View Full Version : As a black guy, this is concerning....

04-16-2024, 04:32 PM
With Jokic entering GOAT status this year, I got to thinking about GOATs in other sports.... and its not good for the brethren. Almost every sport has a white GOAT.

Football: Tom Brady
Baseball: Ruth
Futbol: Messi
MMA: St. Pierre
Tennis: Djokovic
Hockey: Gretzky
Cricket: Bradman
Rugby: Richie McCaw
Cycling: Eddie Merckx
Boxing: Harry Greb
Golf: Nicklaus
Olympic games: Phelps
WWE: Undertaker
Ultra marathon: Courtney Duwalter
Bowling: Pete Weber

The list goes on...


Kblaze and other black posters, how are we coping with this?

LeBron is literally the last GOAT standing for us, and Jokic is set to dominate the next 5 years and pile on accomplishments, potentially nudging him ahead. :(


Patrick Chewing
04-16-2024, 04:38 PM
A couple of years ago, all the MVP's across the 4 major sports were White too.

The reign is over for the American Negro athlete.

04-16-2024, 04:39 PM
I have Jim Brown as the football GOAT :confusedshrug:

04-16-2024, 04:41 PM
A couple of years ago, all the MVP's across the 4 major sports were White too.

The reign is over for the American Negro athlete.

Quality > Quantity, I guess...

I also consider Mahomes more of a white guy, considering his dad is probably 30%, and mom 99%... 2/3's rule comes into play there.

04-16-2024, 04:42 PM
Also, I know this is an obvious troll thread, and frankly a sad one, but most of the sports you listed are sports black people either dont care about or historically had zero access to.

I dont think the hockey and cricket GOAT's being white prove any kind of a point about anything :lol

04-16-2024, 04:45 PM
I have Jim Brown as the football GOAT :confusedshrug:

That's a reasonable take but it's tough for me to come to a similar conclusion. QB's in the NFL are inherently more important than any other position on the field, which almost inevitably means best QB = GOAT. I do think Brown is a better RB than Brady was a QB, but again, it's tough to call Brown or Rice the GOAT when they have nowhere near as much impact on winning

04-16-2024, 04:47 PM
Also, I know this is an obvious troll thread, and frankly a sad one, but most of the sports you listed are sports black people either dont care about or historically had zero access to.

I dont think the hockey and cricket GOAT's being white prove any kind of a point about anything :lol

Sports dominated by whites have white GOAT's and sports dominated by blacks... still have white GOATs. It's an interesting observation at the least. There is something in european DNA that allows this phenomena to take place. Why is that trolling?

04-16-2024, 05:01 PM
Ay yo...

First off, everybody knows you're a mahomes stan. You would literally pay to suck his dick. And his dad was black.

Secondly, Barry Bonds is the baseball GOAT. Don't talk to me about steroids when everybody did it.

And third off, you're a puny little ******. Don't ever insult my homie K like that again.

You hear me bitch?

04-16-2024, 05:03 PM
Sports dominated by whites have white GOAT's and sports dominated by blacks... still have white GOATs. It's an interesting observation at the least. There is something in european DNA that allows this phenomena to take place. Why is that trolling?

Sports arent dominated by any race when access/interest is equal. Soccer proves that. GOAT is subjective but Pele, Thierry Henry, Mbappe, can all hold a candle to Messi and others as talents.

Also it's weird to say Ruth is the GOAT baseball player in a conversation about race, when he didnt even play against black players.

As far as basketball, ironically there was a time Im sure in the 30s and 40s when it was still mainly whites playing basketball, and the attitude was no doubt "oh, blacks wouldnt be good at basketball because of x, y, and z." And then once it caught on in black areas and teams started scouting heavily there and the player base grew to be very black, attitudes swung the other way that white guys cant play, or "white men cant jump" etc. People tend to take an Occam's Razor perspective, accepting the most obvious explanation. If they dont see one group playing, they assume they cant play. If they dont see another group playing, they assume that group cant play.

In reality... there's nothing so specific about any sport that would make success exclusive to one race.

