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  1. #1
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Tomb Raider is awesome

    if you like Uncharted, this is basically Uncharted with everything done better.

  2. #2
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    Quote Originally Posted by niko
    if you like Uncharted, this is basically Uncharted with everything done better.

    I was just coming in here to make this thread.

    I had it pre-ordered and picked it up on the fifth. I didn't want to jump the gun on liking it because I felt like I did that with Dead Space3, and then it's shortcomings wore on me to the point where I stopped playing it.

    But I'm now three days into it, and it's at a point where I'm looking forward to leaving work just to go home and play.

    The similarities between it and Uncharted are obvious. To be fair, I'm of an age where the first Tomb Raider is a seminal gaming experience for me. Right up there with the original Zelda and Metroid and Resident Evil. So I have a soft spot for Lara, although I definitely lost touch over the years. My interest in Uncharted always stemmed from the fact that it felt like a remake of Tomb Raider.

    I'm healthily into the third section of the island. Then I started backtracking a little to beef up a bit. In fact that ability to go backward to track down secrets in an area you've already beaten is a really nice touch.

    It's enough different from Uncharted that I'm not sure I'd say it's better. So far my feeling about what Uncharted does better is I think the movement is better in UC (that's pretty much true vs. any game), and I think the camera is set better, which is sort of related.

    What I like about this is the things they've added to the formula. The elements of leveling up are a really nice touch, both to the equipment and the character. And using the different elements of points for each. The equipment upgrades by finding "salvage", which is physical material found in boxes or from kills, while the character leveling goes up with XP, based on finding secrets, or achieving certain types of kills, etc.

    And so far the levels have had a really great layout. They're really mini open worlds. 3D playgrounds filled with things to climb and jump to. With enough little secrets to find, you really have a motive to explore, and not just head straight to the finish line. Exploring behooves you because it provides all those XP and salvage things you want to perk yourself up. Each level is really a puzzle unto itself.

    I like how natural the cover works. You run up to something, and she takes cover. Was that so hard? I'm not crazy about the standard aiming like it's a shooter, I'm more into the adventure element of the thing. But it's not a big deal. I so far find the movement a little clunkier than I'd hoped. For an open setting game, it is very pinned in by pricker bushes and spiked fences, that in spots kind of push you in a direction more than I'd hoped. It only bothers me because I spend so much time digging around for nooks and crannies. But I'll probably be less bothered by it as I move along and get a better feel for the landscape. And a little too much quicktime so far, but not to the point where it bothers me.

    A really excellent game to this point.

  3. #3
    Dont H8 the Laker H8er glidedrxlr22's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    ^I saw you were playing last night Thorpe and was hoping you'd post your impressions. Thanks for the details. I'm gonna pick this up as soon as I'm done with Farcry 3.

    Of all the Tombraider games, I only completed the first one. That was quite a unique experience. You had to be methodical in your movements or face death.

  4. #4
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    Quote Originally Posted by glidedrxlr22
    ^I saw you were playing last night Thorpe and was hoping you'd post your impressions. Thanks for the details. I'm gonna pick this up as soon as I'm done with Farcry 3.

    Of all the Tombraider games, I only completed the first one. That was quite a unique experience. You had to be methodical in your movements or face death.
    It's a little less stressfull than those originals. I only played the first three I think. But there was an element of carefull platforming, where if you screwed something up you'd die and have to go back to try again. This is more of a spiraling vertical thing I've gotten so far, so it's more like if you don't make it you may fall to another area and have to try again.

    From what I've read, it's more combat based the previous installments, which is just sort of the nature of gaming. But between this and Uncharted which I'd both classify as Action/Adventure, I'd say Uncharted's slider leans a little more toward Action, while this leans a bit more toward Adventure.

    To be fair this game is really right up my alley. The exploration element of games is a huge factor for me for some reason.

  5. #5
    good scorer Rose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    Uncharted you say?!?!?

