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  1. #1
    Deity ★ Persona Josh's Avatar
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    Default Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    I'll give you an example. Just for kicks I've been playing an emulator for the Super Nintendo and I'm playing Super Mario World. I'm not using the keyboard, but instead a wired 360 controller I've mapped so the experience is virtually the same (even though the Super NES controller, more accurate, smoother then the 360).

    I recall when I was a young buck this game or just about any other on the SNES or SEGA Genesis seemed much easier. I'm still dominating the game, just not like I was previously capable of a couple decades ago. What gives? I was doing alright up until Star Road.

    Those stages above were a cakewalk. Finding the secret keys and unlocking the next level was simple. It wasn't until the Star Road *SPECIAL* that follows I began having issues.

    I'm sure some of you guys remember all this. Have any of you revisited this classic in recent years and feel the same pain I am? Meaning you've noticed your skills have somewhat declined. Your Mario smoothness isn't as sharp as it used to be.

    Here on these Star Road *SPECIAL* stages, there's no secret keys to locate in order to advance to the next stage, you just have get from the beginning to the end of one and the level designs are intended to kick your ass, and they do.

    The first stage Gnarly wasn't too bad, actually. I'm now on the second, Tubular and she's getting the best of me at the moment. I didn't go back to save my progress so had to start over with Gnarly. I'll update with each stage once I advance and report back the experience.

    I just don't remember this beast being this damn hard. I think these are the more difficult stages in the game; even more than 7, 8 and the final Boswer battle. That Princess pus[COLOR="Black"]s[/COLOR]y must be that fire if Mario and Luigi keep sticking their di[COLOR="Black"]c[/COLOR]ks out in such danger to keep saving her fine royal pus[COLOR="Black"]s[/COLOR] time and time again. Bitch better throw in one of them highness blo[COLOR="Black"]w[/COLOR]jobs this time 'round.

  2. #2
    Y.G.R.N Goliath Uterus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    maybe you just got dumber with age? prolly the drugs tbh.

  3. #3
    "The One" Budadiiii's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    Quote Originally Posted by Goliath Uterus
    maybe you just got dumber with age? prolly the drugs tbh.

    Them damn opiates kill brain cells.

  4. #4
    Deity ★ Persona Josh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    Update: alright so after getting past the beast that was Tubular it offered/allowed me a save point. The next stage called Way Cool wasn't as bad as Tubular, but as equally frustrating. I had to hit "switch" boxes and ride scrolling platforms, and on top of that dodge (because you can't combat/kill them) the enemies that look like mean mug hairy pus[COLOR="Black"]s[/COLOR]ies. No joke, here's a screenshot of the stage/enemy.

    ... the journey continues.
    Last edited by Josh; 01-15-2014 at 08:44 PM.

  5. #5
    Deity ★ Persona Josh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    Quote Originally Posted by Goliath Uterus
    maybe you just got dumber with age? prolly the drugs tbh.
    No, because games like Mario Kart, Star Fox, etc I've already played through and completed no problems. Hand and eye coordination is same. It's the side scrolling games that are giving me issues. Not sure if you guys remember a SNES game called Gradius III, but it's a side scrolling aircraft shooter and it was hard then, shit is hard now.

    Long term use of opiates isn't anything like doing meth or dropping LSD/ecstasy. I've never been heavy into the brain cell killing ones. At one time I was big into coke, but that was very short lived. Opiates have always been my thing, and there's no evidence it's really bad on the brain like a lot of other substances.

    There's no doubt it impacts and affects the brain, but I'm just as dumb now as I was with or without popping pills.

    Last edited by Josh; 01-15-2014 at 08:45 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    Tubular was the hardest level of that entire game. I struggled with it massively when I was young. I'll never forget it with those damn P-balloons.

    The thing I'm surprised is how did I ever beat games like A Link to the Past as a 9 year old without any walkthroughs/guides.
    Last edited by Qwyjibo; 01-15-2014 at 09:14 PM.

  7. #7
    Deity ★ Persona Josh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwyjibo
    Tubular was the hardest level of that entire game. I struggled with it massively when I was young. I'll never forget it with those damn P-balloons.

    The thing I'm surprised is how did I ever beat games like A Link to the Past as a 9 year old without any walkthroughs/guides.
    This is exactly what I'm trying to get these knuckle heads to understand (the two guys who just want to say "you did drugs, now you'll be a dumbass the rest of your life" ...

    When we were younger amazingly we could perform at certain video games at a much higher skill level than when we're in our late 20s / early 30s. Perhaps it's our attention spans? At those young ages our attention to detail with something such as video games for example, was uncanny and to me, just IMO, it's somewhat odd.

    Tubular was hard as a muthafu[COLOR="Black"]c[/COLOR]ka and now I'm struggling with the 4th stage Awesome. I could just take the easy route and get a Blue Yoshi, but that's probably the lame shit I did as a kid just so I could beat the level without effort. I like and respect the challenge now, so I'm doing it with no enhancements. Starting out as little Mario. No items or Yoshi.

