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  1. #16
    NBA Legend Jailblazers7's Avatar
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    Just because it is being patented doesn't mean it will necessarily be implemented.

  2. #17
    Welcome to LA S. Nash! rhythmic 's Avatar
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Jailblazers7
    Just because it is being patented doesn't mean it will necessarily be implemented.
    They did the same thing to music (anti-piracy), a University student cracked that quite easily by creating his own P2P network. Same will happen here.

  3. #18
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    Quote Originally Posted by TylerOO
    No way would Sony do this. So many people would jump ship and get Xbox or another system.
    If Sony does this, Microsoft will follow. They probably would love to kill used games too. I could see both companies just colluding to get this done. Either both will do it, or neither. Sony isn't going to implement on this on their own.

  4. #19
    Welcome to LA S. Nash! rhythmic 's Avatar
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwyjibo
    If Sony does this, Microsoft will follow. They probably would love to kill used games too. I could see both companies just colluding to get this done. Either both will do it, or neither. Sony isn't going to implement on this on their own.
    You guys seriously think this will somehow increase sales?
    Almost every person I know buys a game with the thought of selling it later on. If this is implemented, I personally will buy games like GTA V and The Last Of Us. I won't even be tempted to buy games that I know aren't AAA.

    Horrible decision on their part, it will ruin them and all the developer's profits.

  5. #20
    NBA rookie of the year TylerOO's Avatar
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  6. #21
    Boozer and Lebron Fam CarlosBoozer's Avatar
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    This would be a horrible move

  7. #22
    NBA lottery pick
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwyjibo
    If Sony does this, Microsoft will follow. They probably would love to kill used games too. I could see both companies just colluding to get this done. Either both will do it, or neither. Sony isn't going to implement on this on their own.
    Yep, it's also been rumored at for at least a year now. We've already seen developers try to discourage buying their game used, such as day one DLC or online passes, so I think it could happen whether we like it or not.

  8. #23
    Deity ★ Persona Legend of Josh's Avatar
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Loneshot

    Cold blooded. If MS doesn't do this, then Sony will definitely die out as very few will want a console that doesn't allow them to share their games. Luckily i'm not a big gamer or else i'd be annoyed at this. Sony will get some bad press as this would lead to Gamefly/Gamestop making huge layoffs.
    Best Buy, eBay, Amazon too... and I'm sure many other smaller organizations we're missing out on. Is this really even constitutional? I know it's pure blasphemy within the gaming industry (from a fan or local gaming store's owner perspective). As if Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo weren't already tapping into and having a foothold within the industry itself with virtually zero competition amongst one another, they (well at this point, Sony) have to take it to this level.

    It wouldn't be the end of the world or anything, it's more than anything the principle behind it that rubs me the wrong way. Not all secondhand gaming is for the purpose of selling back. What if you just simply want to let someone borrow the game, or take it to a friend's house and play? Do you have to transport your entire system too?

    I think there's a strong possibility this will be retracted by Sony - especially if Microsoft and Nintendo do the right thing - which is NOT follow suit. Even if Sony doesn't destroy themselves, I think they'd eventually be less profitable by making this decision b/c A: most people will ONLY buy games THEY ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE. B: cost-conscience gamers will not buy as many titles because they know they can't trade-in or resale them and C: it'll leave a bitter taste in customer's mouths.

    I think it's one thing (and a good thing) to crackdown on pirating and those who "burn" games (IMO, that's just like stealing and actually hurts the industry), but this is just an enhanced bit[COLOR="Black"]c[/COLOR]h move. I think in the greater interest of the industry itself, Sony will not win this one. Lawmakers might shoot it down on the facet of it impacting so many other aspects of the marketplace (like GameStop, other aftermarket sales, etc).

    Yes, I realize Sony (or the others) aren't getting any "kickback" or anything from the secondhand gaming thing, but secondhand gaming is one of the reasons why the gaming industry is still thriving, even in a down economy. You take away this feature that benefits consumers, and you will see the gaming population decline. When it's all said and done, Sony could be shooting themselves in the foot.
    Last edited by Legend of Josh; 01-05-2013 at 04:55 AM.