And finally... I mean if you have points to make about social issues, misconceptions, anything you wanna say about something, it's certainly valid to speak your truth honestly whatever that may be. You can take whatever stance you like. But trying to like, make it hurt or make people feel bad or be mean about it and whatever, it just feels angry. Comes off like youre trying to displace your own hurt onto someone else.

It's just a tip. I know this is your alternative account so theres a lot of freedom that comes with the anonymity. But I still dont think it's the best look.

04-16-2024, 05:04 PM
Harry Greb


04-16-2024, 05:09 PM
Sports arent dominated by any race when access/interest is equal. Soccer proves that. GOAT is subjective but Pele, Thierry Henry, Mbappe, can all hold a candle to Messi and others as talents.

Also it's weird to say Ruth is the GOAT baseball player in a conversation about race, when he didnt even play against black players.

As far as basketball, ironically there was a time Im sure in the 30s and 40s when it was still only whites playing basketball, and the attitude was no doubt "oh, blacks wouldnt be good at basketball because of x, y, and z." And then once it caught on in black areas and teams started scouting heavily there and the player base grew to be very black, attitudes swung the other way that white guys cant play, or "white men cant jump" etc. People tend to take an Occam's Razor perspective, accepting the most obvious explanation. If they dont see one group playing, they assume they cant play. If they dont see another group playing, they assume that group cant play.

In reality... there's nothing so specific about any sport that would make success exclusive to one race.

And finally... I mean if you have points to make about social issues, misconceptions, anything you wanna say about something, it's certainly valid to speak your truth honestly whatever that may be. You can take whatever stance you like. But trying to like, make it hurt or make people feel bad or be mean about it and whatever, it just feels angry. Comes off like youre trying to displace your own hurt onto someone else.

It's just a tip. I know this is your alternative account so theres a lot of freedom that comes with the anonymity. But I still dont think it's the best look.

I disagree with most of those points, but this one sticks out to me. Can you elaborate on this one? You're telling me basketball, a sport predominantly dominated by the black race, is just a matter of... access/interest? You mean there are no genetic differences (there are and they've been studied and the consensus is clear) between the two that would possibly lead one race to have more representation? That's an interesting take.

Also, i'm not trying to hurt anybody. We're dicussing sports on the interent. I think you're projecting your own guiltiness of past internet behavior onto me here.

04-16-2024, 05:10 PM
Harry Greb


04-16-2024, 05:13 PM
I disagree with most of those points, but this one sticks out to me. Can you elaborate on this one? You're telling me basketball, a sport predominantly dominated by the black race, is just a matter of... access/interest? You mean there are no genetic differences (there are and they've been studied and the consensus is clear) between the two that would possibly lead one race to have more representation? That's an interesting take.

Also, i'm not trying to hurt anybody. We're dicussing sports on the interent. I think you're projecting your own guiltiness of past internet behavior onto me here.

There are genetic differences between groups of humans, clearly. Otherwise we'd all look the same. But I'm saying there is no sport that is so singularly demanding of one particular trait that it gives a group an advantage. Most sports generally requires a variety of skills.

I mean sure you could go to the extreme ends and say sprinting is very narrowly demanding, and on the other end so is chess (arguably not a sport anyway). But most sports are some kind of combination of the two, and there's gonna be individuals from all groups who happen to have the necessary combination of qualities to excel at the highest level.

04-16-2024, 05:22 PM
There are genetic differences between groups of humans, clearly. Otherwise we'd all look the same. But I'm saying there is no sport that is so singularly demanding of one particular trait that it gives a group an advantage. Most sports generally requires a variety of skills.

I mean sure you could go to the extreme ends and say sprinting is very narrowly demanding, and on the other end so is chess (arguably not a sport anyway). But most sports are some kind of combination of the two, and there's gonna be individuals from all groups who happen to have the needed combination to excel at the highest level.

Well I disagree with that. I think black people on average have a signifcant advantage in sports like basektball and football which require fast-twitch muscle fibers primarily.

70% of black people have the ACTN3 R/R genotype which has been found to correlate strongly with speed/power.

about 30% for europeans and 25% for asians.

Duffy Pratt
04-16-2024, 05:24 PM
What about curling?

