View Full Version : I can’t imagine what the game looks like after 20 more years of 3>2 thinking.

12-22-2022, 12:05 PM


These players have simply lost their common sense. Yes…even when it works:



Take a tough layup you ****ing *****.

This is exactly where I knew we would get. I’ve never ever ever been anti 3. I’m anti stupid.

Take the gotdamn layup you idiots.

12-22-2022, 12:22 PM
I will begrudgingly acknowledge that if I played with shooter the caliber of Steph and Klay, I would be tempted on occasion to make the unnecessary extra pass. If we have everything flowing and the home crowd is going crazy? That’s just their dynamic and the fun atmosphere that feeds into the culture. But I wouldn’t be proud of myself after I did it.

12-22-2022, 12:23 PM
and teams going small and creating rosters for 3 ball contests enabled large unathletic sloths with skills to dominate like with jokic, luka, embiid, lebron and 6'5 obese centers like zion to get 25 a night on layups and dunks

shaq could literally come out of retirement right now and put up 15/10 a night on 70%fg's

duncan could put up his career average

demarcus cousins would be at 25ppg again as a 1st option

dirk should come back too

12-22-2022, 12:27 PM
the literal GOAT if he played today


12-22-2022, 12:35 PM
and teams going small and creating rosters for 3 ball contests enabled large unathletic sloths with skills to dominate like with jokic, luka, embiid, lebron and 6'5 obese centers like zion to get 25 a night on layups and dunks

shaq could literally come out of retirement right now and put up 15/10 a night on 70%fg's

duncan could put up his career average

demarcus cousins would be at 25ppg again as a 1st option

dirk should come back too

it is one thing I don’t understand why I get pushback on. More than half the league or really almost all of it has at least one stretch big while in the past just about everybody played two traditional bigs and sometimes played two real bigs and small forward who would probably be a small ball center today.

The real good big men should be absolutely dominant around the basket and be gobbling up rebounds.

How do you do a straight up comparison of Patrick Ewing’s rebounding when he plays with both Charles Oakley and Anthony Mason versus a team that has Hakeem and Otis Thorpe on the court at the same time….vs todays centers playing tall wings at the 4 and centers who want to spot up from 3 or just slip in for a dunk now and then because they lack the skill and physical ability to bang?

Every traditional big should own todays paint.

12-22-2022, 12:42 PM
How do you do a straight up comparison of Patrick Ewing’s rebounding

a fat sloth that plays below the rim grabbed 27 rebounds this week. imagine peak wilt rebounding today playing all 48 minutes

he would have 50/45/20 games routinely

12-22-2022, 01:24 PM
If you want to see what it will look like, just take a look at 1990 Loyola Marymount with Bo Kimble/Hank Gathers. They were the predecessor for the 7 seconds or less/everything a 3 or a dunk. They averaged 122 points a game. Barring any rule changes, we are probably just 2-3 seasons away from an NBA team averaging 75-80 threes a game and some teams averaging 140-150 a game.

12-22-2022, 02:31 PM
Players have lost sight of the fact that dunks/layups are more efficient shots than 3. Passing on a layup to kick it out for a 3 doesn't make sense.

Full Court
12-22-2022, 02:42 PM
I keep thinking that at some point the pendulum's got to swing back away from the 3-pointer obsession. Curry changed the game, and we're still reaping the fruits of that, but someday another trendsetter will come along and change the game in a different way. I think.

12-22-2022, 02:42 PM
Players have lost sight of the fact that dunks/layups are more efficient shots than 3. Passing on a layup to kick it out for a 3 doesn't make sense.

3>2. There are no fours. Fortune favors the bold.

All that.

12-22-2022, 03:38 PM
Paint wide open due to defensive 3 seconds

Can't touch anyone or else it's a foul (and it's a foul even when you don't touch someone)

Wide open driving lanes so anyone can just waltz in the paint

But it's better to shoot the most ineffeceint shot in the game I guess

Full Court
12-22-2022, 05:53 PM
Paint wide open due to defensive 3 seconds

Can't touch anyone or else it's a foul (and it's a foul even when you don't touch someone)

Wide open driving lanes so anyone can just waltz in the paint

But it's better to shoot the most ineffeceint shot in the game I guess

We're seeing Luka doing a lot more post-up scoring. Maybe he'll make that popular again.

