View Full Version : Draymond needs to stop doing his ****ing podcast

06-11-2022, 03:41 AM
At least for the rest of this series.

You playing like shit.

06-11-2022, 08:49 AM
So do you believe he would score more if he didn’t talk into a microphone on off days or is it somehow the principle of the matter and you believe people not playing the game should be the ones talking about it? Or maybe that he’s only allowed to talk about basketball when making shots? I’m not sure that wouldn’t be worse. If you’re going to show your face and talk do it good or bad.

there are much worse uses of your time than talking to fans. I’m not sure he isn’t getting a worse rep than he deserves. Yes he’s dirty on the court but his off the court behavior leaves less to complain about than an awful lot of people.

Dennis Rodman literally missed a practice session during the NBA finals to go hang out with the NWO on Monday nitro and attack diamond Dallas page during a match.

And we talking about a podcast.

06-11-2022, 08:53 AM
There’s been WAY too much discussion about this.

06-11-2022, 12:29 PM
Draymond after game 4


06-11-2022, 01:52 PM
So do you believe he would score more if he didn’t talk into a microphone on off days or is it somehow the principle of the matter and you believe people not playing the game should be the ones talking about it? Or maybe that he’s only allowed to talk about basketball when making shots? I’m not sure that wouldn’t be worse. If you’re going to show your face and talk do it good or bad.

there are much worse uses of your time than talking to fans. I’m not sure he isn’t getting a worse rep than he deserves. Yes he’s dirty on the court but his off the court behavior leaves less to complain about than an awful lot of people.

Dennis Rodman literally missed a practice session during the NBA finals to go hang out with the NWO on Monday nitro and attack diamond Dallas page during a match.

And we talking about a podcast.

His podcast creates bulletin board material for the Celtics though. It doesn't really help Draymond or the warriors to put more pressure on themselves.

06-11-2022, 02:34 PM
His podcast creates bulletin board material for the Celtics though. It doesn't really help Draymond or the warriors to put more pressure on themselves.

It also makes it look like hes more interested in self promotion than his team winning. Which is merely an optics thing, not something that affects the game in all likelyhood, but inevitably makes people wonder how committed he is to this finals in general.

In any case, Green IS probably thankful to the reporter who brought it up. How many people knew he had a podcast before these finals?

06-11-2022, 09:01 PM
He's perfectly fine doing his podcast.

06-11-2022, 09:09 PM
Everyone needs to stop doing their podcast. Mofos need to learn to stfu.

Spurs m8
06-11-2022, 09:15 PM
Everyone needs to stop doing their podcast. Mofos need to learn to stfu.


06-12-2022, 01:28 PM
Everyone needs to stop doing their podcast. Mofos need to learn to stfu.

Dray is a loud child who needs lots of attention even when he doesn’t deserve it. It’s how he’s wired.

Son would probably get ejected and suspended the game after he stopped doing this podcast, just off his psychological need for copious amounts of attention.

06-12-2022, 02:38 PM
draymons podcast is not changing his play he is not podcasting in the middle of the game so who cares. it gives him steam to let off and gas off. his bad playing his just him not the podcast

06-12-2022, 03:49 PM
Dray is a loud child who needs lots of attention even when he doesn’t deserve it. It’s how he’s wired.

Son would probably get ejected and suspended the game after he stopped doing this podcast, just off his psychological need for copious amounts of attention.

Draymond is building the framework for his post playing career which I assure you will earn millions of dollars and last longer than an nba career. He’s doing precisely the right thing from a business perspective. I think he’s already set to go to inside the nba when Barkley retires. He’s not stupid. He’s playing the long game.

06-12-2022, 03:55 PM
Draymond is building the framework for his post playing career which I assure you will earn millions of dollars and last longer than an nba career. He’s doing precisely the right thing from a business perspective. I think he’s already set to go to inside the nba when Barkley retires. He’s not stupid. He’s playing the long game.

Well he is stupid, but that doesnt mean this isnt the right move if a media career is his goal.

As far as replacing Barkley, he’ll probably get paid well to do it if that’s the route they go. But it’ll be the end of Inside. Barkley is genuine, funny, and low key smarter than he acts. Green is really just a legitimate buffoon. Ratings will dive.

06-12-2022, 04:10 PM
Barkley said he doesn’t wanna work past 60(he’s 59) and Kenny suggested he didn’t think he’d stay after Charles left. All 3 might walk together. It’s gonna be a worse show but he’s gonna be a center of it as part of a long term plan while a lot of players are waiting for their nba pensions to pull them out of poverty. He isn’t stupid. You just don’t like what he thinks(or at least what he chooses to say he thinks).

Quite a few people from varied backgrounds seem to think he’s the smartest basketball player in the league or at least among them. I recently read an article on him from his first summer league and the coach claimed that even though he was too slow and couldn’t shoot he was the smartest rookie by far he ever met and it was gonna make it impossible not to play him.

He looks goofy at times, and he’s animated, and a loudmouth but that doesn’t mean he’s literally stupid.

06-12-2022, 04:55 PM
Barkley said he doesn’t wanna work past 60(he’s 59) and Kenny suggested he didn’t think he’d stay after Charles left. All 3 might walk together. It’s gonna be a worse show but he’s gonna be a center of it as part of a long term plan while a lot of players are waiting for their nba pensions to pull them out of poverty. He isn’t stupid. You just don’t like what he thinks(or at least what he chooses to say he thinks).

Quite a few people from varied backgrounds seem to think he’s the smartest basketball player in the league or at least among them. I recently read an article on him from his first summer league and the coach claimed that even though he was too slow and couldn’t shoot he was the smartest rookie by far he ever met and it was gonna make it impossible not to play him.

