View Full Version : Lebron playing off the ball shows what he should have done all along

Walk on Water
05-10-2023, 05:16 PM
That’s one of the biggest knocks against Lebron when comparing him to the all time greats. It’s not that his stats aren’t high. It has always been his playing style and dominating the ball. Now he’s playing off the ball by default, due to injury and age.

And what do you know? His team looks better. Lebron made some mistakes trying to build teams in the past. Instead of going for multiple all stars, he should have been trying to get the right role players that he could play off the ball with at times.

He would have been better off trying to build with good role players and maybe one star then just trying to make trade after trade and out star talent other teams. He would have been better going for making his team better than going for stats. Now you see it.

Spurs m8
05-10-2023, 06:18 PM
He just stands around blowing on his hands on offense and standing flat footed and lost on defense


Lucky he has a lot of help..as always

05-10-2023, 06:20 PM
This is Lebrons first season on the lakers where he is actually teamed with smart and capable ball handlers (reaves and D’Lo). Prior to that who would you have run the offense while Lebron plays off ball? Talen Horton Tucker? Avery Bradley? The exception was rondo in 2020 and we saw how that turned out. But other than that, pelinka hasn’t given Lebron a reason to defer quarterbacking to someone else

05-10-2023, 06:32 PM
He just stands around blowing on his hands on offense and standing flat footed and lost on defense


Lucky he has a lot of help..as always

Lol why do you feel like you have to abide by old twitter character rules?

I know it's because you don't actually have anything to say but you could try...

05-10-2023, 07:04 PM
Lol why do you feel like you have to abide by old twitter character rules?

I know it's because you don't actually have anything to say but you could try...

Cause he gets straight to the point. That’s why spurs m8 leads ISH in post efficiency and TS% (total slaying percentage)

05-10-2023, 08:43 PM
Cause he gets straight to the point. That’s why spurs m8 leads ISH in post efficiency and TS% (total slaying percentage)


05-10-2023, 08:53 PM
This is Lebrons first season on the lakers where he is actually teamed with smart and capable ball handlers (reaves and D’Lo). Prior to that who would you have run the offense while Lebron plays off ball? Talen Horton Tucker? Avery Bradley? The exception was rondo in 2020 and we saw how that turned out. But other than that, pelinka hasn’t given Lebron a reason to defer quarterbacking to someone else

and ofc, prior he was far and away the best player and you wanted him to have the ball a lot.

actually on point post, rare mint W.

Full Court
05-10-2023, 11:15 PM
He just stands around blowing on his hands on offense and standing flat footed and lost on defense


Lucky he has a lot of help..as always

He'll stand under the hoop and let shots go unchallenged....so he can get a rebound if they happen to miss. I don't understand how Lakers fans don't despise the guy. :lol

05-10-2023, 11:25 PM
He'll stand under the hoop and let shots go unchallenged....so he can get a rebound if they happen to miss. I don't understand how Lakers fans don't despise the guy. :lol

It's pretty blatant at times yeah. I've heard people in the media say he's a genius for "reserving his energy", when they'd kill anyone else for it. When AD doesn't score much or at all for a half while he's doing everything on D, he gets called out for it like he's not helping his team win, but Bran is a genius for taking halves off on both ends lol.

Spurs m8
05-10-2023, 11:52 PM
Cause he gets straight to the point. That’s why spurs m8 leads ISH in post efficiency and TS% (total slaying percentage)


No mucking around here

05-11-2023, 12:02 PM
A curb scraping level of basketball iq on display in this thread. Lebron proved to be one of the 3 greatest players to ever live doing it the way you claim was a knock:facepalm. I think what you meant to say was Lebron has been very effective no matter what style he's played. Of course, however I won't be getting in the way of you guys jerking off over regressions in year 20, you guys gotta eat it up while it lasts right?

05-11-2023, 03:55 PM
Cause he gets straight to the point. That’s why spurs m8 leads ISH in post efficiency and TS% (total slaying percentage)

That man is slaying nothing in his life rn.

05-11-2023, 04:15 PM
He has four titles and generally won the most of anyone of his era. I think "his way" has worked out just fine.