View Full Version : Pau describes kobes leadership style. does lebron embody any of these qualities?

04-07-2022, 03:15 AM

1. he expected your best ( lebron never did from westbrook or AD ) ❌

2. take it as seriously as he took it. or at least close ( ok lebron didn't take it seriously ) ✔️

3. he expects you to have a winning mindset ( all lebron cared about was a scoring title ) ❌

4. challenging everyone ( lebron just blamed everyone ) ❌

5. practice/work at it on a daily basis ( lebron took days off to avoid blame ) ❌

6. wanted others to take care of their body ( lebron lets davis show up out of shape and both injury prone ) ❌

7. challenging everyone in practice physically and verbally ( lebron is a care free fun guy. zero accountability as a leader ) ❌

8. setting a no nonsense tone for the locker room ( lebron lets westbrook sound off every day like a doofus, AD and lebron skip half the year ) ❌

9. getting others to play at another level ( lebrons never elevated anyone ever ) ❌

10. engaging with teammates before and during games to fuel others to try harder ( lebron just sits on the bench away from others ) ❌

you can have all the stats in the world but not have a great impact on your team. lebron this year is the embodiment of empty stat padding.

04-07-2022, 03:27 AM
Kobe came up in the 90s as a teenager in the league, he knew what it took to get to that level and expected that kind of work ethic out of his teammates, which is why almost all of his teammates peaked in LA or played worse once they left his team (Shaq, Gasol, Bynum, Odom, Fisher, MWP etc). And the triangle was perfect for his philosophy because it incorporated everyone and he wasn't dominating the ball like Lebron, even though people in the media acted like he had the ball all the time, when in reality the Lakers actually played a TEAM game, even the horrible '07 squad with Odom missing a 3rd of the season and Kwame missing half the games etc.

04-07-2022, 09:39 AM
We gonna act like Shaq didn't come into most seasons out of shape?

Shaq literally said that in his interview with Kobe.

04-07-2022, 10:26 AM
kobe was a terrible leader hated by many of his former teammates. he threw them under the bus consistently. he was also selfish on the court and a loner off the court.

lebron on the other hand is one of the greatest leaders in american team sports history. legendarily unselfish on the court. a fun guy off the court always organizing team activities to help the players bond. which is why he's loved by many former teammates.

04-07-2022, 10:38 AM
Some of the best leaders are hated by their teammates.

Obvious asshole is the GOAT. Dude pushed his teammates to the point of mental break downs. But guess what? He also pushed them to perform to the best of their ability which was showcased in championships.

Then you've got Kobe who probably wasn't as bad, but still held players/teammates to a very high standard.

Then you got the early to mid 2000s draftees. Pretty much at this point it was all individual stat driven, probably because of the media comparisons between Melo, Lebron, Wade and later Durant. All of them were competing for the best numbers and chasing Jordan and Kobe without realizing it's rings that set Kobe and Jordan apart from them.

04-07-2022, 10:43 AM
Some of the best leaders are hated by their teammates.

Obvious asshole is the GOAT. Dude pushed his teammates to the point of mental break downs. But guess what? He also pushed them to perform to the best of their ability which was showcased in championships.

Then you've got Kobe who probably wasn't as bad, but still held players/teammates to a very high standard.

Then you got the early to mid 2000s draftees. Pretty much at this point it was all individual stat driven, probably because of the media comparisons between Melo, Lebron, Wade and later Durant. All of them were competing for the best numbers and chasing Jordan and Kobe without realizing it's rings that set Kobe and Jordan apart from them.

kobe's second option rings are clearly not setting him apart...hence his borderline top 10 all time ranking.

04-07-2022, 12:29 PM
We gonna act like Shaq didn't come into most seasons out of shape?

Shaq literally said that in his interview with Kobe.

and kobe shipped his ass out the minute he had any leverage through contract negotiations. it's not like kobe didn't try fighting him in practice a bunch

04-07-2022, 12:31 PM
kobe was a terrible leader hated by many of his former teammates. he threw them under the bus consistently. he was also selfish on the court and a loner off the court.

lebron on the other hand is one of the greatest leaders in american team sports history. legendarily unselfish on the court. a fun guy off the court always organizing team activities to help the players bond. which is why he's loved by many former teammates.

except he wasn't and he was only really hated by shaq, karl, smush and Dwight

a guy that hit on his wife and 3 lazy goofball sacks of shit. and all but smush ended up patching things I think and admitting kobe was right

04-07-2022, 12:40 PM
You guys call this being a good leader?


That is straight up toxic behavior.

04-07-2022, 12:43 PM
You guys call this being a good leader?


That is straight up toxic behavior.

Lol taking the word of smush? Kobe is all about business. If you don't take things seriously, he won't take you seriously. What is leadership? Being buddies with teammates and making sure they feel good all the time?

