View Full Version : Kevin Garnett 2 days ago: "LeBron is my GOAT"

11-25-2023, 10:39 AM
On Stephen A Smith's podcast Garnet says:

"We ain't ever seen a n***a 38, average 30 and then got 39,000 [points]. We ain't never seen that,” Garnett said of LeBron.

“I played against bro. I’ve let it go. It ain’t personal with me no more. I’m watching as a fan and I’m giving flowers, and I’m looking at it from a different perspective of things that I’ve never seen in the game, Steve.”

:applause: - Kevin Garnett realized what many old heads will also realize but he isn't riddled with nostalgia so its clear to him.

The passion with which he speaks about this topic tells me how hard the truth hit him and he couldn't deny it no further.

Full Court
11-25-2023, 10:49 AM
Garnett should read my threads, and then he would be educated as to how Lebron, aka LeShrivel, has the most choke jobs in the history of the sport. We ain't never seen that either.

11-25-2023, 10:54 AM
Garnett should read my threads, and then he would be educated as to how Lebron, aka LeShrivel, has the most choke jobs in the history of the sport. We ain't never seen that either.

Im sure KG knows more than a guy who doesn't know what an advanced stat is and who had no idea that Kyrie wasn't on the '18 Cavs.

11-25-2023, 11:01 AM
KG played against Bron in 2008,2010,2011,2012,2014

Paul Pierce also has Bron as the GOAT.

They both know deep down.

11-25-2023, 11:25 AM
These types of the threads are the absolute lowest of the low when it comes to GOAT debates.

All sorts of people much more qualified to talk about basketball than us have varying opinions on the topic. Players, coaches, etc. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong. At the end of the day it is on each individual person to make their case.

Unfortunately Garnett doesn't really make a strong case here imo. Apparently his case is:

- Lebron is the greatest because he has 39,000 points
- Lebron is the greatest because he's still so great at his age
- Lebron is the greatest because he's doing things the game hadn't seen before

These things are all true, but I don't see how these things alone put him at #1. He's right we haven't ever seen a player like Lebron before, but what does that matter? The question is whether or not we think he's better than Jordan. There wasn't ever a player like him before either.

Anyways if you watch the whole conversation, KG ends up not coming down firmly on either side. He mostly maintains that Lebron just deserves to be in the conversation, not that he's definitively better.

Full Court
11-25-2023, 12:20 PM
Im sure KG knows more than a guy who doesn't know what an advanced stat is and who had no idea that Kyrie wasn't on the '18 Cavs.

Correct. Garnett's bball IQ is far higher that yours.

11-25-2023, 12:48 PM
These types of the threads are the absolute lowest of the low when it comes to GOAT debates.

All sorts of people much more qualified to talk about basketball than us have varying opinions on the topic. Players, coaches, etc. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong. At the end of the day it is on each individual person to make their case.

Unfortunately Garnett doesn't really make a strong case here imo. Apparently his case is:

- Lebron is the greatest because he has 39,000 points
- Lebron is the greatest because he's still so great at his age
- Lebron is the greatest because he's doing things the game hadn't seen before

These things are all true, but I don't see how these things alone put him at #1. He's right we haven't ever seen a player like Lebron before, but what does that matter? The question is whether or not we think he's better than Jordan. There wasn't ever a player like him before either.

Anyways if you watch the whole conversation, KG ends up not coming down firmly on either side. He mostly maintains that Lebron just deserves to be in the conversation, not that he's definitively better.
It won't make sense if these are the only factors you think Lebron has in a goat debate. There's a metric ton of reasons for his presence in the debate, But they also don't matter if you immediately write off any bullet point he possesses that Mj doesn't. The goat debate has become the replicate Mjs career contest and that's not what it is. When Lebron 1st started doing things that would put him in the convo I've always felt he could only become the goat by doing things Mj or Noone else has done rather than try to recreate the wheel but better lol. That didn't work for Kobe. Nobody should want to be a Parade brand version of another player.....

11-25-2023, 01:17 PM
It won't make sense if these are the only factors you think Lebron has in a goat debate. There's a metric ton of reasons for his presence in the debate, But they also don't matter if you immediately write off any bullet point he possesses that Mj doesn't. The goat debate has become the replicate Mjs career contest and that's not what it is. When Lebron 1st started doing things that would put him in the convo I've always felt he could only become the goat by doing things Mj or Noone else has done rather than try to recreate the wheel but better lol. That didn't work for Kobe. Nobody should want to be a Parade brand version of another player.....

