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  1. #76
    NBA Legend Jailblazers7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    Only thing I don't like about naval warfare is the fact that Connor changes outfits. It makes no sense to me why he would dress up as a colonial just because he is on a boat lol.

    But seriously, I love the new aspects of this game. Exploring the frontier is awesome is the game just seems to have so much more breadth than the other game. Graphics are easily better, voice acting is better, the story is less predicatable, the side missions are diverse, etc.

  2. #77
    Hold the door nightprowler10's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    I'm not a big fan of how the game takes over when the animals attack you. So many times I don't react fast enough because I'm busy trying to use a weapon, but then find out that the cutscene has already begun. I always end up dying ffs.

  3. #78
    good scorer Rose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    Quote Originally Posted by nightprowler10
    I'm not a big fan of how the game takes over when the animals attack you. So many times I don't react fast enough because I'm busy trying to use a weapon, but then find out that the cutscene has already begun. I always end up dying ffs.
    Same. And I see more wolf packs, than all the other animals put together. I can count on one hand how many times I've seen foxes. Same with Raccoons. Hell I've only found 3 bears. And gotten my ass kicked.

    My problem with the frontier is, there's times where I spend 10-15 minutes trying to figure out where to get up this cliffside at. I wish the map was more detailed on that, like it had better elevation markers so you could see the slope or something.

  4. #79
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    So far I couldn't be much happier with it.

    I actually put down RE6 for it, which I just wasn't enjoying, but it's not something I like to do. For me that's like stopping a book a few chapters in to read something else. But it just looked to good.

    I did have some issues getting started because of the pace of the thing. The re-introduction of controls. The re-establishment of the animus story line. Honestly, if they just threw out that overarcing animus story and gave me a new era based open world action adventure game with some historical earmarks, a good combat system, a great locomotion system, and some stealth elements, I could really care less what else they did.

    As some of you know, I'm kind of a map ravaging junky who has a weird desire to find everything. Christ ... I killed all the pigeons in GTAIV. So this game is filled with stuff for me. But those first few sequences as Haythem, I felt like I wasn't given much freedom, and wasted a lot of time running around looking for things that weren't there, both on the boat and in Boston. I've told my cousin who's still waiting on his in the mail to just hunt down the missions with Haythem, and he won't miss much.

    I just finished that initial naval sequence, which is in large part training, and have since done little more than run around, avoiding missions, and devouring the map. I've stripped the frontier of all the feathers/trinkets/chests last night. And Boston I did the night before. Now I'm at a point where I have to move forward.

    The game itself looks great. The movement control is the best in the business. Combat is clunkier than Batman, or Sleeping Dogs, but it's animated great, and this is better than those in getting around, even better than Batman's cape in my opinion. I haven't fully integrated the vertical kills yet. The map is full of life. The hunting is a nice addition. I enjoy the little barroom games, although I'm surprised how mediocre I am at them. So far I couldn't be happier with the story line and setting, the american revolution being something so familiar to me, it's so accessible.
    I've noticed a few glitches. Guys standing up in the air. Animals getting stuck. And a few mission oddities, like Sam Adams asking to me to follow him, then not going anywhere until I realized I was supposed to be leading him for some reason.
    Combat I feel pretty safe in. Rarely do I feel like I'm going to die. The random Bear attack seems more dangerous than running into Brit held fort. But I'm okay with it. I felt the same way in the last one. I really only die falling, but whatever.
    The menu is a little clumsy. But it's not like it's unusable.

    I really didn't look at any reviews for it. I'm surprised they've been less than great, but one issue this game has had in the past is a sense of repetitiveness over time, so maybe that will become an issue. So far I couldn't be much happier.

  5. #80
    Hold the door nightprowler10's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    Anybody finish the main storyline yet? Any thoughts?

  6. #81
    NBA Legend Jailblazers7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    Quote Originally Posted by nightprowler10
    Anybody finish the main storyline yet? Any thoughts?
    Interesting end to Desmond's story which sets itself up for another series of AC games. I thought the ending was an acceptable end to his story.

  7. #82
    Hold the door nightprowler10's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    Yeah I thought so too, but it was weird to me somewhat because I was expecting this to be the last game of the series. The lack of whining on the internet makes me think this is an acceptable end to his story for most people.

    What's amazing is that after finishing the main story I realized I've only finished 41% of the game. Though I'm guessing much of it is due to me not giving a **** about the optional objectives in most missions.

