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  1. #16
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    Default Re: The further adventures...

    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorP
    Friday 4.22.15 3 hour low/medium impact workout.

    I'm doing okay. Has it really been a month? Unbelievable. I was doing well after my last update but then I guess I got cocky and decided I needed to "chill" to congratulate myself on feeling good about my productivity. This led to me to go into a weed coma for about three weeks. This is not productive for me in the least. I basically went into "low-power mode" and just watched terrible Youtube clickbait content for about two weeks, barely getting out of the apartment. Weed does this to me. I don't know why I keep going to it, I guess I really like it. It pisses me off that I give into my addiction and cease to function normally but eventually I was able to stop smoking enough to get my wits about me again and begin to work out. Today, I basically ran, played shitty 3 on 3s and tried to get the cobwebs out of my system. A successful re-entry back into the world of fitness. Damn, I'm sore. The worst thing was a group of high-schoolers watched me pull some old-man shit like flubbing a layup while getting no lift and did their "monkey excitement" thing where they run around and laugh like cartoon characters.

    Today's lesson: I'm a weed zombie. I need to seriously limit my weed intake to almost nil. Also: Don't get cocky, stay consistent.

    And dude, I can kinda relate with the weed thing. I don't smoke anymore but back when I was 17-18 I smoked hella weed and basically had the same behavioral habits.... getting complacent and putting your progress on hold...

    I would justify it by telling myself I'm avoiding injuries by chilling instead of playing, but I've never had an injury in my life and really had no reason to be concerned about them. Weed just makes you a lazy ****.

  2. #17
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Default Re: The further adventures...

    Quote Originally Posted by KiiiiNG

    And dude, I can kinda relate with the weed thing. I don't smoke anymore but back when I was 17-18 I smoked hella weed and basically had the same behavioral habits.... getting complacent and putting your progress on hold...

    I would justify it by telling myself I'm avoiding injuries by chilling instead of playing, but I've never had an injury in my life and really had no reason to be concerned about them. Weed just makes you a lazy ****.
    Yeah. Lazy and stupid. I hadn't smoked for 4 months straight but felt I needed it to relax a little but I go way too far. Thanks for reading.

  3. #18
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    Sunday 4.24.15 1.5 hour low impact workout.

    I haven't had one of these low impact workouts in a while. I stretched a lot while drilling... felt like I was doing Yoga. I soon realized that my arms are feeling weakk and that my core is feeling a little weak. My arms are feeling tight at the extremities of my jumpshots because I am over-compensating for strength. I hit some pushups and ran around and worked on form and drilled a little. Trying not to shoot too much... I could tear something. All of this under an amazing South Florida sunset in perfect weather. I'm feeling good working on my weaknesses, ugh... I'm weak... I am weak right now. I'm going to hit some protein shit tonight. Ordering some honey chicken and fried rice. Boom.

    Heat in 6.

  4. #19
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    Friday 4.29.15 1 hour low impact workout.

    Not much energy today. Hit some pushups and drilled lightly. The sun was very strong and it was hot. I hope to get back to it tomorrow.

    Today's lesson: It amazes what a huge step back it is in fitness to basically lounge for two and a half weeks.* Is it my age? I don't know. I need to do push-ups everyday to gain some upper-body strength. No excuses.

    *see last update
    Last edited by DoctorP; 04-29-2016 at 08:29 PM.

  5. #20
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Saturday 5.14.16 2 hour med/low impact workout.

    My travels on the "ladder of fitness" have become a yo-yo since hitting a high point a few entries back. I have been working nights which has me hanging around more cigarette smokers. I haven't been smoking too much but I have bummed a few squares. I really haven't been too active lately but I have been doing push-ups quite regularly so it hasn't been a total loss. When I finally got back on the court today I felt sluggish but my shot felt better than it had been feeling the last time. No muscle pinching or anything. I ran a couple of light full-court games and but was too gassed to finish the second one. Now, for reals, I will continue to get back out there two-to-three times a week to get back into decent shape. I feel flabby. I need core work.