If there are a "metric ton" of reasons, KG should have listed off those reasons.

If Jordan was considered the GOAT before Lebron, and Lebron himself has vocalized his own desire to be labelled the GOAT, then it's only fair we hold him to the Jordan standard. He's going to have to dominate on a level we never saw from MJ.

As for Lebron needed to separate himself from Jordan, the guy made Space Jam 2 for crying out loud. He came into the league wearing #23. He has always been in Jordan's shadow.

11-25-2023, 01:27 PM
Correct. Garnett's bball IQ is far higher that yours.

You are a walking L. No life having @ss. Comes to ISH for attention, unfortunately for you, no one likes you here.

Full Court
11-25-2023, 02:56 PM
You are a walking L. No life having @ss. Comes to ISH for attention, unfortunately for you, no one likes you here.

"You are a walking L."

And yet YOU are the one throwing a bitch fit because someone criticized a pro bball player. :roll:

Keep crying, Sally.

11-25-2023, 03:19 PM
"You are a walking L."

And yet YOU are the one throwing a bitch fit because someone criticized a pro bball player. :roll:

Keep crying, Sally.

Laughing at your stupidities

11-25-2023, 04:23 PM
If there are a "metric ton" of reasons, KG should have listed off those reasons.

If Jordan was considered the GOAT before Lebron, and Lebron himself has vocalized his own desire to be labelled the GOAT, then it's only fair we hold him to the Jordan standard. He's going to have to dominate on a level we never saw from MJ.

As for Lebron needed to separate himself from Jordan, the guy made Space Jam 2 for crying out loud. He came into the league wearing #23. He has always been in Jordan's shadow.
If you need those reasons listed to you, you're being intellectually dishonest with yourself. That's the whole issue, "the Jordan standard" in reality you have no standards for Mj because you guys hold Lebron to a higher standard than anyone ever has for Mj, kinda strange isn't it? Also why wasn't Mj held to the Wilt standard, or the Russell standard, Kareem standard or whomever was the goat before him? He definitely wasn't, he was allowed to be who he was and appreciated for his uniqueness. And he's dominated in some cases on levels Mj himself hasn't, again it's weird requests and Goal post moving every since he started climbing the mountain.

He obviously looked up to Mj the same way Mj looked up to Dr.J, that means nothing at the end of the day because Mj surpassed Dr.J eventually. Mj starred in Space Jam, Lebron Produced Space Jam 2, completely different levels. If he was in Jordan's shadow, that day has ended lol.

11-25-2023, 05:29 PM
Im sure KG knows more than a guy who doesn't know what an advanced stat is and who had no idea that Kyrie wasn't on the '18 Cavs.

11-25-2023, 06:30 PM
Im sure KG knows more than a guy who doesn't know what an advanced stat is and who had no idea that Kyrie wasn't on the '18 Cavs.


roasted that fat little kid

11-25-2023, 06:32 PM
he posts 24/7 and thinks we want to read his posts

we're just here to discuss the subjects aka lebronimus GOATimus james

Full Court
11-25-2023, 06:33 PM
he posts 24/7 and thinks we want to read his posts

we're just here to discuss the subjects aka lebronimus GOATimus james


We're just here to discuss LeShrivel, the biggest choker in the history of the sport.

11-25-2023, 06:34 PM

We're just here to discuss LeShrivel, the biggest choker in the history of the sport.

in your head 24/7 though :lebronamazed:

11-25-2023, 06:34 PM
Gotta love KG but the cat ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer

11-25-2023, 06:35 PM
13.6k posts in 2 years about 1 man

deranged obsessed fanboy ****** shit :lebronamazed:

Full Court
11-25-2023, 06:36 PM
in your head 24/7 though :lebronamazed:

^This is the guy who thought that throwing a bitch fit on an interent forum intimidated people. :roll:

A bitch AND a loser. :confusedshrug:

11-25-2023, 06:37 PM
13.6k posts in 2 years about 1 man

deranged obsessed fanboy ****** shit :lebronamazed:

relax man, i would tell you to go outside but you live in canada and it’s probably miserable out there

idk do whatever you canadians do make some hot coco and relax or something

11-25-2023, 06:39 PM
Paul Pierce also has Bron as the GOAT.