He looks goofy at times, and he’s animated, and a loudmouth but that doesn’t mean he’s literally stupid.

There are different types of intelligence and Draymond can be one of the smartest X's and O's guys in the league if not the damn smartest, but it doesn't matter in that setting attempting to fill that particular role.

He doesn't have the particular aspect of intelligence required to fill Barkley's shoes. What athlete does? Do they even exist? I don't think so.

Barkley has the wit of a stand up comic... and it might even be better than that. Most stand up comics are heavily rehearsed... pretty sure Barkley is shooting from the cuff the majority of the time.

I am sure that Barkley hates sitting there during the week watching boring ass games and being forced to sit around for hours only to give 30 minutes worth of comments but even still, what is he going to do with himself upon retirement?

Here's hoping he has a change of heart and we've got him for another decade.

That show is absolutely donezo the moment that Barkley gives it up, particularly if Ernie follows. And Kenny knows this, he's smart enough to not try to stick around. I mean hell, we've all seen the days these guys are off... the show just sucks. It's REALLY bad.

06-12-2022, 05:01 PM
Play golf, gamble, not attend production meetings or have to be tied to a location from October to May every year is what I’d imagine he’d do. He’s been living a schedule based on basketball since like 1981. He’s ready to do anything else I’m sure.

06-12-2022, 05:04 PM
Long as Dray isn't sharing strategies Boston might not have picked up on....Who cares?

Evidently he's got a lot to say :lol

06-12-2022, 05:12 PM
Know what’s really gonna piss people off? If Lebron joins tnt after he retires. He mentioned how he saw what Brady got setup for retirement(350 million to be on fox). Imagine a EJ, Lebron, Dray, and Beverly inside the nba in 5 years. It would be awful but talked about.

06-12-2022, 05:19 PM
Know what’s really gonna piss people off? If Lebron joins tnt after he retires. He mentioned how he saw what Brady got setup for retirement(350 million to be on fox). Imagine a EJ, Lebron, Dray, and Beverly inside the nba in 5 years. It would be awful but talked about.

Maybe. I think the markets are different tho.

Brady may or may not be any good, but football still (at least for now) has a somewhat traditional audience that tends to revere history and hierarchy etc. Brady’s like a modern Johnny Appleseed in terms of American iconography, a lot of the audience will tune in ‘just to hear Tom Brady talk.’

Whereas basketball culture is more Showtime at the Apollo. The audience is half HOPING youll bomb so they can throw tomatoes. Im not sure people will watch Lebron talk just because hes Lebron. If hes not interesting/entertaining theyd probably just turn it off.

Of course thats all academic theoretical stuff, bc we know Lebron is the GOAT at anything he does :pimp:

06-12-2022, 05:58 PM
Brady isn’t there to generate ratings as much as add prestige. The president of espn explained in detail that the announcers have literally zero impact on ratings you just get the big names kinda for the pomp. People will watch Cowboys/packers no matter who calls it. Bad teams just get muted but great ones make no discernible difference. They literally pay 30-40 million just to have a certain name that provides them no return.

06-12-2022, 08:36 PM
I’ll believe Barkley retiring when I see it. That dude is the biggest attention whore glorified paid troll out of them all. Even if he isn’t doing Inside The NBA anymore he’ll still be making the rounds to all the other media outlets and podcasts pumping gums on the regular. Shit he’ll probably start his own podcast. These players becoming talking head celebrities is wack when all of them do it. Barkley was unique 20 years ago now it’s all played out.

And that goes for every other non sports related podcast too. Every comedian (professional or wanna be) and their mom are yapping out their ass baiting people for clicks everyday. It’s a shame because athletes and comics used to have some mystique and dignity. Now they are nothing but wanna be news anchor Andy Rooney/Oprah/Howard Stern gossiping douche bags.

06-13-2022, 12:16 AM
I’ll believe Barkley retiring when I see it. That dude is the biggest attention whore glorified paid troll out of them all. Even if he isn’t doing Inside The NBA anymore he’ll still be making the rounds to all the other media outlets and podcasts pumping gums on the regular. Shit he’ll probably start his own podcast. These players becoming talking head celebrities is wack when all of them do it. Barkley was unique 20 years ago now it’s all played out.

And that goes for every other non sports related podcast too. Every comedian (professional or wanna be) and their mom are yapping out their ass baiting people for clicks everyday. It’s a shame because athletes and comics used to have some mystique and dignity. Now they are nothing but wanna be news anchor Andy Rooney/Oprah/Howard Stern gossiping douche bags.

I respectfully disagree - imo, Chuck is the best. He's funny, not afraid to say what he thinks (not politically correct like Wade) and takes being made fun of in his stride. Other than his terrible predictions, Chuck is usually spot on. He's a natural.

Inside the NBA is the best - sometimes better than the actual game. Their chemistry is insane, it's funny and the basketball takes are excellent. About the only thing I complain about is Shaq's mumbling (he needs to project and speak clearer).

06-13-2022, 03:59 AM
Bruh. The writings on the wall.

You're getting benched in the fourth.

06-13-2022, 08:39 AM
Dray can't shoot from the perimeter or finish inside. That isn't going to change if he stops his podcast.

06-14-2022, 07:40 PM
He's not focused on his game and distracted by the podcast. He's lucky that Wiggins and Curry has been carrying this team.

06-14-2022, 07:43 PM
Long as Dray isn't sharing strategies Boston might not have picked up on....Who cares?

Evidently he's got a lot to say :lol

man he got more to practice on!

06-14-2022, 07:43 PM
Dray can't shoot from the perimeter or finish inside. That isn't going to change if he stops his podcast.

this might be his worst series ever and its what his only ever with the podcast?

something gotta give