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  1. #106
    Lebron fan dh144498's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    DMAVS going full retard, but it's nothing new.

  2. #107
    It's ugly ass B.Walton
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    Damn Shaq you just destroyed every facet of his "argument". Well done sir
    Last edited by Element; 04-09-2013 at 01:02 PM.

  3. #108
    Local High School Star
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    overrated & stat paddar

  4. #109
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer DMAVS41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaqAttack3234
    Again, you're not using logic. Kobe doesn't get to the line at the same ridiculous rate Durant does, or even close. I pointed out Kobe has the best pump fake and footwork in the game, and for years, he's baited defenders into fouling him on jump shots.

    If there was some evidence contrary to my opinion that was anywhere near as strong as what I've posted then I'd acknowledge it. But there isn't.

    I've said Durant is better at selling fouls and clearly looks to sell them more. That accounts for some, but not all of the huge disparity. This was true last year when Durant was averaging a far more reasonable 7.6 FTA on 19.7 FGA.

    You're assuming Melo intentionally does the Moses thing 1 time per game, and I wouldn't say that's accurate at all. Wouldn't surprise me if he averaged one offensive rebound per game on his own misses, maybe even more, but a lot of the time, it's because he tries to make the first shot and misses it, often because there's contact on his first attempt that would get Durant free throws 99% of the time.

    Again, Kobe has the best pump fake in the game, and the disparity isn't even close to as big. I have no bias against Durant. I've called him the best scorer in the game and the second best player in the game the last 2 years. I'm just not going to watch the games and pretend he deserves the excessive amount of free throws he gets.

    The long range shots doesn't make much more of a difference. If you want to we can look at shots 10 feet and in, which is closer with Melo at 7.3 and Durant at 7.0. Even so, Durant still gets to the line at a much higher rate.

    Actually, no, he isn't. He flops, which Kobe doesn't do, but Kobe is definitely better at getting guys off their feet with his fakes, and Kobe is defended every bit as tight on his jump shots as Durant is, and probably gets fouled more on them than anyone in the league.

    If you want to talk about biases, everyone on this board knows you're biased against Kobe, and it's obvious in probably 75% of your posts about him.

    And you really think that disparity comes on mid-range jumpers? You think more of these fouls are coming there than at the rim? It's obvious what's going on here. You made a simple-minded argument posting just FTA, I provided context, you tried to do the same by eliminating 3s, I did you one better again, but you're too stubborn to admit it

    So you think that Melo and Durant are officiated the same way? Thanks, you've just told me that you don't watch Knick games which explains a lot.

    You still haven't tried to explain why Durant's own FTA have increased so much from last year.

    It's not Durant getting to the line more than Melo that bothers me, it's the enormous difference, and not just between them. Durant and virtually every other superstar I've seen.

    You want to see a real comparison with Lebron and Durant too? Durant averages 17.9 FGA and Lebron averages 18. Virtually the same, yet Durant averages 9.4 FTA while Lebron averages 7.0.

    Lebron takes 6.7 shots at the rim per game. That's 2.7 more than the Durant. And you can't even try to your flawed 3 point argument here either because Durant takes 4.2 threes while Lebron takes 3.5.

    In this case, Lebron usually doesn't take technicals, but I can tell you that Durant isn't averaging anywhere near 2.4 technicals per game.

    I never mentioned anything about free throws in crunch time in particular. I simply stated that Melo is almost always on the court to end quarters in general, meaning all 4. His rests usually come to start the 2nd and to start the 4th. Durant actually often rests the last few minutes of the 1st and last few minutes of the 3rd.

    And your argument is still invalid, in this post, I've expanded FGA from at the rim to inside 10 feet in general, and Melo still takes more.

    Plus, there's a comparison between Lebron and Durant, and not only does Lebron take far more shots at the rim, but he takes fewer 3s.

