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  1. #61
    Earned not given
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    Ever thought how some of these boxers are like 5'8 155 and they're twice as big as someone that doesn't play any sports and is the same height and weight? All of that build up of muscle tissue can make someone look much bigger than their weight actually says. I'm 6'1 175 and I have a cousin that is one inch shorter and the same weight, and he looks much bigger than I do (he wrestled for 4 years in high school). It IS possible to gain a lot of muscle mass naturally with the money they have and the advanced diets, workouts, and trainers they have access to. I wouldn't doubt it if these guys eat upwards of 7000 calories a day, and they likely consume twice the amount of water or more than an average person, which can also cause their muscles to look slightly bigger. I'd be incredibly ignorant to think no one is taking PED's, but to say 90% of professional athletes do is just insane and a theory, nothing more and nothing less.

  2. #62
    Out here Pushxx's Avatar
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    People would be surprised how far you can get in natural bodybuilding with dedication.

  3. #63
    I Feel Devotion Euroleague's Avatar
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    Probably 95+% of NBA players are on PEDs.
    Last edited by Euroleague; 11-21-2012 at 11:34 AM.

  4. #64
    Big Booty Hoes!! NumberSix's Avatar
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    Quote Originally Posted by inclinerator
    jelemy Rin

  5. #65
    7-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pacers4ever
    You really think he ways 270 pounds? He's closer to 250. And stop putting you're signature on the end of your post like if you've contributed knowledge in this forum. I also said I'd need the same genes as him to get such a stature.

    Edit: He's actually under 250
    He was 245 at pre-draft camp in '03. It's widely accepted that he's been between 265-270 since the '08-'09 season. I've heard numerous reports that he's in that range, and I wouldn't buy anything less. You can't compare his build to others and guess his weight that way. People carry weight differently, it has a lot to do with bone density and how evenly proportioned that weight is as well as how lean you are. We have an official weight from '03 for Lebron, and there's no way he isn't 20 pounds heavier than he was then.

    Lebron at 240-245....

    Lebron in 2009....

    Lebron in 2012....

    Compare the 240-245 Lebron to the Lebron from '09-'12, and you say he's still under 250?

    I'm not accusing Lebron of anything, in fact, he's hardly the first guy I'd suspect of PEDs. He's naturally bigger than most NBA players, but not what I'd call ripped or shredded. Just a freak athlete. I have no idea if he's using any kind of steroid or HGH, he may have, but I don't suspect him in particular. Regardless, Lebron at 245, or anything under 260 is a joke since 2008. It's simply false.

    I suspect Karl Malone, Dwight, Wade post-injury, and Kobe in the 2 years Samurai Swoosh mentioned. But even if this was confirmed(and there's nothing linking any of them to it other than our gut feelings), it has nothing to do with how I judge any of them as players.

    And yeah, you can't necessarily spot a steroid user by how they look, for the NBA we have Rashard Lewis as proof, and in baseball, look at Rafael Palmeiro and Manny Ramirez, neither had particularly impressive physiques, especially Manny, and both are truly confirmed steroid users, not just accused or suspected.

    Karl Malone is the one I suspect the most. First, there's his build. MUCH lower body fat % than Lebron, and lower than just about any NBA player I've seen with that much size.

    This makes you wonder.....

    Can you obtain Malone's physique naturally? Sure, he's not Arnold in his prime, or comparable to a body builder, but what adds to my suspicions is Malone's ridiculously longevity and durability. Who produces like Malone did at his age? And who pretty much doesn't get injured until they're over 40 years old and in their 19th season? Through his first 18 seasons, he missed a total of 10 games, and never more than 2 in a season before his final year with the Lakers when he had the knee injury. Of course, Malone arguably had the greatest work ethic in NBA history, so genetics, and unusual dedication could be solely responsible for his unmatched durability and longevity, but I'm not so sure.

    The guys who put on 10-15 pounds of mostly muscle in an offseason(a few months) are suspicious. To put on 15 pounds of solid muscle is extremely difficult. That's the amount of weight Barry Bonds put on from the '98 offseason to '99 spring training.....

  6. #66
    NBA lottery pick
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    This is nothing more than a witch hunt. If you're going to accuse people of taking steroids, etc, at least have some better evidence than some pictures of guys with muscles.

    These days, with the whole MLB steroids scandal, anyone that's dominating a sport is considered to be doping.

    Babe Ruth in this day and age would be said to be doping. Hank Aaron would be said to be doping. Michael Jordan would be said to be doping, etc.

    Lebron is a workaholic. Dude is always in the gym and on the court working on his game. Hell, I know guys that are bigger than Lebron muscle wise and have taken zero PHDs.

  7. #67
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Foster5k
    Hell, I know guys that are bigger than Lebron muscle wise and have taken zero PHDs.

  8. #68
    Good college starter KungFuJoe's Avatar
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    I'm sure PEDs are used in most all professional sports. Is Lebron on any? I can't say no, but I don't see any of the "telltale" signs such as enlarged cranium, back pimples, etc. Also, some PEDs, while they help you recover, can actually make you more prone to injury.

    Lebron's weight gain is definitely normal. Remember, he entered the NBA when he was out of high school so he was still relatively young. I was 160 in high school and 3 years later I was 190-195 with relatively little change in diet or exercise. I wasn't fatter or necessarily more muscular (though probably the latter)...I was just...bigger. If you add in the nutritionists and trainers they have at their disposal,'s not a big surprise that some of these younger players can easily add weight.

  9. #69
    Not airballing my layups anymore
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    Lebron put on a lot of muscle from pre-draft to post-draft, so it's possible.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Boogey
    Lebron put on a lot of muscle from pre-draft to post-draft, so it's possible.
    Well, he was only 18 when he was drafted, and it wasn't until his 4th or 5th year that he was 15 pounds heavier when he was 22-23, so that doesn't make me particularly suspicious. Lebron's build really isn't that unusual to me, I don't believe his body fat % is as low as what's commonly reported, and he's really just a guy who naturally carries a lot of weight, and probably filled out more when he stopped growing and started lifting weights.

    You're right that it's possible, though. It's possible any of them are. Not many would surprise me except for a guy like Allen Iverson who hated even lifting weights. I'm pretty sure I remember him getting fined for not lifting weights at one point. And one year, the Sixers were unhappy that he showed up so light at less than 160, maybe 155. He's one guy who I'd be really surprised to find out was on any sort of PED.

  11. #71
    NBA rookie of the year I<3NBA's Avatar
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    my take on PEDs is that if it isn't addictive and doesn't have negative effects (uncontrollable rage, depression, etc.), it should be allowed. in ALL SPORTS.

    that way, we'd get to see even more amazing athletes and more amazing feats. my guess is, when medical technology has advanced far enough that athletes have become basically cyborgs, this will all be a moot discussion.

  12. #72
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    Quote Originally Posted by I<3NBA
    my take on PEDs is that if it isn't addictive and doesn't have negative effects (uncontrollable rage, depression, etc.), it should be allowed. in ALL SPORTS.

    that way, we'd get to see even more amazing athletes and more amazing feats. my guess is, when medical technology has advanced far enough that athletes have become basically cyborgs, this will all be a moot discussion.
    And what about when they find out all the heart problems and crap it's causing? Nearly every drug out there, from illegal steroids to over the counter stuff, has chances at causing side effects in some people. Allowing these would force all players to take them to compete and would nullify any records held by players from an era that was clean. It's like in swimming when they started those full body suits that are now banned. Every record was being broken, didn't harm the athletes, but it's still wrong and unfair to players who came before

  13. #73
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?


  14. #74
    What set you claim? KenneBell's Avatar
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    I have no doubt that LeBron is 265-270. Hell, Wade came in at 230 at the beginning of last season.

  15. #75
    National High School Star NewYorkNoPicks's Avatar
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    Default Re: P.E.D and Roids in the NBA?

    Quote Originally Posted by AngelEyes


    yeahhh Wade definitely used. Nice find man.

    Look at his HGH jaw...he didnt have that when he was first drafted.

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