View Full Version : Bill Russell and Steph Curry are the only guys...

07-22-2022, 04:00 PM
in the top 10 that have never been swept.

I know that Russell only lost 2 playoff series overall and Steph lost only 4, so they didn't have a lot of chances to do that. Still great feat.

07-22-2022, 04:10 PM
Eh, Steph's missed the playoffs like 4-5 times, which is infinitely worse than getting swept.

07-22-2022, 04:17 PM
Eh, Steph's missed the playoffs like 4-5 times, which is infinitely worse than getting swept.

Infinitely worse than getting swept in the finals maybe. But don't tell me that getting swept in the first round is much better than not making playoffs.

07-22-2022, 04:18 PM
Eh, Steph's missed the playoffs like 4-5 times, which is infinitely worse than getting swept.

Exactly. Cuckrry missing the playoffs at the age of 32-33 while being healthy is infinitely worse than the random subject of this thread.
As is blowing a 3-1 lead.

07-22-2022, 04:24 PM
Infinitely worse than getting swept in the finals maybe. But don't tell me that getting swept in the first round is much better than not making playoffs.
First round sweep, sure, it's still better but definitely not some huge gap between the two results. 2nd round and above though, no contest getting swept is a much better result.

07-22-2022, 05:56 PM
Someone doesnt know what infinitely means. I suggest webster for retards

07-22-2022, 06:03 PM
LeCuck stans fuming hard to right now.


07-22-2022, 06:04 PM
Steph Curry is the only one to lose a finals with a 3-1 lead.

07-22-2022, 06:06 PM
Someone doesnt know what infinitely means. I suggest webster for retards
I'm sure you're well versed with that version.

07-22-2022, 07:43 PM
Stephen curry actually missed the playoffs with a winning record. :roll:

07-22-2022, 09:11 PM
I'm sure you're well versed with that version.

07-22-2022, 11:14 PM
Eh, Steph's missed the playoffs like 4-5 times, which is infinitely worse than getting swept.

This. Also many others were swept 4-0, others only 3-0 as an 8th seed.

07-22-2022, 11:29 PM
I have Steph one spot ahead of Kawhi

07-22-2022, 11:31 PM
Curry isn't even top 10 in the current nba

Weakest title run ever for the warriors, they had four 1st round caliber match ups

Curry missed the playoffs last year, so that means he needs the best cast by a lot to win... thats because he's one dimensional

So shut the **** up you corny ******.

07-23-2022, 12:30 AM
LeCuck fans fuming lol cause LeCuck Missed more playoffs than Curry

hold this L
07-23-2022, 01:00 AM
Steph Curry is the only one to lose a finals with a 3-1 lead.

And he's also the daddy of your entire racist city and team. :applause:

07-23-2022, 01:10 AM
Steph Curry is the only one to lose a finals with a 3-1 lead.
He was also the first superstar to lose b2b games in the play ins aka losers bracket.