    Your "rate" is solely based on fga. You are assuming that fga is what determines free throw attempts. It is a factor, but not the sole factor. Harden and Durant destroy that theory....unless you are claiming that both of them get special treatment that no other players in the league get.

    How do you feel about Harden.

    FGA does not solely determine FTA. However, even if it did. Take Kobe vs Durant. Here is what we've determined;

    1. Durant is better at drawing fouls.
    2. Kobe takes 2.4 more shots a game. I'm saying that Kobe takes at least 2 to 3 bad shots a game that he is very unlikely to get fouled on vs what Durant does. Hence Durant's superior efficiency. Durant doesn't have to take as many bail out shots as Kobe does...partly because his team...and partly because he doesn't chuck as much.

    Durant should shoot at a higher rate. You still are avoiding the entire thing. FGA is not the sole factor. Kobe takes more long shots and more bail out shots. Kobe is worse at drawing fouls.

    Hence you get a logical conclusion of Durant going to the line roughly .8 more times in the same amount of minutes. You can't just arbitrarily talk about rate when Kobe's field goal attempts in which he can get fouled on are less.

    And you certainly can't just claim that Kobe is great at drawing fouls on jump shots like it means anything. We've already determined Durant is better at drawing fouls.

    So..more long shots, not as good at drawing fouls. On 3's alone you have to remove 1 shot a game.

    It is amazing how stupid people are on here if they think you are "winning" an argument when you are simply defining what free throw rate is based on your own absurd field goal attempt standard...when all the evidence flies in the face of that with Durant and Harden shooting the most in the league on limited attempts.

    And even more. Kobe's extra fga are just more long bad shots. If Durant took 3 more shots a game....and those extra 3 were just 2 more long jumpers and 1 more 3. His free throws might not move at all. So what would you think then. That is why Durant is shooting at a higher rate this year. He's cut out some of his bad shots....he's taking 1 less three a game...and if you have watched at all, he's taking less bailout shots and trying to attack instead. Hence you see the difference. What? Crazy how logic and evidence works. Last year those extra 2 shots a game did nothing to impact his free throws because those 2 shots were bad long shots or a three. How can you not see that?

    Please answer. Would you have a problem with Durant shooting the exact same amount of free throws if he shots 21 shots a game? Please answer.

    As for Melo. It isn't only about where shots come from. But if it was, Melo also takes more from deep. 2 more threes and 2 more long jumpers. So please try to remotely stay even. I will say it again. FGA is not the only factor here. And Durant draws fouls in way that is different than other guys...obviously. That is what you can't figure out. Melo takes 4 more shots a game. And I'd say 3 of them he has no ability to even get fouled because they are bailout shots or he takes 2 more threes.

    Still can't figure it out can you? Durant takes better shots. Less long bailout jumpers and threes...and is better at drawing free throws. And he's on the court more than both of them. And we are still worrying about .8 more trips to the free throw line per game? Seems right in line with everything you've said.

    All this comes down to is that you keep saying that Durant is better at drawing fouls...but you aren't factoring that in at all. You also aren't giving any credit to Durant for his superior shot selection and lack of settling. The numbers alone show this. If you removed the "bad shots" that Kobe and Melo take...your fga argument falls apart. You can keep saying it doesn't, and you can mention shots within 10 feet, but that doesn't matter when you already admitted Durant was better at drawing fouls...and you are conveniently ignoring that. If we removed the fat of bad shots and 3's....

    17.9 vs 18.4 vs 19

    That is what the real fga would look like in reality in terms of when they can get fouled. And for a player that is superior at drawing contact...even on the limited and narrow minded fga vs fta would get nothing wrong with Durant going to the line a little less than 1 more time per game.

    Explain keep saying..every other superstar you've seen. The two leading free throw shooters take less shots than the other guys. So either the league has a conspiracy against the likes of Lebron, Melo, and Durant....or you are just wrong in your theory. Which one do you think it is?

