View Full Version : Chase Budinger qualified for the Olympics in beach volleyball

Im Still Ballin
06-06-2024, 01:55 PM
Righteous dude!

https://people.com/thmb/TFBkSMU1snE9D1pZJ9UJJWOB5cA=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc() :focal(749x158:751x160)/Chase-Budinger-volleyball-nba-060524-tout-8982d980589b4700b237ee961d12f834.jpg

Im Still Ballin
06-06-2024, 01:59 PM
Former college basketball standout and seven-year NBA veteran Chase Budinger will head to Paris next month to compete for the United States' beach volleyball team in the 2024 Summer Olympics.

Budinger and partner Miles Evans qualified Wednesday for the U.S. men's team. They are tied for 13th in the most recent world rankings and are the No. 2 U.S. team behind Miles Partain and Andy Benesh, ranked No. 5.


06-06-2024, 09:37 PM
There's a ton of physical crossover between basketball and volleyball.

06-06-2024, 10:40 PM
There's a ton of physical crossover between basketball and volleyball.

Its also crazy just how good elite athletes are / can be at other sports.

Theres def some type of gene there.

Stuff they never play or have never played since their childhood looks effortless to them.

Here is Nadal playing futbol, with Casillas in goal, looking stumped:

He was pretty good as a kid. Chose tennis.

Dirk chose between tennis and basketball.

Many athletes are crazy good golfers. Rafa again, hes actually won a couple genuine golf tournaments. Ruud, Curry, Mahomes iirc, sure there are more.

Federer playing table tennis looked pretty damn good too for someone that NEVER plays this:
