View Full Version : The Knicks just traded 5 first round picks for Mikal Bridges

06-25-2024, 10:08 PM
Bridges is nice but :biggums:

https://x.com/wojespn/status/1805782619382063592?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1805782764622336238%7Ctwgr% 5E4e67b5137625ee6c161ebc31466e27b9d80f8325%7Ctwcon %5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fforums.realgm.com%2Fboards%2 Fviewtopic.php%3Ft%3D2389021

06-25-2024, 10:19 PM
Infinity stones are complete

06-25-2024, 10:23 PM
The Villanova Knicks

06-25-2024, 10:27 PM
Need bridges to make a second appearance on the podcast

Im Still Ballin
06-25-2024, 10:36 PM
So... will they still be trying to re-sign Anun-Obi-wan Kenobi?

06-25-2024, 10:41 PM
at this point the knicks are now better than the Suns lmao

06-25-2024, 10:44 PM
Bridges is nice but :biggums:

https://x.com/wojespn/status/1805782619382063592?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1805782764622336238%7Ctwgr% 5E4e67b5137625ee6c161ebc31466e27b9d80f8325%7Ctwcon %5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fforums.realgm.com%2Fboards%2 Fviewtopic.php%3Ft%3D2389021

In most cases I would say this an overpay for Bridges, but I love his fit on the knicks too much to not make it a worthwhile gamble. He adds a much needed secondary shot creator while adding to knicks defensive arsenal. Two way wings are what all the best teams are stacking up on. Re-sign OG and they’re good. Only question mark is at the big position. Robinson is too injury prone and hartenstein might be looking for a bigger contract elsewhere. Gotta find a trade for Randle who is kinda the odd man out now. (Though he always kinda has been his entire career. Don’t know who they could get for him)

Hey Yo
06-25-2024, 10:44 PM
So... will they still be trying to re-sign Anun-Obi-wan Kenobi?

They have his Bird rights so I would say yes, they probably will.

06-25-2024, 10:45 PM
I mean yeah you want him but also....5 picks

Hey Yo
06-25-2024, 10:48 PM
"One thought: A team that thinks it will lose OG Anunoby probably doesn't trade away four unprotected first-round picks before free agency begins.


06-25-2024, 10:50 PM
Yeah OG is coming back but knicks probably need to shed some salary to get it done

Also I like this for the nets. Finally a proper f*cking rebuild.

Street Hunger
06-25-2024, 11:14 PM
That's a lot of first round picks for the Knicks to give up.

But if they're all very low first round picks and maybe it's okay?

Street Hunger
06-25-2024, 11:15 PM
The Nets need to go ahead and trade everybody

Street Hunger
06-25-2024, 11:16 PM
Maybe the Knicks should now be considered the second best team in the East behind the Celtics

06-25-2024, 11:28 PM
This offseason is going be insane. When there’s a dominant team like Celtics other contenders have to go all out

06-25-2024, 11:37 PM
This offseason is going be insane. When there’s a dominant team like Celtics other contenders have to go all out

It’s a lot to pay for bridges but Boston isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Knicks didn’t really have much of a choice. They needed to go all in or they would run into Boston every year and not be good enough

Real Men Wear Green
06-25-2024, 11:39 PM
It makes sense for both teams. Knicks are loading up on wings to combat the Celtics. What is their projected starting five, something like this?

G- Bridges
C- Hartenstein


06-25-2024, 11:39 PM

06-25-2024, 11:39 PM
It’s a lot to pay for bridges but Boston isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Knicks didn’t really have much of a choice. They needed to go all in or they would run into Boston every year and not be good enough

he literally just said that

06-25-2024, 11:43 PM
he literally just said that
With repeated exposure to cocaine, the brain starts to adapt so that the reward pathway becomes less sensitive to natural reinforcers. At the same time, circuits involved in stress become increasingly sensitive, leading to increased displeasure and negative moods when not taking the drug, which are signs of withdrawal. These combined effects make the people more likely to focus on seeking the drug instead of relationships, food, or other natural rewards.

With regular use, tolerance may develop so that higher doses, more frequent use of cocaine, or both are needed to produce the same level of pleasure and relief from withdrawal experienced initially. At the same time, people can also develop sensitization, in which less cocaine is needed to produce anxiety, convulsions, or other toxic effects.Tolerance to cocaine reward and sensitization to cocaine toxicity can increase the risk of overdose.

