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  1. #1
    Dunking on everybody in the park
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    Default I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    As I am writing this, tears are coming out of my eyes, and I'm about to CRY. I am in 12th grade, and I am 5'6-5'8, 110-115 pounds, asian point guard. I played jv as a junior last year, and got lots of minutes, and coach promised me I would be playing Varisty as a senior if i practiced. I practiced FOUR TO SEVEN hours a day, playing basketball. I sacrificed SCHOOL GRADES for this. I would be waking up at FOUR to play basketball. But at tryouts, guys who are just athletic and black make the team, when they give no effort, practice once a week, and cant remeber the plays.

    Its not fair, is it cause im asian? I practiced a lot more than the other guys, and gave a lot of effort, I communicated, had a postive attitude, showed heart, leadership, helped people when they were stuck, I made good passes that WERNT flashy, i played TIGHT Defense on guys 3-4 inches taller than me (my school is really good at bball, we are top 10 in the state, and our average point guard height is 5'10).

    Is it because I was too short? I seriously felt like choking coach when he didnt call my name. Should I ask him to give me another chance?

  2. #2
    College superstar kNicKz's Avatar
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    If this is legit, I'm very sorry to hear that. Failure is a hard reality that you encounter more and more as you grow up, keep your chin up. Play JV! in the end its about just playing the game

  3. #3
    Dunking on everybody in the park
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    Quote Originally Posted by kNicKz
    If this is legit, I'm very sorry to hear that. Failure is a hard reality that you encounter more and more as you grow up, keep your chin up. Play JV! in the end its about just playing the game
    Seniors arent allowed to play jv, so i just got cut...If you read the whole thing, u would know man....but anyways, thanks for the support

  4. #4
    College superstar kNicKz's Avatar
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    Just read the whole post, leave race out of it, I'm sure that if you were black and that size you wouldn't have made the team. Some people aren't blessed with the basketball body

  5. #5
    I rule the local playground
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    Quote Originally Posted by blood yes
    As I am writing this, tears are coming out of my eyes, and I'm about to CRY. I am in 12th grade, and I am 5'6-5'8, 110-115 pounds, asian point guard. I played jv as a junior last year, and got lots of minutes, and coach promised me I would be playing Varisty as a senior if i practiced. I practiced FOUR TO SEVEN hours a day, playing basketball. I sacrificed SCHOOL GRADES for this. I would be waking up at FOUR to play basketball. But at tryouts, guys who are just athletic and black make the team, when they give no effort, practice once a week, and cant remeber the plays.

    Its not fair, is it cause im asian? I practiced a lot more than the other guys, and gave a lot of effort, I communicated, had a postive attitude, showed heart, leadership, helped people when they were stuck, I made good passes that WERNT flashy, i played TIGHT Defense on guys 3-4 inches taller than me (my school is really good at bball, we are top 10 in the state, and our average point guard height is 5'10).

    Is it because I was too short? I seriously felt like choking coach when he didnt call my name. Should I ask him to give me another chance?
    always ask for another chance, you have nothing to lose if he says no.

  6. #6
    Dunking on everybody in the park
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kiarip
    always ask for another chance, you have nothing to lose if he says no.
    I dont think coach would let me in after already picking the teams, but alright, ill try

  7. #7
    Made that high school varsity squad DwadeOverLebron's Avatar
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    You just got outplayed simple as that.. If you clearly played better then them you would have stated it but you didn't. All you said was you worked harder then them, if the play was about even I would've gone with size and athleticism which you even stated you were no match for the other kids. I don't think he picked by race, it's just your race probably prohibited you genetically to keep up with other kids who were more blessed physically.. sorry dude.. work harder..

    I know asian kids who I used to destroy in high school and there were two of them who were good but couldn't keep up athletically. Anyways I ran into those two about a year ago at some gym. I haven't played in about 2 years and these two have been still consistently playing.. long story short they were hands down the two best players on the court and they destroyed me and my guys. They were faster quicker then all of us, I believe asian kids develop a little slower than other races. They still grow and fill out even after college. We were joking after the game how much times have changed.. Just keep working at it kid, what do you have to lose? I am 28 now btw.

  8. #8
    Good college starter Burgz V2's Avatar
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    i dont know the exact specifics because i wasnt there, but if youre playing for a remotely successful team then you might be in denial here. if it means that much to you try and become a manager or practice player. Talk to the coach. i know dudes who were cut from my team in HS and they stayed on to practice with the team so you can talk to him about that

    as for race, genetically i cant say i agree. on average yes black basketball players are more athletic and in some instances better, but that has nothing to do with you. if you dont succeed dont make excuses, just get better and prove everyone wrong.
    Last edited by Burgz V2; 11-16-2012 at 07:39 PM.

  9. #9
    NBA sixth man of the year knickballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    Don't be too hard on yourself. Although it sucks now you should feel some sort of accomplishment from busting your ass everyday. You seem like a hard worker and although you may not have made your team you'll do great things in life with that attitude and I really do mean it. Keep your head up

  10. #10
    Dunking on everybody in the park
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    Quote Originally Posted by knickballer
    Don't be too hard on yourself. Although it sucks now you should feel some sort of accomplishment from busting your ass everyday. You seem like a hard worker and although you may not have made your team you'll do great things in life with that attitude and I really do mean it. Keep your head up
    thanks dude. Im gonna ask coach if i can be just a practice player, as in i get to practice with varsity. I hope he lets me. Im actually good at bball, but our varsity team has like one of the best players in the nation

  11. #11
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    Quote Originally Posted by blood yes
    I am 5'6-5'8, 110-115 pounds
    yes it's because you're asian.

  12. #12
    NBA Legend Bandito's Avatar
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    Hey if you didn't make the team but work hard for it don't feel bad. At least when you grow old you're gonna feel like I gave my 100% and don't have to make any excuses. You just fail at that, but trust me hard work and perseverance is going to help you in your next dream, you just have to keep your chin up and do your best in everything. I am 26 year old and I didn't work hard at anything and right now I am just a bum living with my dad so take it from me.

  13. #13
    Future D1 Dad
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    Quote Originally Posted by DwadeOverLebron
    They were faster quicker then all of us, I believe asian kids develop a little slower than other races. .
    are u freakin' serious? explain kung fu then. i'm kidding but what you stated is borderline racist, man. not cool.

    i would hope the coach didn't make that decision based on your race. if so, that team wouldn't have been worth playing on.

    ask him what kept you from making the squad. i'm not so sure asking for another chance would help at all. if he gave you a 2nd chance, he would have to give all the other guys that got cut the same, fair 2nd chance, right?

    sorry to hear this happened. not getting picked in something you really enjoy just plain sucks. you may not see it now, but maybe there can be some sort of positive outcome to this. try joining a local team at a rec center and play your butt off. take the feeling of getting cut and turn it into some hardcore energy on the court.

  14. #14
    Roy Hibbert Super Star InspiredLebowski's Avatar
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    You got cut because you weren't good enough.

    You're serious about basketball be a manager, assuming your school's coach is worth a shit. And even if he's not it'll still be a learning experience.

  15. #15
    Future D1 Dad
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    Default Re: I didnt make my High School Basketball Team?

    Quote Originally Posted by InspiredLebowski
    You got cut because you weren't good enough.
    man, what a d!ck.

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