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  1. #46
    College superstar JellyBean's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kobe "After losing by 20 we can

    Kobe speaks the truth. Getting spaked like that has to hurt, somewhere in your competitive mindset, if you are a competitor. This is why I am a Kobe fan, along with KG, they are competitors. Their passion for the game is there. They are going to give you 100% every night. Dwight.... It is like he cares one game and then doesn't care the next five or six games.

  2. #47 andgar923's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kobe "After losing by 20 we can

    There's no way one can criticize Kobe. Kobe is right once again, people shouldnt be attacking him.

  3. #48
    Keep it tight for me The-Legend-24's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kobe "After losing by 20 we can

    Fvck Dwight Coward!!!

  4. #49
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    Default Re: Kobe "After losing by 20 we can

    Quote Originally Posted by DukeDelonte13
    Orl. Dwight was a different Dwight. I think he's become jaded. I feel like all that FA dwightmare sh*t f*cked with his head, it seems like he has this sense of entitlement and everything is going to be easy for him. I wonder how much of these issues are back related and how much of the issues are mind related.
    when van gundy made him look like an asshole after exposing him on tv for who he truly is, an immature spoiled asshole only caring about money, howard started to flinch. Since then he s psychologically damaged, weakened.

    Also he obviously dont plan on staying with lakers considering the way he acts since he s there. How can you believe it can work with such a loser playing with kobe who s a ball nazi, a perfectionist.

  5. #50
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: Kobe "After losing by 20 we can

    Isn't this what all NBA Players do after a game? It's the new GAY NBA which means you hug and laugh with your opponent

  6. #51
    College superstar rmt's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kobe "After losing by 20 we can

    Quote Originally Posted by wakencdukest
    I don't think anybody thinks that his smiling and joking around is making the Lakers play like shit. I think Kobes point is that these blowouts don't seem to bother dwight in the least. It appears that he doesn't care. Maybe he does, but it doesn't look like it. Maybe he shows disappointment in other ways? when does he get mad? I'd love to see him get real fired up just once.
    People express themselves in different ways. I've been watching Kawhi Leonard for 1 1/2 years now and the guy NEVER smiles. Does that mean that he's never happy? Duncan rarely gets fired up. Does that mean he's not competitive? If DH has a sunny disposition (and it seems it's important for him to be happy), why shouldn't he smile? Magic was like him - had a smile to light up the place. How can one be happy if one is wondering about whether he's gonna get criticized for SMILING?

    I remember Horry saying he always tries to enjoy himself on the court. He's the same way whether he's coasting in the regular season or under intense pressure in the playoffs. Maybe that's why he was so clutch. He said in the end it's just a game and he goes home to his family. He had a daughter with a genetic defect - when you have that to go home to, it puts things in perspective and basketball is just a game.

  7. #52
    Serious playground baller
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    Default Re: Kobe "After losing by 20 we can

    All this laker stuff is just proving how valuable Phil Jackson is as a coach...Why the **** can't people understand this

  8. #53
    Good High School Starter AussieG's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kobe "After losing by 20 we can

    Quote Originally Posted by jstern
    I hate when people choose scapegoats because it's so primitive. Like middle ages primitive. It's the reason why things like WWII happened, and so many other bad things this day in age. So I have a particular annoyance towards people who always pick a person to blame for everything that goes wrong. Whether it's Dwight or Gasol.

    The times I saw Dwight last night he wasn't smiling, but now you have people like the OP recording the game waiting for any type of out of context smile from Dwight just to post it here. And I'm not a Dwight fan because I think he's a moron.

    He has a smiling personality, just like my cousin's kid. If you go back to when Dwight was 2 years old he probably had the same smiling personality, just like my cousin's kid, so I can't fault him for smiling when someone talks to him.

    It's like Eli Manning the year he won his first Super Bowl. Sports radio everyday kept ripping him because of his facial expression. A person can't help the way they look in Eli's case. He shut them up by winning the Super Bowl MVP.

    Also is there a link of Kobe saying this, or it the title another made up quote by a Kobe stan? Or taken out of context?
    The moral of the story is.. Lakers fans are whining bitches and have no right to question NBA players manhood or scapegoat them. Even if the player they are whining about is a moron.

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