04-07-2022, 12:45 PM
You guys call this being a good leader?


That is straight up toxic behavior.

Look what Pau Gasol said though. Kobe had his faults (some players don't want to be held accountable), but overall? I'd say Kobe was an effective leader.

04-07-2022, 12:49 PM
Lol taking the word of smush?

Why would he lie about that? That is an embarrassing story to reveal.

I'm sure he was an effective leader because he held everyone accountable, but his behavior at times was in fact toxic and hurt team morale. This is a dude who didn't invite any of his teammates to his wedding, that right there should tell you the time of person he was.

04-07-2022, 12:49 PM
You guys call this being a good leader?


That is straight up toxic behavior.

that's how you motivate people. you have to shame them if they're not up to standard. it's called tough love. it's how fathers used to govern households and kids would try to outdo their fathers and work hard to prove them wrong. it gave them purpose

today's kids are ignored or coddled by their fathers and their mothers are the ones tormenting kids so they all grow up shells of a man with no respect for their fathers or a need to impress them. they end up with trust issues because no man wants to emulate their mothers. they just spite them and all women.

a strong male role model is what every man needs. it's why so many young black men look up to athletes and rappers because they're the ones that struggle most with absent fathers.

when you coddle and joke around you will only gain an equal or someone that doesn't respect you and does their own thing like davis and Westbrook. they don't fear lebron

04-07-2022, 01:02 PM
that's how you motivate people. you have to shame them if they're not up to standard. it's called tough love. it's how fathers used to govern households and kids would try to outdo their fathers and work hard to prove them wrong. it gave them purpose

This is where you are wrong. Every person is different, it can motivate some, but completely ruin someone's self confidence, it appears like Kobe was too stupid to realize this or he didn't care. You think all the yelling at Kwame Brown helped him in the long run, it obviously ruined his self confidence.

This is why someone like Tom Brady was a far greater leader than MJ or Kobe, Wes Welker said in an interview that Brady only yelled at teammates who knew could handle it and would talk positive/encourage players who knew were more sensitive. Great leaders have awareness of how teammates would react to certain situations.

04-07-2022, 01:06 PM
This is where you are wrong. Every person is different, it can motivate some, but completely ruin someone's self confidence, it appears like Kobe was too stupid to realize this or he didn't care. You think all the yelling at Kwame Brown helped him in the long run, it obviously ruined his self confidence.

This is why someone like Tom Brady was a far greater leader than MJ or Kobe, Wes Welker said in an interview that Brady only yelled at teammates who knew could handle it and would talk positive/encourage players who knew were more sensitive. Great leaders have awareness of how teammates would react to certain situations.

i much prefer legoat's leadership style. he holds you accountable but he also works hard off the court to bond with all his teammates so they know it isn't personal.

04-07-2022, 01:11 PM
This is where you are wrong. Every person is different, it can motivate some, but completely ruin someone's self confidence, it appears like Kobe was too stupid to realize this or he didn't care. You think all the yelling at Kwame Brown helped him in the long run, it obviously ruined his self confidence.

This is why someone like Tom Brady was a far greater leader than MJ or Kobe, Wes Welker said in an interview that Brady only yelled at teammates who knew could handle it and would talk positive/encourage players who knew were more sensitive. Great leaders have awareness of how teammates would react to certain situations.

it only ruins people that are beta minded individuals like yourself. and kobe weeds out guys like that. why coddle anyone. that kind of person won't help you win. they fold in pressure moments.

obviously kobes leadership style won't work with everyone. that's the point. and that's why they had to ship out kwame and smush to get the job done.

kobe isn't settling for 1st round exits. his goal was winning a championship and fir it to work he had to drive away all the soft heartless fatherless chumps like Mr mamas cookin beta male kwame and his partner in crime and bring back a confident alpha role payer like fisher and a hardened man since his mid teens in Pau gasol from over seas cause European players still have the right parental structure and can make a living at a young age.

those are guys kobe wants to go to war with. not closet homos like Dwight that obviously had a horrible upbringing and probly got molested and beaten by his mother

and brady behind closed doors is an animal. you're obviously clueless. only in front of the media is he mr nice guy. you see him on the field yelling at opposing coaches and getting g in players faces all the time. smashing tablets. having feuds with coaches

you're completely clueless

04-07-2022, 01:11 PM
"I think LeBron, being such a good teammate, understands the aspect of, 'The more I can have a personal relationship with guys, the more I can get on them, the more I can pull from them, and the more I can expect from them. And they'll know that it's never just about me,'" Jefferson said.

He said James goes above and beyond to keep teammates together off the court and strengthen relationships.