Some people take cocaine in binges, in which cocaine is used repeatedly and at increasingly higher doses. This can lead to increased irritability, restlessness, panic attacks, paranoia, and even psychosis, in which the individual loses touch with reality and experiences auditory hallucinations. With increasing doses or higher frequency of use, the risk of adverse psychological or physiological effects increases


Hey Yo
06-26-2024, 12:17 AM
It makes sense for both teams. Knicks are loading up on wings to combat the Celtics. What is their projected starting five, something like this?

G- Bridges
C- Hartenstein


Randle will start over Hart

06-26-2024, 12:36 AM
Knicks making the Finals next year. Bookmark this post right now. Heath permitting of course

Neal Romer
06-26-2024, 01:00 AM
Knicks are lowkey loaded when fully healthy right now, but are they really gonna pay all these guys?? OG and Hartenstein are free agents. Hard to imagine the Knicks keep them both after this trade.

Do you think theres any way Lebron could get them??

Patrick Chewing
06-26-2024, 01:08 AM


06-26-2024, 01:21 AM
Better than overpaying for 3 washed “stars” and getting bounced in the first round :cheers:

These guys actually play hard.

06-26-2024, 01:48 AM
That's a hell of a Knicks team. Wow :cheers:

06-26-2024, 03:24 AM
Marks does it again, fantastic trade

We're going to be looking like OKC in the next couple of years :banana:

We have not 1, not 2 but three first round picks in the most stacked draft in years in 2025

06-26-2024, 03:27 AM


06-26-2024, 03:29 AM


If Knicks can keep OG they're going to be a problem

06-26-2024, 06:18 AM

06-26-2024, 06:33 AM
Marks does it again, fantastic trade

We're going to be looking like OKC in the next couple of years :banana:

We have not 1, not 2 but three first round picks in the most stacked draft in years in 2025

How many teams does this guy support? :yaohappy:

Real Men Wear Green
06-26-2024, 07:01 AM
Randle will start over Hart

I forgot about him. Knicks do have a lot of good players now but the players may not be the best fit for each other. That's a lot of small forwards.

06-26-2024, 08:11 AM
Yeah I was shocked to hear it was 5 picks. But he's here for the chemistry and availability that he will provide his Nova buddies. All 27 year olds too, so glad they didn't trade for someone like PG who doesn't give a shit about culture or winning.

06-26-2024, 08:26 AM
I forgot about him. Knicks do have a lot of good players now but the players may not be the best fit for each other. That's a lot of small forwards.

NBA is positionless. It’s about putting the best fit in players on the court. Having too many “small forwards” isn’t much of an issue in today’s game. Not sure OG is returning as he opted out.

06-26-2024, 08:30 AM
They need to trade Randle...

06-26-2024, 09:20 AM
My god, 5 first round picks?

Did Danny Ainge have any pull in this trade?

hold this L
06-26-2024, 09:33 AM
That seems way, way too much for what is essentially the 3rd best player on a championship team (or second if you have ATG like Lebron or Steph).

Real Men Wear Green
06-26-2024, 09:44 AM
NBA is positionless. It’s about putting the best fit in players on the court. Having too many “small forwards” isn’t much of an issue in today’s game. Not sure OG is returning as he opted out.
An athletic 4 should give them an issue. A guy that wants to play in the paint but is still athletic enough to defend on the perimeter. I could see Giannis averaging 40 on a series.

Second thought I have here is not a criticism but more of a question: How ready and willing are they to make someone other than Brunson the focal point of their offense? Their postseason success was built on a lot of hero ball by Jalen Brunson. That would fail to maximize the potential of their current roster. If they have a series vs the Pacers next year one of the best things they could do is attack Haliburton, who the Pacers are not going to have defend Brunson if they can help it. Would they give Anonuby or Bridges first option status for large parts of the game or even the whole game?

Real Men Wear Green
06-26-2024, 09:49 AM
My god, 5 first round picks?

Did Danny Ainge have any pull in this trade?
They over[aid just based on player value but it's a "win now" move. All of those picks are not going to be useful over the next few years. They have a very real shot at the Conference Finals and once you get that far maybe you get lucky.

06-26-2024, 09:57 AM
They over[aid just based on player value but it's a "win now" move. All of those picks are not going to be useful over the next few years. They have a very real shot at the Conference Finals and once you get that far maybe you get lucky.

I've always like Mikal. Wanted him to get off that Nets team and flourish. Glad he's with a contender.

A Knicks/Celtics series with everyone healthy could be a nice rivalry for the next few years.

Real Men Wear Green
06-26-2024, 10:14 AM
I've always like Mikal. Wanted him to get off that Nets team and flourish. Glad he's with a contender.