  9. #24
    Deity ★ Persona Legend of Josh's Avatar
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Loneshot
    I find it hard to believe they would really go through with it though. Imagine the backlash on Sony due to them putting thousands of Gamestop/Gamefly employees out of business.
    Good point, but I wonder how big is GameStop in Japan? I don't think they are (after looking up info on Wiki, which also shows they were operating at a loss last year).

  10. #25
    Deity ★ Persona Legend of Josh's Avatar
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    Quote Originally Posted by nightprowler10
    I'm somewhat okay with this if the cost of games gets cut by 66%, which won't happen.

    BTW, what's stopping people from sharing their PSN passwords if this goes through?
    Another good point. If the price point drops this will be understandable, but let's be realistic, quality new titles will still be $60 USD new and $50 for middle tier, etc. Let's just hope a new PS4 isn't MSRP of something in the neighborhood of $900 USD.

    It wouldn't surprise me. Sony when it comes to the gaming industry are prideful, stubborn, arrogant pieces of shit. Yes, I own a PS3, but I only purchased one last year, and only because I was bored and wanted to play Little Big Planet (which sucked BTW).

    Microsoft/XBOX is where it's at. Oh no! You have to pay to play online! Well, if you're an online gamer, and you've tested the difference between the two, anyone in their right mind would be more than glad to pay whatever the fee is because the differences between the two are like night and day.

    Don't let someone like phoenix18, PowerGlove or whatever that queer goes by these days tell you differently. Dude just mad he made the wrong purchase decision, living off the old hype of the PS2 and when it was thriving, which is why I think many people bought a PS3... but I think slowly gamers are realizing Sony is just losing it's grip on the industry and that their counterparts are just kicking their butt... which may be why they're attempting to pull some bullshit like this in the first place.

    ** also, I don't think PSN passwords are console protected. I think you'd still run into the same issue. Once they hit ANY console, they can only be used on THAT console.

  11. #26
    Extra Cheese LJJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    This is simply a patent and I'm sure many patents are filed under the Playstation brand each year, but it's interesting speculation at this time.

    At first glance the only place this seems remotely feasible is Japan. Sony actually does have an iron grip on the console market there; the Xbox 360 is a joke and Nintendo is very niche and particular. Used games are a huge part of the gaming culture there, so trying to abolish that will be very controversial. Still there is opportunity because the Japanese consumer has more willingness to spend a lot of money on games and a reluctance towards piracy and illegality. If there is any place this might work all else remaining equal it's Japan.

    For the rest of the world this is a bit more problematic, but you can definitely think of scenarios where this is feasible. Sony could for instance simply go to Microsoft and say "Hey dudes, if only Sony does this we are fu[COLOR="Black"]cked so that's not going to happen, but if we BOTH do this we both win"[/COLOR]. There might not even be an alternative.
    Microsoft might be working on their own thing.
    Or, though a long shot, what if Microsoft goes download only with their new console?

    I still think next generation is a generation too soon, but used games aren't here to stay. We are already subconsciously acquiescing to this by getting so much of our stuff, whether it's games or movies or music, in a downloadable form. Where you are paying for the right to personally use that media, but not to own it or sell it. This trend is only going to grow and this patent is merely the same idea in physical form: a hybrid of the past and the future.
    Last edited by LJJ; 01-05-2013 at 07:53 PM.

  12. #27
    NBA sixth man of the year knickballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    Isn't this where the industry is going in the future? You can just purchase games off Xbox marketplace and people don't seem to have a problem with that. Most of Steam's games are done through online purchase + download.

  13. #28
    Mohamed Bamba IGotACoolStory's Avatar
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    Yep. Guess I'm not buying a next gen and instead using that money to build my computer.

  14. #29
    Very good NBA starter tmacattack33's Avatar
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games


    I guess my decision has been made. I'm going to get the new Microsoft system.

  15. #30
    Insidehoops Mafia Dictator's Avatar
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    Default Re: PS4 Won't Play Used Games

    If true then ps3 can say bye bye to atleast 10-25% of their sales.

    Also, am I the only one who thinks it's too early for new consoles?

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