"The amount of time he spends being great with lifting and shooting and training, he is as equal when it comes to spending time trying to be a good teammate," Jefferson said. "Having people over to his house for dinner, throwing a Christmas party or a Halloween party, having guys orchestrating a dinner here or a movie night here. He spends as much time trying to be great on the court as he does trying to make sure that the team is a cohesive unit off the court."

real leadership. mj and kobe were just bullies who'd get ktfo by today's bigger, stronger players they try that bs now.

04-07-2022, 01:12 PM
i much prefer legoat's leadership style. he holds you accountable but he also works hard off the court to bond with all his teammates so they know it isn't personal.

please give an example of lebron holding anyone accountable ...ever

and not being a passive aggressive whiner on social media

show me one example of him being a man in practice getting on a teammate for ****ing up or being lazy

04-07-2022, 01:14 PM
"I think LeBron, being such a good teammate, understands the aspect of, 'The more I can have a personal relationship with guys, the more I can get on them, the more I can pull from them, and the more I can expect from them. And they'll know that it's never just about me,'" Jefferson said.

He said James goes above and beyond to keep teammates together off the court and strengthen relationships.

"The amount of time he spends being great with lifting and shooting and training, he is as equal when it comes to spending time trying to be a good teammate," Jefferson said. "Having people over to his house for dinner, throwing a Christmas party or a Halloween party, having guys orchestrating a dinner here or a movie night here. He spends as much time trying to be great on the court as he does trying to make sure that the team is a cohesive unit off the court."

real leadership.

mj and kobe were just bullies who'd get ktfo by today's bigger, stronger players they try that bs now.

Richard Jefferson another homo. he obviously wanted coddling. he sounds like a trans *** every time he opens his mouth. he's never really amounted to anything even with all kinds of talent and athleticism. he's the embodiment of a guy going through the motions his entire career

and every single one of lebrons great teammates have been vocal picking kobe over lebron all time

04-07-2022, 01:14 PM
kobe was a terrible leader hated by many of his former teammates. he threw them under the bus consistently. he was also selfish on the court and a loner off the court.

lebron on the other hand is one of the greatest leaders in american team sports history. legendarily unselfish on the court. a fun guy off the court always organizing team activities to help the players bond. which is why he's loved by many former teammates.



04-07-2022, 01:15 PM
it only ruins people that are beta minded individuals like yourself. and kobe weeds out guys like that. why coddle anyone. that kind of person won't help you win. they fold in pressure moments.

obviously kobes leadership style won't work with everyone. that's the point. and that's why they had to ship out kwame and smush to get the job done.

kobe isn't settling for 1st round exits. his goal was winning a championship and fir it to work he had to drive away all the soft heartless fatherless chumps like Mr mamas cookin beta male kwame and his partner in crime and bring back a confident alpha role payer like fisher and a hardened man since his mid teens in Pau gasol from over seas cause European players still have the right parental structure and can make a living at a young age.

those are guys kobe wants to go to war with. not closet homos like Dwight that obviously had a horrible upbringing and probly got molested and beaten by his mother

and brady behind closed doors is an animal. you're obviously clueless. only in front of the media is he mr nice guy. you see him on the field yelling at opposing coaches and getting g in players faces all the time. smashing tablets. having feuds with coaches

you're completely clueless

One thing is for sure. It would definitely ruin you. Remember your meltdown just because someone called a kid that wasn't even yours ugly?

You made a thread how you couldn't take the abuse and left crying.:oldlol:

04-07-2022, 01:16 PM
Richard Jefferson another homo. he obviously wanted coddling. he sounds like a trans *** every time he opens his mouth. he's never really amounted to anything even with all kinds of talent and athleticism. he's the embodiment of a guy going through the motions his entire career

and every single one of lebrons great teammates have been vocal picking kobe over lebron all time

you're coming across like a mouth breathing retard who's never played organized team basketball on any level.

04-07-2022, 01:18 PM
intellectual handicap is a compliment to OP because he can never remember the idea that Lebron's stat doesn't dip in the playoffs.

if you give OP a definitive ranking of players based on statistics, he'll come up with something that gives you the reason to ban him from humanity and lowering OP's insurance level.

04-07-2022, 01:22 PM
and every single one of lebrons great teammates have been vocal picking kobe over lebron all time

"Playing with LeBron the last 4 years, there were times I'd go to the bench during a timeout and say to guys 'I think we're watching the best ever. This is wild.' That's just what he brings to the table every single night." — @kevinlove

hurrr, EvErY sInGlE oNe.

04-07-2022, 01:23 PM
One thing is for sure. It would definitely ruin you. Remember your meltdown just because someone called a kid that wasn't even yours ugly?

You made a thread how you couldn't take the abuse and left crying.:oldlol:

so you think not defending your kid or possible kids is a beta male act

no.. ignoring your kids and not caring about them is a beta male. standing up for the innocent and helpless is what a strong male role model does.

and honestly it was a culmination of me getting banned every other week for nothing like making fun of a guys fake dead dad story then him making fun of a 9 year old girls puffy cheek. like she has any control over that issue. his dad put the bottle or gun to his head. that was his choice

and I only threatened to not post unless he got a 24 hour ban or something. wasn't even asking a lot lol

and speaking of smoke117. did he commit suicide finally? haven't seen him in a while

04-07-2022, 01:24 PM
"Playing with LeBron the last 4 years, there were times I'd go to the bench during a timeout and say to guys 'I think we're watching the best ever. This is wild.' That's just what he brings to the table every single night." — @kevinlove

hurrr, EvErY sInGlE oNe.

what about shaq, Wade, bosh, kyrie, AD, Westbrook

04-07-2022, 01:25 PM
you're coming across like a mouth breathing retard who's never played organized team basketball on any level.

I have though. how many years did you play competitively Mr. Meth head

want me to dig up some anger general threads about your self admitted addiction vegasfraud

04-07-2022, 01:27 PM
what about shaq, Wade, bosh, kyrie, AD, Westbrook

shaq said when lebron becomes the all time scoring leader he's the goat. wade has mj 1st, lebron 2nd. ad has lebron as the goat. couldn't care less what kyrie thinks. no clue on bosh/westbrook. point is...you're typing out your ass...again.

04-07-2022, 01:27 PM
I have though. how many years did you play competitively Mr. Meth head

want me to dig up some anger general threads about your self admitted addiction vegasfraud

you're typing out your ass...again x2.

04-07-2022, 01:30 PM
so you think not defending your kid or possible kids is a beta male act

no.. ignoring your kids and not caring about them is a beta male. standing up for the innocent and helpless is what a strong male role model does.

yet when we get rid of you, both of those statements becomes null.

unless your argument is that getting rid of someone is defending, then you're just admitting you're not a human being, and that pretty much summarizes your whole existence here on ISH.

04-07-2022, 01:30 PM
i have to laugh for a second at the soft chubby candian pretending to play basketball on any level.


04-07-2022, 01:32 PM
you're typing out your ass...again x2.

literally the first thing that pops up on Google when searching anger general Vegasfraud meth



04-07-2022, 01:34 PM
i have to laugh for a second at the soft chubby candian pretending to play basketball on any level.



also posted videos on here hitting 30 shots in a row

04-07-2022, 01:34 PM
I have though. how many years did you play competitively Mr. Meth head

want me to dig up some anger general threads about your self admitted addiction vegasfraud


04-07-2022, 01:36 PM

also posted videos on here hitting 30 shots in a row

lol @ the sway back beta. i bet you walk like a pigeon.

04-07-2022, 01:36 PM
so you think not defending your kid or possible kids is a beta male act

no.. ignoring your kids and not caring about them is a beta male. standing up for the innocent and helpless is what a strong male role model does.

and honestly it was a culmination of me getting banned every other week for nothing like making fun of a guys fake dead dad story then him making fun of a 9 year old girls puffy cheek. like she has any control over that issue. his dad put the bottle or gun to his head. that was his choice

and I only threatened to not post unless he got a 24 hour ban or something. wasn't even asking a lot lol

and speaking of smoke117. did he commit suicide finally? haven't seen him in a while

Except the kids wasn't yours. :oldlol:

You handled it the worst possible way. Made a thread crying about it and said you were leaving this site.

04-07-2022, 01:39 PM

also posted videos on here hitting 30 shots in a row

yet you only can play with players that results in low team assists because you just look like a deer lost in the headlight when people start moving without the ball.

04-07-2022, 01:40 PM
lol @ the sway back beta. i bet you walk like a pigeon.

im walking on your neck right now. let's both post shooting videos this spring. I'm in peak physical condition after training for the past month

04-07-2022, 01:40 PM
Except the kids wasn't yours. :oldlol:

You handled it the worst possible way. Made a thread crying about it and said you were leaving this site.

that was before I got the dna test. and if I handled it wrong then why is smoke the one that killed himself

04-07-2022, 01:42 PM
im walking on your neck right now. let's both post shooting videos this spring. I'm in peak physical condition after training for the past month

you want to know how we know you just laid there and swallowed another man's *** with no comeback

04-07-2022, 01:43 PM
im walking on your neck right now. let's both post shooting videos this spring. I'm in peak physical condition after training for the past month

is that screenshot from the video you posted years ago almost dunking on an 8 foot rim? lol thinking i don't rem.

04-07-2022, 01:44 PM
is that screenshot from the video you posted years ago almost dunking on an 8 foot rim? lol thinking i don't rem.

na I did a 360 for that video remember

but yes it's old. I'm 37. you think I'm still dunking?

it's from 6 years ago or so

04-07-2022, 01:44 PM
Except the kids wasn't yours. :oldlol:

You handled it the worst possible way. Made a thread crying about it and said you were leaving this site.

beta bitch confirmed.

04-07-2022, 02:00 PM
beta bitch confirmed.

so I'm beta cause a woman told me I was this kids dad and then I defended it's honor from a suicidal alcoholic on the internet by asking the mods to give him a break. then took a dna test to own up to my responsibilities and found out there was a 3rd guy she was banging 10 years ago

lol I simply went through the motions in a natural logical manner

what should I have done. joined in on mocking a 9 year olds birth defect or avoided my responsibilities

a beta is a man that chooses to leave a place they were shunned away from like you at AG

I was permanently banned for posing as grizz on a gay dating website in his home town

04-07-2022, 02:09 PM
so I'm beta cause a woman told me I was this kids dad and then I defended it's honor from a suicidal alcoholic on the internet by asking the mods to give him a break. then took a dna test to own up to my responsibilities and found out there was a 3rd guy she was banging 10 years ago

lol I simply went through the motions in a natural logical manner

what should I have done. joined in on mocking a 9 year olds birth defect or avoided my responsibilities

a beta is a man that chooses to leave a place they were shunned away from like you at AG

I was permanently banned for posing as grizz on a gay dating website in his home town

i was banned by queencarl for mocking him for admittedly not knowing how many men his whore wife slept with before marrying her. it's in my sig on vf actually.

04-07-2022, 02:11 PM
and what you should have done is not share personal information that you're going to get sensitive over when someone trolls you about it.

04-07-2022, 02:18 PM
and what you should have done is not share personal information that you're going to get sensitive over when someone trolls you about it.

why not. I'm not afraid of confrontation. if you wanna choose to be a creep that obsesses over a little girl then go ahead but you're only making yourself look bad

it exposed smoke and he killed himself

I destroyed his life to the point where he said he made it all up. then we never saw him again

04-07-2022, 02:56 PM
Lol. Wtf happened in this thread.

04-07-2022, 03:01 PM
Lol. Wtf happened in this thread.

Same shit that happens in every thread. Shit goes off the rails.

04-07-2022, 03:06 PM
so I'm beta cause a woman told me I was this kids dad and then I defended it's honor from a suicidal alcoholic on the internet by asking the mods to give him a break. then took a dna test to own up to my responsibilities and found out there was a 3rd guy she was banging 10 years ago

lol I simply went through the motions in a natural logical manner

what should I have done. joined in on mocking a 9 year olds birth defect or avoided my responsibilities

a beta is a man that chooses to leave a place they were shunned away from like you at AG

I was permanently banned for posing as grizz on a gay dating website in his home town

Imagine what Kobe would say if he saw you say "I asked for him to be banned for a week" on an internet forum.


04-07-2022, 03:53 PM
Lol. Wtf happened in this thread.

I kept making great points about lebron being a poor leader so 1987lakers changed the subject to personal attacks as usual. and I'm still owning him... also as usual

04-07-2022, 03:55 PM
Imagine what Kobe would say if he saw you say "I asked for him to be banned for a week" on an internet forum.


it was for his own safety. I could see he was unhinged. I was trying to protect him. after I saw he wasn't banned after a few days I came back and drove him to suicide

04-07-2022, 03:57 PM
I kept making great points about lebron being a poor leader so 1987lakers changed the subject to personal attacks as usual. and I'm still owning him... also as usual

Go back, you were the one who started with the personal attacks first, I'm sorry my attack got more attention in this thread. :lol

Don't play the victim.

04-07-2022, 04:05 PM
Go back, you were the one who started with the personal attacks first, I'm sorry my attack got more attention in this thread. :lol

Don't play the victim.

you being a cuck beta male is just general knowledge. it's like your gender pronoun at this point

04-07-2022, 04:12 PM
you being a cuck beta male is just general knowledge. it's like your gender pronoun at this point

I'm not the one making threads crying and threatening to leave this forum if someone doesn't get banned and putting someone else on the ignore list. Doesn't get more beta than that.

04-07-2022, 04:21 PM
I'm not the one making threads crying and threatening to leave this forum if someone doesn't get banned and putting someone on the ignore list. Doesn't get more beta than that.

like I said I was being lenient on him. I knew all he needed was a slight nudge to be sent over the edge.

and you know for a fact it was more so my displeasure with the admins or mods banning me every 2 weeks. I had to make a new name like 20 times in just the past year. even this one was banned for a month cause I called Vanessa greedy

but smokes dead now so the mods dropped the ball. they could have saved his life

oh and it's kind of odd that a vaxxcuck liberal progressive bran baby on disability at age 30 would take offense to being made fun of for being called a beta male. you defend gays, trans, blm, feminists, mandates and you love and worship a passive aggressive SJW hypocrite with no heart or pride or will to take over a game.. you're 5'8, 140 pounds and flip through 20 alts every day on here. it's pathetic.

it would be like someone making fun of me for being a sexist egotistical know it all douchebag trolling racist lazy spoiled pale old man.

it's best if you can look in the mirror and accept who you are. never apologize for anything

04-07-2022, 04:25 PM
oh and it's kind of odd that a vaxxcuck liberal progressive bran baby on disability at age 30 would take offense to being made fun of for being called a beta male. you defend gays, trans, blm, feminists, mandates and you love and worship a passive aggressive SJW hypocrite with no heart or pride or will to take over a game.. you're 5'8, 140 pounds and flip through 20 alts every day on here. it's pathetic.

it would be like someone making fun of me for being a sexist egotistical know it all douchebag trolling racist lazy spoiled pale old man.

it's best if you can look in the mirror and accept who you are. never apologize for anything

You sound like a retard. I haven't even got the jab and was 100% against these mandates despite living in the most liberal state ever. And I've never even discussed trans, blm, feminists etc on this forum.

04-07-2022, 04:26 PM
It boils down to Kobe just had a lot more social intelligence than Lebron. It’s what made him a far superior leader.

04-07-2022, 04:28 PM
Me back in July

I caught covid right before the 4th of july and it was honestly a joke to me, Just a very slight pain in my chest the first few days and on day 3 or 4 I felt fatigued and just stayed in bed all day, but that's the worse it got, no headaches, no nausea, etc.

If you are a healthy young man, I say it's best if you skip the vaccine.

04-07-2022, 04:28 PM
You sound like a retard. I haven't even got the jab and was 100% against these mandates despite living in the most liberal state ever. And I've never even discussed trans, blm, feminists etc on this forum.

not on this account lmao

04-07-2022, 04:30 PM
Me back in July

who did a better job as president. trump or biden

04-07-2022, 04:31 PM
not on this account lmao

Right, my "alts". You also thought the Will Smith slap was fake, you have already proven to all of us that you have piss poor judgment.

04-07-2022, 04:35 PM
Right, my "alts". You also thought the Will Smith slap was fake, you have already proven to all of us that you have piss poor judgment.

I said all the evidence pointed to it either being fake or wills on the verge of suicide and just yesterday I saw a yahoo article that said all his friends are worried about his mental state and personal well being. videos have surfaced where jada has filmed him on live streams without his consent in his own home then shamed him for asking her not to

his children are trans f*gs. his life is in shambles

he either had a deal with the Oscar producers or he acted out the fakest most staged looking confrontation ever while in character like a sociopath and is on the fringe of suicide

04-07-2022, 04:36 PM
who did a better job as president. trump or biden

I'm not a big fan of neither, but if we are looking at strictly job performance I would give it to Trump. Biden is just another Jimmy Carter. The fact that he tried to make the vaccines a requirement for jobs is disgraceful. Thank God it got blocked. And Trump didn't have a **** up like Biden has had with Afghanistan.

04-07-2022, 04:39 PM
I'm not a big fan of neither, but if we are looking at strictly job performance I would give it to Trump. Biden is just another Jimmy Carter. The fact that he tried to make the vaccines a requirement for jobs is disgraceful. Thank God it got blocked. And Trump didn't have a **** up like Biden has had with Afghanistan.

is BLM a positive for the world helping the black community or is it a divisive money laundering front for the democratic party that imbezzles donations and drives racial agendas to further vilify white people to trigger more and more angry black people and to make conservative white males all look racist

04-07-2022, 04:42 PM
is BLM a positive for the world helping the black community or is it a divisive money laundering front for the democratic party that imbezzles donations and drives racial agendas to further vilify white people to trigger more and more angry black people and to make conservative white males all look racist

If you do your research on BLM you would know the people who run it are some very shady individuals.

04-07-2022, 04:53 PM
If you do your research on BLM you would know the people who run it are some very shady individuals.

so you have some common sense. I know you posted a video of the truth behind ukraines government take over by the democratic party.

but you're like lebron. you sold your soul for personal gain by continuing to support a hypocrite phoney activist LeChina James sell out passive aggressive cuck with no balls.

I stopped respecting kobe when he wore that "I can't breathe" shirt and started promoting the wnba players as nba quality talents that deserve equal pay. I'm glad he died before the blm/vaxxcuck take over. and I bet he would be wearing blue and yellow facepaint and flags doing dumb propaganda commercials too right now.

you however won't say a bad word about lebron. that's a beta mentality. have some conviction and pride

04-07-2022, 04:56 PM
so you have some common sense. I know you posted a video of the truth behind ukraines government take over by the democratic party.

but you're like lebron. you sold your soul for personal gain by continuing to support a hypocrite phoney activist LeChina James sell out passive aggressive cuck with no balls.

I stopped respecting kobe when he wore that "I can't breathe" shirt and started promoting the wnba players as nba quality talents that deserve equal pay. I'm glad he died before the blm/vaxxcuck take over. and I bet he would be wearing blue and yellow facepaint and flags doing dumb propaganda commercials too right now.

you however won't say a bad word about lebron. that's a beta mentality. have some conviction and pride

I don't care about these players political views, I strictly go by what they produce on the court. That's how it should be.

I also have enough common sense to realize LeBron surpassed Kobe years ago.

04-07-2022, 05:04 PM
I don't care about these players political views, I strictly go by what they produce on the court. That's how it should be.

I also have enough common sense to realize LeBron surpassed Kobe years ago.

common sense usually reflects a collection of views and opinions by the majority of people most educated and experienced in the subject. people that are in and around the area of expertise. like when a scientist wants a different opinion on his or her hypothesis they don't run to a talk show and get the views from a paid troll that never stepped foot in a science lab. they go to other scientists

you look for validation from the wrong people. guys like nick Wright or Colin cowherd or Henry Abbott who literally never played a single minute of organized basketball

that's not logical. I however go based on the majority of opinions by guys that played with or against kobe and lebron and the overwhelming majority respect Kobe infinitely more and hold him in the same breath as jordan.

all you can understand is league mvps or manufactured statistics. you don't see skills, leadership, alpha mentality or toughness as a valuable trait. if it wasn't voted by the media then it's not real lol

04-07-2022, 05:23 PM
most people says no to conspiracy, most people understand that conspiracy leads to nowhere, but to some people, all they have is conspiracy until they see enough proof.

or there's enough proof, but you don't want to give up the hand me down money believing it won't blow up in your face because you have a partner in crime, and it gives you courage.

the last excuse being you can't *** until you're here to post your answer, and that's why when people say you're with some ugly dumb bitch, you have no come back.

04-07-2022, 05:32 PM
most people says no to conspiracy, most people understand that conspiracy leads to nowhere, but to some people, all they have is conspiracy until they see enough proof.

or there's enough proof, but you don't want to give up the hand me down money believing it won't blow up in your face because you have a partner in crime, and it gives you courage.

the last excuse being you can't *** until you're here to post your answer, and that's why when people say you're with some ugly dumb bitch, you have no come back.

I said common sense is a majority opinion shared by experts involved. such as the 9/11 "conspiracy" where every single engineer and scientific mind agrees that it was a controlled demotion of both towers and building 7. jet fuel fires wouldn't have collapsed the buildings from their base and imploded each building
just because a majority if sheep believe it's a tinfoil hat nut job conspiracy that it was an inside job doesn't make it accurate. they believe what the media tells them

I listen to educated people that construct buildings like them and deal I'm demolition

same with every conspiracy. I don't believe in all of them. but I take every accusation seriously.

like the vaccine data that Pfizer released proving the adverse reactions that every unvaccinated person was trying to avoid. and now suddenly vaccine mandates are being lifted to avoid blame for complications going forward... WOOPS

04-07-2022, 06:15 PM
you look for validation from the wrong people. guys like nick Wright or Colin cowherd or Henry Abbott who literally never played a single minute of organized basketball

that's not logical. I however go based on the majority of opinions by guys that played with or against kobe and lebron and the overwhelming majority respect Kobe infinitely more and hold him in the same breath as jordan.

all you can understand is league mvps or manufactured statistics. you don't see skills, leadership, alpha mentality or toughness as a valuable trait. if it wasn't voted by the media then it's not real lol

More ramblings of a mad man, who says I listen to Nick Wright, Collin Cowherd etc?

You said you go off based on the majority of the opinions of players, but I specifically remember you making a thread shitting on Iverson and how overrated he is, then later posting a poll that had Kobe in the top 5 WITH Iverson in the same poll ranked top 15 ever or something, you also disregard the fact that most players list Iverson very high too. You are not making any sense.

04-07-2022, 06:37 PM
More ramblings of a mad man, who says I listen to Nick Wright, Collin Cowherd etc?

You said you go off based on the majority of the opinions of players, but I specifically remember you making a thread shitting on Iverson and how overrated he is, then later posting a poll that had Kobe in the top 5 WITH Iverson in the same poll ranked top 15 ever or something, you also disregard the fact that most players list Iverson very high too. You are not making any sense.

anomalies don't discredit the majority. it has to be a consensus. only durant I think I had Iverson on his starting 5 all time

thats like the 2% of scientists that believe in Jesus.. they don't discredit all scientists

most people have jordan over Iverson with those other 4 guys he mentioned

04-07-2022, 06:48 PM
anomalies don't discredit the majority. it has to be a consensus. only durant I think I had Iverson on his starting 5 all time

thats like the 2% of scientists that believe in Jesus.. they don't discredit all scientists

most people have jordan over Iverson with those other 4 guys he mentioned

You are also forgetting Shaq. There are a shit ton of players who think Iverson is like top 20 ever.

04-07-2022, 06:57 PM
anomalies don't discredit the majority. it has to be a consensus.

thats like the 2% of scientists that believe in Jesus.. they don't discredit all scientists

while they certainly don't discredit anything, it still means oddly enough, there's an abundant amount of opportunities presented. in fact, you'd have to agree mathematically, your scenario shouldn't even exist at all.

04-07-2022, 07:22 PM
You are also forgetting Shaq. There are a shit ton of players who think Iverson is like top 20 ever.

talent wise he might be. pou d for pound he's definitely top 20 all time.

and both shaq and Durant had multiple top 5 lists where they swapped out Iverson for someone else. I've listened to 40 or 50 guys that played with and against kobe and lebron and they mostly all have normal top 5s and top 10s. you're just trying to nitpick a few to discredit them all

which is odd because there's infinitely more jackasses in the media and on here or realgm that will have even more asinine selections like garnett in their top 10 or Karl malone.. David Robinson etc... and then there's guys like Stephen a Smith picking curry over magic.. other guys too

so there's retards everywhere. but I still pick the player majority opinion over the media's or message boards because they have more logic

they usually have lebron right behind kobe or kobe right behind lebron. no players will have kobe 10 or 15 spots below lebron.. thats when you know you can't trust something.

look at me and Paul pierce. we were ran off message boards and espn because we wouldn't suck lebrons dick

that's manipulation of the vote

even max got canned cause he wouldn't suck off Bron anymore.. skip got sent to fox sports 1 cause of his takes.. same with Chris Carter when he wouldn't agree with nick wright

04-07-2022, 07:33 PM
so there's retards everywhere. but I still pick the player majority opinion over the media's or message boards because they have more logic

look at me and Paul pierce. we were ran off message boards and espn because we wouldn't suck lebrons dick

those are the exact same thing, players opinion matters because simultaneously, those opinion are what keeps them on the floor playing.

all you really said was "players matters"

04-07-2022, 07:39 PM
those are the exact same thing, players opinion matters because simultaneously, those opinion are what keeps them on the floor playing.

all you really said was "players matters"

players opinions aren't silenced/censored. the media and message boards are clearly cherry picked

04-07-2022, 07:49 PM
players opinions aren't silenced/censored. the media and message boards are clearly cherry picked

so people enjoy telling a different story on the media and message board so they can temporarily live in a world with no accountability

04-07-2022, 08:09 PM
I said common sense is a majority opinion shared by experts involved. such as the 9/11 "conspiracy" where every single engineer and scientific mind agrees that it was a controlled demotion of both towers and building 7. jet fuel fires wouldn't have collapsed the buildings from their base and imploded each building
just because a majority if sheep believe it's a tinfoil hat nut job conspiracy that it was an inside job doesn't make it accurate. they believe what the media tells them

I listen to educated people that construct buildings like them and deal I'm demolition

same with every conspiracy. I don't believe in all of them. but I take every accusation seriously.

like the vaccine data that Pfizer released proving the adverse reactions that every unvaccinated person was trying to avoid. and now suddenly vaccine mandates are being lifted to avoid blame for complications going forward... WOOPS

Yea.... it is absurd to think planes hitting the middle / top of a skyscraper would cause the bottom to fall out as well, within a very short time period at that. Same way nobody ever found WMDs a couple years later that were used to further justify the middle east invasion and protection of the petro dollar. Most people are retarded and will believe anything the mainstream media sells them. COVID was the ultimate experiment in this regard.

04-07-2022, 08:20 PM
Most people are retarded and will believe anything the mainstream media sells them. COVID was the ultimate experiment in this regard.

most people trust, it's the mainstream media that's being retarded for selling retarded stuff

04-07-2022, 08:38 PM
that was before I got the dna test. and if I handled it wrong then why is smoke the one that killed himself

im crying irl :lol this is a funny ass post :lol

04-07-2022, 08:39 PM
this site be having jokes yo :lol

04-07-2022, 09:10 PM
Kobe is a better leader but LeBron is the better overall player and higher all time

04-07-2022, 09:17 PM
Kobe is a better leader but LeBron is the better overall player and higher all time

this statement completely goes against the inside-out game