A Knicks/Celtics series with everyone healthy could be a nice rivalry for the next few years.
On the odd subject of deals that theoretically improve Celtic opponents that at least one Celtic fan wanted to see: I was hoping the Knicks got Paul George. Not because I want them to have a rival but rather because I get tired of seeing people say he's as good as Tatum and so facing George 4+ times a year gives a good chance to put that theory to death. I am now holding out gope that George goes to Philly.

Neal Romer
06-26-2024, 10:36 AM
Knicks also have Mitchell Robinson on the books still for 15 mil right now.

It feels like theyve got a ton of people to pay and should be unable to bring everyone back, but actually... having nobody on a max makes signing all these guys much more palatable. Randle and Brunson both make less than 30 this year, same with Bridges... while PG and Kawhi for instance are making 45 a piece, with Harden at 36. Beal and Durant both make 45, Booker 36. It's a huge difference in salary at the top. Toody and KAT are both overpaid. AD is overpaid (Lebron is underpaid).

Youve got all these teams with overpaid pieces that are reduced to signing support players like Russell Westbrook, and whatever trash the Lakers have around LeKing. Meanwhile the Knicks are loading up on above average pieces all throughout the lineup.

Maybe they can still keep OG and even Hartenstein with everything else theyve got afterall.

Amazing what you can do when you pay players what theyre worth instead of fearing your fanbase will revolt if you dont give Andrew Wiggins a max contract.

06-26-2024, 11:09 AM
this is a great trade for nicks... Bridges I hold in high regard. 20 ppg is solid , and joins his college players.

Patrick Chewing
06-26-2024, 11:17 AM
This is all an effort to compete with Boston. If they re-sign Anunoby, then you have Tatum and Brown locked down on defense.

06-26-2024, 11:25 AM
I like it. He’s durable which is a necessity for a Thibs team, is an elite defender, can stretch the floor, and create his own shot. Those types of players are rare to come by. This’ll lessen the blow when they lose OG or Hartenstein. As far as losing the picks, I don’t see it as a big deal since they’ll be in the upper echelon of the East for awhile. Probably for the next 3 years or so until Thibs eventually grinds them down lol.

06-26-2024, 11:46 AM
https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZ2Fycjhidm44cThybm13YnUyaXZxcHc xN2Zia3d5ZDhiYTE5dHB6ayZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfY nlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Wa904jKXSoPO8hiKA5/giphy.webp

Hey Yo
06-26-2024, 12:09 PM
Knicks also have Mitchell Robinson on the books still for 15 mil right now.

It feels like theyve got a ton of people to pay and should be unable to bring everyone back, but actually... having nobody on a max makes signing all these guys much more palatable. Randle and Brunson both make less than 30 this year, same with Bridges... while PG and Kawhi for instance are making 45 a piece, with Harden at 36. Beal and Durant both make 45, Booker 36. It's a huge difference in salary at the top. Toody and KAT are both overpaid. AD is overpaid (Lebron is underpaid).

Youve got all these teams with overpaid pieces that are reduced to signing support players like Russell Westbrook, and whatever trash the Lakers have around LeKing. Meanwhile the Knicks are loading up on above average pieces all throughout the lineup.

Maybe they can still keep OG and even Hartenstein with everything else theyve got afterall.

Amazing what you can do when you pay players what theyre worth instead of fearing your fanbase will revolt if you dont give Andrew Wiggins a max contract.
If they choose to keep Hartenstein, then they'll probably have to unload Mitch in order to do so.

06-26-2024, 12:39 PM
That's awesome to see the Knicks reassemble the Nova squad. Honestly more mid-playoff teams need to make more all-in moves like this. The window to win a championship is small.

Patrick Chewing
06-26-2024, 12:44 PM
Marks does it again, fantastic trade

We're going to be looking like OKC in the next couple of years :banana:

We have not 1, not 2 but three first round picks in the most stacked draft in years in 2025

If you don't get Cooper Flagg then it's an epic fail. Flagg is the next KD.

Neal Romer
06-26-2024, 12:44 PM
If they choose to keep Hartenstein, then they'll probably have to unload Mitch in order to do so.

Possibly. I could see either of them fitting well in OKC depending on who the Knicks hang on to.

Personally I think the ideal move is to keep both and move Orange Julius but Im not sure how appealing the deals theyd get back wouldbe.

06-26-2024, 12:53 PM
This might push the Knicks over the top. Keeping OG is a huge priority though. His defense and ability to impact the game without the ball is great and could be the difference in a tough playoff series vs Celtics

Hey Yo
06-26-2024, 01:08 PM
Possibly. I could see either of them fitting well in OKC depending on who the Knicks hang on to.

Personally I think the ideal move is to keep both and move Orange Julius but Im not sure how appealing the deals theyd get back wouldbe.