    Stop pretending like you brought context by solely bringing up fga. That is one of many factors in free throw attempts. And again...thank you for not admitting that Kobe and Melo don't take more bad shots. Clear you don't watch any Knicks or Thunder games. Those guys settle way more...hence the much worse efficiency. Crazy how that works.

    And we haven't even determined how many tech free throws these guys have shot either. LOL
    Last edited by DMAVS41; 04-09-2013 at 07:17 PM.

  5. #110
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer DMAVS41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    Oh, I forgot the shots within 10 feet argument.

    So you have

    7.3 for Melo
    7.0 for Durant

    But about shots 16 feet and out

    11.6 for Melo
    8.0 for Durant


    Sorry, those extra 3.6 threes, bad, and bailout shots a game matter. It cuts way down on the fga Melo has in which a foul is reasonable...especially considering how Durant is far superior at drawing fouls on jumpers.

    So, no more hiding. How many free throws per game... Not per fga...should Durant be shooting. Please answer. Give us an answer so we know how far off his current total of 9.4 a game is.

    And in case you miss it. Please answer the Harden dilemma. Who shots more free throws and less shots than Durant. Not a good look for your fga vs fta rate nonsense.

    And this has nothing to do with Kobe. We've been talking about Melo...mainly because your argument holds no water with Kobe. He's only taking 2.4 more shots per game and one of them is a three. And he's clearly worse at drawing fouls at this point in his career...and probably takes the most bad shots in the league. Doesn't shoot all the technicals and has nobody else on his team to take bailout Westbrook does for Durant. Durant should be going to the line more often and the rate at which he does isn't that big at all when you factor in reality.
    Last edited by DMAVS41; 04-09-2013 at 07:31 PM.

  6. #111
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer DMAVS41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    And will you at least admit that field goal attempts is not the only factor in determining how many free throws a player should take?

    Because if you aren't willing to do that...then this is all pointless.


    - Plays 1.3 less minutes per game
    - Takes more bad shots and long shots
    - Isn't as good at drawing fouls
    - Most likely shoots less technicals

    Just doesn't seem all that crazy that he goes to the line less than 1 more time per game. And this actually why the margins are small. You get two free throws when you go to the line. I'll ask again. Would Durant taking 21 shots....let's say the 3 extra shots are all 3's. Would you still bemoan all of this?
    Last edited by DMAVS41; 04-09-2013 at 07:41 PM.

  7. #112
    Local High School Star DatAsh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    The reason FTA/FGA is used is because it's about the best measure we have. It's certainly a much better measure than one's (often biased)opinion.

    From the games I watch, it's clear to me that Kobe and Wade are about the best at drawing shooting contact on jumpshots, and amongst the superstars who's games I regularly watch, Lebron and Harden get hacked the most. And therein lies the problem with personal opinion; just look at how much our opinion differs on this subject.

    And even more. Kobe's extra fga are just more long bad shots. If Durant took 3 more shots a game....and those extra 3 were just 2 more long jumpers and 1 more 3. His free throws might not move at all. So what would you think then. That is why Durant is shooting at a higher rate this year. He's cut out some of his bad shots....he's taking 1 less three a game...and if you have watched at all, he's taking less bailout shots and trying to attack instead. Hence you see the difference. What? Crazy how logic and evidence works. Last year those extra 2 shots a game did nothing to impact his free throws because those 2 shots were bad long shots or a three. How can you not see that?
    This is a slippery slope here. Without evidence to back up these claims, they're all but meaningless, and we certainly shouldn't be trying to make absolute claims such as

    "That is why Durant is shooting at a higher rate this year."

    17.9 vs 18.4 vs 19

    That is what the real fga would look like in reality in terms of when they can get fouled.
    Without hard evidence, there's simply no way of substantiating claims such as these. For all we know, the circumstances could represent exactly the opposite. "Bad" shots are generally much more well contested, and more contested shots tend to draw more fouls. In all likelihood, Durant's better shot selection - which I agree with - could be working against him in this argument, but without statistical evidence, we simply can't say one way or the other - at least not in this case.

