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Thread: 2k14 Wishlist?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: 2k14 Wishlist?

    [LIST][*]Bring back trading block[*]Bring back the D-League[*]Expand trading to include future/protected draft picks, cash and trade exceptions[*]Introduce game attendance and let it have an effect on team morale. The attendance can also be affected by ticket prices which can be set by our owner based on his personality and how well/poorly the team is performing.[*]Introduce Amnesty clauses, sign and trades, partially guaranteed contracts and 10-day contracts.[*]Improve free agency. Make teams smarter and varied in their spending and the players they go after. I shouldn't see CP3 being signed by the Cavs and they have Kyrie be the 6th man or starting SG.[/LIST]

    [LIST][*]First thing is to allow multiple MyCareers. I don't know why this was changed, but we should be able to have multiple characters especially if we want to make backup files in case our team makes a dumb trade.[*]Add sliders. I've been asking for this for 2 years now. We need 3 sets: 1 for us, 1 for our teammates and 1 for the CPU.[*]Allow us to be drafted in the 2nd round or go undrafted and be signed as a free agent. We should also be able to play in the D-League as well.[*]Expand the free agency process. If we're a good player, teams should grease our palms as much as possible (a la LeBron James 2010). [*]Make new and better hairstyles. They've been terrible for years now. At least give us the ability to use hairstyles real players have. Like the James Harden Mohawk/Beard combo or Joe Johnson's crispy shape up.[*]Add new accessories like Addidas calf sleeves, Addidas knee sleeves,face masks, goggles and the knee sleeves that Kevin Durant was wearing last finals[/LIST]

  2. #17
    Dont Care. TheWINdyCity's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2k14 Wishlist?

    needs to fix servers and bring back crew..

  3. #18
    Good college starter TMacsOneGoodEye's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2k14 Wishlist?

    I just want to be able to customize my guy with simple things like a wrist band without having to use a virtual currency you have to either play to earn or buy with actual money.

    Or at least don't make me have to choose between upgrading a 3 point shot skill or getting a headband. Make them separate.

    I know they're just trying to get people to buy more currency, but it's a headband. Please.

  4. #19
    Dunktacular Big_Dogg's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2k14 Wishlist?

    Fix the crappy rotation system on My Career where guys who would be bench riding don't get significant enough minutes to warrant changing a good playing rotation.

    How many teams use 12 players on their rotation, make it more realistic so the crabs don't get 12 mins a game.

  5. #20
    Gawdbe GOATsol Nashty Scholar's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2k14 Wishlist?

    I agree with a lot of the ideas you guys presented. I'm going to add some for the game modes I usually play. These will be long, so just bare with me:

    - Give us more than one question press conferences. There should be at least 2-3 questions per press conference, mostly dependent on how your game went. Say you got a triple-double but your team lost, there should be a question about the triple-double and maybe a follow-up question about the loss.

    - Allow us to simulate one game at a time. Say I played my Key Game and there are 10 regular games in between the next Key Game, but within those 10 games, there are a couple of games that I actually want to play, such as a match against the Miami Heat or New York Knicks, I should be able to simulate past the games I want to skip and actually play the ones I want to play.

    - In simulated games, give us the stats our player gets when we actually play. Someone mentioned it earlier. When I play, my player tends to average 30 ppg and 8 apg, so in simulated games, he should be averaging around the same amount. It doesn't make sense for me to drop 30/5/8 one game and then in the next several simulated games, the player just drops 10/2/4 or something worse.

    - When it's time to sign a new contract, I should be able to test the market and if I don't like the teams I see, I should be able to sign with my team again. An example: I was on the Hornets. My contract expired and I didn't accept their contract extension. I saw what teams wanted me and after checking their rosters, I didn't like any of them, but I couldn't sign with the Hornets again.

    - Lastly, I should be allowed to choose what kind of career I want. Do I want to be the star on the team or the 6th man? The coaching staff, the owner, the GM, whoever, should come to me at some point every season and ask what I want to do. "Hey, (insert player name here), we have been thinking about pushing your star to the next level. What do you think about becoming the star on the team?"

    Online Game Modes:
    - If a person I'm playing against is losing by a lot and he becomes one of those sore losers who will start pausing the game for long periods of time or playing replays of random things that don't matter, the game should notice it and force a forfeit.

    - I play "My Team" some times and I think it's ridiculously silly for me to have the team I do and have to compete against people who've purchased all their players. I can't stress enough how many times I encounter players who have LeBron, Kobe, Dwight, CP3, Blake Griffin, KD, Westbrook, etc., all on the same roster. I should be matched up against my own competition. My best player is Kobe, sure, but I got him from saving up VC. The rest of my team consists of scrubs, like Kwame Brown, Earl Watson, Darius Morris, etc.