04-16-2024, 05:28 PM
Well I disagree with that. I think black people on average have a signifcant advantage in sports like basektball and football which require fast-twitch muscle fibers primarily.

70% of black people have the ACTN3 R/R genotype which has been found to correlate strongly with speed/power.

about 30% for europeans and 25% for asians.

The thing about sports is theres always a variety of ways to accomplish something, or offset one shortcoming with a strength somewhere else.

If Messi is the GOAT footballer then shouldnt every top player be his exact height, weight, fast twitch muscle etc? Or if it's because of his mind, then every elite player would have his exact IQ. Which obviously is not uniform, and Im not sure Messi is any kind of a scholar anyway.

It’s always a mix of things. Theres no one exact template. Thats what makes sports dynamic, and interesting.

04-16-2024, 05:30 PM
What about curling?



04-16-2024, 05:40 PM
The thing about sports is theres always a variety of ways to accomplish something, or offset one shortcoming with a strength somewhere else.

If Messi is the GOAT footballer then shouldnt every top player be his exact height, weight, fast twitch muscle etc? Or if it's because of his mind, then every elite player would have his exact IQ. Which obviously is not uniform, and Im not sure Messi is any kind of a scholar anyway.

It’s always a mix of things. Theres no one exact template. Thats what makes sports dynamic, and interesting.

I mean yeah, of course, generally speaking there is a mix of things that factor in. I'm not disputing that... but there are certain sports that favor fast-twitch dominant athletes, and that is mostly a genetic trait. You mentioned sprinting but American football and basketball also fit the mold favoring this type of genetic trait and also height in basketball which is also largely genetic.

I think if more black people played sports like Tennis or Golf they would probably dominante as well, due to these genetic factors. Albeit, golf is massively skill based so I'm not sure if they would dominate as much as they do basketball, but I think there would be some freakish outliers for sure. Tiger dominated with skills and elite power.

The point of this thread was to point out that mental traits, which are also largely genetic, seem to originate strongly in European/Caucasion athletes. Hand-eye coordination seems to be something that isn't overly represented by one race, but I think white people in general may be slightly better than others. Sport IQ would go to whites in my opinion, which is a huge factor in greatness at the highest level of sport.

04-16-2024, 05:50 PM
Youre entitled to draw whatever conclusions you want about the science, but pretending to be a black guy worried about all the supposed white GOATs... it's just a buzzkill of a thread on the day the playoffs are starting. This is an offseason type of thread at best.

Mods should just delete.

04-16-2024, 05:56 PM
Mods should just delete.

No need. Ignore the loser like everyone else has. OP is 3ball substituting Jordan with inflammatory racism.

04-16-2024, 06:21 PM
Youre entitled to draw whatever conclusions you want about the science, but pretending to be a black guy worried about all the supposed white GOATs... it's just a buzzkill of a thread on the day the playoffs are starting. This is an offseason type of thread at best.

Mods should just delete.

I forgot, this is a sacred forum... lol. And you are known for posting nothing but serious, thought provoking threads. Thanks for checking me.

But i'm pretty sure I can identify as whatever race I want. Are you Implying I can't?

04-16-2024, 07:07 PM
GOAT of MMA - Jon Jones
GOAT of Boxing - Sugar Ray
GOAT of athletics - Usain Bolt
GOAT of Golf - Tiger Woods

Blacks are still on top in the vast majority of sports, y'all can have hockey and swimming ain't no nikka out here competing in those lane ass sports

Btw hats off to you for admitting that Brady is the GOAT of football :cheers:

04-16-2024, 07:13 PM
Nobody anytime soon will overtake Michael Jordan.
No chance.
He is goat for the foreseeable future.

Real Men Wear Green
04-16-2024, 07:14 PM
It's a horrible sign that this forum tolerates this type of controversy. Also if you think the original troll is actually black I can't help you.

04-16-2024, 07:17 PM
Messi being the "GOAT" shows how overrated rings and World Cups are.

People grossly overrate those team achievements in team sports for individuals

04-16-2024, 07:19 PM
Nobody anytime soon will overtake Michael Jordan.
No chance.
He is goat for the foreseeable future.

Lebron already did.


04-16-2024, 07:23 PM
GOAT of MMA - Jon Jones
GOAT of Boxing - Sugar Ray
GOAT of athletics - Usain Bolt
GOAT of Golf - Tiger Woods

Blacks are still on top in the vast majority of sports, y'all can have hockey and swimming ain't no nikka out here competing in those lane ass sports

Btw hats off to you for admitting that Brady is the GOAT of football :cheers:
Jones has a steroid scandal unfortunately. Khabib had he fought a few more years would've been my GOAT.

Sugar Ray has a good case.

Bolt is the GOAT at running fast in a straight line. Not really a sport imo, but I did include the Olympic Games as a category and Phelps is the GOAT of the Olympics.

Woods is half black, half Asian. Most black people in America are mixed European, generally around 30%. His dad has a lighter tone so he definitely had a moderate European mix. Unfortunately I can't say Woods is black. He would be classified as Asian due to his mother's 100% Asian ancestry.

Brady is the GOAT as it stands. Mahomes has only played 1/4th of the time of Brady. He's a much better player than Brady ever was, though.

04-16-2024, 07:25 PM
Messi being the "GOAT" shows how overrated rings and World Cups are.

People grossly overrate those team achievements in team sports for individuals

I watched a video a couple months ago that went in depth about the messi/Ronaldo debate. Basically Messi created far more points and had an insane peak so I walked away being fine with Messi as GOAT.

It went into depth on some advanced stats which was also convincing.

04-16-2024, 07:39 PM
It's a horrible sign that this forum tolerates this type of controversy. Also if you think the original troll is actually black I can't help you.
Posting this like you aren’t a mod is so funny.

04-16-2024, 07:48 PM
Posting this like you aren’t a mod is so funny.


04-16-2024, 07:49 PM
It's a horrible sign that this forum tolerates this type of controversy. Also if you think the original troll is actually black I can't help you.

Good luck to the Celtics this year! Hell of a team yall have.

Mask the Embiid
04-16-2024, 07:54 PM
Imagine being so insecure you have to result to doing digital blackface just to try to prove a point….yikes #limegreen

Real Men Wear Green
04-16-2024, 08:14 PM
Posting this like you aren’t a mod is so funny.
Do you think this site is seriously moderated?

04-16-2024, 08:51 PM
Do you think this site is seriously moderated?
Unless Jeff is threatening you not to, that’s entirely on you.

04-16-2024, 08:57 PM
Unless Jeff is threatening you not to, that’s entirely on you.

you had no problem overlooking highwhey's antisemitic posts in the political forum as long as chewing was collateral damage.

get over yourself with your selective outrage.

04-16-2024, 08:57 PM
you had no problem overlooking highwhey's antisemitic posts in the political forum as long as chewing was collateral damage.

get over yourself with your selective outrage.
I called out Highwhey for his antisemitism, fatty.

Real Men Wear Green
04-16-2024, 10:07 PM
Unless Jeff is threatening you not to, that’s entirely on you.
No it isn't. What you don't know is that just because I ban someone doesn't mean they stay banned.

04-16-2024, 10:25 PM
Damn. Op really starving for some attention today….Something must be troubling him

Imagine being so insecure you have to result to doing digital blackface just to try to prove a point….yikes #limegreen

that reference. :roll: :roll:

04-16-2024, 10:30 PM
Damn. Op really starving for some attention today….Something must be troubling him

that reference. :roll: :roll:


The lime green thing just never goes away. Almost like 1987_Lakers and how short he admitted to being.

04-16-2024, 10:45 PM
Damn. Op really starving for some attention today….Something must be troubling him

Did you ever move out of that 300 square foot shithole?

Good to see you're still here everyday wasting your life. Very nice!

04-16-2024, 10:53 PM

The lime green thing just never goes away. Almost like 1987_Lakers and how short he admitted to being.
What’s the lime green a reference to?

04-16-2024, 11:02 PM
What’s the lime green a reference to?
OP posted a picture (with the head cropped out) showing himself wearing a hideous lime green Polo shirt from Ross. Apparently he thought it was stylish? Instead it was incredibly cringe and weird

04-16-2024, 11:07 PM
OP posted a picture (with the head cropped out) showing himself wearing a hideous lime green Polo shirt from Ross. Apparently he thought it was stylish? Instead it was incredibly cringe and weird

You've been on here for years making weird accusations and coming across like an autistic 12 year old. Are you ever gonna grow up and stop being a fukking weirdo/loser on a forum? Serious question.

04-16-2024, 11:15 PM
You've been on here for years making weird accusations and coming across like an autistic 12 year old. Are you ever gonna grow up and stop being a fukking weirdo/loser on a forum? Serious question.


04-16-2024, 11:19 PM

last time i seen this cat he was trying to convince me that the will smith slap was fake. :lol He just comes off as a goofy immature little kid. These dudes didn't have fathers. It's a shame

04-17-2024, 12:52 AM
GSP is not even close to the best in MMA. Jon Jones is the GOAT.

04-17-2024, 01:29 AM
As a white man that considers himself to be black, these are the real GOATS...

Basketball - Jordan.
Baseball - Bonds.
Boxing - Ali.
Tennis - Ashe.
Football - Jim Brown/Mahomes.
Soccer - Pele.
Golf - Tiger.
Dancing - Michael Jackson.
Overall musical genius - Prince.
Guitarist - Hendrix.
Runner - Bolt.
MMA - Jon Jones.
Hockey - Racist sport.

04-17-2024, 08:42 AM
lol messi

04-17-2024, 09:16 AM
GSP is not even close to the best in MMA. Jon Jones is the GOAT.

I got GSP over Jones...partly because the drugs but mostly for the 07-13 run where he basically never lost a round and he was competing against champions from every league. Jones lucked out against Sonnen that he didn't lose on a doctors stoppage and Anthony Smith didn't take the DQ win.

As for baseball...I think I would take Mays over Ruth. Barry Bonds isn't top ten all-time...the guy never won a title and was just a hitter to go with the steroids.

04-17-2024, 09:19 AM
Basketball - Jordan.
Baseball - Mays
Boxing - Johnson
Tennis - Federer
Football - LT
Soccer - Pele.
Golf - Nicklaus
Runner - Bolt.
Hockey - Gretzky

04-17-2024, 09:28 AM
Basketball - Jordan.
Baseball - Mays
Boxing - Johnson
Tennis - Federer
Football - LT
Soccer - Pele.
Golf - Nicklaus
Runner - Bolt.
Hockey - Gretzky

There is no argument in boxing for anyone other than Ali. He ruled the Heavyweight division during it's greatest era, the 70's. Jack Johnson in the 20's comes no where near close to Ali in the 60's and 70's. Also, there is no case to be made for Lawrence Taylor as the greatest football player ever, none.

04-17-2024, 09:41 AM
There is no argument in boxing for anyone other than Ali. He ruled the Heavyweight division during it's greatest era, the 70's. Jack Johnson in the 20's comes no where near close to Ali in the 60's and 70's. Also, there is no case to be made for Lawrence Taylor as the greatest football player ever, none.

Jack Johnson lost his title in a 26 round fight..in Cuba(outside) when he was 37 years old. Ali is popular but he's behind Johnson, Louis, and Marciano.

LT is the goat because you can go a number of different directions for football offensive players(Rice, Brown, Unitas)...but defensively he's the only guy you can rank.

04-17-2024, 10:10 AM
BABE ruth ???

More like Ty Cobb


WWE undertaker lmfao

Golf - Nicklaus only in numbers (tiger is actually that guy - ASIAN)

04-17-2024, 10:41 AM
It's SRR for boxing

04-17-2024, 11:17 AM
It's SRR for boxing

That's fair...I just personally only rank HW's when it comes to boxing

04-17-2024, 08:14 PM
There is no argument in boxing for anyone other than Ali. He ruled the Heavyweight division during it's greatest era, the 70's. Jack Johnson in the 20's comes no where near close to Ali in the 60's and 70's. Also, there is no case to be made for Lawrence Taylor as the greatest football player ever, none.

Is that why Tom Brady is considered to be the greatest football player of all time? You say there's no case, but there's obviously a strong case. The case would be Taylor vs. Brady with Brady having a huge edge.