    How did I play? Pretty damn good. I blocked the shit out of one dude and hit most of my J's. I'm so glad my jumper hasn't left me. My stop and pops felt very Dragic-esque and so did some of my turnovers. We won the game I finished and we were leading 10-0 when I left the second game. I felt gassed after running the length of the court, crossing some dude and then having the ball rim out on a layup. I should have converted that.

    Lesson of the day: Fitness is really about consistency. If you do a little bit every day it is better than doing a lot and then not doing anything and then going back to doing a lot and then... well you get the point. Consistency. I need to break a sweat everyday.

    PS: I realized I had been labeling my last few entries as 2015. Obviously, they have been 2016.
    Last edited by DoctorP; 05-15-2016 at 06:38 AM.

  6. #21
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: The further adventures...

    Post a picture and videos of your game. Thanks.

  7. #22
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Monday 5.16.16 2.5 hour med/low impact workout.

    Ballers log. Supplemental.

    Boring day today. The court was too packed and I was able to get one game in at the beginning but it sucked and I didn't feel like waiting and playing any more games. Just shot around and tried to strengthen my core with sporadic pushups and some little dinky shit maneuvers (also had fun doing some soccer moves with the bball, I probably looked like an idiot). I worked up a good sweat though and I am more tired than I expected to be. I ate a double dose of pasta and veggies last night so I think I had more energy than usual. I do feel myself getting stronger and my pushup count is going up. Thats a win. Not much else to report. The moon looked really cool today. It's the 16th day of the 5th month of the 16th year of the second Roman Greco Millennium.

  8. #23
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    Wednesday May 18 2016 2.5 hour med impact workout

    Not much to report today. I caught the court empty after some storms passed. I was able to get a good workout in. Looks like Im back in a rhythm. Some dudes came by at the end of the workout to play some two on twos. I hit my first shot but ran out of gas. Nothing noteworthy.

  9. #24
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Wednesday May 25 2016 2 hour med impact workout

    I am in a void of repetition:
    Play again
    More endurance
    More endurance
    More endurance


  10. #25
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    6.3.2016 3 Hour Med/ High impact workout

    My girlfriend moved in my pad and has been feeding me. Since I'm usually broke this means a lot more calories, etc. And I even ate some huge steaks. On the one hand this can be bad for my fitness since I'm intaking more crap but today I felt great on the court. I had no tiredness and I ran, ran, ran and played a full court game with no issues. I am feeling pretty strong. All this plus I hit my first floater over a 6'8 guy ever. Felt damn good. Yeah he blocked the shit out of me on a transition attempt but I got him with the floater. Not bad for a guy thats almost 40.

    Today's lesson: I have to learn to not get trapped under the rim on transitions. Just float back and hit a midrange or hit someone on a roll.

  11. #26
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    Default Re: The further adventures...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lebron23
    Do you even own an iphone?
    No. I have a rotary phone.

  12. #27
    Love Live Life
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    Default Re: The further adventures...

    Hey op you just motivated me to get back on the court regularly.

    I was just talking to my homie last night about how we getting too old for this. I just turned 31 and he's 32. He still plays a good bit but always getting minor injuries. I only play like once a week if that.

    But yeah I'm gonna get back in the swing of things starting Thursday man.

    Thanks for the motivation

  13. #28
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    Default Re: The further adventures...

    Quote Originally Posted by TheReal Kendall
    Hey op you just motivated me to get back on the court regularly.

    I was just talking to my homie last night about how we getting too old for this. I just turned 31 and he's 32. He still plays a good bit but always getting minor injuries. I only play like once a week if that.

    But yeah I'm gonna get back in the swing of things starting Thursday man.

    Thanks for the motivation
    Hey, thanks for reading my logs. I think you are making a good decision... def get out there if you love to play.

  14. #29
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Default Re: The further adventures...

    current log:

    In the midst of a 1/4 green sesh. I want to get out into the sun and play ball but I feel like my blood pressure is low and things are flowing easily into my brain. I may skip on the workout to remain in a chill zone.

  15. #30
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: The further adventures...

    Just played basketball for 2 hours.

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