12-22-2022, 06:07 PM
A few do like jokic sabonis but it’s not that easy because most teams emphasize defensive rebounding and don’t emphasize offensive rebounding. That means when say one guy puts up a 3, a coach wants everyone but the big running back on defense already. Guys on defense don’t leak out nearly as much

Patrick Chewing
12-22-2022, 06:13 PM
Reverse the scoring format. 3 points for shots inside the arc and 2 points for outside the arc. Technically, shots inside the paint surrounded by defenders is the tougher shot. Should be rewarded as such.

Xiao Yao You
12-22-2022, 07:21 PM
and teams going small and creating rosters for 3 ball contests enabled large unathletic sloths with skills to dominate like with jokic, luka, embiid, lebron and 6'5 obese centers like zion to get 25 a night on layups and dunks

shaq could literally come out of retirement right now and put up 15/10 a night on 70%fg's

duncan could put up his career average

demarcus cousins would be at 25ppg again as a 1st option

dirk should come back too

if Cousins could do that he'd be on a team

Xiao Yao You
12-22-2022, 07:22 PM
If you want to see what it will look like, just take a look at 1990 Loyola Marymount with Bo Kimble/Hank Gathers. They were the predecessor for the 7 seconds or less/everything a 3 or a dunk. They averaged 122 points a game. Barring any rule changes, we are probably just 2-3 seasons away from an NBA team averaging 75-80 threes a game and some teams averaging 140-150 a game.

Their coach took it to the Nuggets and they failed horribly

12-22-2022, 07:31 PM

One of the dumbest things I've ever seen when it comes to basketball.

01-09-2023, 09:50 AM
The shot Kyrie took down 1 with 10 seconds left.


Thankfully saved by a useless layup.

Real Men Wear Green
01-09-2023, 10:34 AM
Funny you don't normally see Irving with a stupid play. It's tougher to get good offense without Durant though so maybe he thought they didn't have time to create a better shot than him pulling up even though that was something like 30 feet.

What I wish we could see is what happens when a good modern defensive big gets sent back 30 years. How does Robert Williams deal with Ewing? I tonk he would be fine but thinking about it the Celtics normally have Grant Williams or Al Horford defending the bruiser and R Williams playing like a roamer as much as possible. These days It's more important that an elite defensive center can cover ground than that he can muscle with a big man.

01-09-2023, 10:54 AM
I wouldn’t complain much if they were down even by 2. Down 1? And you’re an all time great midrange shooter and a goat level finisher for a guard? These players have traded their brain for the extra point.

01-09-2023, 11:13 AM
4 point line

01-10-2023, 11:13 AM
It’s gonna be worse. The kids are coming


01-10-2023, 11:25 AM
Reverse the scoring format. 3 points for shots inside the arc and 2 points for outside the arc. Technically, shots inside the paint surrounded by defenders is the tougher shot. Should be rewarded as such.
Oh wow, that would make stephen curry insignificant if he still chooses to shoot from outside under such thing.

01-10-2023, 11:32 AM
The shot Kyrie took down 1 with 10 seconds left.


Thankfully saved by a useless layup.

I think you mean... Kobe Assist

01-10-2023, 11:46 AM
It’s gonna be worse. The kids are coming


Reminds me of a kid I used to play with back in the youth days. We were like 10-11 years old playing house league games in front of nobody but our parents, and kid took himself so seriously as a baller, always had the 'freshest gear' and hogged the ball and tried to be the quintessential dominant iso player with swag even tho he was not anything special as a talent. He was a white kid whose actual birth name was Reggie Miller.

Never forgot about dude. Wonder whatever happened to him. He was so cringe.

01-11-2023, 08:26 AM
Where do we go from here?


This is a peek into a set play from the year 2035.