  8. #8
    Deity ★ Persona Josh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    Back to the game/topic. I just completed awesome. It was frustrating b/c you get a star about 2/3's the way through the level (and there's no halfway progression mini save point mind you throughout these *SPECIAL* stages mind you, making them that much more difficult and when you get to the very end, if you still have the star in effect there's a duck/turtle you have to jump on top of in order to get to the final high platform to finish the stage. Well, if you jump up and hit the enemy you automatically destroy him, going right through him instead of bouncing of his head and you fall to your inevitable death. Damn, I was pissed.

    *Jigga music playing in the background*

    On to the next ... "freeze, somebody bring me back some turtles please"

    Groovy and Mondo are up next. The mission goes on.

  9. #9
    Deity ★ Persona Josh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    Groovy and Mondo were a breeze. Surprisingly easy. I'm thinking like Qwyjibo was alluding to, Tubular was a monster. Awesome gave me a couple fits too, but outside of those two it's been rather simple. I'm thinking I was jumping to conclusions; get it, you know, Mario and "jumping" ...? No? Yeah I know, that was lame as all hell.

    To be continued. Two more stages left in *SPECIAL* land. Will explore and report all the while listening to some 400 lb baby-looking black man on American Idol singing his nuts off and sounding like he's got baby nuts.

    But damn... this chick up now go the face and body going on. Don't give a shit about some dime a dozen voice, lookin' like a legit Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. Dude just complimented his stomach. Girl got it going on.
    Last edited by Josh; 01-15-2014 at 10:14 PM.

  10. #10
    Deity ★ Persona Josh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    Done. Finished Outrageous and Funky. You'd expect Funky to be a bit more challenging being the final stage of the area and all, but it wasn't too bad. Lost of couple lives in the process. Outrageous however didn't disappoint. Shit was difficult as hell if you're playing a "little man" no fire-power or cape/leaf flying ability Mario, which is what I did, and it was mega frustrating at parts. Tubular was mos def the most challenging and it was only the second of the eight.

    Over the years I've grown to love and appreciate the simple yet classic level designs that is collectively the Super Mario Brothers franchise. Super Mario 3 on the NES and Super Mario World on SNES are without question the best releases. I have yet to play the Wii Super Mario game that is supposed to be the next in the platform series, and not like Mario Galaxy that is 3D.

    Don't get me wrong, I liked Mario 64 and the 3D world of Mario and all, but nothing will ever replace or be better than the original. Side scrolling platforming Mario changed the history of gaming and still to this day one of the most entertaining of them all.


    Outside of Star Road and this *SPECIAL* section of the game, what are some of the more challenging and difficult stages/levels? List them. While you're at it, tell me some of your favorite stages; where you really liked the design for some reason or another, some boss or enemy you hated or enjoyed going up against. Ghost Houses, Castles whatever muthafu[COLOR="Black"]c[/COLOR]ka, tell this ATM Super Mario fan that you 'bout it 'bout it when it comes to them gumpas, them turtles, tell me that Yoshi is your nig[COLOR="Black"]g[/COLOR]a and that you got his back ... get it, 'cause you're riding on his, you know, back.

    OK that was gay.

  11. #11
    History made 2016 El Gato Negro's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    imo games were tougher when i was younger. we didn't have no auto save, if you wanted to beat a game you had to do it start to finish in one sitting. kids have it easy gaming now

  12. #12
    Deity ★ Persona Josh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gato Negro
    imo games were tougher when i was younger. we didn't have no auto save, if you wanted to beat a game you had to do it start to finish in one sitting. kids have it easy gaming now
    I'm talking about playing the same game, revisiting one you've already played from the past, and not generational gaps.

  13. #13
    Randy Savage The Macho Man's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    Reaction time slows down as you get older, Josh

  14. #14
    Local High School Star intrinsic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh
    I'm talking about playing the same game, revisiting one you've already played from the past, and not generational gaps.
    It's been the opposite for me. Games from the 8/16 bit era aren't nearly as challenging as I remember them(with a few exceptions).

    Edit: Butter Bridge 1 is the only level I have any trouble with.
    Last edited by intrinsic; 01-16-2014 at 02:01 PM.

  15. #15
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: Why were we more skilled at more difficult games when we were younger?

    I've re-played some games of my youth and found them to be easier than I remember. However, I think some of the apparent difficulties could have to do simply being out of practice. Another poster was right, I think there's times when we were young where we'd lock in and fixate on difficult portions of certain games. Other games just may require us getting back into the groove.

    Sidenote, for Josh, can I ask what controller you're using for your emulator? It seems there are a slew of third party controllers out there and I had no idea how to choose the right one, as reviews were often mixed.

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