Yeah Randle has a player option after this season and then UFA. If Randle wants a max contract then I don't think NYK will have the room to give it to him if they've already re-signed OG and Hartenstein. They need to find out before the deadline what Randle's intentions are going to be.

06-26-2024, 06:55 PM
An athletic 4 should give them an issue. A guy that wants to play in the paint but is still athletic enough to defend on the perimeter. I could see Giannis averaging 40 on a series.

Second thought I have here is not a criticism but more of a question: How ready and willing are they to make someone other than Brunson the focal point of their offense? Their postseason success was built on a lot of hero ball by Jalen Brunson. That would fail to maximize the potential of their current roster. If they have a series vs the Pacers next year one of the best things they could do is attack Haliburton, who the Pacers are not going to have defend Brunson if they can help it. Would they give Anonuby or Bridges first option status for large parts of the game or even the whole game?

Heck Giannis is going to do that to most teams. But I do see what youÂ’re saying.

You raise a good point about who will they make a focal point outside of Brunson. First I feel Knicks overachieved. I get they had injuries but that same team we saw in playoffs? WouldnÂ’t fare well next season. They had somewhat of a perfect storm. But the one thing I noticed is the Knicks are better without Randle. As I donÂ’t think Randle fits the team. Getting bridges was huge in a second reliable scorer. But I feel they need another piece. I like OG as he fits but injuries and cost (free agency)? Not so sure. And the center/big man position is a ? mark for me. I donÂ’t think bridges can be given first option status with the Knicks. I think heÂ’s a 3rd option, 2nd option by default.

06-26-2024, 07:24 PM
How many teams does this guy support? :yaohappy:

I have only ever supported the Nets

Anyways if we can get another 2 1st place round picks for Cam and DFS we're set to having the brightest future in the league

06-26-2024, 07:27 PM
If you don't get Cooper Flagg then it's an epic fail. Flagg is the next KD.

Eh...Flagg is an awesome prospect but his game is different.

He can do it all offensively but isn't a generational scoring unicorn like KD was. Where he makes up for it are his absurd defensive capabilities and overall feel for the game for someone that young. One of those that's always in the right place at the right time. More similar to Larry Bird than KD, whiteness aside.

06-26-2024, 08:58 PM
Mikal Bridges is nice, but would be surprised if he makes a big difference.

Knickerbockers lack a serious second punch, not a 3-and-D elite roleplayer.

He's someone that Mavs would have much more use for.

06-26-2024, 11:08 PM
Mikal Bridges is nice, but would be surprised if he makes a big difference.

Knickerbockers lack a serious second punch, not a 3-and-D elite roleplayer.

He's someone that Mavs would have much more use for.

Mikal is not just a 3/D roleplayer. His game has evolved since coming into the league. He's capable of more than you think.

Yes, he'd be great on the Mavs, but getting a player like him is not realistic. I'm hoping Mavs get my man Finney-Smith back. He'd help tremendously.

06-27-2024, 12:04 AM
Pple here really discounting randles ability in a stacked roster… Brunson and Randle are our 1a and 2a offensive scoring threats and bridges and og will support that scoring if needed

Neal Romer
06-27-2024, 12:28 AM
Pple here really discounting randles ability in a stacked roster… Brunson and Randle are our 1a and 2a offensive scoring threats and bridges and og will support that scoring if needed

31% from 3.
5 to 3.5 AST/TO ratio
.5 stl .3 blk
Playoff shrinker

Thats your 1b scoring threat?

Not on a championship team.

Cmon man. His nine rebounds is solid but Hartenstein and Robinson rebound too with better D and fewer touches on offense.

They dont need him, hed fit better elsewhere.

In fact Ill tell you what, if the Lakers fail to land anyone better this offseason to help Lebron, we'll take him off your hands for Rui Hachimura, Gabe Vincent, and Jalen Hood-Schifino.

06-27-2024, 12:45 AM
I wouldn’t mind keeping Randle if I was the Knicks.

Hes getting paid under 30 million a year, if he can come back healthy and return to all nba form, its a great deal

07-02-2024, 08:34 AM
he checks all the boxes for what the Knicks need. Can create off the dribble, shoots above average and plays incredible defense.

Plus, NBA draft picks aren't valued the same as NFL draft picks. I think when we see an NBA team trade away a lot of draft picks, we panic because we associate that to an NFL team doing the same.
Yes, and NFL giving away 5 1st round picks would be career assassination for an NFL GM. But in the NBA, way more draft picks don't pan out, it's a bigger crap shoot. Here, you get a proven player that fits in perfectly with your program.