They both know deep down.

yep - they know



11-25-2023, 06:40 PM
relax man, i would tell you to go outside but you live in canada and it’s probably miserable out there

idk do whatever you canadians do make some hot coco and relax or something

Im getting money bro

hit the gym this morning

chest and back boy. feeling strong.

Im winning bro - thats on god - thank god almighty

nba is just entertainment but its my shit


11-25-2023, 06:41 PM
Im getting money bro

hit the gym this morning

chest and back boy

Im winning bro - thats on god


nice man

stay on the up

11-25-2023, 06:43 PM
nice man

stay on the up

thank you.

Full Court
11-25-2023, 06:45 PM
relax man, i would tell you to go outside but you live in canada and it’s probably miserable out there

idk do whatever you canadians do make some hot coco and relax or something

He's really Canadian?


No coincidence that the two most insecure posters on here, red1 and 8ball, are both canucks.


11-25-2023, 06:47 PM
He's really Canadian?


No coincidence that the two most insecure posters on here, red1 and 8ball, are both canucks.



11-25-2023, 06:50 PM
how is posting high IQ posts insecure

high IQ clutch posting like leGOAT - you wouldnt understand


11-25-2023, 06:51 PM
Imagine liking lebron james

shits weird man

couldn’t be me

11-25-2023, 06:53 PM
this is why I avoid low IQ people like the plague

people that dont leave their house (13.6k posts in 2 years!!) definitely cant hoop and definitely dont know anything about life

fluffing and bronies and shriveling and other homosexual shit

reading their low IQ drivel is just a waste of my time

11-25-2023, 06:56 PM
Imagine liking lebron james

shits weird man

couldn’t be me

I know man.

its so weird.


11-25-2023, 07:05 PM
I know man.

its so weird.


I mean yeah. Anyone who logs in the amount of minutes as lebron does will get a few highlight worthy plays. Overall though his game is just boring to me. After 2009ish where his out of world athleticism declined he just wasn’t that interesting of a player.

11-25-2023, 07:10 PM
I like his game

he controls pace and executes and runs the offense over and over again

agreed he's not as exciting as he was during his cavs days when he'd go for heat checks and would chuck away:


but he still does his thing in transition.

I know we troll but he really does carry these lakers teams. they actually made a conference finals run after starting 2-12 last year on leGOATs shoulders - think about that. :oldlol:

they always have a chance to win if lbj and AD are healthy

11-25-2023, 07:13 PM
I also like the fact that the lbj AD lakers were better than the clippers because skip was bandwagoning kawhi and PG hard that year in 2020 when both teams were healthy

it wasnt even close. even though they didnt play I have no doubt that lebron and ad would have destroyed those undersized bums.


11-25-2023, 07:15 PM
kawhi went home to go the clippers and I had a friendly bet that our 2019 raptors supporting roster was better than the 2020 clippers

I dont even think it was close. those clippers sucked.

they still suck in fact. lakers would wax that ass in a series.

Full Court
11-25-2023, 07:20 PM
how is posting high IQ posts insecure

high IQ clutch posting like leGOAT - you wouldnt understand

See, trying to say LeShrivel is "clutch" just undermines any claim you have of even an average IQ.

But then again, nobody ever accused Bronie fluffers of being smart. :lol

11-25-2023, 08:27 PM
clutchest player in the league :applause:

hey man Im just saying. 4 finals MVPs. :confusedshrug:

11-25-2023, 08:28 PM
See, trying to say LeShrivel is "clutch" just undermines any claim you have of even an average IQ.

But then again, nobody ever accused Bronie fluffers of being smart. :lol

13.6k posts about 1 man(!!) in just a few months

this kid is a deranged homosexual. :facepalm

11-25-2023, 08:59 PM
You are a walking L. No life having @ss. Comes to ISH for attention, unfortunately for you, no one likes you here.


roasted that fat little kid

13.6k posts about 1 man(!!) in just a few months

this kid is a deranged homosexual. :facepalm


11-25-2023, 09:21 PM
These types of the threads are the absolute lowest of the low when it comes to GOAT debates.

All sorts of people much more qualified to talk about basketball than us have varying opinions on the topic. Players, coaches, etc. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong. At the end of the day it is on each individual person to make their case.

Unfortunately Garnett doesn't really make a strong case here imo. Apparently his case is:

- Lebron is the greatest because he has 39,000 points
- Lebron is the greatest because he's still so great at his age
- Lebron is the greatest because he's doing things the game hadn't seen before

These things are all true, but I don't see how these things alone put him at #1. He's right we haven't ever seen a player like Lebron before, but what does that matter? The question is whether or not we think he's better than Jordan. There wasn't ever a player like him before either.

Anyways if you watch the whole conversation, KG ends up not coming down firmly on either side. He mostly maintains that Lebron just deserves to be in the conversation, not that he's definitively better.

These 3 things alone don't make him #1.

These 3 things are what finally separates him from Jordan to Kevin Garnett's eyes.

KG was drafted from high school and played all the way until he was 39 years old and also played 21 seasons so he puts extra emphasis on what LeBron is able to do at 39 years old year 21 which is still a top 10 player. KG retired year 21 at age 39 and put 3ppg/3/3.

11-25-2023, 09:36 PM
relax man, i would tell you to go outside but you live in canada and it’s probably miserable out there

idk do whatever you canadians do make some hot coco and relax or something

Only weak / skinny losers get cold.

I mostly wear just a heavy sweater / hoodie most of the winter here in Canada outside.

I have quite a bit of muscle on me from hitting the gym 5x a week so apparently muscles help keep me warm.

Full Court
11-25-2023, 09:42 PM
13.6k posts about 1 man(!!) in just a few months

this kid is a deranged homosexual. :facepalm

This kid threw a bitch fit 13.6k times in just a few months!!!!


11-25-2023, 09:57 PM
This kid threw a bitch fit 13.6k times in just a few months!!!!



everyone can see how much you've posted...

11-25-2023, 10:24 PM
of course Lebron looks like the GOAT when he's got Jason Terry coming off the bench at the 2 there

Full Court
11-25-2023, 10:57 PM

everyone can see how much you've posted...

And everyone can see how much you fume at every one of my posts.

Weep it out, biatch. :lol

11-25-2023, 10:57 PM

11-25-2023, 11:53 PM
Im sure KG knows more than a guy who doesn't know what an advanced stat is and who had no idea that Kyrie wasn't on the '18 Cavs.

sheesh get wrekt all day :oldlol:

Full Court
11-26-2023, 12:48 AM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi304.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fnn 200%2FnbacardDOTnet%2Fzz%2520NBA%2520Photo%2520Gal lery%2Fz%2520Funny%2520NBA%2520Photos%2FOthers%252 0Masterpiece%2F0%2520queen%2520lebron%2520james%2F jordan-lebron-airball-miss.gif&f=1&nofb=1

11-26-2023, 12:53 AM
Kevin Garnett saying this was especially painful for the team nostalgia.

11-26-2023, 03:22 AM
Another former player who's desperate to make it in the media, sucking Bran/Klutch off.. Can't take KG seriously.

11-26-2023, 10:41 AM
Garnett been an impulsive, annoying clown.
Nothing surprising here.

Anyone who takes KG seriously, as a source of knowledge, wisdom, or judgement, has any trust in their authority/judgement immediately revoked.

Dude is just some phony anorexic rah-rah hustle dork. Who just happened to be 6’11”.
I really wish he did get his pelvis and legs crushed by that GMC JIMMY in the mid-90’s in Chicago. Then we wouldn’t have to suffer his inane garbage commentary.

11-26-2023, 11:41 AM
K G the one ring wonder ...:facepalm

11-26-2023, 11:55 AM
Garnett been an impulsive, annoying clown.
Nothing surprising here.

Anyone who takes KG seriously, as a source of knowledge, wisdom, or judgement, has any trust in their authority/judgement immediately revoked.

Dude is just some phony anorexic rah-rah hustle dork. Who just happened to be 6’11”.
I really wish he did get his pelvis and legs crushed by that GMC JIMMY in the mid-90’s in Chicago. Then we wouldn’t have to suffer his inane garbage commentary.

So you spent an entire post just shitting on him personally without going after his arguments.

"I’ve let it go. It ain’t personal with me no more." - Kevin Garnett.

Looks like he said something that Team Nostalgia didn't like.

11-26-2023, 11:58 AM
Another former player who's desperate to make it in the media, sucking Bran/Klutch off.. Can't take KG seriously.

2 years ago he shat on LeBron.

After LeBron became #1 in scoring he called Bron the GOAT.

Deal with it.

11-26-2023, 12:31 PM
more and more people are seeing the light, Stephen A said he's starting to realize it too, people will call him the undisputed GOAT once he's officially done.

11-27-2023, 12:09 AM
If you need those reasons listed to you, you're being intellectually dishonest with yourself. That's the whole issue, "the Jordan standard" in reality you have no standards for Mj because you guys hold Lebron to a higher standard than anyone ever has for Mj, kinda strange isn't it? Also why wasn't Mj held to the Wilt standard, or the Russell standard, Kareem standard or whomever was the goat before him? He definitely wasn't, he was allowed to be who he was and appreciated for his uniqueness. And he's dominated in some cases on levels Mj himself hasn't, again it's weird requests and Goal post moving every since he started climbing the mountain.

He obviously looked up to Mj the same way Mj looked up to Dr.J, that means nothing at the end of the day because Mj surpassed Dr.J eventually. Mj starred in Space Jam, Lebron Produced Space Jam 2, completely different levels. If he was in Jordan's shadow, that day has ended lol.

Uh, was that last line supposed to be some type of subtle dig? As if Jordan isn't much wealthier than Lebron and wasn't venturing off into different businesses when Lebron was still just a kid? Lol

The reason we didn't hold Jordan to the Russell standard or the Wilt standard was because he was visibly better than them. He redefined the standard. He was doing things on the basketball court that nobody had ever seen. All he needed to do was prove that he was a winner.

Lebron was dominant in his own way, but never on the same level as Jordan. He could never ever take over a game the way that Jordan did and he could never strike the fear of god into his opponents as Jordan did. We've seen the moment get too big for Lebron. That's never happened with Jordan.

I am not saying that Jordan can't ever be surpassed. I've just never witnessed greatness on that level yet. It looked like Lebron had the potential at one point but it never came to fruition. He just didn't have it between the ears.

Space Jam. Space Jam 2.

11-27-2023, 12:22 AM
just because peoples insecurity stems from older women requiring you to prove a point for them, does not change the fact that the only competition one has ever faced, had been themselves

11-27-2023, 12:27 AM
just because peoples insecurity stems from older women requiring you to prove a point for them, does not change the fact that the only competition one has ever faced, had been themselves


11-27-2023, 12:32 AM


11-27-2023, 01:52 PM
Uh, was that last line supposed to be some type of subtle dig? As if Jordan isn't much wealthier than Lebron and wasn't venturing off into different businesses when Lebron was still just a kid? Lol
no but there's a huge difference in saying someone is following footsteps when they are clearly leaping over those steps. Lebron has a media production company. Mj was in a movie. Big difference. But as always an Mj stan will get offended thst someone has done anything on a bigger scale than he did.

The reason we didn't hold Jordan to the Russell standard or the Wilt standard was because he was visibly better than them. He redefined the standard. He was doing things on the basketball court that nobody had ever seen. All he needed to do was prove that he was a winner.
He was visibly better than Wilt? Only because we weren't old enough to watch Wilt day in and day out. We literally only really had grainy short clips of the 60s back then. So yeah visibly compared to what? The narrative. The guy still this many years later is basically the author of the NBA record book. Mj wasn't held to that standard because being the goat was never about equaling the guy before you. It's the real reason Kobe never had a snowballs chance in hell of being the Goat. If Mj was held to the previous goat standard in the way you swear Lebron should be? He'd fall short because he wasn't a center, point blank period. Luckily for Mj that's not the way it works, same for Lebron.

Lebron was dominant in his own way, but never on the same level as Jordan. He could never ever take over a game the way that Jordan did and he could never strike the fear of god into his opponents as Jordan did. We've seen the moment get too big for Lebron. That's never happened with Jordan.
This dude at 22 years old, vs. a team that was in the last 4 conference finals and 2 of the previous 3 nba finals, scored 29 of the last 30 points in one of most legendary playoff game takeovers we've seen. Mj never did that. In the 2012 ecf Lebron made Boston garden stfu in one of the most cold blooded games ever. That 4th quarter comeback in the 2013 finals and the ensuing game 7? The 2016 finals? Enough said. I'll correct you and say Lebron has taken over playoff games in a way Mj or anyone else never did. And that's only a couple in a huge body of work. The narrative that the moment has ever gotten too big is silly when you've seen a guy do the things we've seen Lebron do. If anything the time he didn't look right was an outlier and I seriously doubt it happened for the same reason you believe it did. And if playing Mj "struck the fear of god" into anybody its because they weren't good enough to compete,

I am not saying that Jordan can't ever be surpassed. I've just never witnessed greatness on that level yet. It looked like Lebron had the potential at one point but it never came to fruition. He just didn't have it between the ears.

Space Jam. Space Jam 2.
That's your view of it. Nobody compares them on neutral terms so you never will see him as much. For a ton of people he's either their goat or right there on Mjs ass. There's a reason for that.

11-27-2023, 09:04 PM
He was visibly better than Wilt? Only because we weren't old enough to watch Wilt day in and day out. We literally only really had grainy short clips of the 60s back then. So yeah visibly compared to what? The narrative. The guy still this many years later is basically the author of the NBA record book. Mj wasn't held to that standard because being the goat was never about equaling the guy before you. It's the real reason Kobe never had a snowballs chance in hell of being the Goat. If Mj was held to the previous goat standard in the way you swear Lebron should be? He'd fall short because he wasn't a center, point blank period. Luckily for Mj that's not the way it works, same for Lebron.

Yes, MJ was visibly better than Wilt or any player that had come before.

Wilt was an innovator for sure but his dominance mostly boiled down to his physical advantages as compared to the rest of the league. By the 70's-80's none of the big men, even the best among them, were dominating on that level. The rules had changed and the league had caught up.

Then swoops in Jordan who redefined what it meant to be a dominant scorer. Not with his size or with strength but with a combination of skill, creativity, athleticism and fundamentals. The guy literally had no weaknesses. Wilt couldn't shoot free throws. Wilt couldn't consistently score from anywhere on the floor. Jordan was a marvel.

11-27-2023, 09:14 PM
Lebron was dominant in his own way, but never on the same level as Jordan. He could never ever take over a game the way that Jordan did and he could never strike the fear of god into his opponents as Jordan did. We've seen the moment get too big for Lebron. That's never happened with Jordan.


Game 6 Boston 2012

Game 5 vs Detroit 2007
Game 4 vs Pacers 2012
Game 6 and 7 vs Boston 2018
Game 5 6 7 vs Golden State 2016 finals - Game 6 LeBron scores 18 straight points from 72->90 and you say he can't take over a game.
Game 7 vs Spurs 2013
Game 5 vs Denver 2020

There's like a dozen more games.

Full Court
11-27-2023, 09:25 PM

Game 6 Boston 2012

Game 5 vs Detroit 2007
Game 4 vs Pacers 2012
Game 6 and 7 vs Boston 2018
Game 5 6 7 vs Golden State 2016 finals - Game 6 LeBron scores 18 straight points from 72->90 and you say he can't take over a game.
Game 7 vs Spurs 2013
Game 5 vs Denver 2020

There's like a dozen more games.

Try this on for size:

2007 game 1 against Detroit. 10 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.

Game 2 against Detroit. 19 points on 37% shooting. LOSS.

Game 1 against the Spurs. 14 points on 25% shooting. LOSS.

2008 game 1 against Boston. 12 points and 10 turnovers on 11% shooting. 0/6 from three. LOSS.

Game 2 against Boston. 21 points on 25% shooting. LOSS.

Game 3 against Boston. 21 points on 31% shooting.

Game 4 against Boston. 21 points on 35% shooting.

2009 game 3 against Orlando. He scored 41 points, but on absolutely horrendous efficiency. 39% shooting and 1/8 from three. LOSS. Someone should have made him stop shooting.

2010 game 5 against Boston. 15 points on 21% shooting!!! LOSS. The series was tied 2-2 until that game. That Lebron choke put the Cavs down 3-2, and they went on to lose the series.

2011 game 1 against Philadelphia. 21 points on 29% shooting.

Game 5 against Philadelphia. 16 points on 39% shooting.

Game 3 against Boston. 15 points on 38% shooting. LOSS.

Game 1 against Chicago. 15 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.

Finals against Dallas. Most epic choke job of all time. Game 3, 17 points.

Game 4, 8 points on 27% shooting. LOSS.

Game 5, 17 points. LOSS.

Game 6, 21 points and 6 turnovers. LOSS.

2013 game 2 against San Antonio. 17 points on 41% shooting. LOSS.

Game 3 against San Antonio, 15 points on 33% shooting. LOSS.

Game 5 against San Antonio, 25 points on 36% shooting. LOSS.

2014 game 5 against Indiana. 7 points on 20% shooting. Whooaaaaaaaa! LOSS.

2015 game 1 against Chicago. 19 points on 41% shooting. LOSS.

Game 6 against Chicago. 15 points on 30% shooting.

Game 4 against Golden State. 20 points on 32% shooting.

2016 game 3 against Detroit. 20 points on 33% shooting.

Game 2 against Golden State. 19 points on 42% shooting. LOSS.

2017 game 3 against Boston. 11 points on 31% shooting. LOSS.

2018 game 1 against Indiana. 24 points on 41% shooting. 0% from three. LOSS.

Game 1 against Boston. 15 points on 31% shooting. LOSS.

2020 game 2 against Portland. 10 points on 36% shooting.

Game 1 against Houston. 20 points. LOSS.

Game 4 against Houston. 16 points on 41% shooting.

Game 1 against Denver. 15 points.

2021 game 1 against Phoenix. 18 points on 46% shooting. LOSS.

Game 3 against Phoenix. 21 points and 7 turnovers on 47% shooting.

Game 6 against Phoenix. 29 points on 11/26 shooting. ELIMINATION.

2023 game 5 against Memphis. 15 points on 29% shooting. 1-9 from three. LOSS.

Game 1 against Golden State. 22 points on 38% shooting. 1-8 from three.

Game 2 against Denver. 22 points. 0-6 from three. LOSS.

Game 4 against Denver. Wasted multiple possessions in 4th quarter, missed key shots, and blew the game-tying shot in the last possession. SWEPT.


11-27-2023, 10:32 PM
Can't be the greatest when a guy in your own era has as many titles and came in after you and beat you head to head more nor have a losing record on the highest stage.

11-27-2023, 10:40 PM
He was visibly better than Wilt? Only because we weren't old enough to watch Wilt day in and day out. We literally only really had grainy short clips of the 60s back then. So yeah visibly compared to what? The narrative. The guy still this many years later is basically the author of the NBA record book. Mj wasn't held to that standard because being the goat was never about equaling the guy before you. It's the real reason Kobe never had a snowballs chance in hell of being the Goat. If Mj was held to the previous goat standard in the way you swear Lebron should be? He'd fall short because he wasn't a center, point blank period. Luckily for Mj that's not the way it works, same for Lebron.

You destroy every Jordan stan tard with this paragraph.

Nostalgia is the driving force behind Jordan fandom and GOAT arguments.

11-27-2023, 10:49 PM
Need an answer on each thread below.














Record against teams with an SRS of 5.0 or higher.

Not 3, not 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or Playoff Mode Activated or A Storm is Coming

Playoff Mode: ACTIVATED

Lowest Scoring Supporting Cast Overall Playoffs

Lebron played with Shaq who won league mvp and 3 finals mvp's and lost in round 2. Lebron played with Peak Duncan who had won 2 league mvp's and 3 finals mvp's and won bronze medal. Lebron played with Peak Wade who won finals mvp and got outplayed by Jason Terry. Lebron played with Derrick Rose who won mvp under age 30 which was the same as Kevin Durant who won mvp under 30 while both were on Golden State and Cleveland. Lebron played with mulitple PER leaders as well and now Russell Westbrook a league mvp winner and more triple doubles than Oscar Robertson. Yet despite all of that Lebron lost with all of them.

Jarrett Allen vs Gobert and Jarrett Allen vs Lebron

Was #1 in Preseason odds and lost to a 14th seed in odds


And Devin Booker walked them down in the playoffs with Devin outplaying Lebron. :confusedshrug:

He has peak Anthony Davis, the best player on the 2020 squad and the reason the Lakers did anything as the 2019 Lakers missed the playoffs and 2021 Lakers lost in round 1 when AD wasn't around. He has Prime Melo who won a scoring title and all time leader in scoring for the Olympics. He has Dwight Howard a 3x DPOY and a guy who beat Lebron without HCA. He has Westbrook who is the modern day Oscar Robertson and also won league mvp along with average a Triple Double 4 years in a row. He also has Rondo who is a hall of famer.

Why didn't he play it against Dwight Howard in 2009 when Dwight was dominating http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?459570-How-is-it-even-possible-to-lose-to-Dwight-Howard-in-a-series-with-HCA/page10? Or against Duncan or KG or Dirk? Why did he run away from KD a guy at his position?

Why didn't he do **** against Booker in the playoffs as well?


Devin Booker broke Lebron


Lebron won bronze medal twice and lost with HCA 3x. Jordan only won gold medal and never lost with HCA. Prove me wrong!


Expected Championships Won and Titles Over Expected

How did LeBron go 10-16 vs Kawhi? 7-12 vs Shaq? 17-23 vs Curry?

Top 50 All-Time List - Shot Clock Era = #1

Difference between Lebron and Tmac?
Both 0-2 with HCA against 50+ win teams until they joined forces with someone who won as the man. Also won bronze medals.

Tmac lost to Utah in 2007 while Lebron was losing to a career loser in Dwight Howard and also Carlos Arroyo in the Olympics with peak Tim Duncan on his squad despite playing more minutes than Hakeem even played on the 1996 Olympic team.

LeBron's message that makes the NBA shake: A storm is coming


Outplayed Lebron in FIBA and caused America to get another bronze medal and then Greece got spanked in Gold medal final.:oldlol:


First Time Ever a team with 2 guys who won MVP missed the playoffs



11-27-2023, 11:45 PM
KG played against Bron in 2008,2010,2011,2012,2014

Paul Pierce also has Bron as the GOAT.

They both know deep down.


Only a mouth-breathing retard wouldn't see this

11-28-2023, 12:17 AM














Record against teams with an SRS of 5.0 or higher.

Not 3, not 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or Playoff Mode Activated or A Storm is Coming

Playoff Mode: ACTIVATED

Lowest Scoring Supporting Cast Overall Playoffs

Lebron played with Shaq who won league mvp and 3 finals mvp's and lost in round 2. Lebron played with Peak Duncan who had won 2 league mvp's and 3 finals mvp's and won bronze medal. Lebron played with Peak Wade who won finals mvp and got outplayed by Jason Terry. Lebron played with Derrick Rose who won mvp under age 30 which was the same as Kevin Durant who won mvp under 30 while both were on Golden State and Cleveland. Lebron played with mulitple PER leaders as well and now Russell Westbrook a league mvp winner and more triple doubles than Oscar Robertson. Yet despite all of that Lebron lost with all of them.

Jarrett Allen vs Gobert and Jarrett Allen vs Lebron

Was #1 in Preseason odds and lost to a 14th seed in odds


And Devin Booker walked them down in the playoffs with Devin outplaying Lebron. :confusedshrug:

He has peak Anthony Davis, the best player on the 2020 squad and the reason the Lakers did anything as the 2019 Lakers missed the playoffs and 2021 Lakers lost in round 1 when AD wasn't around. He has Prime Melo who won a scoring title and all time leader in scoring for the Olympics. He has Dwight Howard a 3x DPOY and a guy who beat Lebron without HCA. He has Westbrook who is the modern day Oscar Robertson and also won league mvp along with average a Triple Double 4 years in a row. He also has Rondo who is a hall of famer.

Why didn't he play it against Dwight Howard in 2009 when Dwight was dominating http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?459570-How-is-it-even-possible-to-lose-to-Dwight-Howard-in-a-series-with-HCA/page10? Or against Duncan or KG or Dirk? Why did he run away from KD a guy at his position?

Why didn't he do **** against Booker in the playoffs as well?


Devin Booker broke Lebron


Lebron won bronze medal twice and lost with HCA 3x. Jordan only won gold medal and never lost with HCA. Prove me wrong!


Expected Championships Won and Titles Over Expected

How did LeBron go 10-16 vs Kawhi? 7-12 vs Shaq? 17-23 vs Curry?

Top 50 All-Time List - Shot Clock Era = #1

Difference between Lebron and Tmac?
Both 0-2 with HCA against 50+ win teams until they joined forces with someone who won as the man. Also won bronze medals.

Tmac lost to Utah in 2007 while Lebron was losing to a career loser in Dwight Howard and also Carlos Arroyo in the Olympics with peak Tim Duncan on his squad despite playing more minutes than Hakeem even played on the 1996 Olympic team.

LeBron's message that makes the NBA shake: A storm is coming


Outplayed Lebron in FIBA and caused America to get another bronze medal and then Greece got spanked in Gold medal final.:oldlol:


First Time Ever a team with 2 guys who won MVP missed the playoffs

