive guru (who wrote a book on defense) an NBA and Sporting News coach of the year. A strong combination of Xs and Os and fieriness, He leaned towards a slower pace game (which suits us for any hypothetical playoffs we may be in) he could adapt his style depending on the roster (his 61 win '98 Lakers had the highest pace in the league). He was also noted for being superb at preparing his team for opponents.

    Feedback is welcomed.
    Last edited by Owl; 04-08-2013 at 07:40 PM.

  6. #111
    Local High School Star
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    Worst Team
    Start with Barkley a devastating scorer and rebounder. But also at worst he could be an inconsistent (lazy) defender, a ball dominator, with a dubious commitment to conditioning and a potentially unstable locker room force. So I want to create a group that brings out the worst in him by taking his shots, shooting badly, defending poorly and behaving like jerks.

    Initial Team Plan
    Frye, Milicic or Closs
    Barkley, Walker,
    Elliott, Beasley
    Rose, Rider
    Crawford, Raymond Felton

    Coach: Leno/Bayless/Barkley

    Part of me wants to have Barkley player coach, to double down on his frustration, his lack of tact etc. But I don't know if that's in the rules. Then again I also want Leno or Bayless. Leno is possibly more demotivating in terms of picking someone outside of basketball and has less knowledge. But then theoretically he might get his assistants to do the coaching (so I'm ruling Jay out), whilst Bayless is arrogant enough to believe he can coach a team and his lack own lack of tact and shall we say "simple" view of the game. The risk with choosing Bayless is he may (surely must) just be playing a role and so won't coach as the persona "Skip Bayless", the risk of choosing Barkley is he's motivated by coaching himself and is all the more invested. I'm tempted to have them co-coach as has occasionally happened in soccer and Jerry Buss nearly let happen with West and Riley. But that feels like cheating too, putting in two level seven guys.

    Elliott is a relatively strong character guy, but fits with the reasonably with the one dimensional scorer motif and I'm hoping the atmosphere can affect him and his confidence to get him into his Detroit form (after which he was described as
    Last edited by Owl; 04-12-2013 at 06:14 PM.

  7. #112
    Boom Baby! Reggie43's Avatar
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    (2)Patrick Ewing, John Stockton

    (3)Jerry Sloan

    (4)Dale Ellis, Buck Williams, Brandon Roy

    (5)Horace Grant, Michael Redd, Doug Christie

    (6)Michael Cooper, Brad Miller

    (7)Ramon Sessions, Ike Austin

    Coach: Jerry Sloan

    C: Ewing, Miller, Austin
    PF: Williams, Grant
    SF: Ellis, Cooper
    SG: Roy, Redd, Christie
    PG: Stockton, Sessions

    Ewing/Williams manning the paint, an alltime great shooter in Dale Ellis with elite playmaking from John and the scoring prowess of a prime Brandon Roy.
    It also has a well balanced bench that has elite defenders, a great shooter and unselfish passers.

    I would probably use Doug Christie as a point guard ala Ron Harper on the Bulls to backup Stockton and if it doesnt work I still have a very capable backup in Ramon Sessions.

    Was really thinking of getting Isiah Thomas instead of John but was persuaded otherwise by the fact that I already have Jerry Sloan as coach.

  8. #113
    Dunking on everybody in the park alexd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    from group A
    coach : Frank Vogel
    blaylock/jason williams
    jordan/laphonso ellis/bell clark

    if jordan could win it with luc longley then he would go bananas with this team

    from group b
    coach : thibodeau
    pippen/jr smith/tony allen
    the you will never score on us team
    blaylock tony allen pippen noah and gasol along with thibs = every game we set record for fewest game ever
    noah and gasol both are very good passers and post up
    pippen will guard anyone who is a threat instead of durant
    rondo is teh little general
    durant will be like 25~30 ppeg
    jr smith will be microwave off the bench
    and ibaka with sanders will bring energy from the bench and solid defence

  9. #114
    Titles are overrated Kblaze8855's Avatar
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    Quote Originally Posted by AndOn3
    Kblaze, can you take a look at my earlier team? it's on page six and it's a team based off option one

    Coach: Stan Van Gundy (4)

    PG: Stephen Curry (4) / Jason Terry (5)
    SG: Michael Cooper (6) / J.R. Smith (5) / Bruce Bowen (6)
    SF: Ron Artest / Shane Battier (6) / Steve Novak (7)
    PF: Larry Nance (4) / Horace Grant (5) / Earl Clark (7)
    C: Wilt (1) / Mark Eaton (5)
    Im getting the feeling you are building a super up version of Dwights Magic.

    Wilt is Dwight on roids...will settle for low shots long as he gets the ball similar to swight....Curry>Jameer Nelson by a lot. Plus terry off the bench? cooper/Bruce/JR all shoot. Artest/Nance/Wilt are a great defensive frontcourt.

    Plus shooters who can play the 4....eaton to mop up minutes when Wilt only wants 44.

    I happen to know Wilt hated but came to accept the 3....but I dont know if he accepts his team shooting 800. But if he did...he plays Dwight role twice as well.

    For all the talk about Wilt not showing this or that...he sure as hell showed more skill than Dwight usually does. Added to that hes a legit 7'1'' and Dwight is what? notch under 6'10''? Wilt is also much heavier...and a great passer which Dwight has yet to become?

    I could see them playing spoiler to one of these super talented teams...then getting knocked out when a team has 2 quick guards and Cooper can only guard one o them.