04-18-2024, 12:39 AM
Op dksab, Most got SRR or Ali as goat even Louis and a few others before you even mention Greb. And Bones is the MMA goat. And why the hell would anyone outside of racist cucks give a damn what race any goat is?

04-18-2024, 02:28 AM
As a white man that considers himself to be black, these are the real GOATS...

Basketball - Jordan.
Baseball - Bonds.
Boxing - Ali.
Tennis - Ashe.
Football - Jim Brown/Mahomes.
Soccer - Pele.
Golf - Tiger.
Dancing - Michael Jackson.
Overall musical genius - Prince.
Guitarist - Hendrix.
Runner - Bolt.
MMA - Jon Jones.
Hockey - Racist sport.

NASA needs to defund their whole mars exploration mission and instead divert all their funds into teaching a black man how to skate on ice normally, because once that happens it’s OVER for the NHL. Bo Jackson on ice? Make it happen Donald Trump :applause:

04-18-2024, 04:56 AM
Also, I know this is an obvious troll thread, and frankly a sad one, but most of the sports you listed are sports black people either dont care about or historically had zero access to.

I dont think the hockey and cricket GOAT's being white prove any kind of a point about anything :lol

There are more predominantly-dark skinned nations that play cricket than white ones. The GOATs over the last 50-60 years have been mostly black (Caribbean and Indian).

04-18-2024, 07:22 AM
Better luck with swimming. Oh wait ...

04-19-2024, 12:49 AM
NASA needs to defund their whole mars exploration mission and instead divert all their funds into teaching a black man how to skate on ice normally, because once that happens it’s OVER for the NHL. Bo Jackson on ice? Make it happen Donald Trump :applause:

As a white man and the most brutally honest man on this board, I will tell you the truth...

White people try to invent sports in hopes they'll finally dominate one. Disc golf is the newest fad.

If blacks played hockey, they'd dominate, but whites understand hockey is geographical and expensive to play. Heck, bowling is very expensive and that keeps blacks out, too.

My white brethren has shamed me. I listen to awesome rap music really loud with my car windows down to let the general public know I'm different. I'm down and I'm hard.

04-19-2024, 05:31 PM
I got GSP over Jones...partly because the drugs but mostly for the 07-13 run where he basically never lost a round and he was competing against champions from every league. Jones lucked out against Sonnen that he didn't lose on a doctors stoppage and Anthony Smith didn't take the DQ win.

As for baseball...I think I would take Mays over Ruth. Barry Bonds isn't top ten all-time...the guy never won a title and was just a hitter to go with the steroids.

Titles don't matter in baseball and he was a 5-tool player before steroids. He had a chance to be the GOAT without them, but tainted his legacy. Mays isn't a bad choice, and Ted Williams was gone to war for 5 years in his prime. Ted is probably the best hitter ever.

GOAT is tough for baseball, but what Ruth did was insane so I give the nod to him.

04-22-2024, 01:55 PM
As a white man and the most brutally honest man on this board, I will tell you the truth...

White people try to invent sports in hopes they'll finally dominate one. Disc golf is the newest fad.

If blacks played hockey, they'd dominate, but whites understand hockey is geographical and expensive to play. Heck, bowling is very expensive and that keeps blacks out, too.

My white brethren has shamed me. I listen to awesome rap music really loud with my car windows down to let the general public know I'm different. I'm down and I'm hard.


04-22-2024, 03:56 PM
Titles don't matter in baseball and he was a 5-tool player before steroids. He had a chance to be the GOAT without them, but tainted his legacy. Mays isn't a bad choice, and Ted Williams was gone to war for 5 years in his prime. Ted is probably the best hitter ever.

GOAT is tough for baseball, but what Ruth did was insane so I give the nod to him.

Yea Bonds being just a hitter is a terrible take. He was a 40/40 guy once and narrowly missed on multiple others. Also won multiple Gold Gloves in the outfield.

He wasn't a total 5 tool guy because for some reason he never had a very good arm. But he was absolutely elite in every other area.

Spurs m8
04-23-2024, 07:26 AM
It's what we do....off the court even more so

04-23-2024, 10:48 AM
I about died when a white boy was the best NFL running back :oldlol: