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  1. #16
    Learning to shoot layups MtMutombo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    Quote Originally Posted by eurobum
    Yeah, pretty much, especially for close finishes, but when it comes to more advanced mechanics like shooting, it's one hand exclusive.

    But there really is no rhyme and reason.

    I write left-handed, but like a lot of left-handers* the way I hold the pen is not proper (causing quick writing fatigue, thankfully everything is mostly computers these days). BUT when I write on a vertical surface, like a white board, I write right-handed and hold the pen proper. Really weird. Penmanship is not similar to left-handed on a horizontal surface.

    Shoot hoops right-handed. Generally "throws" are right-handed for me and delicate things left-handed. Like, when I aim a gun, fictitiously (yeah, I'm European, never fired a gun) I'm definitely left-handed. Swing a bat, golf-club, right-handed.

    Every time I perform a new task I have to try both, some I still haven't figured out which is better, like bowling. Probably because I've bowled maybe ten times in my life and each time is with varying results. Neither left or right fee natural when bowling.

    Funny thing: rackets. Badminton - left hand, tennis - right hand, but I think this is due to the first time I played tennis was during a summer when my left elbow was severely sprained and in a brace, so I learnt tennis using my right hand.

    Interesting fact: there is a theory that most cross-handed people are natural lefties but their ability to use their right hand is due to society having most machinery etc. built for right-handed people. There is some truth to this. My brain is right-dominated (creative, etc., using left hand). My mom has told me that when I was a starting to draw at a very young age, she kept forcing me to use my right hand until eventually I wouldn't give in.

    *This, by the way, is not based on data, but just my own observations on the subject.
    Dr. Eurobum - Professor of Left Hand Theory

    I remember Sheed used to make 3's left handed... that still is crazy to me. an ambidextrous shot

  2. #17
    Local High School Star
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    It's called being ambidextrous, when u can use both hands almost equally. I remember when Kobe made a left handed three. The cool thing about it was he had a stinger in is right arm and could barely use it, instead of going to the locker room he continued play with only the use of one arm and still scored 17 points all with the left.

  3. #18
    I am your soldier!
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    Larry Bird lefty game >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  4. #19
    kobeee!! JerryWest's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    kobe >>>>>>>>>>>>>

  5. #20
    Local High School Star
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    Quote Originally Posted by imnew09
    You can clearly see that he wasn't aiming for a bank shot...

    this is a real lefty 3, makes them with defenders on him
    LOL yes. It was a luck shot.

  6. #21
    #Trump4Treason nathanjizzle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    dude is just getting bored at the top, gotta try new things to spice it up.

  7. #22
    Complete Player
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    Quote Originally Posted by eurobum
    Yeah, pretty much, especially for close finishes, but when it comes to more advanced mechanics like shooting, it's one hand exclusive.

    But there really is no rhyme and reason.

    I write left-handed, but like a lot of left-handers* the way I hold the pen is not proper (causing quick writing fatigue, thankfully everything is mostly computers these days). BUT when I write on a vertical surface, like a white board, I write right-handed and hold the pen proper. Really weird. Penmanship is not similar to left-handed on a horizontal surface.
    I feel your pain. I was ambidextrous as a kid...great for basketball but horrible for writing. My third grade teacher noticed my cursive was all ****ed up so she started paying special attention to me and found that I was constantly switching hands while writing. I wasn't even aware that I was doing it. She made me write only with the right hand and even told my parents to watch me at home until they broke me of the habit.

  8. #23
    MJ of ISH *Brotherhood (e)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    I'm right handed and shoot with my left.

    More common than one would think

  9. #24
    Local High School Star Basketbolero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    I'm right handed and now that I don't play basketball anymore I don't use my left hand for anything other than fapping and touching my gf's right breast

  10. #25
    Wait and See lilgodfather1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    Quote Originally Posted by brantonli
    I've had people ask me on the court if I'm left handed. My dribbling is definitely better with the left hand, and some things is better (this is going to sound weird) but I can turn knobs and dials much better with my left than my right. Plus my layups are better on the left side but I shoot right-handed.
    I shoot much better technically speaking with my left hand, although it doesn't have the same range (3 point) as my right does. Certain dribble moves, that I attempt I.E the around the back are better with my right hand, but crosses are much better with my left. I used to write lefty until I broke the hand and started writing right handed.

    Right handed

    Left handed
    Baseball (batting)

    Certain things you do in life that others might notice when you are cross handed is as simple as how you cross your arms/legs. My left always goes over top, and people ask me if i'm lefty or not.

  11. #26
    High School Varsity 6th Man
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    Quote Originally Posted by INDI
    It's called being ambidextrous, when u can use both hands almost equally. I remember when Kobe made a left handed three. The cool thing about it was he had a stinger in is right arm and could barely use it, instead of going to the locker room he continued play with only the use of one arm and still scored 17 points all with the left.
    No, it's called ambidextrous when you can use both hands EQUALLY (not almost, look it up). The other thing, like I detailed in a previous post, is called cross-handedness.

  12. #27
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    Quote Originally Posted by bdreason
    I'm all over the place. I write with my right hand, but shoot with left. Kick with the right foot, jump with the left. Throw a football or baseball right handed. And here is the crazy one, I bat left, but golf right.
    By nature on a layup or statue of liberty dunk, your right knee wants to go up but you prefer to attempt that left handed?

  13. #28
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    Everybody is preferred handed. Most ambidextrous people are born left handed and adapted to a right hand world - the mouse, guitars, and writing is designed to pull from left to right. I can write left handed but it comes out perfectly if you read it in a mirror only. While I think I am born naturally right handed, I can do most things well with my left. Some people have a slight scoliosiocis, spine curvature, and the brain will send mixed signals of which hand should be used to compensate.

    Lebrons is weird. Left handed writing is the first thing they try to get you not to do. So I'm thinking he's really a lefty. But Lebron really prefers to not leap off of his right foot - the infamous Jordan critique that Lebron won't keep the ball dribbling when going to his left. Wall and Rose are exceptional with this ability. On youtube Rose makes a lefty halfcourt shot without it looking weird at all, which is really hard to do for the most ambidextrious of people.

  14. #29
    I rule the local playground Linspired's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    some of you must never played basketball.

    pgs practice 15ft floaters both hands all the time.
    bigs practice 15ft hook both hands.

    and when you do these enough you can shoot with your other hands and be decent at it.

  15. #30
    Big Booty Hoes!! NumberSix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lebron left handed 3pt bank shot earlier vs Bulls

    I'm right handed, but I'm left nutted. Weird.

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