    Also, you keep referring to these differences as "small", when they really aren't. 1-3 ppg game differences may be small in the grand scheme of things, but in arguments of generally minuscule margins to begin with, 27/8/7 on 64% vs 30/8/7 on 66% can mean the difference between a top 7-8 peak and a top 5 peak.
    Last edited by DatAsh; 04-09-2013 at 08:13 PM.

  8. #113
    Great college starter SyRyanYang's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    And here I am, thought DMAVS41 was a quality poster.
    Guilty as charged

  9. #114
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    Quote Originally Posted by DatAsh
    The reason FTA/FGA is used is because it's about the best measure we have. It's certainly a much better measure than one's (often biased)opinion.

    From the games I watch, it's clear to me that Kobe and Wade are about the best at drawing shooting contact on jumpshots, and amongst the superstars who's games I regularly watch, Lebron and Harden get hacked the most. And therein lies the problem with personal opinion; just look at how much our opinion differs on this subject.

    This is a slippery slope here. Without evidence to back up these claims, they're all but meaningless, and we certainly shouldn't be trying to make absolute claims such as


    Without hard evidence, there's simply no way of substantiating claims such as these. For all we know, the circumstances could represent exactly the opposite. "Bad" shots are generally much more well contested, and more contested shots tend to draw more fouls. In all likelihood, Durant's better shot selection - which I agree with - could be working against him in this argument, but without statistical evidence, we simply can't say one way or the other - at least not in this case.

    Also, you keep referring to these differences as "small", when they really aren't. 1-3 ppg game differences may be small in the grand scheme of things, but in arguments of generally minuscule margins to begin with, 27/8/7 on 64% vs 30/8/7 on 66% can mean the difference between a top 7-8 peak and a top 5 peak.
    Why is FGA a good measure? When youre fouled youre FGA is substracted and so the more you attempt FT, The less FGA you get.

  10. #115
    Local High School Star DatAsh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    Quote Originally Posted by knicksman
    Why is FGA a good measure? When youre fouled youre FGA is substracted and so the more you attempt FT, The less FGA you get.
    But that's the case for everyone. It isn't exclusive to certain players in particular, though a valid argument could be made for certain players' ability to power through contact and thereby put themselves in more and-1 scenarios.

    It's not a perfect measure by any means, but it's one of the best we have.
    Last edited by DatAsh; 04-09-2013 at 08:55 PM.

  11. #116
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer DMAVS41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    Quote Originally Posted by DatAsh
    The reason FTA/FGA is used is because it's about the best measure we have. It's certainly a much better measure than one's (often biased)opinion.

    From the games I watch, it's clear to me that Kobe and Wade are about the best at drawing shooting contact on jumpshots, and amongst the superstars who's games I regularly watch, Lebron and Harden get hacked the most. And therein lies the problem with personal opinion; just look at how much our opinion differs on this subject.

    This is a slippery slope here. Without evidence to back up these claims, they're all but meaningless, and we certainly shouldn't be trying to make absolute claims such as


    Without hard evidence, there's simply no way of substantiating claims such as these. For all we know, the circumstances could represent exactly the opposite. "Bad" shots are generally much more well contested, and more contested shots tend to draw more fouls. In all likelihood, Durant's better shot selection - which I agree with - could be working against him in this argument, but without statistical evidence, we simply can't say one way or the other - at least not in this case.

    Also, you keep referring to these differences as "small", when they really aren't. 1-3 ppg game differences may be small in the grand scheme of things, but in arguments of generally minuscule margins to begin with, 27/8/7 on 64% vs 30/8/7 on 66% can mean the difference between a top 7-8 peak and a top 5 peak.
    How many shots you take is a factor...but it's not the sole factor. How can you not see that. You guys are acting like they go hand in hand.