    - I should be able to mute people with headsets. CoD has this feature, so why can't 2K?
    Last edited by Scholar; 02-24-2013 at 12:15 PM.

  6. #21
    Local High School Star beau_boy04's Avatar
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    Default Re: 2k14 Wishlist?

    This is my wishlist.

    Combine the best of Nba Live 2000, Nba 2k12 and Nba 2k13.

    - Bring back Michael Jordan and all the legends. Do not skip any legends such as Kareen Abdul-Jabbar in 2k13 and Wilt Chamberlain in 2k12. Bring back Charles Barkley as well. Make them all playable in any mode - franchise mode, season mode, etc

    - Be able to save the game in any stage of the game and play at a later time.

    - In player creation, add ability to increase and decrease arms length. Kevin Durant is a 6 10 tall but with way longer arms, Blake Griffin is 6 10 tall as well but with shorter arms.

    --- to be continued

  7. #22
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: 2k14 Wishlist?

    -vastly improve association and add more features; trade block please

    -add d-league back and improve it, primarily the connection between your nba team and d-league team.

    -more depth to my player. i hate how you have to run the path of a superstar and you can't do anything else. add storylines, and add more managerial aspects

    -vastly improve coach mode, make it more enjoyable and interactive.

    -add the thing like they have/used to have in NHL games where you can simulate games by quarter and then have the option to join game mid-game. i
    loved that in ea's nhl games.

    -association should have a mode where everything is like it is in real life for the team, like someone else mentioned. add far more complex features, things like lottery protected picks, some teams not having many picks, the ability to trade/deal with more picks, etc etc etc etc. it would be nice to have so much control over an association that if you wanted you could play it like a sim game and not actually play the games yourself. total sim control was a step in the right direction.

    -fix trading in association. its better but still bad.

    -wwe games do this, i dont know why 2k games dont. why cant the player customization have all the stuff that players have? hair is abysmal in 2k.
    -everything rad said

    -way deeper customization

    -improve/fix physics. blocking is so bad because almost every time your arm goes through their head or something. also i dream of a 2k where the ball actually touches the players hands.

    -keep on getting rid of the unrealistic stuff. theres some moves in the game where the player will just increase in speed substantially and blow by someone, and cant be blocked or anything. how is that random chance fair?

    - Be able to save the game in any stage of the game and play at a later time.
    you do realize there is a save and quit button, right?

  8. #23
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: 2k14 Wishlist?

    Thought of another. Actually I thought of 2 but I can't remember the second.

    - Depth chart for Association and what-not. Far easier to use than the rotation system that is currently used for minutes.

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Default Re: 2k14 Wishlist?

    The rotation system now is stupid. The AI doesn't understand that when I set a guy's minutes to 0 that means that I want him to play 0 minutes per game. The rotation logic in general is retarded. The CPU just goes by OVR when setting rotations. I'm sick of seeing Kevin Martin starting over Seflosha, and seeing Ray Allen start at PG for the Heat.


    Teammate AI still sucks.

    - The only difference from previous games is that they will sometimes make more shots. But you still have to spoonfeed them. They can't create their own shot to save their lives. When I play with Derrick Rose, I want him to play like Derrick Rose. I shouldn't have to play like '06 Kobe on the Bulls in order for us to win. But the hilarious thing is that when I play against the Bulls, D. Rose plays like a beast. He attacks the rim and gets easy buckets.

    - Teammates always leave the CPU open for 3's. It's unbelievable. The CPU doesn't even have to run any plays. My teammates will just walk away from his man, leaving him wide open.

    - Our teammates need to learn how to get through screens set by the CPU as well as how to run their man off of screens. The CPU sets unbelievably effective picks while my teammates just jog around a screen not even trying to get open.

    - We need to be able to sub ourselves out of the game. We shouldn't be playing 40+ minutes in a blowout that was decided in the 3rd quarter.

    - The tendencies that control how our MyPlayer plays when we sim games should be affected by what we actually do in games. Even though I rarely foul and don't shoot a ton of 3's, whenever I sim, I almost always foul out, turn the ball over a ton and shoot at least 5 three pointers a game.

    - The off-ball bumping/suction was toned down from 2K12, but it still needs improvement. If the CPU is going to yoke me up like this on the perimeter there should be loose ball fouls called. We need more loose ball fouls outside of random moving screens and pushing a guy over after a missed shot. We should have loose ball fouls for excessive bumping on the perimeter as well as when fighting for position in the post.

    - Let us choose our secondary position (if we want one). Just because I'm a scoring PG doesn't mean I'm a SG as well.

    - The CPU changes coaches/gms way too often. Like after every season a team will change gms. And if a team has one bad year with a coach they fire him. Coaches don't get changed that often, and when a team fires a coach mid season, the assistant head coach should become the interim head coach until a new candidate can be found.

  10. #25
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: 2k14 Wishlist?

    Rad is a very smart person.

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