View Full Version : Herro gets his extension.

10-02-2022, 07:35 PM

10-02-2022, 07:37 PM
Pretty good deal I’d say. He’s been talking about wanting to start but assuming it doesn’t become an issue chemistry wise that’s a smaller deal than a number of borderline types who don’t have his upside.

10-02-2022, 08:09 PM
What a colossal waste of money lol. There are much better players who get paid a lot less. Herro is in the lower echelon of NBA talent

10-02-2022, 08:19 PM
They are paying for his ceiling. With the salary cap rising and in two years when he’s an all star putting up 24ppg, we will look back at this as a good deal.

10-02-2022, 08:31 PM
What a colossal waste of money lol. There are much better players who get paid a lot less. Herro is in the lower echelon of NBA talent

So if he’s not talented he is…what? What happens on the floor for him to look like a low end talent to you?

He is usually a bad defender but that’s never kept anyone from being considered talented.

10-02-2022, 08:32 PM
he's a nice player. have to do it. :applause:

10-02-2022, 09:01 PM
If he’s an all star this would become a steal but idk that happens. I don’t think his ceiling is too high. The raw number doesn’t matter with the cap but for me this is too close to the rookie max for me. This is around 4-5mil off the max and 80% of the max. Rj barrett got slightly less but I’m willing to pay him more the next 4 years. Simons got 4yrs 100 and think that’s a better comparison though herro is better. Also this is not good for the warriors and Poole.

Edit: I’m assuming without incentives. With incentives it’s basically a max like goberts deal being very close to a supermax but not quite

10-02-2022, 09:05 PM
Is he now the 2nd most expensive backup in the NBA? John Wall is the only other name that comes to mind.

10-02-2022, 09:06 PM
That’s a lot of money for white J.R. Smith

10-02-2022, 09:27 PM
What a colossal waste of money lol. There are much better players who get paid a lot less. Herro is in the lower echelon of NBA talent

Okay the bolded part of your post, probably. The other parts, clearly an exaggeration :lol

I mean Herro is basically, what, Lou Williams? Not really the 'second star' you'd expect on a contending team. Altho to be fair Miami HAS made some decent playoff runs the last few years, despite the fact their #1 star isnt himself a clear-cut BITW candidate. Clearly theyre built more on chemistry than roster potency.

So I guess in that sense it's reasonable to wanna keep the band together. They're not a team that's gonna win a chip if everything goes the way it should, but who knows, an injury here or there to an opponent and the Heat are at least close enough to be able to cash in for a title one of these years if they get a bit lucky.

I dont think Herro is worth that kinda money in a vacuum but I understand why they did it.

10-02-2022, 10:26 PM
That’s a lot of money for white J.R. Smith

Always with the race card with you isn’t it tittyboy

10-03-2022, 11:16 AM
Apparently he’s only 22 which is a bit younger than I realized. Somehow I thought he was like 24-25. I was always scratching my head at why he hasnt put on more weight but I guess frankly he hasnt had time yet to put on some adult weight. When he does it should give him a bit more umph on both ends of the court.

So for 22 this feels like a much more reasonable extension, especially given the reported direction the salary cap is going.

Im Still Ballin
10-03-2022, 11:23 AM

10-03-2022, 11:34 AM
That’s a lot of money for white J.R. Smith

JR Smith in his prime was a really athletic defender.

With a probably better raw ability to scrap up points spontaneously on account of it. Herro is as skilled of not a little more.

Not like Herro has a a high BBIQ either. Basically prime JR was a serious impact player, about as good as Kawhi early before he was DPOY good on defense and all-star on offense.

Herro has not become that yet.

Herro’s best bet is to be Bradley Beal 2.0. Another guy even to this day, I wouldn’t give a max deal if I wanted to “win”. Dumb chuckers with no intangibles. Pass.

10-03-2022, 11:42 AM
JR Smith in his prime was a really athletic defender.

With a probably better raw ability to scrap up points spontaneously on account of it. Herro is as skilled of not a little more.

Not like Herro has a a high BBIQ either. Basically prime JR was a serious impact player, about as good as Kawhi early before he was DPOY good on defense and all-star on offense.

Herro has not become that yet.

Herro’s best bet is to be Bradley Beal 2.0. Another guy even to this day, I wouldn’t give a max deal if I wanted to “win”. Dumb chuckers with no intangibles. Pass.
Are you implying JR Smith had a high bball IQ? :oldlol: I specifically compare him to JR cuz they’re both idiots who can get hot but often take horrid shots

10-03-2022, 11:44 AM
Are you implying JR Smith had a high bball IQ? :oldlol: I specifically compare him to JR cuz they’re both idiots who can get hot but often take horrid shots

No JR was dumb but he really did bust his ass on defense start to finish in his career. Even when his athleticism was shot in Cleveland he still scrapped up some decent stretches on that end.