  8. #83
    NBA Legend Jailblazers7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    Quote Originally Posted by nightprowler10
    Yeah I thought so too, but it was weird to me somewhat because I was expecting this to be the last game of the series. The lack of whining on the internet makes me think this is an acceptable end to his story for most people.

    What's amazing is that after finishing the main story I realized I've only finished 41% of the game. Though I'm guessing much of it is due to me not giving a **** about the optional objectives in most missions.
    Yeah, my % was pretty damn low becuase I pretty much just wanted to power through the story the first time. I'm going to do another play through to get another run through the story and to do all the side stuff. I love trying to get the 100% sync on missions after I've done 1 playthrough. Plus, I didn't really do any of the Ben Franklin stuff my first time around.

  9. #84
    Gawdbe GOATsol Nashty Scholar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    I only recently got into the AC series. I played AC 1 last year but found it too repetitive, so I never ended up finishing it. I gave AC 2 a shot a month ago & loved it. Now I'm on to AC Brotherhood, which has been great so far.
    I'll buy Revelations once I'm done with Brotherhood and then move over to AC 3 once the prices drop a bit.

  10. #85
    Where Eagles Dare El Kabong's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    Was bored with it for the first few hours, but once you get into being an assassin with Connor it gets a lot better. Naval stuff is a nice addition, albeit a bit tricky until you get the hang of it.

  11. #86
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Jailblazers7
    Yeah, my % was pretty damn low becuase I pretty much just wanted to power through the story the first time. I'm going to do another play through to get another run through the story and to do all the side stuff. I love trying to get the 100% sync on missions after I've done 1 playthrough. Plus, I didn't really do any of the Ben Franklin stuff my first time around.

    Yeah, I've spent a lot of time tracking down feathers, getting almanac pages, trinkets, and doing hunting missions and the such. So I know I'm going slower than most, and will probably end with a decent percentage, but I'm not really trying for those in mission optional targets. I may give it a shot from the get go, but if I don't get I just keep going, so it'll require a replay to hit all of those. I find the replayability of memory sequences far supperior to the second game. I closed AC2 one trophy from 100%, it had to do with the flying machine mission, and I couldn't easily go back and do it, so I never got there.

  12. #87
    Hold the door nightprowler10's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    Yeah I have no idea why you couldn't replay sequences in AC2 without restarting the whole campaign. Seemed like a huge miss, especially since even the original AC had that option. That said, I did play AC2 over and got a platinum trophy. Its still my one of two platinum trophies.

  13. #88
    NBA Legend Jailblazers7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    who is cooler/more badass Ezio or Connor?

  14. #89
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Jailblazers7
    who is cooler/more badass Ezio or Connor?

    Ezio was cooler. One of my few issues with this game is the dialogue is pretty weak with his buddies on the frontier. Setting up the french guy with the hunter chick has been awkward at best.

    Badass wise it may be Connor because the combat animations are rediculously good in this game. With the varrying weapons, I somehow still have not gotten bored with killing people in this game, which I did with Ezio.

    I just reached NY last night, did the set piece stuff, and wound up back in present day and turned it off. Look forward to loading up in NY now with fresh map finds to chew through.
    I'm not really enamoured with the recipe system thing yet. I've spent a fortune on supplies and stuff, done every homefront mission that's popped up, and I'm finally starting to find some stuff I can make, and I'm not really sure what value it has for me. Now I'm heading to NY with pretty much no money to buy maps or new weapons or anything because I've spent all my money filling up my ore supplies that I can't use, and crafting barrells and ship sails that seem to have little to no value. I've also spent a ton on boat upgrades even though I don't seem to have any more naval options at the moment, and those things were expensive.
    I haven't sold much in the way of pelts since my first 40K drop though because I keep expecting to need them to craft things. So I could do that for map money. And if I can just get the NY treasure chest map I'm sure it'll pay for itself.

  15. #90
    Hold the door nightprowler10's Avatar
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    Default Re: Assassin's creed 3

    It's a weird comparison actually since we got to see Ezio from his teenage years all the way into his old age. Same with Altair, though not to the same extent.

    What I can say is how much more of a tragic story Connor has when compared to the others. Ezio and Altair saw a lot of heartache, but man, Connor has had a rough life when you think about it. Never knew his father growing up. Mother killed by father's closest friends. Killed his own father. Spent the better half of his life trying to help his people by helping the Patriots, only to see the Patriots return the favor by displacing his people.

    I really really felt for him when Juno told him that "What you seek does not exist". Damn. At least Altair took Masyaf back and retired, and Ezio got revenge on all the people that killed his family. It seems impossible for Connor to get any closure.

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