    Now I can't decide if I want to wait for the inevitable price drop to 40, or immediately purchase

  6. #6
    King James ihoopallday's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    Yeah alot of Youtube commentators have great reviews for this game. Gonna go rent it this weekend and check it out myself

  7. #7
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    So the further I've gotten the more I've liked it. It's really opening up the playing area in a way similar to what the original Resident evil did in the house. There are things in level three (which sort of serves as a hub to the whole island it seems), which you can't obtain until you get your hands on a certain perk or upgrade. So there have been doors left closed, gates I couldn't get through, mountainsides I couldn't scale.
    But after picking the area dry, and finally deciding to press forward because I couldn't get to such and such an area after exploring all options, I found an upgrade that allowed me to get there. So you finish that area, then head back to the hub, which the levels seem to spit you toward anyway, and start strip mining it again.
    And like RE, there are those aha moments when I make it through a door and find I was just on the other side of a door I had been trying to get through from the opposite side just a day ago. Then as I've upgraded I've gone back to levels one and two which are now stripped bare of enemies, and picked them over for access to more secrets I may have been unable to reach previously.

    The whole thing has been pretty rewarding for me anyway.

  8. #8
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    Finished it last night. I'm heading back in to try to 100% each area. Going base camp to base camp shows me short in only two areas, but I think there might be a few smaller areas that don't have base camps that I'm not seeing. Either way I feel like I did a pretty bang up job tearing up the sets, and I did so without any internet aid to this point.

    My initial reaction holds true. Not quite on Uncharted's level for the action and set pieces, but a similar feel, and a much more open world type of feel, although split up into seperate areas. A very good story on the Uncharted level. The voice acting not quite up to par, although Lara is superb, none of the other characters are close to Sully, Chloe, and Co., from Uncharted. And the upgradability of skills and weapons was a really great touch. I just finished all the upgrades at the very end, and considering my completionist seek out approach to playing, probably indicates that it may require a second play through in order to fully maximize all the goodies for most players. My favorite game in a while.

  9. #9
    Dont H8 the Laker H8er glidedrxlr22's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    ^Good to hear. I have a few more days of playing God of War Ascension. Then I'm off to do some Tomb Raidering! It seems this game turned out better than I expected.

  10. #10
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    I did finish up all the areas last night, but it did require a few internet tips.

    My only gripe now is I'd like to replay it with all my weapons beefed up, but I'm not sure how to do it.

  11. #11
    good scorer Rose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    all the dlc is gonna be multiplayer based one of the execs announced, of the ones they had planned anyways. Which is good or bad depending on your thoughts about campaign dlc.

    How many hours did you spend trying to beat it Thorpe?

  12. #12
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    Quote Originally Posted by Rose
    all the dlc is gonna be multiplayer based one of the execs announced, of the ones they had planned anyways. Which is good or bad depending on your thoughts about campaign dlc.

    How many hours did you spend trying to beat it Thorpe?

    I'd guess 20-25 hours. I'll check for sure when I get home. But I'd say maybe up to half of that was spent obsessive compulsively rooting around levels for secrets before moving forward. Then again those secrets give you the XP you need to upgrade your weapons, so if you don't do that, you may wind up spending more time trying to beat the mission based elements of it because you won't have much firepower.

    I gave the online multiplayer a shot the other night. I didn't see any campaign based multiplayer, and I was looking because I'm really not a fan of online competitive multiplayer. The only online stuff I've ever gotten into was Uncharted II's campaign stuff. If that's what the DLC turns out to be, it'd at least spark my interest, even though I may or may not buy it.

    And this doesn't belong here, but has anyone gotten any of the DLC for Sleeping Dogs? I really enjoyed that game, and there appears to be a few additional mission type add ons out there. Some sort of zombie thing? Another about a car? Something about hidden cash packages?
    There also appears to be a bunch of shit out there too. Like charging me 3 bucks so I can wear a George St. Pierre T-Shirt in the game. That sort of thing doesn't interest me much. But more levels I might do if anyone could tell me if they're any good.

  13. #13
    NBA Legend pauk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    Fantastic game, great gameplay, story, puzzles, combat and graphics are very decent on my high-end PC.... the only thing i could find which someone could maybe whine about is if you are not a huge fan of QTE (Quick Time Events)... "Press this and this if you dont want this rock in your face!"
    Last edited by pauk; 03-23-2013 at 06:14 PM.

  14. #14
    good scorer Rose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    Having a ball playing this game. I'm halfway through it and really don't have any complaints. I like how the side tombs are all physics puzzles.

    Also didn't realize I could upgrade my weapons till I was at the radio tower. Had almost 2K in wreckage before I saw that it was unlocked made the game a bit easier.

  15. #15
    Good High School Starter jcsrplumply's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tomb Raider is awesome

    Really great game in my opinion :).
    But it doesn't feel like a Tomb Raider game but nevertheless a great game..
    I wish the tomb raiding puzzles are harder though, it feels like even my 3 years old cousin can solve that.

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