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  1. #46
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Default Re: The further adventures...

    Quote Originally Posted by 01amberfirewv
    I just turned 38 and I feel your pain. I was never the most talented guy playing but I was always one of the quickest. Now that my body is older those days are over. I'm good for one or two quick moves a game but that's about it. If my body is hurting I've got no quickness, no smoothness it's to shoot and I can't guard a stop sign.
    Thanks for reading. I can get hot with the J and I am a decent perimeter defender but my best days of athleticism are behind me. I would play you tho

  2. #47
    Serious playground baller
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorP
    Thanks for reading. I can get hot with the J and I am a decent perimeter defender but my best days of athleticism are behind me. I would play you tho

    We need more guys my age to play. I keep saying we need to find older guys to play but I think that's what all the 20 year olds are doing with us

  3. #48
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Sept 16, 2016

    I guess this is why health journals are so obnoxious and unentertaining. At this point I sound like a broken record.

    1. Young people, not my thing to be around anymore. I'm like the old guy at the club, not a good look. So I prefer playing alone and this way I can avoid stupid fights.
    2. After being inactive since last game I struggled through fatigue today.
    3. Now I have to fight through scar tissue pain on my right shoulder, yet not on my left wrist, which is surprising.
    4. It's still an uphill battle to get the right nutrition, I don't eat enough protein.

    I think my conclusion has become this: I find that the healthiest lifestyle for me is not even when I'm playing a lot of bball, its when Im up early walking around, using less desktime (sucks cause I draw a lot) and when I am constantly active throughout the day. If I am inactive, sitting around (even if im working) and just not being mobile I will easily lose all of the cardio gains.

    It sucks but it looks like from here on out playing competitive bball will always be an uphill battle. So not fun but, **** it, this is how it's going to be. I am going to try to get into a lot more biking and use basketball as more of a compliment to the biking. Maybe I will get more inspired during the season.

    And I now owe eight thousand dollars because of that fight early this summer. No insurance in this country is Fd. Credit? Fd. I can see why people in the hood would rather kill or be killed, fighting is too expensive. That's a terrible joke.
    Last edited by DoctorP; 09-16-2016 at 07:51 PM.

  4. #49
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Anyways, years later and I'm livin in the city and after slackin last year due to city adjustment and then a brutal winter, I am back in somewhat of a rhythm.

    The city is cool. Smarter people and a great variety of people that gives you that american world feel. It's an american city.

    After a few training sessions and consistent play, I have noticed soreness whereas befoe the soreness would go away earlier, but when I'm on it feels good. Got a good chi energy lift from the repetition.

    But my days of going maybe twice a week or at least once a week of good hard action may be at an end. We will see.

    Hitting threes like Kawhi.

    Feeling the wingspan.

    I'm too short for the pros.

    Maybe Europe.

    But I'm too old now.

    Maybe I could do a season in Puerto Rico or something. Nah.

  5. #50
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    I beat this guy one-on-one today. I was surprised I won.
    This guy he was an outside shooter with this Kyrie Irvingesque dribble-play. He faked me out pretty good at first, I had to adjust to that snake dance haha
    He creamed me off the bat with multiple threes but I started driving and actually working on finishing my drive game with soft touches.

    That felt good.
    Hit a runner off the backboard.
    Hit a bank shot from the wing.

    ENded up winning the 2nd match and ended it there.

    A great workout for sure

  6. #51
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Well we have passed the halfway point of the summer and I seem to have physically peaked. I'm feeling strong and physically fit but my body is beginning to get tired of working out. I'd rather not spend so much energy on something that takes me a while to recover and use the energy more wisely. I don't want to risk injury trying to prove something and over-exerting myself. I can walk without soreness and I want to keep it that way. This is called getting old.

    I've won some battles and Ive gotten my ass handed to me. There are definitely some ballers in NYC, a lot of dudes here have polished post moves which is against the current NBA trends (maybe that's why they are not in the NBA) but the half-court dominance (so many half court games, no full court) is a bit annoying. I like to run and spot up to shoot and that is severely lacking in the half-court. Maybe it's the courts i'm visiting so I'm still looking for more full-court challenges. I mean, players basically sit at the half-court line watching the game. That shit doesn't go down in my hometown.

    Anywhoo, a good summer so far. I love it. Sun and basketball. The best.
    Last edited by DoctorP; 08-01-2019 at 02:18 AM.

  7. #52
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    One good thing about global warming is that it is mid October and I just had a helll of a session playing outdoor BBall with no shirt, getting sun. My 3 ball was legit today, I must have shot like 75 percent on jumpshots and like upwards of 65 percent on the 3 ball. Ridiculous. HItting stepbacks now regularly. WTF. Being skinny has its advantages. Im really thin now.

    One of those good days.

    Annihilated this hefty dude with ease. He was a good dude, very chill. Had to slaughter him, though.

    Didn't feel the slightest pain from anything. It had been probably 2-3 weeks since my last game where I felt tenderness in my achilles. None of that today.

    I have been walking a lot more lately. Just walking. It helps.

    This little kid wanted to play as I was heading out, I felt bad he was alone. He was bored and didnt know what to do. I told him to try 50 layups and see if he can do it without getting tired. He liked the idea. Good luck, kid.

  8. #53
    Local High School Star hiphopanonymous's Avatar
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    Default Re: The further adventures...

    What a cool thread - thanks for continuing to post

  9. #54
    Local High School Star hiphopanonymous's Avatar
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    I've got a very weird start to my basketball career. I didn't start playing until I was about 23, I'm 32 now and will be 33 soon. I haven't felt the athletic decline yet other than recovery period but I know it will eventually come. In my late 20's I noticed I wasn't getting as good as I'd hoped through merely playing games. I only started practicing with any regularity about 2 years ago. So for a long time even though my brain began to understood the game, my body still couldn't do much that was effective.

    Finally, after the few years of practice I'm having a big break out year, my teammates say it looks like I get better every game. I got one of the biggest compliments after the last game, which was that though most of our team is viewed as athletes (hockey, football, etc backgrounds) I am now viewed as a "basketball player" like our teammate that played in college. I like reading the posts here, I may be finally hitting my stride in the game but I know I will need to temper my game at some point here in my 30's so I'll probably have a very short window of experiencing the game at a level that feels impactful. Especially since much of my game is based on quickness.

    I'm curious, at what age the few of you posting in your late 30's felt any sort of decline and what declined? Speed and quickness? Jumping? All of the above?

  10. #55
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hiphopanonymous
    What a cool thread - thanks for continuing to post
    THANKS! :)

    Today I played a quickie. Got some good running in to counteract the 2 packs of cigarettes I smoked this month. VERY BAD! I was winded but made it through my reps. And then played a quick halfcourt set against these youngsters. They could shoot pretty good from midrange and this one dude was the alpha, he was tall and made some solid contested drives. I made a few shots from the perimeter but rolled my ankle on the way down from a jumpshot so played halfspeed and racked up a couple of assists before bowing out.

    We shook hands afterwards and that was that. Now my ankle is tender. I had to walk a mile back home and that sucked, hopefully that does not further damage any soft tissue. Im now chilling, watching a game on TV and taking all the weight off of it.

    Drinking a chocolate milk. It was a good workout. I feel good.

  11. #56
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    After a winter of gaining about 5 pounds of fat and then a Corona break where I barely went out for a month (probably another couple of pounds of straight FAT), I finally said "**** this" and ventured to the courts for a workout. I thought I was going to be weak as hell but my shot was pretty decent. Mind you, I had a flatter-than-usual ball so that was a boost but yeah... I was hitting shots, running and gunning and keeping my distance from ignorant fools trying to get close to me to start a game.