    There are so many opinions here. Shaq is claiming that Melo is the most disrespected star in the league and that Kobe is the best at drawing fouls on jump shots.

    The difference is small when you consider all the evidence.

    I am supposed to ignore that Melo takes 4 more shots per game from 16 feet and out...and clearly settles for tough jumpers more than Durant. And, as I've said, even that is flawed given the evidence of Harden...and Martin when you look at him in years past. How many shots these guys take and where they take them matters...but not nearly as much as how good a player is at drawing fouls and how often they try to draw them. But, you know, the evidence supports my still don't get the point of all of this.

    We've already all agreed that Durant is better at drawing fouls. He plays 1.3 more minutes per game. He takes less bad shots. He clearly "tries" to get to the line more than Melo.

    For those of you not following. How can you claim that fga vs fta is the best measure when the two players leading the league in fta don't take as many fga as the other guys. Harden and Durant shoot more free throws yet they take less shots. That destroys the theory completely.

    I was simply showing that even if you use have to account for things like long jumpers. Yes, shots at the rim are important as well...but Durant is a little different considering how he draws his fouls. Which is clear to anyone that watches him.

    Basically Durant and Harden play to get fouled...and they are very good at it. Pretending otherwise is just silly. We saw this with Kevin Martin. Was the league conspiring in his favor the year he shot 8.4 free throws on 15.8 shots...while shooting 5.7 threes a game????? people don't have a ****ing let to stand on.

    Based on your conspiracy theory and favoritism nonsense...the league was cheating for Kevin ****ing Martin in 2011.

    Certain players are really good at drawing fouls...and some of those players try to do it more than others. Durant, this year, has cut out a couple of his long bad shots a game and made a point to try to get to the line. That is why his "rate" has gone up and why it's perfectly reasonable given all the evidence.

    And that is why fga is a factor, but not the sole factor.
    Last edited by DMAVS41; 04-09-2013 at 09:04 PM.

  12. #117
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer DMAVS41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    Quote Originally Posted by DatAsh
    But that's the case for everyone; it isn't exclusive to certain players in particular.

    It's not a perfect measure by any means, but it's one of the best we have.
    You don't have to pick and choose what factor you use. You should use all the information. FGA should for sure be used. But we should look into other things as well. Minutes played matter as well. For example;

    Durant plays 1.5 more minutes per game than Melo. That alone makes up a bit of the difference as Melo averages roughly .204 free throws per minute. So in that extra 1.5 minutes...Durant gains an average of .31 free throw attempts per game.

    So if Melo played the same amount of minutes as Durant, he'd be shooting 7.9 free throws. A small difference, but like I've repeatedly said, everything counts.

    So you get 7.9 vs 9.4 when you even up the minutes.

    Again. So many factors...and acting like fga is the only one is hugely flawed...and made even worse by your side using it in the wrong way to begin with.

  13. #118
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    Quote Originally Posted by DatAsh
    But that's the case for everyone. It isn't exclusive to certain players in particular, though a valid argument could be made for certain players' ability to power through contact and thereby put themselves in more and-1 scenarios.

    It's not a perfect measure by any means, but it's one of the best we have.
    I dont think its a good measure coz as ive said, the more fta you get, the lesser the fga as long as your possessions per game remains the same.

  14. #119
    Local High School Star DatAsh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    Quote Originally Posted by knicksman
    I dont think its a good measure coz as ive said, the more fta you get, the lesser the fga as long as your possessions per game remains the same.
    You're missing my point.

  15. #120
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer DMAVS41's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do people really believe KD is only a good scorer because of his free throws?

    Quote Originally Posted by SyRyanYang
    And here I am, thought DMAVS41 was a quality poster.
    Guilty as charged
    I question your intelligence if you think that this discussion is somehow evidence to the contrary.

    Do you think fga is the sole factor in determining how many free throws a player should shoot?

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