View Full Version : More reasons that prove why this Era is Soft

Walk on Water
09-21-2024, 05:55 PM
LeBron is 40 years old. He’s still making 21 year olds look like little twigs. He’s embarrassing them. This new gen just doesn’t have grit. In the past, the older guys were respected but the older guys looked up to the young talent too. Now the young players have the characteristics of lost little boys. It’s a boys league now.

Once again. If this generation is so tough, why is LeBron using his body to do whatever the heck he wants? At 40 years old. Why isn’t he being locked down if today’s players are so tough? Jordan got honored for averaging 20 points at age 40. If LeBron scores 25, his defender gets a pat on the back for trying and for keeping him under 30 points.

If today’s players were so tough and gritty they would be limiting LeBron to 18 points and both parties would have that mutual respect. LeBron is probably laughing at today’s players.