    Curry cant keep his ankles in one piece as it is. Id love to see him one on one vs Tim Hardaway with 2 minutes left up 1.

  10. #115
    NBA Legend Jailblazers7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    Cool idea, I'll just make a team as a fun thought experiment.

    Group 2: Penny (94-98) and Grant Hill (95-00)
    Group 3: Sheed (prime)
    Group 4: George Karl, Vlade (prime), Drazen
    Group 5: Tyson Chandler (Hornets to now), Cedric Maxwell, Horace Grant
    Group 6: Muggsy, Michael Cooper
    Group 7: Alvin Williams, Larry Sanders

    PG - Penny/Muggsy/Alvin Williams
    SG - Drazen/Cooper
    SF - Grant Hill/Cedric Maxwell/Anthony Parker
    PF - Sheed/Horace Grant/Larry Sanders
    C - Vlade/Tyson Chandler

    Coach - George Karl
    Last edited by Jailblazers7; 04-12-2013 at 10:53 PM.

  11. #116
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kblaze8855
    Im getting the feeling you are building a super up version of Dwights Magic.

    Wilt is Dwight on roids...will settle for low shots long as he gets the ball similar to swight....Curry>Jameer Nelson by a lot. Plus terry off the bench? cooper/Bruce/JR all shoot. Artest/Nance/Wilt are a great defensive frontcourt.

    Plus shooters who can play the 4....eaton to mop up minutes when Wilt only wants 44.

    I happen to know Wilt hated but came to accept the 3....but I dont know if he accepts his team shooting 800. But if he did...he plays Dwight role twice as well.

    For all the talk about Wilt not showing this or that...he sure as hell showed more skill than Dwight usually does. Added to that hes a legit 7'1'' and Dwight is what? notch under 6'10''? Wilt is also much heavier...and a great passer which Dwight has yet to become?

    I could see them playing spoiler to one of these super talented teams...then getting knocked out when a team has 2 quick guards and Cooper can only guard one o them.

    Curry cant keep his ankles in one piece as it is. Id love to see him one on one vs Tim Hardaway with 2 minutes left up 1.
    Dwight isn't on roids?

  12. #117
    NBA Legend pauk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    Lets see, if i got this right... Going with Group #1...

    (1)Magic Johnson
    (4)George Karl as coach
    (4)Drazen Petrovic
    (4)Rik Smits
    (5)Horace Grant
    (5)Allan Houston
    (5)Cedric Maxwell
    (5)Andre Miller
    (6)Mark Eaton
    (6)Serge Ibaka
    (6)Bruce Bowen
    (7)Anthony Parker
    (7)Larry Sanders

    PG: Magic Johnson / Andre Miller
    SG: Drazen Petrovic / Allan Houston / Anthony Parker
    SF: Cedric Maxwell / Bruce Bowen
    PF: Horace Grant / Serge Ibaka / Larry Sanders
    C: Rik Smits / Mark Eaton

    Wanted to first go with Option 2, because of my bias for Reggie Miller.... but then i saw a shocking alternative... Drazen Petrovic, him at Tier 4 compared to Reggie at Tier 2..... a player who was at his peak/prime actually even better than Reggie was in every possible way (to bad he died so quick, once he finally tasted the minutes/starting spot he was ready to show the American fans what i mean, as for me i witnessed it all, almost all of the 40 to 112 points he would have every night on mostly jumpshots)..... and Reggie was my favorite NBA player of all time, trust me on this one, infact Reggie has confirmed this a couple of times..... You saved me here Kblaze... :)

    This team is stacked & balanced with defense and offense..... and most importantly the offense/players i feel gel in every way, very complementary between each and every player.... I feel confident here.
    Last edited by pauk; 04-12-2013 at 11:47 PM.

  13. #118
    Titles are overrated Kblaze8855's Avatar
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    Ok...Dwight on HGH.

  14. #119
    Reign of Error BoutPractice's Avatar
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    Another attempt just for fun, starting with group 2 this time:

    Coach: JVG
    Maurice Cheeks/Aaron McKie/Mike James
    Drazen Petrovic/Michael Redd
    Scottie Pippen/Tayshaun Prince
    Chris Bosh/Mehmet Okur
    Patrick Ewing/Tyson Chandler/Shawn Bradley

    The team has 7 All-Stars, an All-NBA teamer who wasn't an All-Star that season, and a 6th Man of the Year. The very end of rotation players are a 20 ppg, 44% 3pt shooting scorer, a do-it-all forward who was an essential starter in a championship team and a 7-6 freak of nature who can wreak havoc with his shot blocking.

    It is very strong defensively, particularly protecting the rim but also on the perimeter. It has height, quickness and athleticism. It has 3 point shooting, post scoring, and ballhandlers who can get to the rim.

  15. #120
    SONICS FAN SINCE '10 Remix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Team building game 2013. Now with coaches and a prize that isnt worth your time.

    Option 1:

    Coach: Thibs (4)

    PG: Blaylock (5)
    SG: Jordan (1)
    SF: Deng (4)
    PF: Millsap (5)
    C: Noah (4)

    2nd Unit:
    PG: Hinrich (6)
    SG: Redd (5)
    SF: Bowen (6)
    PF: Ibaka (6)
    C: Okur (5)

    Session 7
    Earl Clark 7

    Mookie on the Hawks was a pretty decent 3p shooter to help spread the floor. The offense would be through Jordan with Deng being the 2nd option, Millsap would get a few looks a game and Noah would be the hustle. If the team needed more interior defense Millsap would sub out for Ibaka, need more offense and Redd and Okur could check in.

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