    Tomorrow there will be pushups and let the road to summer fitness begin!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHHA

    (working out has got me feeling hyper as hell. hopefully the crash from the work-out high won't be too bad.)

  12. #57
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hiphopanonymous View Post
    I've got a very weird start to my basketball career. I didn't start playing until I was about 23, I'm 32 now and will be 33 soon. I haven't felt the athletic decline yet other than recovery period but I know it will eventually come. In my late 20's I noticed I wasn't getting as good as I'd hoped through merely playing games. I only started practicing with any regularity about 2 years ago. So for a long time even though my brain began to understood the game, my body still couldn't do much that was effective.

    Finally, after the few years of practice I'm having a big break out year, my teammates say it looks like I get better every game. I got one of the biggest compliments after the last game, which was that though most of our team is viewed as athletes (hockey, football, etc backgrounds) I am now viewed as a "basketball player" like our teammate that played in college. I like reading the posts here, I may be finally hitting my stride in the game but I know I will need to temper my game at some point here in my 30's so I'll probably have a very short window of experiencing the game at a level that feels impactful. Especially since much of my game is based on quickness.

    I'm curious, at what age the few of you posting in your late 30's felt any sort of decline and what declined? Speed and quickness? Jumping? All of the above?
    I began to athletically decline at around 36 myself. I just got a lot slower, less agile and jumping was slower too although my vert is about the same.

  13. #58
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    After what seemed like the longest, most depressing spring of all-time, the sun came out at the beginning of June and I am back LIKE A BEAST!!!
    The cops still haven't put the rims up so I am basically playing by shooting at the square on the backboard, it ain't perfect but it gets the job done.

    I gained about 10 pounds and probably 10 percent bodyfat since the last one on account of not being able to work out so my first workout was a slug but I pushed through it and I felt IMMEDIATE RESULTS (I kid you not). My bloated beer belly almost disappeared overnight and I felt like my brain was washed over with dopamine. I had so much energy afterwards and I was hyper-FN-active! I felt alive!!!

    Two days later, my second workout was even harder because my body was tired and my muscles were still sore. No matter. I slogged through that ****er like a bat outta hell and felt good afterwards. My heart was killing me but it toughened up. I'm focused on cardio I want my heart to strengthen.

    That week I ended up having 3 workouts. I felt like I shaved the frosting off of my body. My posture is improved. No soreness. One of the upsides to not exercising a whole damn season is the fact that your joints and limbs get a break. My knees and ankles are fresh and springy. I have the legs of a 25 year old again. This ain't gonna last and I'm not going to push myself like a kid. I'm going to let my body recover so I don't tear anything and then I'm gonna get out there again.... race war or no race war!!!

    I haven't lost any moves. My dribbling is still tight and my jumpshot has good form. It's like ridin' a bike.... the skills remain.
    Last edited by DoctorP; 07-06-2020 at 03:32 PM.

  14. #59
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    Im living in Manhattan now and im playing more ball than I have in years. Feeling good, not pushing it too hard but today was one for the ages.

    Started warming up with this dude that was like a 6'2 AD. He was talking about Jokic and how clutch he was, I agreed with his sentiments.

    Anywhoo, we played these younger cats and they had a 14-6 lead on us and then I hit a two and dished out assists to my guys to tie it all the way up at 15.

    Then I said "were gonna have to do you like Denver" and we closed them out as I assisted mini AD with a three ball.

    Game. Set. Match.

  15. #60
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    It still fascinates me how something as small as a calf strain can completely throw me off my game. Ive been balling out recently, playing well, moving well, shooting well. Then as I played a simple two-on-two my calf cramped up. I stretched it out and kept playing but I wasn't the same player. I had my jumper and could still play some D. But that was about it. Movement and cuts were in slow motion. I don't know how pro players do it. I will rest a full week and see what happens next. A shame as the season is beginning to cool. But I am happy with my output this summer. I feel I cut weight and am in good health going into winter. Peace, readers.

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